Abilities Claim Class Cool Craft Crates Custom Eco Econ Economy End Event FTB Fun Hard Inecraft Item Items Join Lit Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Modded Original Play Rankup Rtp Server Servers Slimefun Survival Title Vanilla Voting

ZatieCraft – | Blood Moon | Slimefun | MCMMO | Crates |

This server is a non-economy, survival server. The mainly depends on playtime, experience, and claim blocks. Some cool add on features are

Blood Moon – An event that happens after every 5-6 nights in minecraft. It last one night, and causes every vanilla mob to become more OP than they originally are. This includes adding a scary atmosphere with mobs that have different abilities.

Slimefun – Adds a ton of custom items and blocks that have certain requirements or levels to achieve before learning them. It adds a FTB atmosphere to non-modded survival servers.

There’s a lot more to discover on ZatieCraft. Join now to experience the basic, but intense atmosphere of survival!

Active Chest Class Competition Competitions Craft Creative Custom Disguise Disguises Donator Economy Fast Free Grief Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Mpet Pet Pets Play Player Pro Protection Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rank Shop Shops Silk Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Treasure


3 Day Free Trial of our donator rank! (login and type /buy)
PvE Survival (NO PvP!)
Grief Protection
Player Built Shops
Fishing Competitions
Treasure Chests
Silk Spawners
Custom Recipies

Active Anime Battle Battles Block Boss Class Community Custom Customized Decent Economy Fun Gun Guns Island Islands Item Items Lag Land Lands Mini Games Parkour Plugin Plugins Pro Pve Pvp Sky Skyblock Skywars Slimefun Staff Update Updates Uptime War Wars

Sky Project

• 24/7 Uptime – No Lag – 1.8 – 1.15
• Daily Updates
• Active Staff And Community
• Up to 800×800 SkyBlock Islands
• Slimefun + SlimefunXpansion
• SkyWars
• 15+ Guns
• 25+ Grimoires
• 30+ Anime Items
• 8+ Boss Battles
• 80+ Customized Plugins

We Take Actually Decent Suggestions :>
And We Also Add Stuff From Anime :>

Active Ark Ass Auction Class Conomy Crate Crates Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy End Google Job Jobs Legendary Market Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Nks Owny Play Player Rad Ran Rank Ranks Rat Rates Survival Tom Tool Tools Town Towny Weapons


Towny – MCMMO – Custom: Ranks, Jobs, Crates – Player: Economy, Market, Auction – Legendary: Weapons, Armour, Tools

Active Anarchy Ass Aus Australia Cked Class Com Crack Cracked Craft Erver Future Google Host Hosted Inecraft Ked Launch Launcher Mine Minecraft Ming Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tla Tlauncher Unch Vanilla

Cracked Uni Anarchy Survival Australia

Perth, Australia Hosted Survival Anarchy Minecraft Server

Cracked clients like Tlauncher enabled, more coming in the future!

Arena Arenas Beta Buycraft Class Community Cool Craft Crates Custom Discord End Event Events Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Giveaways King Need New Old Open Pay Payouts Pets Pvp Raiding Rewards Server Staff Team Title Top Update Vault Vaults War

Jumexmc Factions 1.8-1.15

New way to experience factions with breath-taking features, community engagement, fresh updates, and a looking-to-hire staff team at your service 24/7 for anything you may need.

WHEN? Released on Saturday, June 12th at 2:00 PM EST
WHERE? IP: [1.8 – 1.15]

Daily Rewards, Giveaways, Key Alls, and Events.
Potpvp Based, Enchanted Golden Apple Cooldown, Enderpearl Cooldown, and more.
Duel Arenas, Inventory Pets, Endervaults, and more.


$35.00 USD PayPal real cash money or $100 Buycraft
$25.00 USD PayPal real cash money or $65 Buycraft
$15.00 USD PayPal real cash money or $35 Buycraft

Active Ass Boss Bosses Class Coinflip Crate Crates Custom Envoy Envoys Factions Google Koth Koths Mcmmo Mob Oys Pvp Raiding Rat Rates Survival Ter Terra Terrain Tes Tom Version Versions Work


Custom Mob Bosses, Envoys, Koths, Crates, Coinflip, Custom Terrain! Works on 1.8+ (Versions 1-8 – 1.14)

Achievements Active Class Community Creative Discord Eco Econ Economy Game Good Job Jobs Join Kit Kitpvp Mcmmo Mission Money Network Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Quests Server Servers Shop Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Towny Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay War Warp

Pedestria Network

Survival has plugins but doesn’t stray too far off the vanilla gameplay.
– Economy
– Spawners
– Permission shop
– Jobs
– /warp pvp (Coming soon!)
– Orbs (Orbs plant crops and are a good alternative to spawners)
– Quests (Good money & armor)
– Achievements on! (Unlike most other servers)
– Active community
Join our discord!

Active Ars Ass Base Based Bed Bed Wars Class Craft Dev Development Economy Elo Erver Google Hypixel Inecraft Kitpvp Mega Mine Minecraft Mini Games Network Parkour Pixel Pvp Raft Server Sky Two War Wars Work

Mansor Network

Mansor Network is a 1.8 Minecraft Server in development that is based on Hypixel’s Mega Walls/Sky Wars/Bed Wars.

Active Ass Bee Class Com Community Craft Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Free Google Has Ill Inecraft King Looking Mean Mine Minecraft Ming New One Online Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Run Server Survival This Time Vanilla Welcome Welcoming World


Welcome to a completely vanilla minecraft world, that has been running since 2016!

Looking for an enjoyable server? well this is the one for you.

MCMP is a community that has brought over 5000 players onto the server to enjoy minecraft, the way it is meant to be played. No plugins, no worries 😀

Feel free to come online at anytime, we are always welcoming new players!

000 201 Ace Active Ass Class Economy Esp Exp Gen Google Hype Hyper Ios Kitpvp Mine Mod Modalidades Parkour Servidor Skywars Survival


Servidor de habla hispana abierto en 2017, actualmente contamos con 4 modalidades y unos 45.000 usuarios, contamos con una amplia experiencia hacer que la gente se divierta, a que esperas? Unete!

Active Auction Build Claim Claiming Crates Creative Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Economy Family Grief Hard Home Latest Market Minecraft Network Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Town Vanilla War

FamilyMC Survival

Welcome to the FamilyMC network! We are fully 1.15.1 release. We strive to provide a safe environment for everyone to play in 24/7 with 100% uptime and absolutely 0 lag. We run across two high quality professional dedicated servers featuring our main machine with an overclocked i9-9900k running at 5.1GHz. Through our high performing hardware we are able to provide a high performing minecraft server even on the latest and most demanding minecraft releases! We offer Survival, Creative, Vanilla, and SkyBlock servers.

Our Survival 1.15.1 server offers: Land claiming, player shops, player warps, in game ranks, and more! We run a regular world in /warp OldTown and the Amplified 1.15.1 world at /spawn. Keep inventory is enabled! You can be randomly teleported into the wild to start playing, or look around spawn and find a place to build a shop.
Useful Commands:
/start – for a tutorial
/warp ClaimTutorial
/warp ShopTutorial

Our Vanilla 1.15.1 server offers: vanilla game play with no plugins, basic rules such as no griefing, and always running the latest version. If a grief ever occurs, message staff and they can have it completely fixed within seconds!
Our SkyBlock 1.14.4 is one of our favorites. It’s fully 1.14.4 and has custom islands, crates, spawners, an auction house, and a vast market place with every material and item you could possibly need!
We can’t wait to see you in game at! Be sure to join our discord:

Active Adventure Build Building Challenge Community Creative Custom Economy End Events Friendly Fun Lore Mature Mcmmo Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mmo Mob New Paintball Peaceful Play Plugin Plugins Popular Pvp Ranks Server Shop Skyblock Slimefun Staff Story Survival Town Towns Unique

Clownfish Everyone Is Welcome

CFEW is a community of minecraft enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds. Started in 2010, we have a rich history, and throughout the years the community have produced adventure maps, cool role-play maps and unique events! Our aim is just to have fun, and explore minecraft with friends!

All our ranks are FREE, and we have a friendly, mature and fun staff base!

What we offer:
* Bored with minecraft? Try our slimefun server! This server is packed with fun plugins and includes several maps to play in, both peaceful and with custom mobs.
* Want a challenge? Try our survival server! This server has limited commands, and lots of great towns to explore! Rank up your McMMO skill here.
* Love building? We have several creative maps, great architect ranks, weekly and monthly building competitions, and a Build Team you can join!
* Love building an island? Try Skyblock or Acid Island! We have both, each with its own custom shop!
* Want a server where you can play minigames with your new friends? We have lots of popular games, including PvP, Paintball and Soccer!

We also run lots of cool events during the year – from creative building competitions in unique, inspiring custom maps, to Zombie Apocalypse survival maps, to Survivor (modeled after the TV Show)!

Finally, we provide lots of avenues for people to get more involved, whether its joining our staff ranks, or volunteering to help with events or builds!

Active Ass Build Class Craft Eam Economy Erver Eth Everyone Fun Future Google Inecraft Mine Minecraft One Play Pve Pvp Rad Rvival Server Stream Streamer Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter This Together Towny Trade Vanilla


This is a Minecraft server built by a streamer for no other reason than to have fun and interact with everyone. It is a survival server where everyone can build, trade and play together!

Active City Class Create Desert Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy Empire Hub Invite Join Lag Land Lands Mcmmo Mmo Money Open Play Player Please Pro Pvp Ring Shop Shops Survival Trade Vanilla World


After days wandering in the desert…. You begin to see… a fata morgana??
No. Its Alamutar ! the most well known tradehub in the eastern lands
All Wanderers are welcome here to seek fortune and fame

10k X 10k Pregenerated World (almost no lag!)
Player Driven Economy
Rent / buy shops & Property
Earn money
Create Citys
Grow your empire of trade

for more info please join our discord!

Active Block Class Community Craft Create Eco Econ Econom Economy Exciting Fun Future Game Gameplay Has Ill Inecraft Make Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Play Player Plugin Plugins Precious Pvp Quest Quests Rewards Server Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer War

PlusBlock Minecraft

PlusBlock Minecraft is a survival multiplayer (SMP) that also has economy plugins to make the gameplay even more exciting! In the future, we will create daily quests that will give you precious rewards. We hope this server can create fun for everyone and togetherness to make the community alive.

Active Adventure Adventures Community Creative Diamond Eco Economy End Friendly Fun Head Heads Job Jobs Keys Kit Kits Mcmmo Mmo Mob Pets Play Player Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Rewards Server Shop Skills Small Survival Town Towny Vote War

Valhalla Towny

Valhalla is a small yet friendly server wanting to expand its horizons. Valhalla offers a refferal service in which for each 5 players you reffer to the server that come play you will bag yourself some rewards such as; In-Game loot, money, keys and ranks.

MCMMO is now installed and fully functioning get on and get levelling your skills!
/vote is now also fully functioning so come on and get those rewards (diamonds, money and keys)
The server offers many great plugins to ensure your always kept entertained and on your feet. A featured plugin thats installed is called BloodMoon. This plugin increases mob difficulty yet rewards you kindly if you kill them as you get more EXP per kill and special loot.

Valhalla has a In-game ranking up system that ranks you up based on how long you play the game. Each rank will give your a special perk to help you on your adventures.
Jobs are also a plugin within towny level up within your job to help you on your adventures. Spend your money wisley and grow your empire
There are plenty of other plugins installed to ensure your always kept entertained. Come help the community grow and get creative.
The Server also has a fully functioning shop with reasonably priced items such as ranks,keys,money and commands. Each rank comes with Pets, Player trails, Block trails, Decoheads, commands and incentives such as money, keys and kits.

Active Best Casual Claim Class Competitive Craft Create Economy Emo Enjoy Enviro Environment Experience Good Gyms Help Ill Inecraft Land Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Mpet New Pet Pixelmon Play Player Players Pokemon Pve Roleplay Server Shop Shops Staff Survival

Minecraft Primal Pixelmon

Welcome to Minecraft Primal Pixelmon! We are a new Pixelmon server aimed for both casual and competitive players that offer a play to win experience. With our passion being Pokemon first, we want to create the best environment for a server, including Gyms, Shops, and aspects that will make getting good Pokemon not as tedious. On the Minecraft side, we offer Claim Land, Shops, Knowledgeable Staff, and many other mods to help with your experience. We hope you enjoy our server.

Active Ass Beta Block Boss Bosses Class Crazy Discord Empire Enchant Enchants Erver Fun Google Item Items Join Level Leveling Lin Mcmmo Nline Online Play Player Players Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Rpgitems Server Sky Skyblock Slime Slimefun

Sky Empire

SkyEmpire is a skyblock server with Slimefun, RPGItems, CrazyEnchants, Bosses, Leveling system and more!

join our discord: for more info! Server is in beta is playable.

Online Players – Last 24 hours

Ace Active Block Class Competition Competitions Craft Discord Edit Emo Fac Faction Factions Game Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mod Mpet New Pay Paypal Pet Prison Ranch Ranching Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Store Top Town Towny War


CyonMC is a new Minecraft server which launched this year! We have already paid out over $100 in /is top rewards for Skyblock but we are also branching out to offer new gamemodes such as towny, factions and prisons in the future!

We have just launched our new Towny Server!

Season 2 Skyblock’s competition will be launching on the 12th of June with the following rewards:

1st Place – $100 PayPal Reward
2nd Place – $150 Store Credit
3rd Place – $50 Store Credit

Join our discord for more information on how the competitions work and other news!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Bedrock Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!