Ares Automatic Ender Evento Eventos Experiment Familia Joga Mini Games Mud Mundo Oce Pvp Rime Survival

You Craft

Em nosso servidor você vai entrar em um mundo Survival com vários Minigames, uma arena PVP, eventos automáticos, sorteios de itens e uma equipe de suporte feito por jogares experientes para atender todas as necessidades dos jogadores. Não somos só mais um servidor. Somos uma família, e viemos para ficar!
Agora você ja tem o lugar certo para jogar Minecraft!
Mude! Experimente!

Ass Buy Buycraft Class Dom Dragon Gam Game Gon Lmao Mai Nam Name Style Survival Multiplayer

Dragon Domain


32gb Box Creative Dedicated Factions Guy Keep Kitpvp Phantom Prison Rive Smo Smooth Survival Uptime

Phantom Realms

Welcome To Phantom Network! Here We only Strive For The Best, We have Exellent Plugins Amazing Staff And Just An Over-all Fun Community! We Are Brand New And Looking For You Guys To Have Fun! 99.9% uptime, and our 32gb Dedicated Server Box keeps everyting Running smooth! hop on and join! hope to see you soon!

Axe Cheats Comments Exploit Floating Fun How To Pvp Relaxed Rules Sites Swearing Texture Trees Unlimited

Perfect Gaming Unlimited

Welcome to Perfect Gaming Unlimited..
We are a new faction pvp server and we will do our best to make this a fun environment and we will listen to comments about how to improve the server. we are relaxed and helpful. If we need staff we will ask dont join just to ask.
some of our rules are
[1] No spamming.
[2] No excessive swearing.
[3] Do not advertise other servers or websites.
[4] Do not make nerd poles or leave floating trees.
[5] Do not type or paste inappropriate or obscene things that are unhelpful in anyway.
[6] Do NOT exploit anything in game, if you happen to find an exploit report it to a staff member right away.
[7] No Cheats, Hacks, Mods, or x-ray texture packs
[8] No Scamming, this means this server does not allow scamming
[9] Last rule is a simple one, it forms three common necessities in one. Be mature, you may be childish but not to a annoying extent. Dont be a troll, and have fun~.


Anarchy Competition Diamond Sword Diamonds Enchant Enchanted Explore Flat Lore Mpet Nasty Pvp Rise Survival Sword


Dinasty Craft
is a fun new server that holds a flat world where a build competition is held every week.
the prises are 64 diamonds, a full set on diamond armour and and enchanted diamond sword with sharp 4.
time to have fun, see the sights and most importantly EXPLORE.

Added Ass Button Cod Code Has Man Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This Vote You

Manual Grife uid server Minecraft

Server description Server owner Manual Grife uid has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

4 VoteGet button code

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Anti-grief Economy Factions Hehe Mobarena Ored Plugins Preview Pvp Ranks Review Shops Survival Ttt


Welcome to McReborn.

We want you to enjoy our server. We have many plugins so youll never get bored.

Psssstttt a preview,
– Factions
– Mobarena
– Economy
– Shops
– Anti-Grief
– PvP
– Different Ranks
And many more

All in ONE.

So what are you waiting for? I know you want to join, hehe.


Also check out our brand new website.



Community Economy Gam Games Host Ice Join Lea Man Mini Games Mmu Please Survival Survival Games Unity


Hello and welcome to Server_Cake! We have so many choices of games and it’s not only the games up there, there’s more! So please join and be part of the community!

000 400 4000 Anything Creative Custom Earth Economy Head Heads Pets Rmc Tag Tags Towny


Minecraft server with 1:4000 Earth map and towny plugin
everyone here have creative and can build anything!
– Pets
– Custom Heads
– Custom Tags

580 Bows Bubble Ceb Creative Deaths Egg Factions Kitpvp Mini Games Oitc Saber Splegg Survival Games Tntrun

Flaming Gaming

Join our quickly developing server! We have Creative, Factions, Spleef, Splegg, BowSpleef, TNTRun, OITC, Kit-PvP, and more! Owner is FlamingIceberg87! Co-Owners are Bubblepop71 and Deathsaber11!

Apply Bot Fun Good Jus Love Man Mcp Mode Need Staff Rat Skyblock Unique Way Yes


You need a good minecraft server? Or perhaps you want staff? Yes. We do both. Our skyblock server is very unique and FUN in so many ways. Our players just love our server. We need staff to moderate our server. So come on in and apply.


Bounty Explosion Explosions Factions Leveling Monthly New Abilities Pvp Raiding Skills Spawn All Survival Territory Towny Unlimited


Caversia is a server network offering Factions and Towny servers, both servers include admin shops with 170+ items to buy and sell.

Some of our features include: (some features are server speicific)

-Auctions: Buy and sell to other players with our in game auctions through the chat system
-Bounty Rewards: Killing players has a chance to drop their heads, then sell their heads to the Bounty vendor for extra cash
-Faction Alert: Get alerted when explosions and players enter/leave your Faction territory
-Voting Crate Keys: Voting on our server helps you earn money and rewards
-McMMO: RPG leveling system that adds new abilities and skills to the game
-Random Chests: There are random spawning chests that spawn all over the world that have a chance to drop awesome loot
-Lottery: Every 60 minutes you play on our server rewards you with one entry towards our monthly prizes, you can earn an unlimited amount of entries.

Amity Ddos Faction Pvp Lobby Minigames Obby Pvp Seri Serious Structure Survival Switch Tier Towny Witch

Calamity MC

Run on top-tier servers, 10Gbps up/downlink, DDoS quick-switch mitigation, networked server infrastructure.

Dedicated servers for Towny Survival, Faction PvP, and Minigames with a lobby fallback server.

Ready to play for real? Get serious at


1000 лвл 127 лвл Cheats Allowed Classic Dupes Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Creative Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests No Launcher No Resets Pve Pvp Rpg Russian Minecraft

❤️ Mineland Network 1.8-1.15.2 ❤️ 2B2T ❤️ Minecraft server

Description of the server “Mineland Network” is a Minecraft server with high-quality implementation of game modes, monthly tops, interesting quests, lack of strong emphasis on donation for players who like to compete, create and have fun with friends.

– Skins work for everyone!
– Versions 1.8-1.9-1.10-1.11-1.12-1.13-1.14-1.15
– All plugins and modes coded themselves ^ _ ^
– Emphasis is placed on quality
– Unique privileges, suffixes and collections
– Everyone will find the mode to their liking
– Monthly tops and daily quests
– Good anti-cheat
– Responsive moderation
– Lack of lags, friezes!

NEW !!!
– Gryfersky regime that has no rules!
– You can use cheats and swear
– Vanilla non-private generation
– Completely destroyed spawn and evil vizers
– Invite your friends and grow together!

– Unique server development!
– This is your world – build anything
– Invite friends and build together
– Worlds rating system
– Create your own mini-games directly on the server!

– Survival with privates, pets, clans, MobArena,
– parkour, music, a mine and a shop.
“Only here you can ride a real engine!”

– A sound economy
– Line of quests (10-20 quests each)
– Survival with friends on the islands without a limit
– MobArena for 50 waves with 16 different sets
– Ore generator!
– Create your own store on the island – it’s free!
– Auctions for avid merchants
– Break into the TOP islands!

– Defend your island from the enemy
– Go to the portal of the enemy and capture him
– Become the champion of bridges!

⬤ 8 BALL:
– Play Billiards in Minecraft itself!
– Throw players in the holes with a cue
– Defeat everyone with 10 kills!

– Do you like to grimace? Steal? Kill?
– This mode is for you! Lack of power, lawlessness
– Everyone is trying to survive, play with a unique generation
– Build huge bases, unite in clans
– Become the greatest server gripper!

– Go through different difficulties
– Set your record
– Jump to victory!

– Fight for your nexus in 6 phases!
– Invite your friends and play together
– Unique cards, whales and perks
– The legendary mode is waiting for you!

– A piece of RPG in plain Kopalovo
– Drop dead bosses!
– Factions that will become the second home
– Inter-factional wars
– A real huge slammer
– Become a Pahan and dominate!

– Build alone or with friends
– Many cool themes for buildings!
– Voting system for the best building
– The one who builds the most beautiful will win!

⬤ PVP:
– Improve your skill in PvP!
– Dueling, UHC, Sumo, Parkour and more
– Statistics of killings and deaths
– Grab the top of this mode!

– Awesome economy
– Variety of cards
– Unique items
– Whales and perks for everyone!

– SOLO, TEAM and LUCKY modes
– Perks and whales with pumping for everyone
– Try your luck in Lucky mode with Lucky Blocks!
– Cases for matches played
– Really unique cards!
– Heavenly premises – what is inside?
– Before you start, you’ll find out faster!

Huge community:

Do not miss, come to us:

Cheap Economy Entertaining Entertainment Fit Give Keep Kitpvp Perms Pvp Reward Square Survival Survival Games These

Yoshee08 Network

Welcome to Yoshee08!
We’re a fun and friendly that welcomes people of all ages! If you’re looking for a more unique and entertaining Minecraft experience, with many different entertainment venues to play with friends, this is the server for you!.

Like any other server, we have to make enough money to have awesome servers and plugins, so we have donation ranks to help keep us running. These ranks are cheap and give awesome perms and rewards, so you’ll be heavily benefited by helping us to keep the server running! Even if you don’t donate, you won’t miss out, so don’t worry about it.

We look forward to seeing you around!

Be there, or be square.

Beta Builder Builders Creative Cru Free Nether Popular Prison Recruiting Skyblock Sub Support Survival Traditional


Main server :

Hello everybody, welcome to REDCRAFT. We are a new server and still have many things to work on, if you want to support us, feel free to join us and vote for us.

New Features:
– Traditional survival world(nether supported)(This is and old, but popular feature)
– Creative plot world[each plot now 126×126]

– Sub-servers
– Skyblock (Beta)[NEW.]

– Prison [Newly added feature]

– Auction[Newly added feature]

We are recruiting Builders and Administraters for both main server and sub-servers. Please contect us if you are interested.
My email address: [email protected]


Emo Habilidades Hardcore Les Menu Mini Games Misc Monstruos Nuevo Para Rad Skyblock Skywars Survival Ten


– Nuevos Crafteos – Menu desplegable
– Nuevos Crafteos Disponibles – Sistema de Niveles y Habilidades
– Monstruos de Dificultad con habilidades – Fisicas mejoradas
Plugins de Miscelania
Y otras funcionalidades que os tenemos preparadas!

Added Ass Bed Wars Build battle Com Has Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Server Minecraft Sky Wars Owner Ter This TNT Run You

Cristalix Minecraft Server

The server owner Cristalix has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Gta Kywars Mad Money Prison Pvp Riends Servers Skywar Skywars Soon Survival Tag War Wars


New server network! Server made by me Maano47. I amke this server whit my friends owner 1 year. Now we have only survival bunt GTA, skywars and factions or prison coming soon… We need money to get more servers!

Atla Atlauncher Blockhunt Donor Factions Factory Launcher Minecraft Faction Prison Ranks Skyblock Skyfactory Tla Tlauncher Vanilla

MineBlowingCraft Vanilla

Hello. Welcome.
Were a Minecraft Faction gaming Server that currently hosts a Factions server and a Prison, BlockHunt, SkyBlock to come. The Factions Server currently features Donor ranks. We have put a lot of effort into doing this and would love to invite you to join our server. Thanks :. MineBlowingCraft is also one of our servers. MineBlowingCraft is a SkyFactory2 server on the ATLauncher. We have a great community and love to meet new players.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Bedrock Servers ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!