Active Ass Build Class Craft Creative Data Discord Eat Ect Erver Flat Free Freebuild Has Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Minecraftservers Noop Normal Open Play Pro Protect Protected Protection Ree Rvival Server Servers Sur Surviv Surviva Survival This Tps World

Freebuild Creative/Survival

This is my first server. It has a freebuild normal world, a freebuild flat world, and a survival play world.

Feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Or on discord

Ability Active Base Class Cosmetics Creative Discord Easy Eco Econ Econom Economy Elevator Elevators Factions Features Fly Item Items King Lit New Newest Non Pay Play Player Players Pve Sell Server Servers Staff Suggestions Survival Trans Upgrade


ParadigmMC is the newest in non-pay to win servers. By the players, for the players. Leave suggestions in the Discord below.

– Cosmetics!
– Non pay-to-win economy!
– Temporary fly for everyone!
– Upgradeable bases and items!
– Ability to bottle and sell XP!
– Elevators for easy transport!



Action Actions Ass Clan Class Com Craft Creeper Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Inecraft Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Minigame Minigames Raft Ree Server Soon Style


Minecraft Server With Many Minigamesm Factions, More Comming Soon…


Active Age Alpha Ass Beta Castle Class Construction Creative Ill Join Ran Rank Skyblock Stage Survival Tag Ter TERA You

The Castle

We are in the Alpha stage and under heavy construction! However, if you join now, you will receive the Veteran rank once we reach the Beta stage!

Action Ass Ations Class Crack Cracked Craft Edm Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Fresh Fun Inecraft Item Items Mine Minecraft New Noop Open Play Player Players Prize Prizes Pvp Raid Raiding Server Staff Style Support Time

Cracked Minecraft

Cracked Minecraft is a factions, pvp, and raiding server with a fun staff, cracked client support, and fun celebrations and intances where prizes can be won and items can be received by players. Cracked Minecraft tries to keep it fresh and new at all times by always introducing new fun ideas and features. We hope you enjoy your stay.


Action Active Ass Blo Block Build Building Cannon Chamber Class Creative End Enviro Environment Erver Fac Faction Factions Friend Friendly Fun Gaming Iron Ming Non Play Riendly Server Servers Sky Skyblock

Chambermc offer a fun and friendly environment for play gaming. We have a Faction,Skyblock and Cannon/building servers

Admin Allowed Ban Bans Build Craft Donation Donations Eco End Enjin Farm Fly Forums Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Hacks Job Minecraft Mod Moderator Mods Nations Need Open Play Player Pvp Rights Server Servers Staff Stealing Texture Title Who


Member Rules

General Rules
– Be considerate of other players.
– We do not care about bad language or nude skins, but if someone gets offended by any of it please have the respect to change that.
– Do not harass people in any way.
– Be respectful to Staff.
– We choose every member of staff because we feel they can help us keep order on the server. If a staff member tells you to stop doing something, DO NOT ARGUE. Simply do as they say and allow all players to continue enjoying the server.
– If you ever have an issue with Staff, /msg an admin in-game.
– Do not demand/beg for staff to do things for you.
– Do not ask to become a mod/admin/op. You can apply here in the apply section.
Mods are promoted based on activity and level of contribution to the server alongside maturity.
– If you want to become a mod, don ask. Prove to the server staff that you are mod material if you really want to be a mod.
– Use chat appropriately.
– Use regular case or title case, not all capitals.
– Use /msg name for private conversations, and /r to reply

Do not do any of the following:
– Spamming of any type
– Make one-block wide towers or holes
– Use hacks/cheats or exploit glitches
– Any method of duplication is not allowed
– Using x-ray mods/texture packs
– Flying
– Speed hacks
– Exploiting game glitches
– Using a cheat client
– Using any s which allow for cheating
– Accepting inappropriately obtained items
– No advertising of other servers

Account Rules
– It is your job to keep your account secure. Anything done on your account, regardless of who was playing, you are responsible.

Donator Rules
– Donators are expected to follow rules as well.
– Donation privileges may be adjusted at any point.
– Donations are non-refundable.

Griefing and stealing is allowed. Griefing is the action of destroying someone else’s things. For Example:
– Removing or adding blocks to a build
– Flooding with lava or water
– Rewriting or leaving signs
– Locking others’ chests and doors
– Removing or adding paintings
– Destroying any part of a build
– Killing someone’s farm animals

PVP is enabled.

Do not hack on our server. Hacking is changing how data is sent between the server and the client or using that data in a way not intended by the game. This includes but is not limited to:
– X-ray mods, x-ray texture packs, and ore finders
– Fly/Speed hacks
– Inventory/Item hacks
– Spam/Login hacks
Punishments can include: Bans, jail, and IP bans. Not for griefing

Do not build offensive or vulgar symbols. This includes Nazi symbols, upside-down crosses, rude body parts, and any other symbol which has a negative meaning. We believe every person has the right to express their beliefs. If you wish, you may place non-offensive symbol on your build. This means crosses, stars of David, and other religious symbols. However, we cannot allow swastikas as they have a strong negative meaning.

Forum Rules
– Use the most appropriate board for your post topic.
– Use proper language.
– If you ever need to submit a ban appeal, make sure to do it in the Ban Appeals Forum using the appropriate format.
– Do not comment on other ban appeal posts unless you
e involved in the situation or have relevant details.

We do give players rights on our server
– You have the right to enjoy Minecraft without being harassed by anyone, staff or citizen.
– You have the right to appeal any ban on the forums, whether you are guilty or not. Be polite and apologize, and you might be allowed back on our server.
– You have the right to report poor staff behavior to the admins. If you have a problem with a Mod, report to an Admin. If you have a problem with an Admin, report it to UnboundPony.
– Keep in mind, this is our server. Respect our rules and staff, and think your actions through, and everyone can play and enjoy DestinyCraft together.

Moderator Rules:
– Moderators are required to follow member rules with a few exceptions which will be listed.
– Any type of power abuse will equal in a ban.
– Moderators are allowed to grief and pvp. However, if a moderator abuses their instant teleport powers for their own personal gain, they are considered to be abusing their powers” and thus is illegal.


Action Active Air Balance Balanced Class Com Craft Creation Early Elves Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Fair Game Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Ming Near Network Play Player Players Prison Pro Pvp Server Soon Store Time Uptime


EthernalNetwork is a Minecraft Server Network. We pride ourselves in providing a fair and balanced experience to our players.

We offer the following:
Factions ( In Creation; )
OP Prison;

We offer nearly 99% uptime, and a webstore:
Our game domain, is coming very soon.

Active Block Cat Class Craft Creative Economy Essentials Guard Harvest Head Heads Ill Inecraft Job Jobs King Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Need New Plugin Plugins Rps Shop Sign Survival Title Trains Vanilla Vehicle Vehicles War Warp Warps World

Forza for Minecraft

Hi everyone this is our new Cat Sever called Forza for Minecraft
with mods like Immersive Vehicles, Immersive Trains, Immersive engineering, Pams Harvest craft, Cooking for blockheads and more
and plugins like essentials, jobs, shop sign, world guard, core protect

we have warps to your favorite vanilla biomes

You will need to install the Mod-pack titled Forza for Minecraft
and our ip address is

we hope to see you there

Action Ass Build Class Com Craft Creative Date Dom Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Inecraft Land Lands Mad Mine Minecraft Nederlands Nen Nline Noop Online Open Pro Pvp Ran Random Rvival Server Shit Style Survival Tale Youtube


TheRandomShitHD Server (TRSHD Server)
Made by:

Gesproken talen: Nederlands & Engels

Altijd Up-To-Date (Binnen 48 uur op de nieuwste Minecraft versie)
24/7 ONLINE.

Bevat: Survival (Factions), PvP Game: Pripyat PvP en Creative-Build.



Active Ars Ass Atla Bed Bedwars Class Cookie Custom Day Discord Ect Erver Fun Game Games Join Kitpvp Kywars Mad Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Prison Server Servers Sky Skywar Skywars Slime Slimefun Smp Tech Tnt Vanilla War Wars


A custom made server with lots of servers like smp, slimefun ect. Join now for alot of fun!

We also have prison and minigames
such as:
TNT Wars
Cookies Slapper
Friday 13th

Best Block Boss Bosses Class Community Craft Custom Customized Eco Econ Economy Event Events Experience Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Features Hcf Item Join Play Player Players Prize Pvp Quest Rewards Server Spigot Suggestions Title Top War


A Factions experience unlike you have ever seen before!

We strive to deliver the best possible experience to our players by listening to their questions, concerns, and suggestions, and offer many features which we continuously add to every day, such as:

– Custom bosses

– Events with op rewards,

– Customized item prices for the perfect economy

And much more!

F-TOP: ~[$100 Prize Pool for Season 1]-

Join us now for a community you’ll never want to leave behind!

Active Allowed Anarchy Anything Ass Aternos Back Class Com Destruction Erver Ill King Kings Purge Queen Queens Rule Rules Server Sub Survival Ter This Vanilla


An anarchy hell, with no rules or anything besides that, there are no restrictions except getting through the backdoor of the server, destruction is optionable, anything is allowed, except that ^, there will be complete hell across the server, kings, permitted, queens, permitted, anything is permitted, this is a complete purge server.

Achievements Active Auction Chest Claim Claiming Class Community Crate Crates Custom Donate Economy Event Events Features Great Grief Griefprevention Growing House Laim Mad Mcmmo Ming Play Prevention Pvp Rewards Rvival Server Shop Staff Store Survival War Website

HazeMC Survival

Welcome to HazeMC!

Survival with many features
65+ Custom made achievements & advancements, including rewards with more being added frequently!
Chest Shop, Server Shop & Auction House
Growing community and great staff
Frequent server events

Donate at:

Anti Clan Clans Class Community Crates Currency Custom Customized End English Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Games Huge King Land Lands Mcmmo Mini Games Mmo Nether Open Play Player Protection Rank Ranking Server Simple Small Social Survival Vote World

The Sfmserver

The Sfmserver is a english MCMMO survival server hosted in The Netherlands.
Our server is small, simple and social with a friendly community.

We are offering you
A huge 10.000 x 10.000 blocks big survival world
Private Land to buy / rent for ingame currency
Customized MCMMO ranking system
We have anti xray and anti cheat protection
Mini Games
Vote Crates
Factions (clans)


Capture Class Cops Craft Death Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Flag Game Games Guns Hunger Games Inecraft Job Jobs Lag Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Noop Open Paintball Play Pvp Robbers Rol Role Roleplay Sky Skyblock Spleef Survival Team Website

Mastery Minecraft

■ Skyblock
■ Minigames
■ Capture The Flag
■ Team DeathMatch
■ Roleplay (See website for details)
■ Jobs
■ PvP
■ Economy System
■ Factions
■ Spleef
■ Hunger Games
■ Cops & Robbers
■ Paintball
■ Guns
■ Much, much more.


Active Age Base Based Class Community Craft Crate Crates Discord End Erver Fly Fresh Friends Fun Good Join King Land Lands Marriage Marriagemaster People Plugin Plugins Pvp Rvival Server Survival Time Website Welcome Werewolf Wild Wilderness



Welcome to MC.SeikoCraft.Com.
Hi and thanks for checking out MC.SeikoCraft.Com We are a community based Survival server! We have /fly in the Wilderness !

Here is what we have for fun Plugins
! Werewolf ! Gsit ! MarriageMaster ! Crates ! and others.

Survival and pvp!
come dominate the fresh landscape !
join /Discord and the /Website! the server is active 24/7 !

come and check out the server we hope you have fun and if you had a good time on the server tell your friends and other people about it.

Action Bed Block Build Builds Class Com Community Content Craft Cube Cubed Custom Dcraft Enjin Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Fac Faction Factions Gta Inecraft Mine Minecraft Prison Pro Ring Server Sky Skyblock Style Thelab Unique Website Wizard Wizards


Weirdcraft is a server like no other. Offering the most unique and enjoyable content ever to come across the minecraft community.

[+] GTA
[+] TheLabs
[+] Wizards
[+] Prison
[+] Factions
[+] Skyblock
[+] Custom builds
[+] 24/7



Active Application Applications Ass Ations Cat Class Economy Event Events Fire Job Jobs Kit Kits Land Lands Open Owny Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny

TheFireLands – Survival

We offer survival Towny and much more and we also have jobs on survival and lots of kits. We do Events now and then and we are open for applications. its 1.13.2

Auction Claim Claims Class Custom Enchants Experience Fun Game Item Items Job Jobs King Mcmmo Mechanics Mmo New Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Rank Ranking Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Survival Town Towns Unique Wns

ChunkCloud – Survival

ChunkCloud (founded back in 2012) offers a unique experience to all players. With our custom plugins, weve added fun new items and mechanics to our servers to enhance your gameplay.

– Towns / Claims
– Lots of Jobs
– Shops + Auction
– Ranking system
– Custom items, mechanics & enchants
– Monster tier system

SkyBlock: Coming soon.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and The Best Minecraft Survival Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!