Active Allowed Amazing Arena Build Cities City Community Creative Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Free Grief Hack Hacks Lag Mod New Old Play Player Players Pvp Rank Ranks Server Spawn Staff Survival Multiplayer Town Towns War Website Wns



Server Introduction

The Rules
MCToday has similar rules to pretty much every other server, we expect you to respect our rules in order to play the server.
1) Do not use inappropriate language anywhere on the server or website.
2) Do not be racist, sexual or offensive to other players.
3) Do not grief outside of factions.
4) Respect other players to be respected.
5) Do not spam anywhere on the server or website, spamming includes CAPS.
6) Do not use any hacks or cheats. (Nodus is an example)
7) Do not bug other players for stuff or items.
8) Do not ask for ranks, items, cash, EXP or creative mode. We do not give stuff out for free.
9) You are allowed to steal from chests if the user didn’t bother to lock it.
10) You should only free build outside of the spawn city gates.

We look forward to seeing you on the server! -Staff

Active Ass Aus Bukkit Class Com Economy Gaming Kit Kitpvp Lmao Ming Mini Games Play Pvp Survival

Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !
Bukkit 24/7 Come play !

Active Build Bukkit Cat Chat Claim Clan Class Craft Economy Enjin Features Forums Free Gaming Ill Join King Kit Land Mod Play Pro Rey Rules Server Servers Spawn Straight Stream Survival Tech Technic Towny Twitch Vanilla Voice Website


Come check out any of our servers! They all work on a Grey-list feature, meaning you can log into the servers, move around, test the latency, and check out spawn, all without being white-listed. Once you are registered and promoted to member on our site, you can build, claim land, and use the numerous features that set us apart from other servers. If you are looking to go straight for the application page, you can find it at

Make sure to check out our Guide to Oni, listing the rules, features, and other info regarding our servers. You can find it at

Use the IP(s) below to log in!
OniCraft Server IP: (Free to play Bukkit Vanilla)
OniTech Server IP: (Free to play Technic Mod-Pack)
Mumble IP: (Free to use Voice Chat)
Website: (Free to use WebsiteForums)
Server Stream:

Action Claim Class Crack Cracked Craft Cube Eco Econ Econom Economy Fac Faction Factions Gaming Grief Ill Inecraft Kill Lag Land Land Claim Make Mine Minecraft Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Tea Team Website Whitelist


Factions | PVP | 24/7 | Ranks | Economy| 1.6.4 | Geen Lagg | Shop | Geen Whitelist |

Factions is een plugin en een serverstijl. Met Factions kan je zelf een faction (team) maken, en daarmee land claimen. Daarna is het mogelijk om andere factions aan te vallen, en land over te claimen. De server is ook cracked voor leden die Minecraft niet gekocht hebben.

Daarom is killen, scammen en griefen bij ons toegestaan. Zie voor meer informatie onze website,


1.16 Active Anarchy Ass Class Com Death Eat Hot Ill Lmao New Pit Play Pve Pvp Shot Snap Snapshot Survival Vanilla

True Vanilla

True Vanilla 1.16 Snapshot. NEW.

Play with us at:

Action Ark Ass Blo Blood Class Com Community Craft End Enjin Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Follow Friend Friendly Ftp Ming Mmu New Noop Ommunity Open Park Parkour Pvp Raft Riendly Server Style


Faction PvP Parkour MA friendly community and a lot more comming for our new server


Active Age Ass Ban Banned Best Build Claim Claiming Class Com Craft Enjoy Erver Exp Experience Grief Griefing Join Laim Land Limits Make Mall Ming Owner Pve Ran Rules Rust Server Small Smp Survival Tea Trust


A small SMP server!
Just your average SMP, but more trusting. Instead of claiming land you can build wherever you want with no limits! All griefers are permbanned, so you don’t have to worry about griefing! If you do see a griefer, report them using /mail to the owner, SaltMKII. Make sure to type /rules when you join to guarantee you have the best experience possible.
Come join the server, enjoy!

Ace Active Ars Art Ass Chill Class Com Community End Erver Friendly Hill Ice Ill King Looking Mcmmo Nice Old Online Place Play Player Players Plot Plots Relax Relaxed Riendly Roleplay Rvival Server Survival Time Wild

Konsider Friendly Survival Server

Are you looking for a friendly, quiet, relaxed place to chill out and do some Survival with other nice players? You’ve come to the right place! 😀

Server is back online after 5 years, and many of the old players are returning! Come and be a part of the friendly community!

We currently have Survival Plots, and Survival in the wild, but more things will be getting added over time! 😀

Come and say “hi”!


Ability Active Ass Auction Claim Clan Clans Class Com Create Economy Erver Free House Ill Item Join Laim Land Lit New Nick Nline Online Ops Play Player Players Pro Pvp Ree Rvival Server Shop Shops Survival Vanilla

Survival Central come join

Survival Central is a PvP survival server with the ability to create clans and claim land. We have auction house, improved vanilla pvp, item shops, and more. Free /nick new players. ONLINE 24/7, NO BS.

Ass Class Craft Creative Eat Elf Erver Follow Inecraft Join Ken Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Land Lands Mine Minecraft Nederland Nederlands Nederlandse Noop Open Prison Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sit Site Style Super Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Website

TraanCraft Netwerk [1.9 – 1.15

TraanCraft is een super gezellige Nederlandse Minecraft Server.
Wij hebben voor onze spelers Survival, Creative, Prison en KitPvP. En nog veel meer op de server.
Kom het zelf eens bekijken.
join onze server via het ip:
En je kan ook onze website


Action Active Ars Ban Beta Class Economy Edm Erver Fac Faction Factions Ill Join Kit Kitpvp Kywars Mcmmo New Parkour Play Player Players Pvp Rank Rewards Ring Server Sky Skywars Special Town Towny War Wars Who


BanishedMC is a newly-returning factions, kitpvp, skywars, and towny server that is currently in beta! 1.12+ can join. Players who join during the beta will get the special Beta Tester rank, as well as other special rewards.

Active Admin Admins Auction Chestshop Class Craft Create Economy Essentials Fun Game Games Home Hub Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games New Old Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Server Shop Sign Spawn Survival Town Towny Vanilla World

Bambinoes Survival

Bambinoes Survival 1.15 is a new survival server designed to feel like the old days of vanilla Minecraft. Owned by an experienced group of server owners and former admins, our goal is to create a server where everything is player made and player driven.

We have no hub world or mini games, a completely homemade spawn, and plenty of fun plugins to enhance the experience of the player. Some plugins are Towny, Essentials, ChestShop, Bounties, Auction, and a few others here and there.

Anyone is welcome here, but older players should definitely feel at home. Join today!

Active Ass Blo Block Class Crate Crates Day Eat Features Hard Join King Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Kits Land Lands Make Open Pvp Rat Rates Real Remake Rvival Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Today Ush


Join FakeVadedLands today for a remake of FakeVadedLands! We have KitPvP, and are trying really hard to get Survival and Skyblock out and open. We have working crates, kits, and are really attempting to push out more features.

Ace Active Ark Build Class Com Community Custom Enchant Enchants Erver Extreme Features Item Items King Looking Mad Market Mature Mcmmo Mmo Online Ops Play Player Relax Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Tea This Town Towny


If you’re looking for a place to relax and build a town with mature kind-hearted community then you found your place. We made this server something where you could relax as you drink your morning tea and play. We have a extremely active and close community!!Brief list of features:
– Towny
– Custom Items
– Custom Enchants
– Complete player market
– Server shops
– Active staff and community!We hope to see you online! Here’s some useful commands:


Action Actions Ass Blo Block Class Cloud Com End Erver Everything Fac Faction Factions Follow Friend Friends Gaming Hub Mine Ming Noop Open Pro Riends Server Sky Skyblock Spleef Style


A server that tries to provide you MineClouder, with the ease of gaming with your friends. Everything from Spleef to Factions and Sg to Skyblock.


Action Active Best Class Com Eco Economy Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Family Growing Ice Join King Mad Mcmmo New Play Pro Pve Pvp Quest Quests Release Released Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Server Staff Survival

Asteria Mc

A New Released Server! Made For The Members!
We are a growing server, that are taking in all advice and providing the best experience for you.
-Active Staff

Join and become a part of the family!

Active Best Biomes Boss Bosses Class Classes Com Custom Dungeon Dungeons Economy Element Elements Enchant Enchants Erver Exp Experience Fun Geo Join King Magic Mob Mobs One Play Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rpg Rvival Server Staff Survival

Crescent Dungeons

Crescent Dungeons is a survival server that combines regular survival with RPG elements. It includes custom biomes, magic, custom enchants, custom bosses, custom mobs, and dungeons. However, we do not have quests or classes. We have active staff always making sure everyone is having the best experience. Come join us and have fun!

Active Ass Bat Battle Build City Class Com Creative Emo Erver Join Ken List Mon Mud Pack Pixelmon Poke Pokemon Private Server Tech Technic Train


PokeNexus private server come join the battle! You can train your pokemon and build your own city! There is a technic mudpack listed.

Active Art Ass Block Class Com Community Craft Custom Customized Day Economy Erver Inecraft Infinite Join King Looking Mcmmo Mcserver Mine Minecraft New Play Player Players Pve Pvp Rvival Server Servers Sky Skyblock Star Start Survival Today Towny

Infinite MC Servers

Infinite Minecraft Servers offers both a fully customized skyblock and survival server. New startup looking for a community of players. Join today.

Active Ass Class End Erver Essential Essentials Event Friend Friendly Grief Griefprevention Hut Insta Mine Minehut Prevention Riendly Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tall This


MCCQ is a friendly survival server. In this server, we have griefprevention and Essentials installed.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Parkour. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!