Active Admin Admins Apply Ass Best Class Com Craft Different Ect Exp Experience Gaming Has Help Helpful Kind Ming Mod Mode Moderator Nks Raft Ran Rank Ranks Rat Sit Site Survival Multiplayer Website



Has the best connection you’ll find with the most helpful and kind admins, we offer a variety of options to enhance your gaming experience on DojoCraft including donating for different ranks or earning your rank by applying to be a moderator on our website!

There is so much more to DojoCraft than can be explained but why dont you come on and have a look…

Action Active Ages Arena Arenas Class Eco Econ Econom Economy Enjoy Enjoyable Fac Faction Factions Game Games Happy Ice Ming Mini Mining Mob New Nice Play Player Players Pvp Rvival Server Spleef Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Welcoming


Hello welcome to miningdownunder a server with welcoming players and enjoyable games. We are a pvp, economy, survival server. With factions, spleef, mob arena, pvp arenas and many more. We are welcome to all ages and love to see new players.with our well trained staff and nice and happy players. [well most of them]

Age Ass Ations Build Civ Civilization Civilizations Civs Class Com Content Craft Create Day Erver Historic Historical Home Horde Host Inecraft Join Leplay Mage Mine Minecraft Nation Noop Open Play Recrafted Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer Thor

Recrafted Civilizations


Recrafted Civilizations is a historical roleplay server. The server is set in the year 1500.


Create, Build or Join a nation.

Join today.


Active Ban Best Build Class Create Creative Experience Game Games Head Host Huge Item Items Limited Limits Old Persona Personal Play Player Players Pro Pvp Raid Rvival Server Servers Survival Survival Multiplayer Unique Unlimited Wild Wilderness World

The Final Game

to a world full of surprises. A PVP survival/creative/Games server, where there are no limits on what you can do.
Feeling bold and wanna live in the wilderness? Go ahead and create your own personal band of raiders! Rather build something huge with unlimited items?
You can do all that here. We’re one of the unique servers, we believe in providing the best possible experience for all kinds of players!

Allowed Awesome Ban Build Bukkit Community Cracked Craft Free Grief Griefing Job Jobs Kit Map Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Open Play Player Premium Pvp Pvping Server Shop Shops Small Staff Survival Town Towns Website Who Wilderness Wns


Survival – Towns – Mcmmo – Mcjobs – 27/7 Uptime – PvP

Server Address:
Facebook Page: Craftbukkit: 1.7.2

(Note: PvP has its limits. Constantly PvPing someone or too much PvP isnt allowed & can lead to consequences. This just because we believe to much PvP causes unrest, disturbance among the community members & also leads to new players leaving.)


Active Arena Arenas Best Build Class Coded Competition Competitions Craft Custom Diamond Fac Faction Factions Game Games Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mob Mpet Parkour Pet Play Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Server Spleef Survival Vote Voting War World


~~~~~ WarOz ~~~~~
Come Play Today!
Custom Coded Plugins!
Most Votes Competitions [Prizes! MineCraft Accounts!]
Multiple Worlds (Factions, BuildZone And MiniGames)
5 diamonds and 500 Cash for voting!
Multiple Minigames Including spleef, parkour, Multiple Mob Arenas!
A Bit More Information!
Widely vased PvP/Faction server that has custom coded plugins to provide the best possible faction gameplay!.

Action Actions Ass Class Com End Eth Fac Faction Factions Friends Group High Ill Invite Join Kill Level Make Mcm Mcmmo Mini Mining Mmo Oup Pvp Ran Skills Style Surviv Survive Tea Team Vive

CerberusPVP 1.7.2

Mcmmo allows you the chance to level up skills such as mining or excavation. The higher the skill level the more you receive.

Factions allows it to let you make a faction or group and invite friends or strangers to team together to survive.

Come join Cerberus Pvp you wont regret it.


Active Ass Bukkit Class Conomy Craft Date Eco Econ Econom Economy End Friend Friendly Inecraft Kit Lin Link Mine Minecraft New Plugin Plugins Public Raft Riendly Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff Update


24/7 // Public // Friendly Staff // Bukkit // Minecraft // New Update // Plugins // Economy //

8.2 9.2 Action Active Amazing Ass Class Erver Fac Faction Help Ill Join Please Pot Potato Pvp Raid Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff This Time


this is a pvp/raid/faction server. the staff are amazing and will help you all the time please join 😀

Active Cat City Class Craft Custom Download Emo Features Game Games Guns Hack Hacking Ill Inecraft Join Kill King Large Leaderboards Lit Map Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Need Ortal Parkour Play Playing Plugin Portal Public Rules Server Spawn Survival Multiplayer


MC-Halo is a Minecraft server where you can play halo. No need to download any mods! Just join the server, go through a portal, and start playing Halo. A tutorial on how to play is located on the bottom floor of spawn. The server runs off of a custom plugin not available to the public.

– Halo jumping
– Guns
– Killstreaks
– Parkour
– Different gamemodes
– Advanced leaderboards
– Invisibility
– Large server capacity
– Different maps
– Automatic games

– No hacking
– No advertising
– No spamming
– No racism

1.2 1.20 24/7 Ass Class Craft Dig Join Lag Las Lmao Raft Run Style Survival Multiplayer


-= GrundigCraft =-
-= 24/7 =-
-= No-Lagg =-
-= Join now. =-


Active Anti Anticheat Arena Bar Buycraft Class Craft Development Essentials Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Fun Game Games Going Mob Mobarena Money Multiverse Ortal Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Portal Portals Rank Server Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Top War Wars World

It has
– Essentials
– Multiverse Worlds/Portals
– Rank Upgrades for time on server
– Top players and Survival Games leaderboard at
– Players awarded money in game for time spent
– Rank uplifts and experience points for time spent
– Our Survival Games world is now fully functional
– Mobarena area under development.
– AntiCheat
– Buycraft
– Factions
– OnTime
– and many more plugins

Going to add some more features and worlds over the coming weeks.

Active Build Cat Class Craft Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Great Grief Griefing Help Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft No Griefing Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Quest Server Speak Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Town Towny Unique Website


Welcome to JourneyCraft! JourneyCraft is a survival economy server running plugins like Towny. With many things to do; such as start a town, or make your fortune in the economy. We assure you will have a great time! You have nothing to worry about; JC has a strict no griefing policy, and daily back-ups. What you build will always be there.

The JourneyCraft staff is dedicated to you, the player. JourneyCraft was founded on the principle of putting players first, no matter what. Whenever you have a question, a staff member will be waiting to help!

The server can host up to 128 players. And our TeamSpeak 3 server can host up to 32 users.

The JC team would like to thank you for reading this, and hope you check out our unique Minecraft server.

Join our Minecraft server @
Join our TeamSpeak server @
Visit our website @

Ace Active Ban Class Craft Economy Enjoy Enviro Environment Free Freedom Gang Greylist Inecraft Item Items King Mine Minecraft Mines Money Play Player Players Prison Pvp Rank Rey Smug Star Stealing Tea This War Whitelist

FuRiouSCraft Prison

Enjoy a Prison environment in Minecraft? Then this is the place for you. All the gang banging, smuggling, working and anything else you can come up with in one place! Work in the mines for money OR gank items from other players for money to Rank up working your way towards Freedom!

NO Whitelisting OR Greylisting. Just log in and start earning/stealing money to rank up on your own today!

More info at

Active Age Ass Class Com Elo End Erver Fire Friend Friendly Lmao Man Mana Manage Riendly Server Survival Multiplayer


A friendly server manage personnaly

Active Admin Allowed Awesome Build Building Builds Class Edm End Ender Grief Griefing Home Ice Ill Make Mod Nice No Griefing North Pro Protect Protected Red Rps Server Sethome Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer War Warp Warps


This is an AWESOME survival build server where there is no griefing allowed. So don’t fear having your builds destroyed. Go to the warps building and pick a direction to spawn (NORTH,EAST,SOUTH,WEST) Then find an unprotected area and BUILD AWAY! Make sure to have an admin come by and protect your build. You can have a Mod or Admin set a warp for you or you can set your home using /sethome.

You will love this server and the staff will treat you very nicely!

Come on over and hop on this sweet server!

Active Adult Adults Casual Chat Class Community Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Free Game Grief Inecraft Join Lit Long Map Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Protection Rey Server Stable Survival Multiplayer Website World

Adult Minecraft Server

We are a long-running community of adults and casual players. The server is stable and grief-free. There is little in the way of game-changing plugins; mostly protections and an economy. We are grey-listed so feel free to join and chat with members to be promoted.

Server address



Live map

Admin Admins Bee Class Community Crack Cracked Craft Different Erver Fun Game Games Gaming Has Inecraft King Looking Mine Minecraft Ming Noop Old Open Owner Rules Server Shooter Spawn Star Start Style Support Survival Multiplayer Thanos Vis Website

=[JustForFun]= Cracked Server

JustForFun Gaming is a gaming community esablished in 2009. We started out with old FPS shooters and now we have a variety of different games supported. Lately, our Minecraft server has been on the down-low. We are looking to change that 🙂 We hope you visit and have fun on the server.


Owners: Ardens87, Thunderbug
Admins: Viron1997, Thanos, Bogi153

Rules: At the spawn


Action Active Age Ass Class Core Courage Erver Fac Faction Grief Griefing Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Join Mini Pvp Rage Raid Raiding Server Survival Multiplayer This You

Reminiscence PvP

Join this hardcore PvP faction server if you dare… Griefing, Raiding, and PvP are encouraged so JOIN NOW at

Active Arena Best Bukkit Craft Dragon Event Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Games Grief Griefing Head Heads Horde Hungergames Kit Mob Mobarena Mobs Online Play Player Playerheads Plugin Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Spawn Survival Multiplayer Vanilla War Who

ZombieHorde [1.4.7]

PvP,Factions,Griefing,And Fun! And There Is, MobEvent Were We Spawn Mobs (Every Type Of Mob) And You kill Them last People Standing Get Prizes… And We Spawn Withers Hope You Like The Mob Event!!! The Warp Is: /Warp MobEvent + We Have Got 24/7!!! 🙂 Now What Is AutoGriefing? AutoGriefing Is A Server That Has Raiding, Factions, PvP, PvE, MobEvent, 24/7, 0% Lag, Donating, BattleShip, PlayerHeads Plugin, And More Awsome Stuff. How Much People Can AutoGriefingHave In The Server? It Can Have Up To 0/65 Players Online… Accept If You Are A Donater Donaters Can “Join The Server When Full”. Is It CraftBukkit Or Vanilla? AutoGriefing Is A CraftBukkit Server. What Is Fun About AutoGriefing? We Have MobEvent Witch Is The Most Best Thing Made! And We Got Raiding/Griefing, Faction PvP, PvP, Bukkit, 24/7 And 0% Lag, MobArena! PlayerHeads Plugin, We Got BattleShip, And Ranks/Donating, Also Warp Stash Were People Can Hide There Stuff In Lockette Chests. Who Is the Owner And Creator of MobEvent? The Owner Of MobEvent Is KingRaider, and The Creator Is Dragonking223! The Creator Of HungerGames Is Dragonking223 To And Owner Is: Blaze526!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server With Bedwars. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!