A Minecraft Ace Bcraft Bringing Cross-Play Eth Make Oneblock Parkour Place Ring Rings Skyblock Survival Together


ArCraft is a Minecraft server bringing players together in one place. Join our community and make new friends to play with! ArabCraft is a Minecraft server that brings players together in one place. Join our community and make new friends to play with

Bedrock Edition Cross-Play Default Edit Edition Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft Bedrock Edition Pve Pvpve Roleplay Smp Minecraft Survival Vanilla Vpv Waste


Vanilla SMP minecraft server
with no modififcations affecting our gameplay.

Join us now.

Friendly community, anti grief, PvPvE, cool updates, etc.
(Also you can join us from minecraft bedrock edition with default bedrock port!)

Bank Black Economy Gui Indonesia Mci Mini Games Pvp Quests Sts Survival Survival Games Trade Trades Uests


Survival Server From Indonesia With Some Features
Play With Friends or find your friend HERE!
– Custom GUI
– Quests
– Shop
– Bank
– Trades

Default Economy Falco Falcon Lets Mca Mechanics Modded Modpack Networks Parkour Show Survival Survival Games Vanilla


Hello, welcome to Falcon SMP or FG-Networks. we provide you with a friendly SMP. We offer both normal and modded SMP. The normal survival allows you to play the default survival with normal minecraft experience, where as the modded one contains some mods that enhances the minecraft mechanics and gameplay. You could get the modpack from our discord so make sure to join it. Also we provide a 24/7 server so you can join it anytime you want. And yes cracked players can play too. Make sure to join the server and show us some support. We really want player who wanna play SMP, Lets make a SMP full of joy, peace and beauty. 🙂

Anarchy Apply Arena Auctions Bar Cross-Play Economy Factions Mcmmo Moba Mobarena Modern Pvp Raiding Referral

RivalMC Factions

McMMO Crates Auctions Referrals Economy MobArena Much More

A modern Factions with classic building and features.
Rival Factions is a new server that offers a great experience for everyone.

We hope to see you soon!
We are currently looking for staff, join our discord to apply!
Be sure to join our Discord and refer friends for free rewards!
Vote for our server daily to earn rewards!

Based Borders Browser Chunks Dynamic Dynamicmap Dynmap Earth Smp Earthmap Earthserver Earthsurvival Fewrules Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival

A building survival

A survival server hosted on that’s based off a high-scale map of the Earth with nation’s borders intact and has the Towny plugin for players to claim chunks of land. It’s an Earth SMP type of server with very few rules.

There is a dynamic map generated with Dynmap and hosted on the server’s address in your browser.

Make sure to join our Discord server in order to get together with the community.

Buy Economy Growing Kits Minecraft Survival Park Parkour Pride Pvp Raiding Survival Une Vice Youtube Youtube Rank

Tunes Craft

Tunes Craft is a new pride to the Minecraft Survival and PvP Community. Our server is newly emerging but rapidly growing. We offer many services like Parkour, Youtube Rank, Buyable Kits and Ranks. Join us today!

Aim Clip Clips Eren Esp Helpful Kind Nite Perfect Place Special Survival Towny Vanilla Who


Server community that aims to unite the players with all the server staff without differences of any kind, eclipse is a perfect place to create new friends especially with the staff who are very kind and helpful

Crystalgems Diamonds Display Galactic Kagic Kagicmod Mages Modded Server Moddedserver Planets Steve Steven Stevenuniverse Stevenuniverserp Survival

Galactic Union

Welcome to Galactic Union, a modded server themed on Steven Universe show and Kagic.

Our server has MANY features, including:

  • Extensive lore
  • More than 20+ mods and keep adding more!
  • More than 5 solar systems in them +15 planets!
  • Diamonds get a mural, it changes every time they discover a planet
  • The images displayed on this page show off our spawn!

    If you want to join our community or would like more information, join our Discord server!

    080 Discord Follow Mus Nline Noop Official Online Pain Project Smp Spain Survival Verified Whitelist

    SpainCraft [an r/Spain project]

    Official minecraft community server r/Spain (1.18)

    In order to play on our survival server you must be a member of our Discord and be verified.
    We also have a Map in real time.

    Cross-Play Economy Elytra Enchants Holiday Lore No Griefing Oli Perma Roleplay Structure Structures Survival Vanilla Wings


    Perma-Elytra | Lore | Custom Structures | Custom Enchants | Toggle PVP | No Griefing | Active and friendly staff | Holiday Events!

    Basics Currency Exchange Impossible Islands Ksi Let's Ortal Perk Perks Portal Portals Simply Skyblock Skyblocks

    Single Skyblock

    Let’s get back to the basics. Have you noticed that you get on any given Minecraft Server and your chances of rising to the top are impossible due to P2W BS?

    This server will never exchange perks for money. Anything on the server can be bought with in game currency.

    Simply hop on the server, type /is and get started. For available commands type /is help.

    Nether and End portals can be built which connect to corresponding islands.

    There are no staff, so don’t ask for staff.

    Mods can be used on your island that don’t harm the server.

    Address Big Cross-Play Economy Gamemodes Goal Growing Hey Mcmmo Mini Games New Minecraft Pvp Skyblock Survival Tip



    Hey You! Do you want to come play on a new Minecraft Community Server?
    Well then I would recommend this server for you! Come see what we got.
    Shocwave is a growing Minecraft Server, with a goal to become a big Network!
    Soon we offer multiple gamemodes for you players to play and enjoy.

    Server Name – SHOCKWAVE
    IP Address –
    Version – 1.18
    Discord –

    Chant Crate Crates Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Grape Lit Little Love Lovely Mcmmo Rap Rates Skyblock

    Little Grape

    Little Grape is a Skyblock Server
    It Has Crates and Custom Enchantments And A Very Lovely Community!
    It Is Not 24/7 Server but Soon will be a 24/7 Server!

    Abilities Active Staff Auctions Classes Economy Enchantment Giveaway Giveaways Mcmmo Minecraft Java Origin Pve Survival Towny Vanilla

    Origin Network

    A large & friendly community ⭐ 24/7 Minecraft Java Survival Server ⭐ Quests⭐ Giveaways⭐ Dungeons⭐ Auctions⭐ Crates⭐ Economy ⭐ Pets ⭐ ACTIVE STAFF ⭐ ACTIVE COMMUNITY ⭐ NO PAY TO WIN⭐ Survival ⭐ Custom Skills ⭐ Custom Enchantments ⭐ Custom Abilities ⭐ Custom Classes ⭐ ⭐

    Ask Comp Complet Complete Do Not Lea Lin Mpl Nline Online Please Quest Survival Tim Time

    RB Survival

    This is a survival server this server is incomplete so please do not be rude if you have any questions you may ask i will be online most of the time

    1.18 1.18.2 8.2 Adult Back Better Better Minecraft Civ Enviro Enviroment Link Minecraft 1.18 Nks Rome Survival

    We Slinks

    Slinks play Better Minecraft 1.18.2
    Make new friends, laid back enviroment, Adult like enviroment…
    Please be 18+ or act civil like.
    Join us on our discord server @

    Ali End Ends Fin Find Free Friend Friends Fun Mc Server Ree Riends Skyblock Survival Whitelist


    This is a new Mc server in which you will be able to find new friends and have fun !!!

    Arena Box Buy Ffa Hut Kitpvp Minehut Mining Pvp Rce Resource Resources Survival Sus Versus

    Boxed Versus

    Boxed Versus is a PvP and Mining based game-mode.
    Acquire resources, buy gear and fight other players in the FFA arena!

    4 Players Bedrock Edition Bedwars Cross-Play Destroying Economy Floating Generator Glide Mini Games Pvp Respawn Spoke Survival Teleportation


    OpasMC is a Finnish Minecraft server where you can currently play Survival and Bedwars. In addition, the main site (hub) of the server has a Liito mini-game and a PvP area where players can fight each other. You can also join the server in Bedrock Edition using and port 25684.

    OpasMC’s Survival is a game format similar to Minecraft’s original Survival game format, with some added features that make it easier and better to play on the server, such as OpasMC’s own trading, market and auction system, in-game money, area protection system, home teleportation and more. a tpa system that allows players to teleport.

    In OpasMC’s bedwars, teams of 1-4 players battle each other on islands floating in the air. Each team has its own team island with a team bed, a resource generator, and shops. The goal of the team is first to destroy the beds on the islands of the opposing teams, allowing members of the opposing teams to be reborn when they die. After destroying the bed of the opposing team, the goal is to kill all the members of the opposing team once and for all. When only one team member is left in the game, the game ends and the remaining team wins.

    Please note that the language spoken on this server is Finnish. OpasMC is a Finnish Minecraft server where you can currently play Survival and Bedwars. In addition, there are Glide mini game and a PvP area at the hub of the server. You can also join the server in Bedrock Edition using and port 25684.

    OpasMC’s Survival is a game mode similar to Minecraft’s original Survival game mode, with some additional features that make it easier and better to play, such as OpasMC’s own store, market and auction system, in-game money, area protection system, home teleportation system and tpa system that makes it possible to teleport to other players.

    In OpasMC’s bedwars, teams of one to four players battle each other on islands floating in the air. Each team has its own team island with a team bed, a resource generator, and shops. The goal of the team is to destroy the beds on the islands of the opposing teams. After destroying the bed of a opposing team, the goal is to kill all the members of the opposing team once and for all. Unless their team bed is destroyed, players will be respawned when they die. When members of only one team are left in the game, the game ends and the remaining team wins.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!