Age Ass Bed Class Craft Dom Elf Elo Erver Follow Host Hosting Join King Kingdom Kit Lag Love Nks Noop Open Pvp Raft Ran Rank Ranks Server Sit Site Style Website


Een geweldige server gehost door freaze hosting, deze host is geweldig en beloofd geen lagg.
Ciasocraft is een kingdom server maar ook met kit pvp. Dus even geen zin in kingdom? Dan ga je lekker kit pvpen.
Join nu, en we beloven u een geweldig avontuur in Ciasocraft. Ps. De kingdom ranks zijn zelf bedacht en dus niet nage-aapt van de echte kingdom.


Active Ass Class Craft Custom Inecraft Job Jobs Mine Minecraft Mmo Ops Pve Pvp Raft Rvival Shop Shops Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter Tom


UtterNERD MMO, Jobs, Custom Shops, PVP, PVE, Survival

Action Actions Active Arena Arenas Ass Ball Cat Class Craft Dedi Dedicated Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Join Mod Moderator Moderators Pain Paint Paintball Play Player Players Pvp Rust Server Survival Multiplayer Trust Wild Wilderness World Worlds

PVP Craft

Join our server! Factions, paintball, wilderness and fun moderators!
We have a fun server with 2 wilderness worlds for pvp and 2 paintball arenas for our trusted players to play in! join now we are a 24/7 dedicated server

Active Art Ass Awesome Base Based Battle Build Class Com Craft Drop Eam Ect End Erver Game Good Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nut One Server Servers Star Start Style Survival Multiplayer Tea Team This Time Way Welcome

minecraft the Walls

Welcome to MineCraft The Walls!

We are the Official Minecraft The Walls style Servers. This is a game where you start off in 1 of 4 sectors with a team, you have 15 minutes to build an awesome fort, once the timer ends, the walls are dropped and its an awesome team based battle. Are you good enough for Minecraft The Walls ? Only one way to find out

Ace Active Apply Ats Battle Build Class Craft Create Eco End Fac Faction Factions Friends House Ice Ill Invite Level Mcmmo Mine Mmo Nice Peace Peaceful Play Player Power Pvp Pvping Raid Server Stats Survival Multiplayer Void

ClashCraft PVP


ClashCraft PVP is a perfect place to rise to power! Create a faction, invite your friends and raid other factions to become the strongest faction on the server. Level up your McMMO stats to give you and your faction an edge in battle and to mine double materials! If you don’t like PVPing then just run away and build a nice house. Apply for peaceful status for your faction to avoid being raided. There is something that every player will like!

/l/ Ass Box Class Com Data Ect Erp Erver Follow Noop Open Play Pro Project Protect Protected Protection Server Style Survival Multiplayer Tps


mail ons op [email protected]


Active Ban Base Based Basic Cat Class Community Craft Create End Fac Faction Friends Game Gamers Gaming Going Hard Hardcore Has Ill Inecraft Lit Long Mine Minecraft Need Old Pie Ring Rules Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Who

Valiant Gaming

Valiant Gaming is a community of avid gamers based around the game we all love; Minecraft. To make it on this server you’re going to need to grip that cold piece of steel and hold it close as everyone is out to get you. Round up all your friends and create a faction that will decimate all others on the server and rule it with an iron fist. Do you have what it takes to make it on our hardcore server? Why don’t you find out. Courage is for the weak, Valiance is for the Victor. Valiant Gaming is owned and Created by Legends1994 who has ran a string of succesful servers alongside xClintonx who runs most of the applications, ban appeals and any reports of abuse. The server has a basic set of rules which revolve around Maturity, Responsibility and Destroying your enemy ruthlessly.

Admin Adventure Allowed Awesome Ban Best Dedicated Donation Eco Economy End Friendly Fun Good Grief Grind Hack Hacking Hard Minecraft Nether New Permanent Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Rpg Server Servers Shop Shops Staff Tech Tripp Unique Voting Website


Welcome to GGPvP, your first step into Minecraft mayhem.


Website: Coming Soon

Spoiler: Pictures

Sick of all the trite, boring servers that claim to cater to diehard raiding and PvP fans, but suck the fun out of the whole experience with corrupt staff and ridiculous rules? So are we.

Thats why we made GGPvP.

At GearGrind, we strive to provide a fun and unique PvP/raiding experience that stomps all over the status quo of typical servers. With a friendly and professional staff attuned to the concerns of our player base, and experienced administrators constantly improving the player experience, we feel we achieve that with top marks.

As Minecraft aficianados ourselves, weve played on hundreds of different servers, but never quite felt home. We loved the shops and economy set-up of the RPG servers, but werent sold on the pseudo-adventure concept. We loved the at-war atmosphere of the PvP servers, but hated the power-tripping staff and ridiculous rules preventing griefing and raiding of our enemies.

Thats why we took the best parts of those servers, with none of the bad, and combined them into adelicious blend of gaming thats sure to satisfy your undying appetite for Minecraft PvP dominance.

Here are just some of the fun and exciting features awaiting you:
Fun and competitive PvP
Raiding and warring between rival teams
User-run shops and central server-run market
Arena battles, including a Free for All, anything goes mode
Capture the Flag

In addition to these fun features, we have several other plugins for the enhancement of your gameplay experience and security of our server. Features are subject to change as we are constantly listening to the feedback of our players and introducing fun new game modes and ways to play.

We have a zero tolerance policy against any form of hacking, exploiting, cheating, or other modifications to your game client (with the exception of OptiFine). Violators will be permanently banned following review by our staff.

Be respectful to others. Swearing, spamming, or advertising in chat is punishable by ban. Racist remarks will not be tolerated.

Nether bases are prohibited. Any base found in the nether will be deleted immediately with no refund of items deleted.
Nether farms, however, are allowed.

Any attempt to grief or damage/destroy the spawn area is forbidden.
Griefing the wilderness is, however, allowed.

Do not ask or beg for a staff position on the server.
If you feel youd be a good staff member, there is an application available on our website, provided you meet the criteria.

For in-game support, please use the /pe ticket system. This will ensure a quicker response from staff.

Technical information and hardware specifications:
1 Gbps upstream for lightning fast response times
3 GB of dedicated RAM to keep the server running smoothly even under heavy load
50 GB solid state drive for plenty of our 10-minute interval backups
4000×4000 map size, spawned with all the resources, NPC villages, and abandoned mineshafts you can handle

Love GearGrind and interested in donating to help keep the fun alive?

We are extremely grateful for your contributions, and as such, reward themimmensely with in-game content. There are several Raid Kit packages available to suit your needs.

Low on funds but still want to help us out? us daily. Voting costs nothing, and we reward voting with in-game cash and experience.

Visit our website for more information on how you can obtain awesome perks for your time and donations.

Come cross the line into our PvP zone…
but be prepared for the fight of your life.

IP: geargrind.zapto.or


8.2 Active Ass Cked Class Crack Cracked Erver Good Ked King Looking Mine Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Sketch Staff Sur Surv Surviv Survival Multiplayer Taff This


This is a very good server looking for staff and its a pvp survivval server with loads of plugins is also cracked 😀 24/7

Action Actions Ass Biz Class Craft Erver Fac Fact Faction Factions Grief Join Lmao New Orc Pvp Raft Raid Server Style Super Superior


New Server
– Raid – PvP – Factions – Grief –
Join now.


Active Arena Ban Class Craft Create Death Deathban End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Fun Games Hard Hardcore Join King Kingdom Kingdoms Land Mine Minecraft Mob Mod Modified Network Play Pvp Raid Raiding Resources Sky Skyblock Survival Survive Unique Vampire

GameScape – Uniquely Perfected.

Join us for a fun, friendly minecraft experience! We are tightly knit and been around for awhile 😉

We currently offer the following;

– Modified Factions (Direct IP ->
[Raiding, Vampires, Mob Arena, PVP, Envoy, and more!]

– Skyblock (Direct IP ->
[Island survival! Live off minimal resources]

– Kingdoms (Direct IP ->
[Create your own Kingdom and rule others!]

– Hardcore Survival (Direct IP ->
[1 life! Deathban! How long can you survive?]

Active Allowed Ass Build Class Com Community Craft Death Dedi Disguise Edit End Event Events Fly Free Freebuild Friendly Great Gui Guis Host Ill Make Mob Mod Mods Rank Riendly Rvival Survival Survival Multiplayer Vip World Worldedit


What makes DeathCraft so great?

-We have Survival and Freebuild

-Fly Mods are allowed in both Survival and FreeBuild!

-We have a friendly community

-Donating will earn you a VIP rank, with access to
WorldEdit, MobDisguise and more!

-Events are hosted once a month

Action Active Ban Banned Best Class Com Craft Donate Economy Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Great Hack Hacks Help Hey Ill Mini Games People Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Special Staff Survival This War Welcome Who

Warcraft XGen

Welcome to WarCraftXGen! On this server we have fun! Everyone is welcome. We are a 24/7 server! We have a great staff that will do their best to help you when ever they can. There is a strict NO HACKS rule on the server. If you hack you will be banned right away. We have special stuff and ranks for people who decide to donate! Have fun and hope you enjoy the server! Almost forgotten the most important its a PVP/FACTIONS//RAIDING/RANKS server and all are welcome in.

Active Amazing Arena Arenas Casino Class Community Craft Eco Econ Economy Event Events Forge Game Games Great Hunger Games Land Lands Leaderboards Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Online Paintball Pvp Server Shop Shops Spleef Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Wns World

Pitforge Survival is a Minecraft survival server which has been running for over 2 years. This server features an amazing economy and shop system, great towns, arenas, events and a great community. PVP is on outside of most towns so be sure to navigate the landscape carefully. You can track your progress with online leaderboards and level up your character with mcMMO.


Strong economy
Hunger Games
Mob Arena

Active Admin Ass Bran Brand Class Creeper Erver Help Ill Lag Mini Need New One Owner Please Port Pro Pvp Ran Rat Ree Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff Who


CVS is a brand new PVP server with no lag. Our staff will help anyone who needs it.
Any problems with the server please report an owner or an administrator.

8.2 Action Actions Ass Class Com Cool Enjin Epic Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Mon Noop Open Pixel Pixelmon Server Style



– OPEN 24/7.


100 Ass Auto Blo Block Character Characters Class Ect Erver Fun Idk Ill Mall Nam Rvival Semivanilla Server Small Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter This Title Vanilla Virus


Virus-Ville is just a small survival server, idk its fun :))
Uhm its mainly vanilla. and all this text is just to get the description to 100 characters 🙂

Active Air Arena Arenas Best Class Craft Donation Event Events Experience Fair Fun Inecraft Irl Join King Mine Minecraft Nation Need Nether New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Wns



Here at AMinecraft we want to give you, the players the best Minecraft experience possible.

We have a 24/7 server with up to date plugins!

This server is fairly new and has so much potential, all we need is for you guys to come and make it all happen!

We have:
– Donation system – Events – PvP Arenas – Tutorials – Shops – Towns – Nether
And the list goes on and on.

Staff is also working on new events to implement, so stay tuned!

Come and join the fun!

Active Apply Ass Biz Class Com Craft Erver Game Games Inecraft Lea List Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Please Pub Public Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Whitelist


Public server with a whitelist, please apply at

Active Allowed Anti Apply Ars Ask Awesome Class Enchant End Food Friendly Fun Good Grind Grinders Has Iconomy Ill Kill Killing King Lit Mew Need New Play Pvp Raid Raiding Riendly Server Spawn Staff Survival Multiplayer War Wars


Hey guys our server is new we have friendly staff and good iconomy raiding is allowed we need a little bit of staff but please play on our server before asking or applying we need more people so far the server is doing good on people i hope everyone has fun and there are xp grinders in spawn for food and xp so get enchanting and get killing Have Fun 😀

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Most Popular Minecraft Java Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!