Active Ass Class Com Different Ect Emo End Ender Erver Game Gamemode Gamemodes Hank Has Head Host Join Lobby Loot Map Maps Ming Mod Open People Play Pvp Ran Random Server Servers Slots Soon Survival Multiplayer This

Search& Destroy

EyeOfEnder [3200 slots over 32 servers] [PVP] [Fully automatic]

EyeOfEnder is a server host that has had over 250,000 people join!
We have 32 server all with 100 slots so you’ll always find an open lobby!
We have a random map selector with loot all around the maps!
Many different gamemodes with more coming out soon!

Head over to!

Thank you for reading this! We hope to see you soon!

Active Air Ass Ban Banned Cheat Class Com Community Craft Creative Early End Erver Fair Friendly Great Hack Has Heat Ill Inecraft Launch Mine Minecraft Mini Games Old One Play Playing Relax Riendly Server Staff Survival Tea Time Towny Welcome

Afternoon Teacraft

Welcome to Afternoon Tea, sit back, relax, and play some Minecraft!
Launched in early 2013, ATC is a great server with a reputation for fair play, friendly staff, and a great community. We don’t accept any slip ups, and we ensure everyone has a great time playing with us.

ATC holds up strong policies on fair play, and any hackers or cheaters will be instantly banned.

Ark Ass Awesome Class Die Donate Erver Eso Fun Game Gamer Gamers Games Join Land Mega Mini Minigame Minigames Nen Nks Open Park Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Sea Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tpa Youtube

ThoseAwesomeGamers server

De ThoseAwesomeGamers server is de server van het Youtube kanaal : ThoseAwesomeGamers
we hebben : Minigames/Survival/PvP/Pretpark(funland)

We hebben ook donate ranks die je kan kopen,
We zijn op het moment nog in aanbouw maar zullen snel openbaar zijn . (JOINEN IS AL MOGELIJK)

Beleef het avontuur alleen, of samen .


Active Ass Awesome Claim Class Classic Com Craft Eat Ect Erver Fast Free Fun Game Going Gold Great Grief Growing Ill Imple Laim Old Private Pro Protect Protection Ree Rvival Server Simp Simple Stable Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla


Great growing vanilla survival server. FREE, privately owned and funded. Awesome and simple. Classic game with simple grief protection (claim area with gold shovel). Stable, fast and not going anywhere!

Admin Build Builds Casino Chat Chestshop Contests Eco Econ Economy End Enjin Free Friends Fun Lag Lottery Map Mature Mod Moderator New Open Perks Play Player Plots Protection Pve Pvp Quest Quests Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival War Website World

Pub Cube Server

We are a new server that is seeking fun and mature players to join us for some enjoyment, friendship, and partying :d This is a Survival/Economy server with plenty to do and plenty of perks.

– 24/7, 100 slot, lag free, DDoS protection, experienced administrators
– Primarily PvE with PvP in only selected areas
– Zone and Chest protection with Mod ticketing system for requests
– Working Casino/Slots and Lottery
– Shops and “Night life” )
– Contests with showcased builds and prizes
– Capability for players to own shops (ChestShop)
– Spawn plots to work towards earning
– Near real-time map of the world on website
– Mumble voice chat
– Just play and you get in-game money by the minute..

We have MUCH more planned, so stay tuned. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or simply visit: for rules, photos, and server basics. If you find that you love it, feel free to apply to be a moderator, as well.


Active Ass Build Building Class Dimension Dimensions Enemy Enjoy Erver Fun Ill Lmao Server Survival Multiplayer This Vanilla You

Vanilla Dimensions

if you enjoy fun, building and slaying enemy’s this is the server for you

Allowed Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Arenas Ban Boss Bosses Cracked Craft Creative Custom Diamond Eco Econ Economy Enjin Faction Factions Games Grief Head Heads Hunger Games Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Open Play Player Plots Pvp Raid Raiding Server Town Towny Votifier


– Cracked
– 24/7
– Unlimited Bandwidth
– 4 GB Memory
– No Lag.
– Hunger Games
– Mob Arena
– PvP Arenas
– Custom Mob Drops.
– Bosses
– Economy
– Mcmmo
– Player Heads
– Creative Plots
– Factions
– Towny
– Mythic Mobs
– Mythic Drops
– Raiding Allowed
– PvP
– Votifier. Diamonds and Exp.
– And Much more. Join today.


Active Ban Chat Class Craft Creative End Event Events Fac Faction Fun Game Games Hungergames Lag Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Old Parkour Plugin Plugins Rol Server Sky Skyblock Social Speak Staff Store Super Survival Multiplayer Team Teamspeak Town Towny

Eversun er en unik dansk Minecraft-server, der har fællesskab og masser af sjov i hovedrollen.

På Eversun kører vi med flere forskellige slags servere, for vi synes at du skal have lov til at vælge lige præcis lige det du bedst kan lide.

Vi kan tilbyde dig:
– Towny server
– Faction server
– HungerGames server
– SkyBlock server
– MiniGames server
– Creative server
– Parkour Server
– Event server (Ugentlige Events)

Så som du nok kan se kan vi tilbyde dig lidt af hvert, hvor du vil spille er helt op til dig – og husk på at tilbyder vi ikke din ynglings-server lige nu, vil vi meget gerne høre fra dig. Vores servere er meget forskellige, men fælles for alle er at de er en del af Eversun, og dermed også en del af vores store fællesskab – som vi ville elske at have dig med i. Men det at de er en af Eversun betyder også at serverne er udstryet med en masse plugins, der forbedrer din spilovelelse – men samtidigt ikke med så mange at det ødelægger den. Det betyder også at serverne er lag-fri, at der altid står staff klar til at hjælpe dig – og at vi garenterer en velfungrende og fantastisk sjov server, uanset hvad du vælger.

Eversun har altid haft den holdning at der der skal være plads til alle. Derfor tolerer vi ikke grimt sprogbrug, nedladende kommentarer eller grove provokationer – alle skal kunne have det sjovt. Men samtidigt med det går vi også meget op i at man som bruger på Eversun, i princippet kan være helt i fred, hvis det er det man har lyst til – vores staff forstyrer dig ikke hvis du ikke bryder reglerne. Er du derimod den super sociale type, kan vi love dig en super aktiv chat – og en hyggelig Teamspeak. En anden af vores kerneværdier er retfærdighed – du vil aldrig blive bannet for noget vores staff-team ikke kan bevise fuldt ud. Får du et ban som du er uenig i, kan du altid klage på vores forum og få udleveret beviserne – eller få et unban og en undskylning hvis det var en fejl, vi svarer hurtigt og effektivit. Men når alt det er sagt, er der kun tilbage at slutte hvor vi startede; Eversun er en unik dansk Minecraft-server, der har fællesskab og masser af sjov i hovedrollen.

– Vi håber at vi får lov til at byde dig velkommen i fællesskabet.

Action Active Balance Balanced Cheat Cheating Class Counter Craft Donate Dynamic Economy Experience Experienced Fac Faction Factions Fly Flying Fun High Inecraft Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Pve Real Red Server Survival Tea Team Teleport Teleporting Who


TeamCraft is a highly balanced Factions / PvE / Survival Minecraft Server.

We are a group of experienced Minecraft players tired of cheating, flying, instant teleporting repeatedly and even some players having full immunity. It breaks the fun and Minecraft’s dynamic completely. Every player should have a chance to counterattack whoever is his enemy or how much he donated to server with a real chance of success.

Action Amazing Balance Balanced Block Class Community Craft Donation Enjin Fac Faction Factions Free Fun Future Great Has Lag Lit Nation Network Noop Open Prison Pro Rank Ranks Server Servers Sky Skyblock Staff Stand Tea Team Time Uptime


CraftWorks has a selection of servers to choose from. We vary from Skyblock, Prison, OP-Prison, Factions to even more selections upcoming in the future.

Here at CraftWorks we promise:

– Little to almost ZERO lag AKA lag free.

– A great community.

– Amazing and understanding staff team.

– Affordable donation ranks.

– 99.9% uptime (excluding matience down time).

CraftWorks is the most amazing network server to ever be seen in the light of day. We have crafted and balanced the server to perfection.


Active Balance Balanced Chest Clan Class Competitive Craft Dark Diamond Eco Econ Economy Emerald Emeralds Features Game Good Great King Mine Mpet New Open Pet Play Pro Protection Public Pvp Safe Server Survival Multiplayer Sword Testing Town Update Updates

DarkMine FallCraft

DarkMine FallCraft

Looking for a balanced PvP server? Looking to play a competitive server with a sensible economy? Tired of all kinds of chest protection and no-pvp zones?

Come check us out. We just opened to the public! We do daily updates and are always bugtesting and adding new features!

We have an ingame economy unlike any other server. We have balanced axes and swords, as well as projectiles such as arrows, snowballs, and eggs!

Group up, gather materials, and start a clan! Sell your goods in town for Emeralds, just make sure you do it safely!

Diamond is rare, and a status symbol of greatness. Purchase a diamond sword and pickaxe, and be recognized as an icon!

116server Aus Bee Block Class Craft Diamond Dragon Eco End Hard Hermit Hermitcraft Ill Inecraft Lag Mine Minecraft Mines Nether New Play Player Players Pro Rol Server Smp Smpve Snapshot Survival Title Update Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted Who

MineSlip [Vanilla] [Whitelisted] [SMP] {Snapshot} {1.16}

A SMP for anyone who dares to brave the newest horrors of the Nether update of 1.16! Considering the Ender Dragon has now been beaten, I suppose the server will become something similar to a Hermitcraft-style server, but that’s up to the players.

But seriously, even with full diamond you die a lot. And then you lose those diamonds. This is not for the faint of heart. Finding Blaze Rods just got a whole lot harder.

(At times this can be a bit weird and/or laggy, because the MCProHosting Control Panel at this time does not work, but hopefully by Season 2 that won’t be an issue!)

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Action Actions Active Art Ass Class Craft Drop Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Parties Pvp Raft Ran Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff Time Train


Union-PvP is a factions pvp minecraft server. We have occasional drop parties, and well trained staff members. We can guarantee you will enjoy your time at our server.

Action Actions Ass Class Emb Fac Faction Factions King Lmao Looking Owner Para Plugin Plugins Pvp Rad Raid Raiding Ram Staff Style Taff





Active Ass Bcraft Class Com Community Crack Craft Erver King List Looking Mall Mature Mindcrack Mmu Old Older Ommunity Pack Play Player Players Raft Server Small Survival Multiplayer Whitelist Whitelisted


Whitelisted Server!
Mindcrack pack.
Small and mature community.
Looking for enthusiast and older players.

Ass Best Build Building City Class Core Craft Die Eat Erver Help Ill Inecraft Ken Lin Make Mine Minecraft Mod Mode Modern Nline Online Pve Raft Ring Server Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Taff

Mafocore 1.7.2

[b]Een leuke building server voor jouw creativiteit. Een online Minecraft wereld voor mensen die mee willen helpen aan de Modern city. Kan jij goed bouwen en wil je mee helpen? kom dan online.

We hebben een hoop goeie staff en we willen de beste ervaring voor jou maken,

De server is 24/7 online en is erg leuk.

Het is PVE En je mag zo veel bouwen als je wilt.[/b]


Active Allowed Anarchy Ban Build Building City Class Craft Dungeon Dungeons End Extreme Fac Faction Factions Free Grief Griefing Hard Inecraft Item Mine Minecraft New Permanent Play Player Players Pvp Raiding Roleplay Server Spawn Sword Vanilla War Whitelist World

Vanilla PVP Grief

You will not find another pvp server with pure vanilla fighting and building. No factions, no free items, no whitelist, no building restrictions.
The city is there just so you can flatten it. Griefing is allowed, however do not confuse griefing with cheating. Anyone using cheating programs will be banned permanently with no warnings.

1)Difficulty is 3 and Anarchy PVP is hard. If you are new to Minecraft, do not play here and complain.
2)World spawn is camped. Follow the advice below or die like a fool.
3)Dungeons are extremely hard. With full armor and 2 people it is barely possible.

If spawning under attack, make a run for it. Use F3 to note your secret base location. Move to 500+ blocks from spawn and build a bed. Collect 26 Iron for armor and sword. Construct a Bow and Arrows. Return to spawn to seek blood!

Players’ Ender Chests and held items will be saved between seeds.

Action Ass Class Core Craft Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Hard Hardcore Inecraft Lin Link Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Minecraftservers Pvp Raft Server Servers Style Sur Surv

Hardcore Faction PvP and Survi

“” (Link:


Active Adventure Class Coded Community Cops Craft Custom Customised Diverse Experience Factions Inecraft Lit Map Maps Mine Minecraft Mini Games New Ops Play Pro Pvp Robbers Rol Server Speak Survival Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Troll Unique Venture World

Blazelite Cops and Robbers Server

Blazelite –
Teamspeak 3 –

Blazelite – ‘providing the world with the most controlled, fully customised and coded, cops and robbers minecraft server with unique maps and a diverse community’


Here at blazelite we provide you with adventure, innovation and a new experience all together.

Action Actions Ass Cked Class Conomy Crack Cracked Eco Econ Econom Economy Fac Faction Factions Grief Griefing Join Ked Mine Need Pvp Raid Raiding Reward Rewards Sky Staff Style Taff Vote War


| Economy | | Factions | | Griefing/Raiding | | Vote Rewards | | PvP | | Cracked | We need Staff. Skype: Gijsmine


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Cracked Towny Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!