Beautiful Developed Eau Economy Incredible Nda Pixelmon Poke Professional Pve Spanish Survival Tall Tienda Universe

Poke Universe

Totally New Server and in Spanish. Developed by Dorian Gray Jr

Professionally Developed Hispanic Server and Home to the most beautiful community of all! DorianGrayJr is the Owner of this incredible Server!



1.16 Alia Aust Australia Australian Farms Prod Rare Rod Rps Silk Survival Warps Wildernes Wilderness

The Wilderness

Server coming soon
Australian semi-survival server based around economy with plugins such as auction, plots, mcmmo, crates.
Players will be able to set up there own shops with warps
Spawners will be able to be silk touched
The goal is to set up farms to be able to sell your produce to other players and collect rare server items.
You can also claim land.

Civilizations Doom Dooms Economic Economics Economy Factions Genius Iris Mcmmo Pvp Raiding Survival Towny Vampirism


Civilizations, Economics, War, Politics
Doomsday is coming…
100% custom game mode made by a genius
Freedom from pay to win trash.

115server 116server 18server Build Builders Bukkit Claim Comingsoon Competitions Competitivebuilds Creative Creativeplots Discord Easygoing Economy Epic Essentials Friendlystaff Fun Games Griefprevention Landclaim Opvis Opvisgaming Plots Pve Pvp Pvparena Quick Ranks Shop Shops Smallcommunity Staff Survival Top Unique Warps World Youtube

OpVis Network – Survival, PVP, Creative

Welcome to OpVis Gaming!

Whether you are looking for a slow-paced survival with your friends, a creative server to compete in build offs, or a ruthless PVP server with a custom map, we have it all. We are a small server community where we put the players first.

Here are the three main servers we have to offer:
Survival: Slow-pace Minecraft survival with an economy.
Creative: Flat plot world where you can build for fun or take part in our build competitions
PVP: Anything-goes PVP custom map. No claims, no shops, no worries!

Make sure to join our discord!

Creative Economy False Grinders Illegal Jobs Mcmmo Nickname Nicknames Pve Pvp Shop Shops States Survival

Diarch [Survival] [MCMMO] [Economy] [Shops] [Jobs]

We are a laid back survival server where the admins are much more accommodating than any other. Map resets are never done except under extreme circumstances and we do not have land claims due to its inconvenience to our players. We provide both PvE and PvP at your discretion with a command. Come check us out! You won’t regret it. c: (Yes, our spawn is original.)

Our dedicated host is located in East Coast, United States, providing you with the best ping nationwide.


[​1] Be respectful.

[​2] Do not grief.

[​3] No hacking or exploiting of any sort allowed.

[​4] You may not ask for any rank.

[​5] No spamming.

[​6] No direct cussing. Indirect cussing is allowed, but try to moderate yourself.

[​7] No illegal PvP. This includes, but is not limited to, placing fire under players, lava, breaking, and placing.

[​8] No advertising.

[​9] Kits available for ranks [​T] and above may not be distributed.

[​10] Ignoring staff is prohibited.

[​11] Evading bans will result in a permanent ban.

[​12] Please keep nicknames original.

[​13] PvP logging is prohibited.

[​14] Do not spawn kill.

[​15] We are not responsible for item loss if your is enabled and are killed.

[​16] No floating tree tops.

[​17] False reporting is a bannable offense.

[​18] Use common sense, if a rule isn’t listed here, it doesn’t give you the right to do it. This is a bannable offense.

[​19] Please keep mobs to moderation, any excess mobs will be lowered to a considerable amount. This includes, but is not limited to, XP grinders, farms, etc. First offense is a warning, then followed by appropriate action.

‘Cause communities matter.

Thanks for reading!

1.16.1 116server Community Friendly Minimal No hacking Nostalgia Permanent Pvp Raiding Root Smp Solo Survival Toxic

NostalgiaCraft [Semi-vanilla] {SMP} {1.16.1} {No Whitelist} {Minimal plugins} {Community Based}

We started NostalgiaCraft because we wanted a fun community based public server where you could enjoy the game during these tough times, and wanted to share our love of the game with you. If you have any questions regarding anything in-game or what, never be afraid to reach out on our discord.

We will always put the players first.

NostalgiaCraft takes Minecraft back to its roots. It’s a survival server with no claims, no fancy plugins, and few rules. Not many servers give you the freedom that NostalgiaCraft does. On NostalgiaCraft you can be solo or find a team, it’s up to you.


– No Griefing (all griefs are rolled back with no permanent damage)

– No Hacking

– No Toxicity

– Stealing and PvP are allowed for freedom (keep in mind toxicity is still banned)

All players get 1 home!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Breaker Customdrops Economy Factions Factions Pvp Knockback Mcmmo Pve Pvp Raiding Scaffold Shopgui Shopguiplus Silkspawner Survival

The Grow MC

Welcome to The Grow MC

We are a brand new Factions PVP server fresh from the server list.
What we offer:
Custom coded plugins
Experienced staff team
Organized staff team
Amazing builds

Have it your way. Have you got what it takes?
We have open staff positions/Are looking for staff!

Some Plugins installed on server: Factions, Essentials, MCMMO, Economy, ShopGUIPlus, Scaffolds, Obbybreaker, Auctionhouse, Silkspawners, CustomKnockbackm, CustomDrops

Creative Dragon Dutch Economy Grind Grinding Mcmmo Merchant Mini Games Rading Roleplay Roleplaying Skyblock Survival Trading


MiningDragon is an English and Dutch server for all kinds of players. We offer gamemodes in the likes of Skyblock, Survival, Creative but also two custom gamemodes: DragonQuest and MerchantCraft, where trading, roleplaying and grinding are the main aspects.
Come and play on our server and explore how fun it is!

620 Automatic Economy Hbm Insta Mcheli Modpack Pvp Raiding Survival Tall Tech Technic Technicpack Tekkit

HyWar Classic

This is the HyWar Classic Modpack and Server. Once you install the modpack our server is automatically there for you to join and have fun with other players! We are a modded War Server with mods like McHeli, HBM, and MineChem. Check it out at

Alpha Development Economy Factions Hosting Minecraft Servers Nostalgic Popular Prison Private Pub Pve Pvp Released Skyblock

Nostalgic Craft

Nostalgic Craft is a network of Minecraft servers that released in beta Feb. 8th 2020. We have a lot of experience with hosting fun, popular and unique servers!

Our Current Servers:
– Skyblock public beta
– Factions private alpha

Active Owners
Active Development
Amazing Community
Open Suggestions

1.12 1.12.2 Battle Royal Battle Royale Best Minecraft Minecraft 1.12.2 Mini Games Post Royale Sea Season Starting Survival Games Survivor Vanilla

Sole Survivor Battle Royale

One of the best minecraft 1.12.2 battle royale servers there is! At the time this server was posted we are just starting season two! Please feel free to join the discord and have fun!

Antispam Auto-mine Cheap Crafters Exchange Let's Magazine Minecraft Kit Start Minecrafter Netherite Races Robots Square Sun Vips

AGE OF CRAFT v1.16 Minecraft server

Description of the server Hello, minecrafter. You are on the page of the RPG server Age of Craft 1.16.0.
We are glad to tell you and invite you to our server so that you become one of us. Let’s talk about what we have.
1. Live mobs. Yes Yes. We have mobs running around. Not all, but most. Like vanilla
2. Economy. And then there is a lot of interesting things and everything is in one point. Shop in GUI interface, Enchant for money and much more.
3. The crossbow is fully operational. Believe it or not, on some servers, you don’t even know that you can still make a crossbow.
4. Works. Do you like to dig, hack or kill? Then you will find your job and be a millionaire.
5. System of exchange with other players.
6. Auto mine. Dig and mine.
7. Netherite and netherite armor with a sword. Yes, you read everything correctly. We have it.
8. Whales for players, VIPs and admins.
And many more interesting things. You can’t count everything. Donate is cheap.
In the future, we plan to add races with racial whales, chat and more. It will be possible to enter the race only through the head of the race. But this is in the future.
Come in soon, friend! Take your place under the square sun!

Dom Economy Gun Guns Hut Minehut Pvp Random Sell Skyblock Survival Survive Trade Vanilla Vive


economy survive and random ore gen skyblock

economy survival
– guns
– sell
– trade

+++++++++++++++++++more coming soon+++++++++++++++++++

Blast Classic Damage Factions Familia Free To Play Living Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Mountain Mystic Recreate Rings Scar Survival

Mystic Craft – A modern classic feeling server for MC 1.15.X

The year is 2012. You hop onto a Minecraft server your friend told you about for the first time. You start off with nothing but your survival instincts and begin to gather your resources. Soon enough, you have a nice house built for yourself overlooking a stretch of land you can call home. After claiming your house under your own new faction, you gain a few new server members on your team and work together to make something great. The land surrounding you begins to populate with memorable builds and interesting projects. You and your faction members have earned some higher ranks together just for putting something new into the world. Eventually… you have yourself an empire, built with friends and efforts. It was a blast, and you made lots of memories with the people you met on that server. Familiar names would pop into the chat every so often, and even if it was just a quick “hello,” knowing they were online and having a good time as well was comforting. You may have crossed paths with a stranger near your land. Maybe you scared them off your turf, or maybe you invited them to see your faction and sent them on their way with a little gift. Maybe your faction became well known for its power, or maybe it was more well known for creating stunning builds.
In the end, your experience on the server was what you made it. There was no goal set for you, you made them yourself. Goals like getting to the End or carving a mountain are just a few of your options. But hopefully it seemed like there was one common goal among all the server members: to have fun
This is the kind of server Mystic Craft aims to be. A server that leaves its userbase free to play how they please. A server where everyone can play a part (yes even griefers) in a growing community of Minecraft players. Whether you’ve had the experience of living on a classic survival server or not, all players new and old are welcome to join in and make something amazing.
Mystic Craft attempts to capture the feeling of old servers from 2012 with a unique play experience with a custom configuration that brings back many old features such as Old tool damage, Player push, Old combat, Earned not bought ranks, and much more!

TL;DR: Mystic Craft is a server that attempts to recreate the feel of old servers from 2012

Raiding and Griefing are allowed but leave SOMETHING

1.14 Allowed Aternos Factions Factionsserver Griefing Minecraft Server Nda Panda Pvp Soon Steal Stealing Survival Tea

Panda Factions

1.14.4 Factions minecraft server with plugins PVP allowed, Griefing and stealing also allowed. Discord Server coming soon.

Crate Daily Drama Economy Land Claim Mature Nut r9k Ram Rates Rewards Survival Tag These Thirst

Voltage Survival/Economy

We are a new Survival server with lots of custom features to make the survival experience even more fun! Our goal is to provide a mature and drama-free survival experience for all players!

Our discord is:

Some of these features include:
– Stamina
– Thirst
– Nutrition
– Crates
– Daily rewards
– Shops
– Land Claim

Advertisement Battles Bows Caps Dropparty Economy Ftp Greif Hide Parkour Pvp Spigot Plugin Survival Vanilla Wildernes

Craft Portal

Craft Portal – SMP Survival (Vanilla Experience with Spigot plugins)(Join the server today! IP: Fred121212CURRENTLY SUPPORTING 1.15 versions!!Friendly community where you can play SMP vanilla with plugins such as Grief Prevention to make your game more enjoyable. Team up with friends or survive by yourself, prepare yourself for battles in the wilderness and start rivalries with other players to see who can survive the longest.You can now donate at to help fund our server – check out rewards at!Vote today and receive free rewards –!Join us on discord – reward dedicated players and we have a friendly staff team who are happy to help!Parties! Events! Spleef! Hunger Games! And more!RULES:Dont greif!Dont spam!Dont ask admins for stuff!Dont use mod!Dont hack!Be nice in the chat!Dont ask for higher rank!No advertisement!Dont use CAPS in every sentence!Welcome to Craft Portal!This is a Towny and PvP server were you need to survive and protect your self!There is loads of events and more fun stuff, like: Parkour, Race, Paintball, DropParty, KitPvP, Spleef, BowSpleef, Hide and Seek and more to come! Join us Today!Welcome to Craft Portal!This is a SMP PvP server were you nead to survive and protect yourself!There is loads of events/minigames and more fun stuff, like: Parkour, Race, Paintball, DropParty, KitPvP, Spleef, BowSpleef, Hide and Seek and more to come! Events coming soon!

Anarchy Carnival Chaos Cheats Christ Christmas Easter Evolution Firework Fireworks Pve Pvp Roleplay Silver Survival


There are no rules on this server. Pure chaos rules :D! Decide on a side! Good or bad?
Except hacks and cheats! They are not allowed! Please report if you suspect someone!
We still have an anti cheat that will send us a message when someone is cheated!
The server will always be up to date!
We also build small wonders in the world that can be admired!
There will also be a few events where we will hide things around the spawn!
New Year
August Fireworks

Emperor Fantasy Farmer Landclaim Medieval Merchant MONSTER HUNTER Priest Pve Pvp Religion Roleplay Rp Server Rpg Tips

Veritas RP

  After a century and half of Calamities, the land of Veritas is finally healing. Roleplay as a humble farmer, venture into forgotten places, fight for the glory one of three kingdoms and so much more. Your path is your own to forge; whether you want to be a monster hunter seeking your fortune, a merchant traveling the length of the entire continent, or a priest entering a strange new religion. The world of Veritas awaits, how will you sway its course?

  The server is an RP server that encourages player to be creative and live out their dreams. Everything from barkeep to Emperor/Empress is at your finger tips. Work your way to any and all goals you set for yourself. The world is yours to command. There will be PVP as well as PVE to suit whatever need a player wants. This server will also have RP. The path you choose is yours and will be different then almost any experience you’ve had with RP games before. Excited to see you there!

Join us on our Discord!:

Admin Ask Chat Dirty Ice Kyn Nice Please Port Pve Rights Survival Tak Talk Vanilla

Skynet minecraft server

Come and have fun on a vanilla server were the world is yours for the taking 😉 Please dont ask for admin rights and be nice to each other and no dirty talk in the chat please I have Ventrilo Server with port : 3784

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Java Online Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!