Active Ars Ass Class Creative Eat Erver Event Events Game Games Google Hun Hunger Hunger Games Join Kywars Land Lands Love Play Rvival Server Sky Skywar Skywars Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games War Wars


Do you love sheeps and do you want to play on a server with sheeps?

Join Sheeplands.
Skywars! Creative! Survival! Hunger Games! Events and More!

Active Art Ass Bal Bald Build City Citybuild Class Economy Erver Game Games Gen Google Ill Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Nen Parkour Server Ten War


Willkommen auf unserem kleinen aber feinen COTO-Citybuild server. Dich erwarten viele eigene systeme, bald kommen auch noch Minigames dazu!

Achievements Active Admin Aus Ban Block Class Craft Crafting Economy Enjoyable Enviro Environment Fac Fun Ill Inecraft Item Items King Lag Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Need Network Pro Real Realm Recipes Server Servers Shop Sky Skyblock Skyfactory Super

Mylona Realms – Modded Network

Mylona Realms is a laid back, modded network, looking to provide a fun, not super restricting, enjoyable environment for all your minecraft modding needs. We have banned only a few items known for causing serious lag issues and limited a few that cause major lag, but can be fixed by limiting the items. Anything banned on our servers are still craftable, just for the fact that some things are required for achievements and others are required for crafting recipes. You just cannot place or use the items. Also, as of right now, on applicable servers, the twilight forest is disabled on our servers but we are working to find a solution to make it possible to enable the twilight forest as we know everyone loves it. For now, we have the items for sale in the admin shop, should you like to purchase them!

SkyFactory 4 IP:
StoneBlock 2 IP:

Active Animal Ban Call Chest Class Eco Econ Econom Economy End Ender Free Fun Game Gameplay Join Play Player Positive Pro Pve Pvp Red Ring Roleplay Rtp Rules Server Survival Swearing Teleport Town Towny Unlimited

Bubblegum KK

Bubblegum KK is a 15.2 server and is, of course is from Animal Crossing. This Towny server is INSPIRED by Animal crossing.
The BKK server’s goal is to provide fun gameplay for all positive player types.
Server Rules.
We do however allow Swearing.
./rtp [Unlimited Random Teleport]
./ec [Enderchest]
./nick [Nickname]

Active Ass Class Emo Erver Follow Game Gamemode Gamemodes Google Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Land Lands Mod Mode Official Parkour Please Pvp Ring Server Sit Site Vis Website Win


FlameLands is a server covering the following gamemodes:
– KitPvP
If you’d like to visit our official website, please visit

Active Ars Ass Class Cod Coded Com Current Custom Eggwars Emo Exciting Game Gamemode Gameplay Google High Lit Love Make Mini Games Mod Performance Peru Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Quality Support Tea Team Version Versions War Wars Welcome


Welcome to Imperus!
We offer high-quality performance with our current gamemode being Eggwars!
We use custom coded plugins to make the gameplay exciting!

We support versions from 1.8.x to 1.15.x!

So hop on and give us a try! You might just love it!

– Imperus Team

Active Alpha Ass Class Create Creative Current Discord Eat Economy Erver Factions Google Join Network Please Quest Server Shadow Sign Skyblock Ter Tes Test Two Work


The Server is currently in Alpha! So if you want to join ShadowNetwork
join our Discord first and sign up to be a Alpha tester for our server
if you have any questions please create a ticket on our discord server

1.15 Active Ass Base Based Class Erver Frozen Fur Game Google Hypixel King Looking Mini Mini Games Minigame Pixel Please Server You Zen


Are you looking for a minigame based server, that isn’t Hypixel? Then look no further than FrozenPixels! (please note it says 1.8.8 even though you can use it for 1.8 through 1.15)

Ace Active Anarchy Ban Cheat Cheating Class Core Datapack Datapacks Death Erver Everything Extra Google Hack Hacking Hard Hardcore Host Ill Kill King Life Play Player Please Plugin Plugins Roleplay Rules Server Tea Vanilla Void

Aurora Hardcore

The server is, essentially, a slightly anarchy vanilla hardcore server. You can steal and kill others but hacking and cheating are bannable (please look into #rules to know what is and what isn’t accepted).
We try to keep the server as close to vanilla as we can, with some QoL datapacks and plugins. You can check out everything that isn’t vanilla in:

And, finally, you’ll be banned on death to avoid ghosting and finding places you weren’t supposed to find but, by donating to the server, you can get one extra life (there’s a limit of 3 extra lives per player).

Active Ass Best Class Date Dates Erver Fun Game Games Google Ill Kit Kitpvp Lin Long Make Nline Online Open Play Pvp Server Tes Test Testing This Update Updates


This server is a Kit PVP, you can PVP and Have fun!!!
The server is on testing so there will be alot of updates so stay tuned for them.
The server wont be open 24/7 but we will try our best to make it online the longest.

Action Active Admin Admins Ass Build Builder Builders Class Conomy Dev Developed Eco Econ Econom Economy Elo Erver Fac Faction Factions Google Has Ill King Kit Kits Looking Mcmmo Mod Moderator Moderators Roleplay Server Staff Survival This

Da Server

Da Server Is A FactionsRP Server That Has Economy Kits And Much More, We Are Currently Looking For Staff Members Such As Admins Moderators And Builders, This Server Is Still Being Developed

Active Admin Admins Ass Aus Aussie Chest Chests Chestshop Class Discord End Erver Friend Friendly Fun Google Hank Hestshop Job Jobs Nks Pig Please Plugin Pos Pro Riendly Roleplay Server Shop Spigot Sts Survival Thanks Tps Vanilla


PoshServ is a friendly aussie server in 1.15.2 using spigot!
if you have any problems please contact our admins on discord
we have a jobs plugin and chestshop!
thanks and have fun!

Active Admin Ark Ars Ass Blo Block Class Craft Creative Esp Google Hardcore Kit Kitpvp Kywars Mini Mini Games Mod Ores Parcelas Park Parkour Pvp Rad Ram Rvival Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter War Wars


Modos de juego:
Administradores activos 24/7, que esperas para jugarlo.
Te esperamos!

Active Ars Ass Basic Bed Bedwar Bedwars Call Class Day Erver Google Insta Join Lag Law Lawless Mini Games Pvp Rad Rading Ran Rank Server This Time Today War Wars


This is basically THE bedwars server, 0 lag, flawless pvp and much more. JOIN US TODAY. Each time a rank is bought it instantly goes into upgrading the server

Active Arena Ass Awesome Biome Biomes Class Com Different Eco Erver Eso Fun Google Kit Kitpvp Ming Pvp Server Tim Time Ultimate War Warrior


it’s an awesome time-consuming fun kit PVP server with 4 different biomes as well as an arena become the ultimate warrior

Ace Action Active Ball Block Blocks Claim Class Economy Emo End Enjoy Fac Faction Fight Fly Free Gaming Goth Join Legendary Make Ming Mini Games Mod Money New Open Pixelmon Pokemon Pvp Roleplay Star Survival Survival Games Tea Team

Gothic Gaming

is a place for all people to come together and train there pokemon

come join us and earn shinys come fight and be a gym leader, make a faction, join team rocket,
earn money and legendarys
Claim blocks
free fly mode
starter comes with masterball
<3 we are brand new so come today and enjoy

mod positions open

Active Ass Class Core Craft Erver Event Fans Google Hard Hardcore Inecraft Latest Mcm Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nks Pixel Pvp Raft Ran Rank Ranks Residence Sea Season Server Tes Test

Pixel PvP

Latest PvP server for Minecraft fans.
[Residence] [Event] [HardCore] [PixelPvP] [Mcmmo] [Ranks] Season 1

Active Amigos Ars Ass Blo Block Class Craft Future Google Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Kywars Pvp Raft Rvival Servidor Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survivalop War Wars


Bienvenido A FutureCraft
Servidor 1.8- 1.14


Entra Y Diviértete Con Tus Amigos, Pelea, Construye, Se El Mejor Del Servidor. Diviértete Jugando!
@FutureCraft 2020

Active Admin Admins Art Ass Build Builder Builders Class Erver Event Events Geo Good Google Help Helper Helpers Host Mod New Pvp Rvival Sea Server Star Start Starting Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanila


We are a new vanila Survival server we host events reguarly and we are starting to search for good builders / mod/ admins and helpers

Active Admin Adventure Ban City Craft Discord Eco Economy End Firearms Forums Land Lands Latest Mine Minecraft Network Networks New Pirate Play Quest Raid Raids Realistic Rey Rol Roleplay Roleplaying Server Sky Trading War Website Who World

Eurasia Networks Resurgence

IP –
Fill out a character application on our forums to get a character name. We hope to see you on!

Immerse yourself in the most realistic minecraft roleplaying experience yet!
So, you’re interested in Eurasia RESURGENCE? Well, This might be your only chance to get an excellent tour of District 01. District 01 is much like the old New York City, a city that never sleeps. Lawless slums, where it’s never quiet, ruled by crime and gangs. Drug dealers and ripper docs, try selling you their latest wares. But it’s a different world outside of the slums. On one side, Highrises and corporate boredom, on the other, a port taking in interstellar travelers. You might be mistaken to think even in your cramped apartment you would get peace; around you, you hear police completing raids and the screams of those in peril. Outside, the slums tower highrises outside of the slums filled with crooked corporate slaves and people who will sell their souls to keep from getting stuck in the slums. However, do not let all the negatives dampen your sense of adventure. Maybe one day, you too will make it out of the slum, or perhaps you might even become the one who rallies it together. When you play RESURGENCE, you don’t play with a set goal in mind. The game is what you and you alone make of it. There is no goal in mind like total conquest of the lands, no ending the infection, no endgame that makes the admins declare you the winner. You can play as anyone or anything on this server. You can be a scraper, bounty hunter, corp slave, thief, raider, soldier, police, etc. Get a wife or husband, have kids, run a successful business or enlist in the military, and fight enemies with many different firearms to destroy them! Be either a career criminal and put high-stakes to make it big or be the ambassador for Justice. Take it to the skies and fight each other for dominance of trading routes as a sky pirate or a merchant. And sometimes, someone wants someone gone. Be a bounty hunter or an assassin and fill in the grey zone between legality and illegality. This setting is a dystopia. But it all lies in your hands. Choose wisely, my friends; I’ll be seeing you again.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server ip Minecraft Cracked. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!