City Claim Claiming Community Craft Create Creative Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Friends Job Land Landclaim Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Open Parkour Play Player Plugin Plugins Rank Ranking Semivanilla Server Servers Simple Survival Title Unique Who

KastCraft | Survival, Economy, Parkour [1.15.2]


KastCraft is a Minecraft community that takes a step back from all of the over-complicated nonsense found in other modern servers. We put our community first and aim to keep it simple with engaging and entertaining updates and events for all players. Our goal is to deliver a nostalgic and classic Minecraft experience to everyone who plays on the server.


Our main focus is survival. Our survival server features a large amount of fully customized plugins such as a unique lands claiming system, corporations, a job based economy, parkour, events, a custom ranking system, and so much more. Play with friends, play alone, or create a thriving city joined by dozens of players. Your fate is entirely up to you!



Abilities Active Build Builds Casual Class Creative Custom Custommobs Eco Econ Economy End Friendly King Magic Magical Magicspells New Play Player Players Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rol Role Roleplay Rpg Secrets Server Shop Shops Spells Staff Survival Title Unique World

Arcane Arts Magic RPG

Arcane Arts Magic RPG is a brand new Magic/RPG Survival server with dozens of exciting custom coded magic spells such with elements such as Fire, Wind, Lightning, Ice, Shadow, Nature, and many more! We have a really friendly casual playerbase, a survival world with active shops and beautiful builds. Our unique quest system lets players have a fully immersive magical experience and also lets players grow and get stronger by the hour! We’re looking for new players and creative staff members! Come learn the secrets of the Arcane!

– PvP
– PvE
– Custom Magic abilities
– Roleplay
– Quests
– Economy

Adventure Adventures Build Building Community Custom Discord Dynmap End Environment Event Events Fun Good Grief Hard Head Heads Map Minecraft Mob Mod Multiplayer New Open Pay Play Player Pvp Reset Server Ships Shop Sky Survival Title Trading Vanilla

Mostly Vanilla Survival Server (Looking for new members)

We are going to be starting season 3 when 1.16 is fully released so that we can all start fresh together. Email [email protected]with a little about yourself if you are interested in joining us for this fresh world reset. Looking for 10-15 more people to join us. Minecraft is always more fun with friends.

We are a tight knit group that enjoys playing Minecraft in a mostly vanilla environment. We value respect, trust and like to have fun while building our own bases. We usually interact most when working on community projects or trading the goods that we produce in our shopping district. We utilize discord while we play in order to chat about whatever is on our mind. We play for 10-30 hours per week or so. PVP is limited to events or games.

We are looking for a few people that are like minded that would like to join us on our crafting adventures. We are planning a server reset in the near future and are currently playing multiplayer sky block while we wait.

Here is a list of non vanilla add-ons that we like to play with. We are open to more or less but this is the play style that we have been using for the last couple seasons .

  • Hard difficulty
  • More mob heads
  • Multiplayer sleep
  • Live view web based world map
  • Shulkers drop two shells each
  • Customizable armor stands
  • Gravestones
  • Ships generate in oceans
  • Illager fortresses instead of Igloos
  • Rules:

  • No Griefing
  • Respect others loot. Do not take things that aren’t yours
  • Pay stated value for items in shopping district
  • PVP only when both agree
  • Do not modify or add to others builds unless you’re collaborating
  • Interact with each other
  • Have fun!

  • Categories
    Ace Admin Block Build Class Community Create End Essentials Friendly Fun Home Ill Join King Mage Need Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pve Economy Riendly Rol Server Sethome Solo Staff Survival Title Town Towny Tpa Troll

    Palace Towny

    WE DO NOT NEED STAFF! 1.15.2 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.2 – 1.15.2
    Our server is created for those that play towny! This server is Perfect for solo players, as if you build far away you are unlikely to be found, you dont have to join a Town, you can just play survival.

    We aim to create a friendly community and a server that fits for everyone.

    This server is a work in progress, so dont expect it to be perfect. If you stick with us we will make sure it will be worth your while.

    This server uses the plugins:

    Essentials – This includes commands such as /sethome /home /back and /tpa

    Creepercontroll – creepers will do damage to players but not to blocks.

    This is it for now, we are taking on any plugins that are suggested to us. Just consult a admin with your idea.

    We would like to think that people have a lot of fun on this server, how about you come on and try it?

    Build Builds Claim Class Color Community Craft CTF Discord Eco Free Friendly Fun Grief Griefing Join King Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mob Mobs Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Server Ships Shop Simple Smp Spawn Staff Survival Title Vanilla

    Quera SMP

    Quera SMP!!

    We are a Semi-Pure Vanilla Minecraft server, and we are a community and we are looking for players!

    Some of our plugins we have include: QuickShop, SinglePlayerSleep, HolographicDisplays, and much more!

    We would love to have a ton of more players join Quera SMP!

    Our rules are simple, be respectful, and have fun!

    Our spawn is filled with airships of all different colors, and a big castle with a lot of decorations!

    Please feel free to join the IP above, and our discord! We would love to have you! We are open to every single player out there!

    We also have anti mob griefing so mobs will not destroy your builds, in addition, keep inventory is turned on everywhere so you will not lose your items when you die! In addition, we also have NO LAND CLAIM! Come join us!

    Discord Join Link:

    Server IP:

    Ass Auto Blo Block Build Builder Builders Class Ect Erver Good Help Ill Lec Nam Name Need Prison Server Tes Test Title You

    Need builders to build a prison server

    help us build a good prison server. Only good builders plz, you will be tested.

    Block Class Community Custom Developer Dungeon Dungeons Enjoy Free Geo Ice Ill Item Items Lag Mall Map Maps Nice Online Optional Play Player Players Ring Rpg Server Sky Skyblock Small Survival Multiplayer This Title Unique

    TorchNight Skyblock 1.15

    Featuring TorchNight: Skyblock!

    Not many people read this to be honest, but I’ll write here anyway.
    Our community is pretty small, but the aim is to perhaps a grow a nice small one 😀 that way everyone will be close to each other.

    I’m a developer too, so I’m hoping to add unique twists to the server, like adding (optional) dungeons, rpg maps, and custom items that players have access to.

    Anyway, hop on in and enjoy the server!

    It’s pretty much lag free, and online 24/7.


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Alpha Ars Ass Block City Class Com Economy Ect Erver Exp Explore Game Games Kywars Lin Link Lore Map Metro Mini Minigame Minigames Noop Open Play Server Sky Skywar Skywars Title Town Towny War Wars Youtube


    City server with expanding metro (4 lines), you can explore the city and play some minigames (ALPHA!) like SkyWars (1 map). Server opened 24/7, YouTube channel of the server is there:

    Allowed Ass Blo Block Clan Clans Class Com Community Currency Ect End Erver Exp Friendly Gold Iron Mcserver New Old Ommunity Port Pvp Rad Rading Riendly Rvival Server Smp Support Surviv Surviva Survival Title Trading


    Magma Is a survival SMP server. We’re very new so expect a lot of bugs. We’re a friendly community and support clans. Our currency is gold and iron and trading is allowed too!

    Abilities Boss Bosses Citizens Classes Combat Cosmetics Crates Custom Event Events Fun Kingdom Leveling Magic Mob Mobarena Mobs New Npcs Open Pets Play Pvp Quest Questing Quests Raid Raids Rewards Rpg Server Shop Shops Skills Survival Title Vote War Website

    KingdomCraft | 1.15.2 | RPG Survival | Classes and Leveling | Questing and Magic |

    Kingdom Craft is a new Survival RPG server that introduces a new survival experience.

    We are still in the stages of development, so a lot of features are still not introduced.

    Current features:

  • Custom Professions and a full leveling system
  • Melee, Magic and Ranged Classes
  • 300+ Custom tiered items with upgrades and gemstone sockets
  • Combat abilities
  • Citizen NPCs and Shops
  • Mob Arena and PvP Arena
  • Lands
  • Custom Boss Implementation
  • Graves
  • Mob Hunting rewards
  • Upcoming features:

  • Pro Cosmetics purchasing
  • Vote Crates
  • Indepth Raids with custom mobs and bosses
  • Quest chains for each rank
  • Daily Quests
  • Pets
  • Weekly Events
  • We are constantly in the process of thinking of new and fun ideas. We hope you enjoy and please feel free to ask us any questions.

    Our website is also a WORK IN PROGRESS, but please sign up here to follow our progress:

    Claim Claims Community Coreprotect Essentials Friendly Greatstaff Greifprevention Jobs Jobsreborn Keepinv Keepinventory Keepitems Keepitemsondeath Mooshykong New Nophantom Nophantoms Player Playershops Positive Positivecummunity Rtp Shop Shops Simplysurvival Small Smp Staff Staffneeded Survival Teleport Tydi Warps



    Simply Survival is an open world Minecraft survival server that is made for fun, and only fun. There are jobs you can join with a working economy. We are planning to build a wonderful community that’s built like a family. We look forward to seeing you there!

    – No Phantoms
    – Keep Inventory
    – Jobs
    – Player Shops
    – Active Staff Members
    – Grief Prevention


    Server IP:

    247server Action Active Block Brand Class Com Community Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Enchant Enchants Erver Exp Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Free Fun New Online Pie Play Playtime Pvp Rank Ranks Rtp Server Shop Time Title

    🔥 🌄⚜️𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒆𝑴𝑪⚜️🌄🔥

    STRIFEMC 2.0 A Factions pvp Expierence!
    Free Ranks, Enchants, RTP, Playtime ranks, Shop, Economy, Active community, Brand New Server!

    Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Community Discord Ect Erver Fun Hun Kind Love Mmu Nam Ommunity Play Player Players Pro Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Title

    Thunder Survival

    Thunder is a kind fun survival community. we recently hit 30 players on our discord and i would love for YOU to come hang out.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Ace Class Com Content Custom Discord Duel Eco Econ Econom Economia Ect End Erver Fac Ios Mcmmo Mmo Ores Plugin Plugins Premium Pro Pvp Quest Quests Red Redstone Rvival Server Social Survival Survival Multiplayer Vip Vips Youtube Youtuber Youtubers

    Imperio – O Melhor Survival

    Server IP –

    Imperio – Rede de servidores survival.

    – A unica rede que oferece aos seus vips ser dono do seu proprio servidor conectado e configurado junto a rede Imperio.
    – Sistemas de progresso em PVP e no Social.
    – Servidor de Redstone.
    – Economia Inteligente.
    – Quests e Aventura.
    – McMMO e muitos outros plugins premiums.
    – Torneios de pvp em Duelos e Campos de Batalha.
    – Torneios de Construcao individual e para Casas Nobres Clas
    – Sistema nico de encantamentos e de Itens Lendarios.
    – Guerras entre as Casas Nobres
    – Terreno Ilimitado
    – Interface Social.
    – Servidor onde mais de 20 Youtubers Jogam e gravam.
    – Constante atualizacoes.
    – Textura propria com centenas de equipamentos customizados.

    Tem muito mais, confira o resto no nosso discord!

    Plugins installed on server: mcmmo

    Anarchy Ass Block Class Com Difficult Difficulty Ect Enjoy Erver Grief Hard Ice Ill Mod Network Norules Pay Play Please Pve Pvp Rvival Server Smp Solo Spawn Staff Style Super Survival Tea Team Title Two Version Welcome // Lyrora Network

    Welcome to Lyrora

    Mode: Survival
    Difficulty: Hard
    Version: 1.15.2

    That’s it. The server is yours to do as you please, we’re only here to pay the bills. The further you move away from spawn, the less likely you are to be griefed. Team up, or play solo, the choice is yours!

    No Staff
    All Automated!


    Auction Block Class Craft Development Features Good House Job Jobs Lit Lottery Mcmmo Mmo New Normal Perks Play Player Pro Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rankup Server Shop Silk Spawn Spawner Survival Title Top Town Towny War

    || PandaCraft || New Quests! || Towny || Rankup ||

    We are a brand new towny survival server with several features such as the ability to silk touch a spawner, the ability to rank up, Mcmmo, jobs, an auction house, a lottery, etc.Some things aren’t finished yet, so if there’s something you’d like us to add let us know.

    This server is primarily a towny server, with normal towny features you’d find in any other towny server. There is a GUI shop where you can buy and sell goods. With utilization of towny and this shop system, you can get your town to the top in no time.

    This server uses a rankup system to provide more immersion for the player. There are several ranks you can rank up to, each with their own perks. This allows you to go from a lowly Beggar to an Overlord.

    The quests system is currently in development. However, there is currently one quest you can complete once a day for a reward.

    Class Community Craft Create Currency Custom Discord Enchantments Free Fun Game Great Home Homes Ill Inecraft Join Lag Land Loot Mine Minecraft Mod Multiplayer Open Play Player Plot Plots Popular Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Vanilla

    Exibillia – [SMP][24/7]

    Dear future Exibillia player

    This server is a completely free to play survival multiplayer server!!
    We created this server for every player to enjoy a fun game of “vanilla” Minecrafts survival mode.
    We’d like to create a great community and everyone can be part of it. No selections based on popularity, not only for streamers, nope, ANYONE can join!!!

    Join our Discord for more information about the server itself:

    To give you an idea of what you can expect: currency, shops, a fancy village, your own land plots, homes, custom enchantments and more incoming (ranks, loot boxes, …)

    We’ll see you soon!

    Apply Block Blocks Class Com Custom Discord Ect Enchant Enchants Erver Free Ill Join King Looking Lucky Lucky Block Lucky Blocks Luckyblock Luckyblocks Need Needed Noop Open Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Spawn Staff Store Survival Title Website


    LuckSpawn – Grand Opening!

    – Come join us for the grand opening of LuckSpawn!

    – We are currently looking for staff, feel free to apply on the discord!

    – LuckSpawn is lucky block skyblock with custom enchants, lucky blocks, and more!

    – Mor information will be posted as obtained.

    – LuckSpawn is 90% complete with staff and minor bug work needed.




    Aliquam Anti Ass Blo Block Blue Class Com Ect Emo End Ender Erver Exp Host Ill Ios Ita Lab Lit Lore Magna Mini Mmo Mod Non One Ores Pit Quam Rat Server Survival Sus Title Usa

    Blue Bazaar

    “Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?”

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Action Actions Armor Ass Block Class Craft Custom Economy Ect Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Epic Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Good Mcmmofactions Nopay2win Nopaytowin Opfactions Pay Play Rankups Secret Secrets Server Spawn Style Survival Title Unique Zeus

    OlympusCraft OP Factions

    Play factions with a mythic style. Discover tons of unique armors and secrets. No Pay2Win. Plans of adding Evil/Good paths the server is mainly Zeus Vs Hades. Custom Enchantments and Epic Spawn Area.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Servers For Java Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!