Adventures Commands Custom Mob Custom Mobs Data Mobs Moderator Moderators New Update Playtime Rod Survival Multiplayer Trades Village Villager

1.16.1 survival – New updates every day

Hi there, I run a small survival server that is always adding things every day to make your 1.16 survival experience the best.

We have commands and plugins that help your adventures, commands such as;

/back, /top, /echest
and so much more!
We offer Custom mobs, worlds, villager trades, and a lot more.

Feel free to hop on the server and check it out! We have rewards every day as well as playtime rewards for you to acquire during your gameplay.
Things such as Jobs have also recently been introduced 🙂

I am looking for some new moderators to replace some of the old inactive ones, as well as some additions. Join the discord and apply 🙂

Aon Factions Generators Islands Kingdoms Minigames Pve Pvp Quests Races Roleplay Rpg Skyblock Warriors Warzone

KaonGaming – Kingdoms – Skyblock – MiniGames {1.8-1.16}



» ~ Quests
» ~ Custom Mobs
» ~ Custom Enchants
» ~ Mob Arena Coming Soon!
» ~ Fully Custom Rpg World Coming Soon!
» ~ Races/Skills unlock and level up different abilities etc mages, warriors


» ~ Custom Islands
» ~ Custom Enchants
» ~ Balanced Economy
» ~ New Quests And Warzone coming soon!
» ~ Balanced Generators

From Advanced abilities to peaceful farming, Kaongaming is hoping to satisfy those rpg itches you get every now and then, The aim of this network is to bring together a full round gaming experience that will be constantly updated, We hope to see you join the community regards.

Kaon Team ♥

Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Resets Pvp Roleplay Russian Minecraft

✅ MineBars ✅ Survival, MiniGames ⭐1.8-1.16.2 Minecraft server

MineBars server on version 1.8 – 1.16.2

– BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, The Hunger Games, SkyBlock, Creative
– Clans, arena for clan battles, as well as top clans
– Statistics of the best players
– Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, club, casino, hangout, mob rocking, fishing, recreation beach
– Unique plugins made by our programmers
– Rare wipes, and there is also a world of donators – no wipes
– Secret Easter eggs, secrets, hidden gifts
– Honest donation

IP –
VK group:

A cozy server with an experienced administration, guaranteeing you a comfortable game without lags.
We are over 4 years old. An excellent survival and PvP server with good online.
Beautiful buildings, there is a world without wipes. A unique set of plugins for convenience.
A lot of entertainment, on our server you will not have time to get bored 🙂
Here you will find everything that you like, and there is also nothing superfluous!

Auction Auction House Basic Basics Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Envoy Envoys House Oys Rankup Rankups Rates Unch

SKY-BLOCK.CO skyblock is a new and great skyblock server. Not only containing the basics, we also have a bunch of other features including ranks, rankups, crates, envoys, custom enchantments, economy, auction house, and so much more. Join today and you won’t regret it!

000 100 1000 Crates Earth Explore Flat Lore Map Rankup Rankups Rates Survival Town Unch

Flat Earth Towny 1.16.2

Flat Earth Towny is a Towny survival server with a 1:1000 earth map. On our server, you can explore the world and settle wherever you want! In addition to this, we also have a bunch of other cool things, like rankups, crates, and a lot more!

Apply Bones Cridge Cridge2003 Developer Discord E3boens E3bones Ebones Eee Free Gone Hermitcraft Java Lessthan24hours Livemap Minecraft Needed New Notstarted Poa Poagone Private Semiprivate Skri Smp Staff Survival Survivalk Vanilla Vive Vivesmp Whitelist Whitelsit

ViveSMP | Hermitcraft | Whitelist | Brand New | Not Started Yet

So you are looking for a hermitcraft style server? I think we have you covered. As of this post we have not even started yet, so join the discord and have your opinion on how the server will run. We have 2 owners who ensure long lasting seasons with a small community that will welcome you into the server. Who are we? A server that is resetting for a brand new season that is close to vanilla with only a few datapacks like head drops to spice up the gameplay. Did you old server limit you on farm sizes? Lag? Corrupt staff? Well not here. We have 2 owners who do not play the server but rather manages it to maintain everything. Staff only have ban powers to stop cheaters. We have our own developer who ensures 0 lag and creates custom plugins to maintain the server. Many join us thinking they will only try it out, but end up sticking around. Our small community ensures friendly vibes and a good time playing, our staff are always there to help you when you need it. I have seen many hermitcraft style servers using pay2win and land claiming. How is that hermitcraft? It’s not. So perhaps give us a try.

How to join? Simply join our discord server and answer a few simple questions to get accepted into the server:


How old is the server? Well it hasn’t started yet.
How many people? Not too many, we are a small community
Can I work with my friends? Of course you can
Is there an age limit? 15 years old, if you have friends who are younger that is fine. We just want maturity

Creative Creativeplot Creativeplots Dedi Edit Epl Give Large Pos Sniper Suggestions Ten Voxel Voxelsniper Worldedit

Creative Plots

Creative Plots is a server dedicated to only Creative. We offer large plots, Free WorldEdit and VoxelSniper and a staff team that will listen to player suggestions to give the best creative experience possible.

Ceb Competitive Dream Minecraft Skyblock Minecraftpvp Minecraftskyblock Mpet New Minecraft Newserver Newskyblockservers Pet Skyblock Space Spacepvp Spaceserver


A BRAND NEW Take on minecraft skyblock, join the server a create your DREAM in this Future competitive SKYBLOCK experience!

If you like small servers, custom plugin, 1.7 pvp in 1.16 gameplay… then is for you! Join today to find out 😀

Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Need Players Pvp Russian Minecraft

⭐ AlphaCraft ⭐ HEROBRIN | Survival 1.8-1.16 Minecraft server

AlphaCraft server on version 1.8 – 1.12.2 – 1.16.2 ❤️

A project with a cool PVP system, good anti-cheat and experienced administration.
Create your own clan and advance it to the TOP of murders!

Open cases, win at MobArena and just get high!
Play here. You will remember it for a long time, maybe even for a lifetime.

Herobrine comes here at night …
There is no time to get bored at AlphaCraft! ❤️

■ Clans, arena for hard PVP, as well as top clans
■ Statistics of the best players
■ Mini-games: King of the Hill, Splif, MobArena for 50 waves
■ Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, club, hangout, fishing, recreation beach, cases
■ Unique plugins made by our programmers
■ Good and fair administration
■ Secret Easter eggs, secrets, hidden gifts
■ Honest and cheap donation

Dominate, rule and humiliate, come in and take the reward / free! : 3

⚡ IP:
VK group:

Cent Class Com Cool Fin Qué Quest Quests Rip Sen Sensei Sts Survival Multiplayer Ter Uests

SENSEiMC Minecraft server

cool server for griffing there are quests

Attack Extra Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Protection Private Pvp Resource Resources Russian Minecraft Sao Vanilla Like

VlasaOfficial – Vanilla server Minecraft server

The best server to survive, enjoy the game, there is anarchy, griffing, so get ready for attacks! Arm yourself, extract resources to become the king of the server! There are no privates to enjoy the game!
Get it! Develop! Build! Attack! Kill! And everything else will be on the VlasaOfficial server!

1.15 Auto Custom Experience Lec Minecraft 1.15 Minecraft 1.15.2 Nam Name Pixel Plugin Plugins Smp Title Tom


lowpixel is a smp server that has custom plugins to enchance the experience of minecraft 1.15.2

Battleground Coins Customcore Early Gens Oins Opening Punch Pvp Shard Shards Skyblock Spigot Upcoming Whitelisted

EagleSky [1.8-1.16]

is an upcoming skyblock server with lots of custom features and more to come! we plan on opening skyblock in the late August or early September
We have features such as :
– custom skyblock core
– custom enchants
– custom ore gens
– money punch
– Mob coins
– Custom shards
– Custom miniatures
– custom skyblock core
– vote party
– crates
– battleground/PVP arena
– custom mines
– And much more to come!

1.16 1.16.1 Allowed Anarchy Server Auto Dupe Dupes Everything Hack Hacks Lec Nam Name Rule Rules

[Anarchy] [1.16.1] [Dupes]

Survival/Anarchy server, no rules, everything is allowed, even dupes and hacks.

Aim Builder Builders Claim Claiming Cool Laim Land Claim Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Pve Survival Swe


Come join the YodaCraft community. We are a new minecraft server looking for some cool players. We are a Minecraft survival server with SkyBlock. We allow PvP and PvE We also have Land claiming aswell as some coustom plugins. We are currently looking for builders for the server. If you think you are a good builder let me know and we will see what we can do.

Admins Bug Change Early Hanks Hiring Multiplay Multiplayer Quick Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivalmultiplayer Talk Thanks

Noopacraft Survival

Welcome to Noopacraft! This is an SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server where you can just play survival and have a good time while talking to other people. We’re not currently hiring anyone for any staff positions, so please do not ask to apply until this changes.
Please note that Noopacraft is in very early development and it is possible that there will be bugs. If there are any bugs, please do not hesitate to contact one of the admins, so it can be fixed quickly.
Thanks, and enjoy your time on Noopacraft!

Arcade Battleroyale Bedwars CTF Dominating Guns Network Skyblock Skywars Streamers Survivalgames Twitch Twitch Stream Warzone Youtubers

Mineark Network

We’re thrilled to have you here with us on dominating our game modes.

Mineark proudly host * BedWars * Survival Games * Arcade * SkyBlock * CTF * SkyWars* Warzone*

Mineark is not released to the public.
We’re going to release one game mode at a time as a soft launch.
You may join in on the fun only if you’re preapproved.

We will publish one game mode at a time to eliminate all bugs. Plus, any suggestions will much be appreciated and might end up in the game mode.

Join our Discord:

Alpha Tester Application:

After all game modes have been tested, we will have our real soft launch of the full server open. The actual opening of the server will consist of popular Twitch streamers and YouTubers!

Stay tuned for updates as we will be rolling out fast and heavy!

/d/ /e/ Ander Applications Cats Google Lsc Minecraft War Roleplaying Survival Multiplayer Training Trusted Wand Warrior Warrior Cats

Wandering paths

Welcome to wandering paths!

We are a minecraft warrior cats roleplaying server in the making

I am now taking builder and staff applications

Builder application:

Staff application:
Message me on discord on why you believe you would make a
good staff member and what position you would
like to start out as. I am taking applications
for Admin, Moderator, and Trusted (Trusted is staff in training).

We’d love to see you join our team if you have any questions just message me on discord.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Acting Colored Flight Hangout Hats Modern New Nickname Particles Props Resourcepack Roleplay Roleplaying Tags Walking

Open Komodo

NOTE: Open Komodo is in beta and an early piece. Open Komodo has been mostly programmed from scratch so expect bugs/glitches. If you wish to report bugs, please report it on our discord server. Feel free to mention our staff for any sort of harassment

Welcome to Open Komodo!
Open Komodo is a Minecraft roleplay server, having roleplaying as a main focus point!

Ever wanted to act out your characters? Open Komodo gives an entire map for roleplayers to roleplay! Invite among your friends to roleplay together in a open map!

We provide:
– Props and the props shop! 39 props to choose and collect!
– 32 Hats!
– Tags next to your username!
– Particles
– An open world with warps!
– Progression to ranks to unlock new features like colored nicknames and flight!
– Getting paid points for playing!
– Help build a community!

When you join, please read the rules by typing /rules. Thanks!

Hidden XP system:
Whenever you talk or walk/run to places, players earn hidden XP in order to rank up. Chatting in public will give you more XP than walking, however ranking up will take quite a bit.

Chat system:
Normal chat has a chat distance of 50 blocks, while shouting is across the entire server. To shout, just put an exclamation mark at the start of your sentence.

Basic commands:
/rules – Display the rules
/help – Displays help
/sit – Makes your player sit down
/msg – Private message a player
/tpa – Request teleport to a player
/home help – Displays help for setting up homes

Minecraft Version: 1.14.4

Challenges Ffa Kitpvp Kits Learn Learning Manage Management Minecraft Playerbase Pvp Quick Show Starting Upcoming


Welcome to CavernMC! Were a brand new and upcoming server who is growing rapidly and learning more about tending to a community and more. We love our players and community and the staff and management team always tries their best to listen to the players and fix bugs as soon as possible. Were very active and new, with a small starting playerbase we hope to grow. Our server is currently in beta, so do prepare to face some challenges, but we will have them fixed very quickly, and we hope to show our awesome server to you with the best impression possible!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Java Server Address. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!