Anarchy Anarchy Server Grief Kill Oda Place Pvp Raid Semi Siege Skill Skills These Today Vanilla


We are Siegecraft. A great place to hone your pvp, raid, and grief skills. We revolve around these skills, as we are a semi-vanilla Anarchy server. Come join us today.


Adventures Beer Economy Element Guide Pretty Pvp Relax Relaxed Schoo School Stand Survival Vanilla Wind

Elementos – White-list Mature Community


Our main focus is to help you build your own adventures on our server. What ever they may be. We understand that anything can happen and anything will happen. We want those things to happen on our server, where you’re part of our community. We take a pretty relaxed approach to the game. For the most part, were a vanilla server, though we do implement some plugins that help us provide a better experience. Whether you just got out of work, school or what ever place that isn’t our server and you’re looking for a place to unwind, we’re here to help. Sit back, pop a beer, pack a bowl, grab a snack and join us. Wed like you to be part of our adventure where we help you build yours. We have settled on simple guidelines in order to give you the experience we want to provide. Anyone is welcome to join, and you should. Join our adventures or create your own while you pop a beer, sit back, relax and enjoy the game.


Coded Currency Custom Early Emerald Emeralds Exchange Farm Food Market Plugins Seed Stage Villager Villagers



Our server CubeFarm has been completely redone from the early stages as some players can recall where not that great.
But today CubeFarm is fitted with custom coded plugins made perfectly for our server which will enchance the player experience drasticly.
One of our main goals is to create a friendly based community which everyone will feel welcomed in.
Thats why we have a staff team of many experienced players to help everyone and anyone out with their issue.

When joining the server you will spawn in our Market.
You will then create your farm by typing /farm create and start earning our currency which is Emeralds.
After youve sold your first load of food or minerals which all will be found in your farm.
You will always be able to feel safe because this plugin generates a whole world just for you.
So theres no need to worry about loosing your items because of some other player.
Later on you can exchange your Emeralds with the villagers to buy even better Tools and new Seeds.
You can also upgrade your farm by typing /farm upgrade which will give you more space to build.
I hope youve found this information usefull and I hope to see you on soon.


Conomy Destroy Eam Econom Economy Happy House Love Mcp Mcpr People Pvp Raiding Survival Today


We are 1.8! Join now if you love survival, and just wanna team with people, destroy people, etc. If you love survival and economy, this server is for you! JOIN TODAY! Our staff is happy to help you build a house, mine, and more! We ARE a new server, just so you know.

138 Ash Create Empire Leplay Pire Plugins Rol Role Roleplay Towns Towny Towny Server Truly Wns


Create Your own Towns and create An Empire On our New Towny server.
We have Cool staff and Plugins that can Truly enhance roleplay On our server.


Biomesoplenty Chisel Duplication Enderio Explora Exploration Extrautilities FTB Pve React Resets Survival Thaumcraft Thermalexpansion Twilight Forest

Atlantica – Custom Modpack

Atlantica (Custom Modpack) – Modded.MC.Atlantica.US:25765
Open to everyone, no world resets, few banned items, GriefPrevention plugin.
Simple rules: No griefing, No item duplication, and No PVP unless agreed to prior.

Install instructions are here:

Currently running my own modpack with the following mods:
BattleGear, Applied Energistics 2, BigReactors, BiomesOPlenty, Carpenter’s Blocks, Chisel2, DenseOres, Enchanting Plus, EnderIO, EnderStorage, EnderTech, ExtraUtilities, IronChest, JABBA, MineFactoryReloaded, NEI, NetherOres, OpenBlocks, OptiFine, Practicalities, RandomThings, RedstoneArsenal, RotateableBlocks, SolarExpansion, SolarFlux, SpecialMobs, Thaumcraft, ThaumicEnergistics, ThaumicExpansion, ThaumicExploration, ThaumicTinkerer, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, Twilight Forest, Waila, WeaponMod, ZyinsHUD.


Actually Backpack Backpacks Chairs Economy Elements Immersion Mcmmo Pve Roleplay Siege Structure Structures Survival Warfare

WyrmFire RPG

Wyrmfire is an mmo-inspired RPG server that focuses on player immersion, while still keeping the key minecraft elements of survival, crafting and building in mind.To accomplish this, we have –
Trading, Bosses, Quests, Backpacks,

Custom-Crafting (Chairs, sofa’s, tents, and more!)


Siege-warfare (Think Factions, But with Cooldowns, and only certain blocks are breakable!)

Custom, Fantasy-like terrain (that we actually let you build in, with structures to explore!)

Dungeons (filled with lots of loot and bosses!)

And so, so much more…

200 260 Build Buy Buycraft Cup Fun Hun Hunt Jus Mcu Rich Tall Wars Welcome


Welcome at Upcraft, Upcraft is about making your own faction and become the strongest and most rich faction of the server. Have wars, Hunt or just build. U should totally check it out. Have fun.


Ability Adult Control Controller Direct Door Family Mew Older Straight Sub Survival Troller Ubs Vanilla

Sorrow Server

This a completely vanilla server! and because of that it is white-listed. If you wish to join the server please be aware most the member are older and anyone wishing to join should behave in an adult manner.

If you are looking for a server where you can use the /spawn or set home commands or the ability to teleport to others or such then look somewhere else!

However if you enjoy straight up vanilla survival you are heading in the right direction. This started off as a family server. I opened the server few friends who were left without a server when the Blamethecontroller fan server was changed into a subscriber only server. But it is time to open the door a few new people and to let some new blood on.

Further in formation including the server rules can be found at my website.

If you wish to join the server please head to my website and tell me why you’d like to join via the forum there.

Buycraft Crazy Enchant Enchants Factions Ftop Gapple Gapplepvp Mcmmo Mechanics Pvp Raiding Space Spawn Wait

Welcome to Mcspace!

Join now to enjoy the new factions experience.

– $50 Buycraft FTOP Reward
– Custom Enchants
– Custom Level Ups
– mcMMO
– GapplePVP
– Easy Economy
– 1.7 TnT Mechanics
– Crazy Ore Spawning, and more!

Can’t wait to see you there!

A Minecraft Caps Cops Ein Free Hey Kid Kids Lin Mad Ops Port Ram Ree Use


A Minecraft server made for our kids.Where they are free to use caps and spam letters without fear of being reported by grammar cops.


8.2 Cow Economy Factions Mcm Menu Paw Pvp Raiding Silk Silkspawner Silkspawners Spawn Spawner Spawners

Cows Factions

Cow’s Faction Server
My server includes plugins like
Custom Tab Menu


1.1 Ass Best Class Com Enjin Est Lmao Nut Op Prison Prison Pro Round Style The Best

deez nuts

Probably the best OP Prison around.


Advertising Creativity Custom Dance Flying Food Free Plugins Pvp Rares Short Stage Stream Survival Vanilla

Bass Craft

Welcome to Bass Craft… We run Spigot 1.8.8 but offer a vanilla survival experience because the only plugins we have don’t change survival. All other settings are the same as vanilla MC. We have custom built MultiCraft commands to allow our users to set their home and teleport to spawn—this is not a plugin but an extension. We are all about hacking and allow all clients. X-ray, Nuker, KillAura – all welcome here. The only rule is no spamming or direct advertising. Flying isn’t enabled because it lags the server, but you can fly for short distances at lower speed to avoid being kicked. Our staff is very active and always willing to help. We offer free food and other items at spawn to get you started off on your adventure. We have a state-of-the art PVP arena and many cool pixel art drawings. You can vote for items every day to get even some of the rarest items. Now you may be thinking “Why is it called Bass Craft?” That is because our server pushes the line of creativity to bring something to Minecraft that has never been done before… we have designed our own dance club and stage with working lights, pyrotechnics, lasers, and that’s not all. We live stream a live DJ set directly from the owner’s personal mixer that is pure epic. You can listen to the live stream online and party with us in Minecraft. This epic event is going to be kicking off real soon but we are already all set up.. And who better to DJ the club than famous DJ Flux Pavilion.? And no we are not kidding you… The server owner is Flux Pavilion. If you don’t believe us, just come into to provided IP and check it out. We promise you will be impressed and are always willing to help you out. Check out some pictures if they are provided and we hope to see you soon.


Archery Bounty Credits Economy Kitpvp Mazes Mini Games Owo Parkour Towny Trail Trailer Treasure Tycoon Upgrades

EcoWorld – Dungeons Towns Games More

EcoWorld is a unique Multi-world Economy Server with Massive-shops, Voting-ranks, Voting-rewards, Mini-games, Grief-prevention, Hardcore-survival, Custom-mobs, Boss-battles, Treasure-chests, Towns, Creative, Archery-ranges, Parkour, Mazes, and much more! Get in on the ground floor while you can and be one of the first to play on this exciting new server!

Youtube Trailer:

Play with your friends and join the website! You can maximize your rewards and rank upgrades and you can earn up to 60,000 game money and 25 website store credits EVERY DAY in about 5 minutes by voting!

Voting Site:

Be a mayor and recruit residents or be a property tycoon. Do you have what it takes to make money and to be a billionaire? Join kit-pvp and earn bounty payments for every kill you get. Play and get money rewards when you win. Go mining for ores, wood, or other materials and sell them for profit. The world is yours!

Website, Forums, Store, Teamspeak:

Atlanta Backpack Backpacks Counter Factions Fallout Gang Gangs Horses Interactive Pvp Stats Survival Survive Vaults

Fallout: Atlanta

Fallout:Atlanta (Survival,Quests, PVP, Guns)

The objective of the Fallout: Atlanta project was to replicate the Fallout series into Minecraft to the best of our abilities. The server is fitted with features from HP that levels as you level, a Pipboy-3000 GUI, to interactive NPCS throughout the map. Throughout the wasteland youll encounter hostile gangs, severe hunger, and radiation poisoning. Your mission is to survive the harsh wasteland battling off other factions and players.

The currentmap is massive, filled with plenty of raiders and random events and replicated buildings from the Fallout Series. Although were constantly adding locations to the map, the smallest of details are being placed into previous locations. Updates are scheduled to take place at the end of every month.

Server Features:
– Automatic XP Ranking System (30 Levels)
– Pipboy-3000 GUI to control all tasks on server.
– InteractiveNPCS/Quests
– “Hardcore” Mode
– Player ConfigurableSpawning
– 27 Replica weapons which unlock upon leveling
– Items from Fallout such as: Stimpak | Buffout | Stealth-boy | Rad-X
– Radiation
– Vault-tec Vaults to store items
– Inventories saved upon death
– Factions/Stats/Camps
– Backpacks, Horses, Tents
– Many more yet to come

IP: 158.69.55:25566

Alliance Alliances Cannon Cannons Diplomacy Duels Factions Hybrid Koth Pve Pvp Skin Survival Tournament Tournaments


You may be asking yourself what is ExcaliburMC? Well ExcaliburMC is a fun factions pvp server. It includes KOTH (King Of The Hill), Duels, Factions, Raiding and crates!. The staff members will try there hardest to fix bugs,glitches, and more. They will ban the hackers and rule breakers.

KOTH (King Of The Hill): This is a gamemode where factions/teams collide and try to control a area known as koth. If they control the area (koth) for 10mins they will get a reward of a kit named koth! This includes a bunch of goodies. Such as protection 4 diamond armor!! and alot more amazing loot!

Duels: This is a plugin that allows players to duel other players! This plugin will be used for pvp tournaments! If you win a pvp event (pvp tournaments) you will recieve the highest donator rank kit.

Factions: With this plugin players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land. Factions is also about diplomacy and war. You declare wars and forge alliances. You fight over land and manage your monetary expenses.

Raiding: Raiding is apart of the factions plugin. You find other players bases and try to raid them with tnt cannons, hybrid cannons and alot more cannons! When you break through there base you will have to break/open there chest and steal there goodies!

Crates: Crates is pretty much self explanitory. You get crate keys by doing /kit starter or /kit key! And right click chests with the tripwire hook (key) and hope you get some good loot!

-ExcaliburMC Staff Team

Ability Ceb Dragon Dragonborn Facebook Gon Gui Pass Protected Race Races Survival Multiplayer Twitter Werewolf Wolf

HolocroZ Faction Races

This is a new started faction server.
Upon joining the server, a GUI pops up, this is where you chose your race. You can either be a Werewolf, a Dragonborn, or an Elf. Each one has a passive ability which is in effect ALL THE TIME.
Mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @Holocroz
FaceBook: Holocroz


Economy Event Events Mcm Mcmmo Miner Miners Nation Pet Pets Pvp Raiding Stuff Survial Survival


Come now! Join us! Join the miners here at Mc-Nation!
This is a new server so there is new stuff everyday! Many events and many stuff!
We are survial with speical pvp! Survival is fun as we have stuff like pets, and Mcmmo!

Animal Animals Emea Eternal Familia Grape Honey Paradise Short Stories Survival Multiplayer Terrarium Toxic Voice Wine


Nemi is a hidden realm, cloaked in magic within the region of Tuscany. To the outside world, it is only a rumor, a legend, a whisper.
Within the world of Nemi lies a powerful magic at its heart. As are all things of value, the magic of Nemi is greatly sought after.
The goddess Diana created Nemi, almost as a sentient being in itself an extension of herself somewhat. Legend says the realm allows some to breach the borders and some not.
Those who are not deemed worthy to pass never know they fall short. They simply search throughout Tuscany to no avail. All they find are the stories and fables of the Tuscan locals about the invisible world they will never see.
Those that are allowed to pass find the woods begin to thicken, to smell sweet and fragrant almost in an instant. Continuing on they pass friendly, almost tamed animals, existing in the woods without fear.
They hear the buzzing of bee hives thick and overflowing with acacia honey, the sweet familiar smell too good to not stop and appreciate. Soon the number of trees diminish and open to the hills, where Lake Nemi sparkles with the eternal sun upon her gently lapping wavelets.
They see the hills thick with the many vineyards, the grapes from which is made sweet wine. Their aroma almost intoxicates the visitor to a utopian-like state only the breeze saves them from being totally overcome.
The trees themselves lull the visitors with a lullaby, with sweet voices that few can sense. Rather than actually hearing the voices, they are taken by a feeling of overwhelming peace and serenity. Those that come seeking the magic are subdued by it without even realizing it.
It is one of the ways the realm has been kept peaceful. But it is also the kindness of the people, the warmness of their demeanor.
Under the protection of the goddess they enjoy a peace that seldom could ever dream of achieving. No war, no fighting or bickering amongst them.
All work together for each other as well as for their Matriarch. It is the energy behind the magic, which was created by the force of the magic.
The love feeds the magic, and the magic feeds the love. It is an ethereal terrarium of a sort that the goddess has created a self contained paradise.
In the world of Minecraft, there have been infiltrators to this utopia…zombies, witches, skeletons, creepers and the like. Though life is now a challenge, the magic of Nemi still prevails.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and 10 Best Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!