

What is Phoxis?

Phoxis is a small and active Minecraft server with a close-knit community. We strive to enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience through the use of custom plugins, most notably our races plugin, which is currently unique to Phoxis, as well as our custom items and crafting recipes. We are currently running on Minecraft version 1.20.2!

How are we different from other Minecraft Servers?

Races! Do you ever feel bored of the vanilla Minecraft experience? On Phoxis, every player has the ability to change their race, providing a unique and customisable experience. Ranging from Vampires and Lycanthropes, to Angels and Demons, plus many, many more! Don’t worry, if this doesn't suit you, you can always choose the human race for a more vanilla-like experience.

Every race comes with its pros and cons. You can find them listed in the spawn or our discord server.

Other features

To make the players feel more immersed and connected, we incorporated the Towny plugin. Players are able to create towns and nations (if they are ambitious) and invite others to join them. In doing so, you can create alliances, start wars or simply provide a safe haven from those nasty mobs. Towny is also our main form of grief prevention and claiming builds!

Speaking of mobs, we also have custom mobs such as Orcs, Minotaurs and Hellhounds. We also have custom bosses, such as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, to name but a few. We have many more for you to experience and enjoy.


Most weeks we try to spice up the server by hosting events such as Hide-and-Seek and Boss Battles. Winners of these events are rewarded with awesome prizes, as well as all participants who took part in the event! If I were you, I would try and take part in all of these events! We also host "The End Fight" monthly, which is a reset of the end that allows players to kill the ender dragon and fight to the death for the egg, which is used in mythical crafting recipes!

Current plugins

Plugins include economy, Towny and multiple dimensions such as the resource world and Nether dimensions. There is also a more exotic world called the Elysium. If you have questions about our plugins, you can ask them in the discord server!



Hope you enjoy the server!

Adminshops Chestshops Dynmap Economy Geopolitics Lands Playershops Politics Pvp Roleplay Semivanilla Shops Survival Worldbuilding

Cubixity – Worldbuilding | GeoPolitics | Roleplay | Java AND Bedrock

Welcome to Cubixity!

We are a newly formed worldbuilding server that is focused on building history. This server promises minimal admin intervention, and when needed, a friendly, unbiased staff team. Come join Cubixity and experience a true worldbuilding server. There are no weird plugins, this is a pure worldbuilding

Become a powerful king ruling an empire spanning the globe, become a humble bartender, become a rich merchant and travel the world, or become a bum living in the slums of your local town.

What we offer:

A server at the beginning of history : This is a newly formed server that was only launched a few days ago. You will be apart of the early historical periods of this server

Lands: Used to claim your builds, for diplomacy with other nations and Wars.

Brewery: Get drunk, brew your own potions and much more!

The freedom of worldbuilding : You are able to do almost anything you desire in this server, as is worldbuilding.

Documented history : There will be a wiki page for the server, ran by the historians guild. By simply participating in the server you are adding to the collective history of the server.





Hello there adventurer!


Are you a big fan of potatoes and McMMO?
Look no further! Spuds is the perfect server for you.

At Spuds we have McMMO, land claims, rewards, markets and creative. We also allow bugs and duping, so there's nothing stopping you from making that big farm!

The server is hosted on a dedicated server to ensure we are having a lag-free experience.

I hope to see you there,

Fred with staff

Fighting Gen Generator Gens Pvp Survival


Zonegens is the coolest Gen / PVP server on minecraft!
in this server you can mine blocks to earn materials and eventually upgrade them to become the strongest. Watch out though, PVP is ON!


Turtle’s Crossing

Turtle's Crossing is a freebuild Java creative server on 1.21 large biomes world generation.

We welcome all kinds of builders, and look to create a community where members can relax and enjoy building without having to worry about complex tiers or thematic restrictions.

We have temporary Bedrock access as well until the Bedrock updates start going faster than what we can do.
We also have quite a few Holdfast players right now if you're interested.


Altitude Community


Our Website:

Our Rules:

Our Discord:

Blog/ News:

Who are we?

Altitude is a community-centered survival network. We're one of those servers you come to call "home". We are your place to get together with friends and relax. Survival is our focus, with a few features suggested by the community to make things more interesting! We originally opened in 2015 and we've started a new world for every major Minecraft release since then, excluding 1.16. Altitude is intended for older players, but all are welcome!


  • 1.20.x Survival Map
  • Land claiming with GriefPrevention
  • Basic teleportation (/home and /back)
  • McMMO & MyPet
  • Dynmap (
  • Economy with player shops
  • Custom warp plugin for towns
  • Monthly server events

We also have a huge list of custom features, most of which was suggested by our community, and built in house

Come join our community today!

(If you wish to contact us, please do so though the discord or the website, not this account. Thanks!)

Bedrockjavacrossplay Fun Nogrief Proximitychat Smp Survival Vanilla

Vanilla Habits (bedrock support)

Vanilla Habits

Server IP:
(bedrock Support)

About Server: Vanilla Habits is a of course NEW vanilla, peaceful and friendly server for you and your friends to come explore,create and enjoy. Toxicity, greifing and hacking are not allowed in server to allow players to have the most peaceful experience. 

We Have a few features to enchance your fun yet keep the minecraft vanilla, Our server Has bedrock support so you can invite friends to explore with ! in addition to that we also have Proximity chat (requires discord )
which is optional
Server IP:



Hi all. Some of you might reminisce about the 2012's and fond memories of a Golden Age.

I'm hosting an Epic Reunion atm and looking for old and new retrocrafters from that time known as EpiCraft. But I renamed it….EpiCraft! 🤓

Ip was is

Bedrock only port 25565

I've had my fair share of mental health blues so this server is dedicated to supporting that exactly. I'm intending to seek a NFP status (free paid for by sponsors).

So, butterflies aside. I'll be online for a bit. As you enter the lobby, have a looky but what I'd really like is to have you test /server Adventures which was built by MadPankace and is free to play. Chat is disabled for now so join on discord and you can join the feedback channel. As a thank you, I'll give out premium ranks (if I'm not on please leave a comment) which you can keep for ever.

It's not all assembled. Please and thank you for your patience. Stick around though! Because we will be 😊🙏🎈💸😉😂💎 Regards, Wornox

Launch Trailer

Survival Multiplayer

The Enderman Society Season 6! ┊Hermitcraft-like Semi Vanilla SMP ┊JAVA 1.21

The Enderman Society Season 6! ┊Hermitcraft-like Semi Vanilla SMP ┊JAVA 1.21
Welcome to The Enderman Society MC!

We will launch Season 6 on the 5th of July 2024

We are driven to provide a friendly, engaging and fair Minecraft community for everyone. Our server is intended to be a place to have fun alone or with your friends.We are a Minecraft semi-vanilla server with a friendly community, districts and big projects in mind. We aim to offer a true-to vanilla survival experience, adding a few quality of life vanilla-tweaks.

  • Friendly & helpful community with over 200 members!
  • PVP is toggleable
  • Gaming & Shopping District (currency being diamonds)
  • Whitelist Only
  • Live Map of our 20k x 20k Map
  • Grief protection against griefers and hackers!
  • Come join us today and meet our awesome community! Join us on Discord!



    ZillaSMP; Kingdoms and Politics

    ZillaSMP is a Western European themed medieval roleplay SMP with kingdoms, naval warfare, tradable currency, and light RPG mechanics. It's almost like an entirely new game inside of Minecraft! (no mods are required to join)

    ZillaSMP is set in a time between King Alfred the Great's death, and the formation of England; just as King Alfred's kingdom of Wessex took its last stand against the vikings. It's not intended to be 100% historically or geographically accurate, it’s meant to serve as a playable “alternate timeline” that is written through player actions and roleplay.

    As with any roleplay server, there are many different roles you can choose or be selected for; knight, pirate, viking, lord, liege, etc. There are many kingdoms spread out in ZillaSMP’s 20k by 20k sized map; allowing chances for trade, war, conflict, and negotiations.


    • Different medieval faction types, like kingdoms, knighthoods, trade guilds, and viking tribes
    • A feudalistic hierarchy and land claim system
    • Lorewhich is written through player roleplay
    • Proximity-based voice chat
    • An RPG mob leveling system based on experience
    • Tradable currency and chest shops
    • Cannons
    • Real boats that you can build, captain, and attach cannons to
    • Real tactical planning and defense building

    More Information

    To learn more about ZillaSMPplease check out our gameplay guide!

    ZillaSMP Gameplay Guide:

    How to Join

    To join ZillaSMPplease join our Discord server and follow the instructions in the ZillaSMP Info channel!

    ZillaSMP Discord:


    Galactic Arcania

    🛸🌕 Galactic Arcania: Modded Survival 🚀✨

    Welcome to the Cosmos!

    From sailing the seven seas, venturing the depths of the void, exploring and harnessing the realms of magic, exploring the deepest and darkest dungeons, building vast industrial complexes, to venturing into the edges of the galaxy, a mysterious realm awaits you.

    Galactic Arcania is a newly-released modded survival server. While our server theme is after space exploration, we feature a diverse, balanced, custom kitchen sink modpack with features such as tech, industry, exploration, magic, building, and so forth.


    Full Modlist


    Other Features

    • PvE, no raiding or griefing
    • Clans
    • More than 300 Biomes and 70 Dimensions
    • Continental World Generation
    • No Pay2Win Benefit
    • Discord Integration
    • Chill, non-toxic community

    Planned Features
    * Custom dimensions



    ️Attention 18+ means 18+ Please be 18 or older! It should go without saying, but apparently these disclaimers are never enough.

    We are a longstanding SMP with currently over a dozen active players and we are looking for more! A few players have been there since the early days, others since last year, and a few joined only recently.

    • Overview

      Our main guideline to leave the "meta" of pure Vanilla survival as unaltered as possible (for a public server).

      The only 3 plugins that interfere with this are:

      GriefPrevention, a sleep voting plugin, and player item shops for trading. That means as many features from other plugins you know from other servers are absent by design and won't be added. There are two ranks "new" and "player"they do not give any benefits. You can not buy "power" for real money here and we have no adminshops. Everything on the map was build and farmed in survival.



    • No Warps, No /tpa, No /sethome

    • No (Mojang) chat reports

    • No McMMO or alike, No donation perks or any such frills

    • The world will never reset

    • Land claiming

    • Player trading via signs (No adminshops)

    • 20% of player need to sleep to skip the night

    • All made in survival, including spawn area, etc

    • Lots of public farms.

      Rules: TL;DR: Be reasonable and don't be a dick.

    • Community

      What you have read so far sounds like your cup of tea? Well then you may fit right in. Laid back rules, a close knit community, having some events from time to time, and there is always something you can help with. Staff and ohter players are usually available to help you. Need help digging? Just died far away? Raid an Ocean Monument? No problem! We also have a Hermitcraft-like shop area for players using a trade shop plugin.

    • Gameplay

      This is supposed to feel like a vanilla server. The default currency is diamonds. This is not enforced its just what everyone uses. No warps, you have to walk, fly by Elytra, or set up infrastructure such as piston bolts or blue ice highways. You can focus on long term projects, take your time, because we NEVER RESET the map. Megabases welcome. Leave for months, pick right up where you left.
      In +7 years time we built a lot of farms and infrastructure. This makes it a lot easier to get going early in the game, especially for endgame players. But fear not, there is always need for expanding upon whats already there.

      The spawn city is protected. Areas there are released for community builds. Outside the city you can build your own base(s). You will get more claimblocks during play.

    • Specs & Plugins

      Hosted in Germany with 128GB Ram, a Intel i9-9900k, and 1TB NVMe SSD; the server runs on Paper. Regarding updates we don't always run the latest version but we plan to update to every major release eventually. In case an update brings a big change in world generation (e.g. 1.18) we delete chunks that have been loaded less than 5 minutes. Meaning someone likely just passed by while exploring.

      For land claiming we use GriefPrevention, which lets you protect areas you selected with a golden shovel. You can allow certain or all players to build and or access chests/buttons, on your claim. It also protects your claims and the worlds surface from creepers. Then there is also a chest shop plugin. You can use iron nuggets to create villager-like trades. You can do this anywhere, but its recommended to do this in the shopping area or your claim. Harbor is a plugin which skips the night, if 20% or more players are in bed. Lastly there is one that lets you rotate Glazed Terracotta.

      Additionally we have some datapacks and tweaks: Ghasts don't break blocks. You can silent mobs by naming them "silent" (undo with "unsilent"). Your 1st kill of the Enderdragon gets you an Elytra. Craftable Enchanted Golden Apples. Hermitcraft posable Armorstands. Some recipes have been tweaked (bone blocks directly from bones, recolor glass,… )

    Community Crates Economy Griefprotection Landclaim Smp Spawnershop Sur Survival

    new crossplay server! Overcraft survival SMP

    Looking to create an active community within this Minecraft server.

    have a discord server to accompany this and I’m actively taking in members and listening to community feedback and suggestions.

    we have an economy going with a server shop to buy items you may need aswell as selling items you farm. Player stores are also on going aswell as crates.

    land claims are available so you can be sure your hard work is protected. We have pvp however as it stands we are generally a peaceful server :)

    I hope to see you online soon




    port: 25578


    Alathra: New Frontiers

    Alathra: New Frontiers

    A Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay Server.




    Alathra is one of the top searched and played world building server in the world! Maybe you are looking to join one of the grand towns and nations across Alathra. Maybe you want to start your own in undeveloped land. Perhaps your goal is to master trade and become a wealthy merchant. What about starting your own player-run guild, or starting a new religion? Maybe you just want to be a hermit and live alone on a mountain.

    All of this is possible on Alathra because here players tell the story. Alathra is full of characters, nations, cultures, and organizations. Many battles and wars have been fought. There are heroes, there are villains, and plenty that fall somewhere in between. Will you make your mark on the history of Alathra? Start your journey today!

    Key Features:


    Create towns and cities with your friends or join an existing one. With Towny you can claim areas to build safely and store your items. Start a large nation with sprawling cities or create a small farming village. The sky is the limit!

    Lore, RP & Worldbuilding

    One of the key gameplay aspects of Alathra is its lore, roleplay (RP) and geopolitics. The community is constantly creating captivating lore and RP including player-run organizations, events, and religions, as well as conflicts and wars. In Alathra you can create your own unique story, which is bound to intertwine with the stories of others.

    Custom World

    The map of Alathra is completely custom, designed from scratch using a combination of tools to encourage exploration trade and geopolitics. The world consists of continents separated by oceans and is divided into four temperature zones. Along with enhancements to vanilla biomes, the map also includes many new biomes such as red sand deserts, tropical beaches, calcite mountains, giant spruce forests, mangrove islands, prairies, steppes and more! There are also landmarks that can be found throughout the map including volcanoes, salt flats and underground rivers.

    Custom Plugins

    Alathra has its own dedicated team of developers who are consistently develop new plugins and features that give Alathra a unique feel that we guarantee you won't find on other servers. Some examples include lockpicking, a custom war system, character cards, medieval weapons, a fast travel port system, regional resources and so much more!


    Movecraft is a plugin that allows you to create moveable ships, from small fishing boats to large Man o' Wars! Fill your ships with chests for trade or line them with cannons for war. The version of Movecraft Alathra uses is also specifically written and configured to allow for naval combat.


    The Brewery plugin allows you to create many different interesting brews as well as the many custom brews that have been made by players. Become your town's barkeeper! Experiment to see how many of hundreds of custom brews you can discover.

    Custom Mobs and Animals

    We have quite a few custom passive and aggressive mobs, including sharks, giant squid, deer, elephants, moles and boars.

    Custom Nether Mobs and Biomes

    Recently reset our custom nether features uniquely created biomes and custom nether mobs including the Gargoyle, Nether Leech, Hell Hounds and Imps.



    MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players since our launch in 2010.

    Join the third longest running survival SMP today!

    Join up today, and become an early member of the next generation MineRealm community!

    About MineRealm:

    From the creator of the Core Protect plugin! We've been up and running since Oct 28, 2010, making us the third longest running legit survival SMP server ever.

    We strive to keep core gameplay as close to vanilla as possible, while adding on additional (and fully optional) meta-gameplay.

    We offer a legit gameplay experience, where no items or blocks have ever been spawned in by a staff member. You won’t find a pre-built hub on MineRealm!

    All additional gameplay features on the server are custom-coded, as well as our well known grief prevention system, CoreProtect. We also offer a custom land protection system, which allows the server to remain virtually grief-free.

    If you haven't already, please be sure to join our Discord Server. We’d love to hear your ideas for the future of MineRealm.

    For more information about the server, check out this forum post.

    See you in game!

    Casual Chill Hangout Mcmmo Needplayers Survival

    💮Midnight Oasis💮

    Come join The Midnight Oasis for a relaxing server that is non-toxic and full of friendly members.

    What do we offer? Good question. We offer the following…

    🎉 Server Events
    ⚔️ McMMO to level up skills & abilities
    📺 Art gallery full of fun pictures
    💵 Player-Driven Economy
    🤝 Partnerships with other servers to expand our community
    😻 Pet Channels
    🎮 Custom Items
    💟 Special Roles For Content Creators
    🎇 And more…

    So why not join our server and see for yourself?


    Smart Cookies SMP

    Welcome to the Smart Cookies SMP (also known as the SCSMP)!! A community full of history, rivalries, wars, and alliances! Join us as we venture into a new arc we have decided to call The Return of Shadows. With this arc, we venture into unknown lands within Salvaris, trying to piece the lore together little by little. Whether you choose to venture alone, join a guild, or form your own, you will write your own story in the Salvarian textbooks!

    Some features we boast about:

    Dynmap: live map of the world with the option to /hide

    Stackable items

    Extensive story to keep you entertained

    And many more custom content like custom generated terrain

    We hope to see you around as we venture into this new world. Whether it be through builds, pvp, storytelling, or anything of the like, we would love to see you join us!

    If you’re interested in joining, here's our discord:


    Rat Empire!

    Hey guys! So once a year my friend and I decide to open a whitelist Minecraft server that we run until everyone gets bored (usually lasts many months, but we’d love to keep it alive forever if everyone keeps playing!)

    Now, we usually reserve the server to closer friends and people we already know well. However, this year we’re a little low on players, and so we’d like to invite some new faces to the server!

    Some info on the server:
    – The server will be running on the latest version.
    – Everyone in the server is over 18, and we’d like to keep it that way.
    – The server runs on 10GB of Ram, enough to make some fun machines and farms (although we do try to keep things compact).
    – The server is located in the EU.
    – We don’t run any mods (this could change).
    – We run a few plugins and data packs (such as extra mob heads, multiplayer sleep, more shulker pieces, etc.)
    – We have no griefing rules and make sure everyone in the server feels safe and welcome, we stay clear of any toxicity.
    – Incase of bad apples, we always back up the server twice a day for security.

    The server has already been open for a month and we have a few farms up such as villager trading halls, iron farms, end grinder, gunpowder farm and so on.

    If you’re interested in joining or want to ask any questions, please add me on discord and we can talk there! my username is: beyblademaster



    The server has just gone live last week and is now open for everyone!

    If you’re looking for a recently refurbished, but long standing community SMP, Emperix is the place to go! Equipped with a brand new, and genuinely active Discord server, EmperixSMP is a Vanilla+ SMP that focuses on quality of life, and the community, than it does anything else! Whether you prefer a vanilla experience or something more customized, this server caters to both preferences. Enjoy pure vanilla gameplay without any distractions, or explore our enhanced features for a unique twist on your gaming experience. Our focus is to bring a world where it will remain unaffected by resets for a large period of time, preserving your progress no matter which path you choose. This server will focus on making large builds or accomplishing large goals without the fear of a server reset anytime soon.

    If anyone has any questions, or want to know more technical details about what’s included please direct them to the new Discord Server linked below, and the staff (myself included) will answer happily answer any questions!

    How to Join:

    Join our Discord: Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft veteran or someone seeking a welcoming community, EmperixSMP offers a hospitable haven for all.




    Technical survival server, latest Java and Bedrock version, focused on community for both non-premium and premium players. There are cool new items and dynamics that will make your experience special! The optional Texturepack includes custom skins, new items and mobs. You will also find Dungeons with special bosses, unique items and custom weapons! And we have a creative world! The staff is very active, and is always working to fix any problems or questions that arise. Don't hesitate to talk to them! The community is waiting for you!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!