Server IP:
Welcome to OlympusNetwork.
Let me guess.. Youre sick and tired of trying to find a server. Every time you do, theres something not to your likeing. Maybe its just because donors are all too good. Maybe its just too unfair. Well, then theres us. We major in fairplay and specialize in getting to know our players. Were not like all those people who want nothing to do with their players. Come check out the next generation of minecraft at The War Of Olympus.
Plugins we have from large servers (Ex. ArkhamNetwork):
✓Auction House (An amazing plugin that lets players auction items via /ah)
✓Archon Crates (Get AWESOME Rewards from crates.)
✓Vote Party (EVERYONE gets items when we reach X amount of votes)
✓Bartender (An opportunity to double your money.)
What makes us unique:
✓Stargate (Players can make Portals to different locations and travel with the push of a button.)
✓Silk Spawners (Players are able to mine spawners using a silk touch pickaxe.)
✓Player Vaults (Allows users to have their own personal vault /pv)