A Minecraft Ace Back Data Economy Isle Item Mmu Part Place Pvp Rock Survival Unit Unity

The Rock

The Rock is back!!!! Not only with a Minecraft server but also The Isle ….. If you want action and excitement, then you’ve come to the right place. Be part of a community too and join us.

Allowed Anti Anticheat Best Minecraft Cry Crystal Crystalpvp Hacking Hacking Allowed Hacks Hvh Ip Minecraft Kitpvp Pvp Pvp Server Minecraft HvH

The best Minecraft HvH CrystalPvP Server/Hacks Allowed KitPvP Server!

Alliance Alliances Alone Courage Giga Hacked Hardcore Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Lifesteal Smp Server Pvp Rage Raiding Survival Voice

thegigasmp lifesteal

a lifesteal smp server where you can make alliances and rule the server, or you can go alone and betray your comrades. you can do anything on this server besides used a hacked client and swear. we encourage you to use the feather minecraft client for voice chat but if you dont no problem. Have fun!

Cod Coded Content Crate Idea Ideas Keys Mission Missions New Update Non P2w Points Prison Purchase


LiquidPrison is a custom-coded OP-Prison server with new updates and content coming out every week. We are backed by an amazing community that always gives ideas and points out issues that are fixed. We are non-P2W and you are not able to purchase crate keys or any items in the store. Being a non-P2W prison server is one of our missions, and we will never offer P2W content in the store.

1.18.2 Car Cart Dog FTB Hot Latin Latino Lore Quests Sts Survival Terra Terrain Uests


Latino survival 1.18.2 with mods, map and claimable terrain, quests and lore. arepas…lots of arepas…a hot dog cart and gallicerdos

Bedrock Edition Cary Console Cross-Play Evil Family Friendly Magica Magical Pve Scar Scary Survival Towny Vanilla Warden


Welcome to a brand new vanilla survival server where we keep it simple and up to date.

We are focused on keeping the community clean and family friendly. We want everyone to feel welcomed.
We currently support both Java and Bedrock edition, so everyone is more than welcome to join, regardless of which console you are playing on!

Come join a friendly community on the latest release 1.19.2, and explore the scary depths of the Warden!


Claim your land so no evil griefers can come snoop around, and even if they do, we will 100% help you get back what was taken away! (Automagically)

I hope to see you around

Bedrock And Java Creative Economy Everything Explore Hank Magi Nations Pvp Rise Risemc Season Seasons Skyblock Survival


SkyRise is a server where you can do everything you want! It has many seasons of survival, lore everyone can join and other gamemodes to express your imaginations. Make new friends and explore the world. We have events for everyone. Server is bedrock and java! Thank you for all the support 😀 we hope we can make your day.

1.13 Case Creativity Design Economy Islands Mini Games Opskyblock Opsurvival Parkour Pvp Sign Skyblock Survival Vanilla

OpLand Network v2

OpLand Network v2 is a redesigned OpLand Network project.
In the past, OpLand Network focused only on OpSurvival, but that is not the case here.

OpLand Network v2 offers:
* OpSurvival – survival, but in the OP version, designed for creativity in the world.
* OpSkyblock – skyblock, but in the OP version, designed for the crativity of building on islands.
* OpBoxfight – boxfight, but in the OP aspect.

* – Java 1.13 – 1.19.

1.20 2022 Data Date Dates Day Hours Kitpvp New Update Opening Ours Tes Tom Update Updates


server open for 2h without player
opening hours: 1.20pm/1.35pm
Saturday: from 9:30 until 11 in the evening
New updates for 11/31/2022

Air Alone Armor Boost Booster Cross-Play Custom Armor Fair Little Lone Parkour Shopping Super Survival Together

J3SIUS Survival

Welcome to the J3SIUS Survival server.

This is a survival server with a super fun community, lots of things to do and where you can have a lot of fun together or alone. Our server tries to be pay-to-win as little as possible so that you, as a player who does not want to spend money, can still have a fun and fair gaming experience.

Some of our features are:
– Crates
– Boosters
– Shopping area
– Custom Armor
– Parkour
– And much more.

1.12 1.12.2 Anarchy Anything Bat Battle Cross-Play Data Hacks Hardcore Lets Lud Recommended Survival Vanilla


BattleAnarchy is a no-rules, no-vanilla anarchy server that lets you do anything, including hacks from 1.8.x to 1.19.x (recommended 1.12.2)

Ability Alpha Avatar Avatar Minecraft Avatar Minecraft Server Ben Bend Bender Content Element Elements Ender Faction Pvp Limited Release

World of Benders

Welcome to World of Benders

We are a Avatar Minecraft server with a SMP and Factions with the ability to bend the elements to your will join now to help with the Alpha release to get limited content.

1192server Actu Anarchy Call Fun Hate Haven Lol New Norules Survival Tech Technic Technical Wolf

Anarchy 19.2 OneManWolfPack 24/7 Minecraft 19.2 java Here is a server to play on if you feel like it. I havent set anything up really its just kinda anarchy rn do whatever you want lol eventually it prob will be made into an actual server but it should be online practically. This isn’t technicaly related to my youtube channel but someday it may be lol.

Center Count Description Fix Flex Gain King Play Sion Sit Site Survival Multiplayer Version Working Xplay

FlexMine Network Server version ..-.. Site is working again server Minecraft

Server owner ‘FlexMine Network Server version ..-.. Site is up again’ has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

170 700 Creative Creativemode Heir Lane Mean Plane Planet Tempo They Tut Tuto Tutorial Tutorials

Nitrado Tutorials

Nitrado server tutorial page – this is a temporary server listing meant to aid users in adding their own server to Planet Minecraft so that they can advertise their own Minecraft server.

Amazing Ares Car Fol Help Information Love Rust Survival Ten Trust Turtl Turtle Turtles Who

Turtle SMP

Welcome To Turtle SMP!

Join our discord for more information

Trust me, you will love it! We have an amazing community who cares, listens, helps each other out etc!

Armor BuildCraft Enderio Forest Forestry HiTech Industrial Industrial Craft Invincible Ores Rush Rusher Trial Ush Vanilla

OrangeCraft.Ru – HiTech server Minecraft

On the HiTech server, you can easily develop the same way as in vanilla minecraft, but here you have access to a large number of industrial mods such as: Industrial Craft 2, EnderIO, BuildCraft, Forestry, Applied Energistics and many others. You can craft solar panels and get energy from them, which you can send to different mechanisms such as crusher, compressor, etc. Almost everything is allowed on the server. Later, you can craft yourself Quantum Armor with which you will be invincible on the server. But do not forget about the beauty of your home. Enjoy!

Engineering Guns Mod Modded Pistol Power Skele Skeleton Team Team Pvp Techguns Truck Trucks Vehicles War


A war based modpack. This is for two teams and for use on servers. Players will have to join Axis or Allies when joining and the journey begins.

Current Server running this modpack: IP Version 1.12.2
Modpack Link: WarBox – Modpacks – Minecraft – CurseForge

Weapons + ArmourThe modpack uses both Flan mod guns, Techguns and also Moder Warfare gun mods so you have a large selection to craft. There will be many structures that hold weapons, crates and other radeable goodies. From pistols, magnums or snipers and machine guns. This won’t let you down! This also includes AA guns, and mounted vehicle turrets and cannons.

VehiclesThere is a number of vehicles you can craft, from small jeeps to transport you and some of your team, to larger tanks, trucks, helicopters and even planes. Make the most of the modern style transport and keep your vehicles safe!

MobsThere are many new and realistic mobs on this modpack, this includes many real-world animals, with awesome animations and the ability to catch and maintain these animals for yourself. It also has different strength zombies and skeletons that have a chance of carrying a gun, so watch your back!

Immersive EngineringPowe many useful items with the immersive engineering mod, create windmills or water mills along with other methods to create power and automate your war machine!

Armorstandeditor Building Builds Community Creative Creativeserver Creativeworld Freebuild Fun Headdatabase Minecraft Minecraftserver Nogrief Nogriefing Nolag Roleplay Roleplaying Worldedit

Minedonia | Free Build | Role-Play | World Edit

Est. 2021 | Turning Your Dreams to Reality

Server Version

We’re on 1.19.2
We currently do not support older versions.

About Us

Minedonia is an open-world, free-to-build roleplay server with two worlds – a collaborative city world (main world), and a free world for build creations that may not fit in the city; or for just letting your imagination run wild! We have a dedicated community of builders, and laid-back players to play and hangout with! We have server rollbacks and daily backups created so all your creations are safe! We also have many resources to help you build anything you may dream of, including World Edit, Armor Stand Editor, Head Database, and more!

How to Join

We offer support for both Java and Bedrock Editions! Come join us with the IP’s below!
Java Edition –
Bedrock Edition – | Port: 8162
Discord Server –

Communities Complex Crawl Crawling Demon Demons Dragons Dragonshield Enchanting Kelly Miners Punch Smart Smoke Survival

JUST OPENED │ Custom Mobs and Boss Events │ McMMO and Jobs │ Free Ranks │ Warm Community │

Welcome to
Dragon Shield 1.19

JUST OPENED │ Custom Mobs and Boss Events │ McMMO and Jobs │ Free Ranks │ Warm Community │ Minecraft Server
JUST OPENED │ Custom Mobs and Boss Events │ McMMO and Jobs │ Free Ranks │ Warm Community │ Minecraft Server
We’re one of the friendliest communities out there! We have a strict NO-TOXICITY policy which we enforce very carefully but effectively. Expect warm welcomes and honestly one of the best community experiences that you’ll ever go through. The community is warm, kind and welcoming.
JUST OPENED │ Custom Mobs and Boss Events │ McMMO and Jobs │ Free Ranks │ Warm Community │ Minecraft Server
PlayTime Ranks, what are they and how do they work? Well, here player I’ll answer your questions. Your rank gets upgraded while you’re playing, the more play time the better the rank! The ranks offer amazing kits and cool perks such as the back, feed, more homes, hats, and many others! What are you waiting for come collect them all!
Custom mobs, you might be asking yourself huh what do they even have to offer I’ve seen the same thing on a million servers before… Well we decided to be DIFFERENT! We offer you 20 + Cave Custom Mobs. They spawn below 60 and they sure pack a punch! Watchers, Smoke Demons, Dead Miners, Crawling Skellys and more awaits you in the deepest depths.
We organize weekly boss events! A premium dungeon experience like no other! Fight bosses with a complex attack system and 30+ abilities per boss! The loot is also great but first comes first served the one to get the last hit gets the rewards so be quick and be smart and enjoy your time as the main character on our server!
Our Custom Enchants system offers you not 100, not 200, but 300 ENCHANTS ! You can get them from enchanting normally at a table or you can buy them with EXP! From PVP to Mining enchants to even Effects we have it all! You’ll sure have fun using them we guarantee it!
We’re also looking for staff !

How to apply? Join the server ( and do the /apply command you will be taken to a place where you can write out your awesome application!

Position Spots Left :
Builders : 7
Helpers : 10
Mods : 10
Admins : 5
Developers : 3

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Popular Parkour Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!