Welcome to the BraveCraft 100% vanilla dedicated minecraft server. Bravecraft is a place for mmo style leveling and PVM (Player Vs Monster) content. We have 2, and soon to be 3, different types of PVM encounters. They are Bosses, Raids, and soon Dungeons. Bosses are single boss fight encounters that can be done over and over in quick succession. Raids are complexe mechanic based encounters that test your mettle. Dungeons are an in between with just 1 boss, but a few encounters to get to him. We’ve added McMMO for leveling skills in the game. We’ve added custom crafting for making custom in game items. We’ve added a pet, and soon to be more, obtained by gathering resources, that follow you around and fight with you. Come join us on BraveCraft and see if its a fit for you!