115server 115survival 8.2 Ass Auto Beta Blo Block Class Craft Ect Erver Ill Mini Minimal Nam Plugin Plugins Pro Raft Run Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Title Vannilatweaks


In beta but up and running, this is a 1.15.2 survival server with minimal plugins that improve the aspect of survival.The server will continue to improve and grow.

Block Cat Class Classic Craft Create Decent Eco Econ Econom Economy France Ill Inecraft Item Items Mine Minecraft Minecraft Survival Money Near Network People Play Pro Pve Economy Rvival Sell Server Shop Suggestions Surival Survival This Title Version

Minecraft survival economy server

This is a minecraft survival economy server at the version of 1.15.2
Here you can play survival with economy-money and buy or sell items with /shop command

I created the server for the people that love classic minecraft surival with economy
Also the server is located at france, so people near france will have a decent ping

I hope you give it a try and tell your opinion about my server
I would love to hear any suggestions for the server.

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Adults Antigreif Antigreifing Challenge Chill Class Community Craft Crafting Create CTF Datapacks Discord Fun Greif Greifing Home Join Mine Minecraft Nogriefing Nohacks Nostealing Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Server Sethome Shop Spigot Survival Title Tweaks Vanilla Vanillatweaks Whitelist Whitelisted

Chaotic Order

Welcome to Chaotic Order! This server is for 18+ only.

We started this server from being inspired by the hermits. The server is vanilla survival with vanilla tweaks data packs and crafting packs added. if you would like to join please join the discord server and fill out the white list application. (Waiting list for whitelist right now)

We are also using the scavenger hunt created by _BOBE.

We have a shopping district, the living button, sethome commands, and a lot more. come join and have fun. we are a really chill community.


Spigot 1.15.2 with antigreifing plugins.

Vanillatweaks datapacks and crafting packs

Anticreeper plugin that allows player damage but no block damage

Action Block Class Cool Craft Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy End Enjin Fac Faction Factions Friends Inecraft Join Landclaim Make Mine Minecraft Noop Open Pve Rvival Semivanilla Server Simp Sky Skyblock Smp Style Survival Title Website

⋆ simp smp ⋆

Minecraft 1.15.2 | Economy | Survival | Factions | Skyblock
have you ever found yourself simping over someone way out of your league? welcome to the club! join simp smp today, and make friends with people just like you 🙂

join our Discord and check out our website :p

Adventure Block Build Claim Claims Class Community Craft Discord Eco Econ End Experience Extreme Friendly Friends Fun Hermit Hermitcraft Ill Invite Join Minecraft New Noop Open Semi Server Shops Small Smp Staff Stealing Survival Tea Title Venture Welcoming Whitelist

XBones Hermitcraft | Semi-Private | New

Brand new hermitcraft style SMP server. This server started on 29/05/2020. So come join this new adventure with us. We are a small community, but extremely friendly and welcoming. So invite your friends and experience the adventure together, build giant mega bases. No claims, no stealing, no grieving. Nothing can go wrong that cant be solved. Come apply at our discord. Simply type in the apply channel and a member of staff will be with you in a matter of seconds {}

Air Ass Atm Auto Blo Block Cat Class Craft Discord Eam Ect Erver Fair Follow Gaming Inecraft Mine Minecraft Ming Nam Noop Open Raft Rvival Server Speak Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tea Team Title Tps

Mayfair Survival

Survival server!

Team Speak:

Ass Block Challenge Challenges Class Com Community Crate Crates Custom Discord Ect End Eng Erver Event Events Friendly Fun Generator Generators Join King Looking New Play Rat Riendly Server Sky Skyblock Smp Staff Survival Title Yoshi

YoshiMC NEW Custom Skyblock [Looking for STAFF] Join our Discord!!

Custom Skyblock
– Events
– Custom Ore Generators
– Friendly Community
– Crates
– Challenges

Join our discord at:

Achievements Boss Bosses Buycraft Craft Crates Create Currency Custom Discord Donate Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Free Fun Join Keys Nether Npc Open Play Player Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Rewards Server Shop Shops Store Title Tnt War Weapons World Youtube

Avenge PvP [1.8 Factions] [Factions Top]

Avenge PvP is an exciting, fun, and challenging faction server. On the server, you can create your own faction and climb the ladder to reach the top! Factions that reach rank one, earn rewards such as BuyCraft vouchers! Server Achievements for the most daring players that try to complete it. The server also has its own customized weapons for you to choose. As well as challenging custom bosses to fight that drop rare items!
Avenge PvP Information:
Server Discord:
-1.8 Factions and PvP
-Customized Weapons
-Challenging Customized Bosses
-Server Achievements w/ Reward: $50m In-Game Currency, [​Custom Black Tag], $25 BuyCraft Voucher
-Factions Top w/ Monthly Reward: $50 BuyCraft Voucher
-CSGO-style Crates
-Special Shops
– 60% Server Store Sale
-No P2W
-TNT Cannon Raiding w/TNT Fill
-20k by 20k World Border
-10k by 10k Nether Border

Players that join within the first week, get FREE Donater Crate Keys! There will be a Exalted Rank giveaway to one lucky player on June 13th. Exalted is the highest rank on Avenge PvP.

Server Trailer:

Allowed Anarchy Ats Best Class Community Elves Essentials Fac Game Griefing Hack Help Java King Mine Mmo New Newserver Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Raid Raiding Raids Semi Server Small Spawn Staff Survival Title Trees Who World

Patio Trasero – Semi-Anarchy!

Brand New “Semi-Anarchy” Server!

Established just about one day before this post went up 06.06.2020. We have strived to bring the best semi-anarchy experience to players who are interested. Our current community is small but we are looking to expand a lot! We have a powerful server which can host tons of players at the same time, and we are keeping the server up-to-date!
Server IP for Java 1.15.2: “”

Questions you might ask yourselves:

What is “Semi-Anarchy”?

-What we mean about this is a that every playstyle of the game will be allowed, but hacked-clients. We want people to play and enjoy raids, PvP-ing and etc., without cheats!

Is there staff on the server?

-There is a small ammount of staff playing on the server. Without abusing commands, of course. They are only here to help out if bugs occure or if there are questions.

Do you have plugins installed?

-Yes, in fact we do. We have some helpful plugins for players to make life easier. The plugins which are installed are plugins which makes you mine spanwers with silk touch, instantly chop trees. essentials and random teleport!

Is it a set worldborder?

-For the time being, the border is set to 10.000 each direction from spawnpoint. This is something we can easily expand if players wish to.

Big Block Build Builder Builders Class Cool Craft Discord Enjoy Future Goodcommunity Goodstaff Ill Inecraft Join Kit Kitpvp Kits Mine Minecraft Needbuilders Needplayers Noop Open Owner Pvp Ring Server Sky Skyblock Skyblocks Survival Title Update

Minecraft With The Boys

Welcome to Minecraft With the Boys. We are offering a wide variety of stuff to do. Such as Survival kitpvp and Skyblocks. Right now we only offer Survival but we will be slowly adding the other stuff in the future. Kitpvp and Skyblock will most likely be added in the next big update. We are accepting Builders right now. Our Owner is YeboiBrandoo and Co-Owner is CoolPandaKid4. We hope to see you on soon and Please enjoy your stay.

Join our discord

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Anarchy Anarchy Server Ass Auto Base Based Blo Block Class Com Ect Erver Lin Mine Miner Nam New Nline Old Online Open Play Player Players Pvp Server Survival Title Version Welcome

AnarchyMC 2.0

Welcome to Anarchy MC 2.0! Based on a old anarchy server from 2016, we are very new and excited to open up our server to more players! Version 1.12.2, Come check us out! Hope to see you online!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Block Class Classic Craft Economy Essentials Essentialsx Fun Game Good Help Helpful Home Homes Inecraft Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Play Plugin Plugins Pro Rps Semivanilla Server Simple Sky Skyblock Spawn Survival Title War Warp Warps Who

Simple Craft

SimpleCraft is a simple Minecraft server that does NOT have excessive plugins that change the game. We like Minecraft the good ole classic way it was made with just a few, fun and helpful plugins. Some but not all of those useful plugins consist of the classic MCMMO, Essentials (providing homes, warps, spawn and help commands). We have two game modes, Classic Survival and Classic Skyblock which was recently added for those who like a twist on their survival play. Come check us out!

Ass Beta Better Big Block Bov Class Com Decent Discord Ect End Ender Erver Free Fun Has Hate Help Ill Kit Kitpvp Kits Make Map One Online Pay Play Pvp Pvparena Server Super This Time Title

Fiji PVP

This server is a kit PVP server that is super fun and not is pay to win at all. Currently, the server is in beta and only has one kit, the map is decently sized but not too big to the point that you have to increase your render distance. If you want to help make the server better, contact me on discord: yung fiji#5964 . Feel free to come on at any time and if the server isn’t online for whatever reason DM me on the discord listed above ^^ and I will put it online for you to play.

Admin Aus Best Block Build Chat Chest Class Craft Discord End Fac Farm Free Freebuild Home Ill Inecraft Lwc Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Nur Old Online Pro Server Servers Sethome Spawn Survival Title Tpa Vote War Warp

Willkommen auf Oldcraft.deDer Survival und Freebuild Server. Der Server befindet sich noch am Anfang. Die ersten Spieler können sich also gerne am Spawnbau beteiligen und ihre Ideen mit einbringen. Der Server richtet sich an ältere Spieler. Der Admin ist selber ü30. Natürlich können jüngere Spieler mitmachen, wenn sie sich benehmen.Es gibt eine Farmwelt.Jeder kann sich auf der Karte ein Grundstück aussuchen.Stecke dein Grundstück einfach mit dem blauen Beton ab und wir protecten es auf deinen Namen :)Die Ränge:Gast: Du kannst dir im Willkommensraum alle Infos durchlesen und musst ein Quiz bestehen. Hier bekommst du alle nötigen Infos.Spieler: Dieser ist dein erster Rang. Du kannst du in der Hauptwelt ein Grundstück suchen und dieses mit den Betonblöcken abstecken. Danach richtet ein Admin dir dein Grundstück ein.Spieler+: Ab 24 Stunden Spielzeit wirst du Spieler+. Hier bekommst du alle Permissons die es auf den Server geben wird. Moderator: Dieser Rang soll dafür sein Spielern zu helfen und den Frieden zu bewahren ;)Admin: Dieser Rang hat alle Rechte auf dem Server.Bitte seht von Bewerbungen zum Moderator oder Admin ab. Sollte sich nach einer Zeit zeigen, dass du diese Stelle besetzten kannst, reden wir gerne im Discord dadrüber. Bis dahin richte ich den Server alleine ein. Hier Die Befehle für alle Ränge:Gast:- Kann nicht chatten- /list Sieht welche Spieler online sind.Spieler:

Spieler Befehle- /sethome Setzte dein Home- /home Teleportiere zum Home- /back Zur letzten Position- /bal Sehe deinen Kontostand- /ci Lösche dein Inventar- /ec Öffne deine Enderchest- /warp Warppunkte- /tpa Teleportiere zum Spieler- /msg Schreibe einen Spieler an- /lwc Kisten etc. absichern- /vote Für den Server votenSpieler+:


Ich freue mich gerade am Anfang auf viele Ideen und Wünsche. Berichtet bitte auch alle Bugs und meldet Fehler. Nur so können wir uns einen ruhigen Server erstellen. Schöne Grüßewbkkramer

Active Block Build Casual Class Community Custom Dayz Discord Enchants Extreme Features Help Home Item Items King Market Mature Mcmmo Mmo Need Noop Online Open Play Player Relax Server Sethome Shop Shops Spawn Staff Survival Title Town Towny

Quietdayz – Bring Some Tea and Relax With Us :)

If you’re looking for a place to relax and build a town with mature kind-hearted community then you found your place. We made this server something where you could relax as you drink your morning tea and play. We have a extremely active and close community!!

Brief list of features:
– Towny
– Custom Items
– Custom Enchants
– Complete player market
– Server shops
– Active staff and community!

We hope to see you online! Here’s some useful commands:
To go to spawn:      /spawn
To set your home:     /sethome
To teleport to your home: /home
To be randomly teleport: /wild

If you ever need help go to the tutorial: /tutorial
Or you can get help on our discord here:

Anarchy Best Clan Clans Craft Custom Faction Factions Free Fun Hard Home Homes Job Jobs Kit Kits Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Oldschool Play Player Plugin Plugins Premium Pve Pvp Rank Server Servers Staff Survival Tech Technology Title War Who

OG Clans – MC Factions – PVP – Custom [ALL Versions]

OG Clans is an oldschool Factions Server, with new-age technology. We have everything you love about advanced minecraft servers, and everything you love about old school factions. We use premium hardware, and premium plugins, ensuring you the best gaming session’s possible.

We Feature things like:

Plenty of Kits
Free rank for everyone who wants one
3 Homes for player with just a free rank!
Max 10 people per faction, so individual factions aren’t ever to strong.
Skilled, kind, capable, and hard working staff brings you security that your fair play is protected.

Join us on IP :

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ass Auctionhouse Auto Big Blo Block Bran Brand Class Com Community Craft Creative Day Eat Ect Erver Growth Mall Nam New Ommunity Ran Semivanilla Server Sky Skyblock Small Smp Snow Survival Title Work World


SnowyCraft is a brand new SMP and Skyblock server. We have a small community but big plans for growth. A creative world is in the works, most likely in the next few days/weeks!

247server Active Antigrief Auction Auctions Build Claim Community Eco Econ Economy End Event Friendly Grief Land Land Claim Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Nether Pets Play Player Prevention Pve Pve Economy Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Title War

McEcon | Survival, Economy, Shops, McMMO, Grief Prevention {1.15}

Welcome to McEcon!

1.15 🌎Survival ✔️ Land Claim 💰 Player Shop 💠McMMO 🔰Ranks

✔️Land Claim
✔️Player Shops
✔️Friendly Community
✔️Active Staff✔️Balanced Economy
✔️McMMO (Levels)
✔️Grief Prevention
✔️PVE (PVP In Nether)
✔️ Auctions
✔️ 24/7 No Lag

We are a Survival Economy 1.15 Server. Come join today, build a shop, earn money for killing mobs and become the wealthiest on McEcon

We offer a moderated, No grief experience for players of all ages and knowledge of the game.

We look forward to seeing you on the server!

115server 115survival 115vanilla Anarchy Ban Class Craft Create Discord Edit Good Hack Hard Home Java King Kit Lag Mine Minecraft Open Pay Permanent Play Player Pvp Server Smp Survival Survivalpvp Title Tpa Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Vanillasurvival Vote War Whitelist World Youtube

SurvivalPvP // Vanilla // SMP // Semi-Anarchy // 1.15.2 // No Whitelist

Version: 1.15.2 Java Edition
Discord Server:
Video Trailer (Created by lleeoo)

SurvivalPvP. Minecraft how it should be.

SurvivalPvP is a Minecraft server that is as close to making a singleplayer world as possible. There is no Pay 2 Win, no Vote 2 Win, and the only rule is that using hacked clients or abusing any glitch in the game will get you banned permanently. There are NO gameplay changing features on the server (/tpa, /kit, /home, etc.), keeping everything 100% Vanilla. The server is run off of good hardware and there is rarely any lag.

Hope to see you there.

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Ass Auto Balance Balanced Blo Block Chestshop Class Com Conomy Crate Crates Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect End Erver Friendly Kit Kits Nks Owny Ran Rank Ranks Rat Rates Riendly Server Survival Title Town Towny Welcome


Welcome to Stormata! We are a friendly Towny server, with balanced economy, ranks, kits, crates, & more! We’ll see you on!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Server For Cracked Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!