Auctionhouse Crew Dreams Economy Griefprevention Hestshop Limits Mcmmo Minecraft Dream Pve Roleplay Ruins Solo Survival Tame


RamenCraft is a community-based Survival server with features like mcMMO, ChestShop, AuctionHouse, Essentials, GriefPrevention, and many more features constantly being added! Everyone is welcome and accepted at RamenCraft to live out their wildest Minecraft dreams and ideas without limits! Survive how you want, build what you want, live the way you want, and do what you want, because it’s RamenCraft. Conquer and tame the land as a solo player or ravage the ruins with your crew, how you play is your choice! RamenCraft is always up to date and on the latest Minecraft versions.

360 Anarchy Bow Ddos Dead Donate Hack Hank Limits Maybe Paw Please Rui Spawn Survival


A Minecraft Server that has no Rules! Hack, DDOS, THERE ARE NO LIMITS! Make Friends, Ruin Spawn, 360 No-Scope someone with a Bow, Like i said, There are no Limits! Please Enjoy this Server, And maybe Donate. Thank You! -Owner

Days Enchant Enchants Endless Fres Fresh Limits Noble Noblecraft Non Rankup Slime Slimefun Survival System

Noble Craft

A custom Towny experience, with slimefun, custom enchants, rankup system, and more. Skyblock coming soon! This server is guaranteed to offer a refreshing, non p2w experience that you don't get with a lot of servers now a days. With 27 ranks to achieve, the limits are endless on Noble Craft. Come Join Us!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Best Minecraft Server Best Minecraft Servers Creation Creations Espanol How To Play Learn How To Play Limits Minecraft Game Minecraft Online Pirate Plugins Secure Spanish Videos

Minecraft Español

MCE (Minecraft Spanish), we are a team of developers focused on the development and innovation and improvement of servers and resources for Minecraft. Our mission is to offer an excellent service that can connect all Gamers who play Minecraft in Spanish including their resources, creations, videos, maps, ideas, etc.
We offer an evolving server including a growing community where we try to develop new plugins and game modes that our users request. Our MCE servers are dedicated and offer a wide variety of Minecraft game modes for those who love to play Minecraft online. Our servers are open 24 hours a day and our team makes sure to maintain and provide a connection with a stable and secure quality service.
Come join one of the best Minecraft servers and enjoy a world never seen before.
Be part of the Minecraft Spanish community where only your imagination limits you.
Before playing, new users must register their account through in order to be part of the community. In order to play in the MCE world you first need to have your own premium or pirate Minecraft account. If you don’t have one, you can also purchase one from the official Minecraft site ( After creating your account you can enter the MCE world where you will learn how to play the different game modes and explore our server.


Ats Board Coded Creative First Leaderboard Leaderboards Learn Limits Meg Mega Parkour Pot Potion Rats

Omega Parkour

The first custom coded and fully unique parkour server! Build any type of parkour you want, with plenty of options to utilize. Set version limits, no sprint, potion effects, and more. Discover courses made by other players, learn about parkour strats, and aim to be on the course leaderboards!

Amar Cool Kit Kitpvp Limits Lin Need Staff Nline Online Pvp Pvp Server Ring Tes Test Who


A KitPvp server for everybody who wants to test his limits!
Bring your friends in here!
24/7 online !!! We need staff!

Access Comet Creative Custom Default Freebuild Limited Limits Media Open World Plugins Premium Remo These Unlimited

Comet FreeBuild ★ 1.16.2 ★

Welcome to Comet.

Here at Comet Freebuild, we remove limits that are on other servers giving you immediate access to an unlimited open world for building. Unlike most other creative servers, which require you to donate and build in plots, we include these so-called “premium” features by default. On top of that, we also use custom-made anti griefing plugins so that your builds stay safe without any extra work done on your behalf. So what do you say? Play Comet FreeBuild today.


Accepting Backpack Backpacks Club Early Economy Farms Limits Maintained Monthly Oce Roleplay Sethomes Survival Vanilla

Club block

Klublock is a semi-vanilla survival server currently running in 1.16.2, updated whenever stable updates come out. We have several plug-ins active to enhance your playing experience, such as backpacks, warps, and sethomes. New plug-ins are added regularly, either to enhance vanilla or as result of players voting.

You can start off by doing /wild to get resources, claim land, or start a awesome town with your friends. The sky is the limit and only your imagination limits the possibilities!

Our staff is always hard at work to protect your claims, resolve any problems and entertain our players. We’re not accepting any new staff without due process, as we aim to have a well-coordinated team present at all times.

We have several well-made starter towns to help you out getting through your early days, along with public warps to farms and server-builds. When uncertain if we have a certain farm, you can always ask our staff or your fellow players!

Our patrons contribute to give a well-maintained server that will work its hardest to give you the best experience you can have! Donations grant you extra perks, such access to certain commands and daily, weekly, or monthly kits of free stuff.

Access Comet Creative Default Extra Freebuild Limited Limits Media Open World Prem Premium Remo These Unlimited

Comet FreeBuild


Here at Comet Freebuild, we remove limits that are on other servers giving you immediate access to an unlimited open world for building. Unlike most other creative servers, which require you to donate and build in plots, we include these so-called “premium” features by default. On top of that, we also use custom-made anti griefing plugins so that your builds stay safe without any extra work done on your behalf! So what do you say? Join Comet FreeBuild today!

Boss Bosses Buy Car Cards Custom Item Custom Items Items Limits Minecraft Vanilla Mobs Modified Reward Roleplay Vip


Minecraft vanilla but modified with custom items and stronger mobs. Test your limits here. Bosses will be added to. Vote now to gain rewards. Buy VIP to gain cards.

Aus Command Commands Countries Data Different Dynmap Easy Faction Imple Lol Moderator Simp Simple Vis


Natural is a faction server featuring a generated world in the shape of earth. Players can claim land in different countries without the worry of griefing because of our strong moderator team. The system and commands are very simple and easy to pick up, so any player can join the server and have lots of fun! You can join the server with the ip and visit our website at Our clean website includes links to the discord server and the dynmap. So hop on the server, bring your friends, and start building!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

570 Admin Car Cars Cities Economy Function Functional Ita Looking Real Super Tat Team Vip


Hi, are you looking for a server with a super Admin Team? so this is RealLand just for you! On the server you will find: Survival, VIP, Cities, Functional cars, just what you can think of. So don’t hesitate and join! We wish you a pleasant game!

Beautiful Early Eau Economy Factions Fou Inspiration Lands Merge Near Nothing Skyland Skylands Survival Vie

SkyLands – Skyblock Survival

SkyLands is a faction server in its best form. Created from nothing, now something beautiful has emerged. There are many features to this faction server, unlike nearly any other. I surfed around the web when I was creating this server viewing others faction servers and getting inspiration, once I found enough and figured out a plan on what I wanted to do this beauty emerged.

Dedi Dedicated Different Economy Emo Everyone Factions Gamemode Gamemodes Kitpv Kitpvp Networks Prison Towny Who

Omni Networks

Hello! We are a new server looking for some dedicated players and staff! We have many different gamemodes and are working on more such as skyblock, kitpvp, factions, prison, and more! We appreciate everyone who checks us out!

A Minecraft Ask Attack Basic Camp Donate Hack Kill Mean People Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla

Tubby Time

Tubby Time is a very basic vanilla Minecraft server. How survival is meant to be, grief, raid, attack players. Don’t ask to be staff, don’t hack, and use common sense. If you spawn camp people, you will be /killed and your items will be donated to the victims.

9.2 Adventures Anarchy Aust Economy Kingdom Kingdoms Leplay Medieval Pvp Role Roleplay Towns Towny Wns

Causts Adventures

Causts Adventures, AKA Causts Lounge is a roleplay medieval towns, kingdoms and other establishments- you can create your own town and war with others!

Ark Culture Different Dynasty Lab Market Minion Nasty Paw Skyblock Spawn Spawner Spawners System Virtual

Dynasty Network Skyblock

Try labor skyblock server. I think it is a very successful operation, different systems have different spawn. coin virtual market swap minion agriculture spawners block spawners and more

Anarchy Awa Away Blocks Builds Destroy Hun Isa Pvp Sand Story Survival Travel Usa Vanilla

Isabelle Anarchy

Isabelle Anarchy – no rules. Kill other players, destroy builds, make your own builds, travel hundreds of thousands of blocks away from spawn. Make your own story. (no lag lmao)

138 Cru Crusade Crusader Crusaders Naruto Nontoxic Peace Peaceful Roleplay Sad Survival Technic Technicpack Toxic

Final Crusaders | Naruto

Final Crusaders | Naruto

Final Crusaders | Naruto is a peaceful/nontoxic community where you can meet new friends, adventure, and spar with each other. we strive to make this community awesome and fun to play on. you can help us out by joining us on


API Link:


Colosseum Cracked Creative Drugs Female India Lgbtfriendly Male Minigames Norway Rare Items Safespace Scrim Skyblock Survival

FlexGames Cracked

Are you looking for a cracked server with a varied community, and players from all over the world ?

We got it !We offer not only cracked server, but also Survival, Creative, Skyblock and Games.
We love new members and meeting new and interesting people. Our server is hosted in Netherland, but we have players from Brasil, USA, India, China, Bulgaria, Norway – yes, all over.

We may not be huge with thousands of players; but we got a tight community.

At FlexGames we’re open for everyone !
We don’t discriminate on sex, skin, religion or community.Perhaps you’re looking for a safespace for LGBT ?We got it!

Not only is half our staff female, but we have open and supportive members.

Do you enjoy survival PvP ? Why not try our Colosseum ? NEW! Now it even has a BOSS.
Fight the boss and win rare items, or maybe an elytra ?
/warp colosseum

We would love to see you online ! 🙂


Beacon Cops Democracy Destroying Economy Let's Mcmmo Noob Police Programming Pvp Raiding Stupid Suck Survival


Yo, if you’ve ever played on a drug themed server and thought “man these cops are f***in corrupt”, or thought “man this staff sucks a**”, well then do we have good news for you!

On our drug server, players use democracy to vote other gang members into leadership positions who then get to suggest new staff or hand pick cops weekly. That’s right, you can either run for your gangs leader position yourself or you can vote for another member in your gang to be your gangs leader, and on top of that you get to pick who from your gang has the police ran–
HEY!.. let me continue,

OK so basically our staff doesn’t suck a**, meaning that we have actually beta tested our features and only want to release the best content that we can provide. I mean, we’ve probably spent like a thousand godd**n hours programming this thing, and nearly just as much time testing it.

So if you think you can cut it with us, come check us out.. Be warned, if you’re an idiot you may not make it through the tutorial. Let’s call it our ‘built-in-noob-filter’, complements of the staff.

Now you might have some questions, like can you make your own gang? And the answer is no, this isn’t stupid a** factions. This is a whole other level, cribs can only be placed around each gangs HQ and the gangs HQ automatically expands depending on how many members are active. Destroying the other gangs beacon will win your gang special perks and time based bonus’s that will help all your fellow members make more $.

Anyways, enough with the little details, come on and check it out to see what else we have to offer.

100 Cas Character Characters Has Island Land New Rac Rvival Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter


New server! Survival and more.

the description has to be 100 characters:

Active Staff Atla Capture Donator Donators Extra Get Even Hardcore Kitpvp Koth Koths Massive Pvp Stuff Tla


Massive PvP. Full Time PvP Action.
Active staff.
Friendly Community.

Enchant your own gear. Get suit up. and capture koths. to get even better stuff.
Also donators have acces to extra rooms & multipliers.

Coinflip Coinflips Coins Economy Factions Ftop Hardcore Infinite Keyall Mobcoins Oins Op Factions Pvp Raiding Released

Infinite Factions

Infinite Factions is a competitive FTOP Factions Server that just released. This server has:

-FTOP Rewards
-Voting Rewards
-Custom Enchantments
-Weekly Giveaways
-Daily Keyalls
-And More!

Join as at:

Basic Better Cube Dates Economy Essential Factions Factions Servers Geek Magi Magic Mcmmo Pvp Raiding Updates


Optimal Geeks Mc is a new and different type of factions server we have all the factions basic and soon to be RPG aspects and much more soon! in our discord we have discord to mc chat which a lot of servers don’t have right now or at all. the goal of our server is to get a great sized community with many custom features that a lot of other factions servers just don’t have! feel free to join our discord for updates and much more!

Custom Plugins
Running 24/7
Great Staff
Core Protect

Adventures Clash Factions Force God Gods Guardian Mcmmo Nature Race Races Roleplay Survival The Quest Wiki


There are adventures, followers of the gods, races of all kinds, protectors of the sea, guardians of nature, and everything in between. The question is, who will you be? A protector of what you think is right? Perhaps someone who meddles in forces you shouldn’t know about.

You are free to dictate and influence the world as you like, but take note there are others here to do the same. Gods that intervene, choose champions, and clash in wars. There are people who have dedicated their time to protect the world as they know it. And there are people who will work to benefit you or bring you down.

Who will you be? Will you leave your mark on the world? It’s open to you now, good luck, and watch your back.

More information can be found on Discord and on the Wiki.

Economy Factions Factions Pvp Factions Server Ftp Journey Keys Pay Prize Prizes Pvp Schoo School Special Wait

PriorityCraftpvp – Factions PVP

PriorityCraft is our network of servers, listed here is our PVP server, join today to start your journey on an old school factions server and work your way to the top. There is no pay to win here, there is play to win.There isnt much time to explain, hop on the server and see for yourself what is waiting :Join today and vote for keys to open crates to win special prizes!

100 Admin Amplified Challenge Change Classes Eng Enjoy Fur Gamer Please Rule Rules Survival Vanilla


Amplified World of Survival. Enjoy the challenge of survival in an Amplified world that has a few Gamerules applied. This server allows 100 players for now, but will change as I get further in my Network Administration Classes. Please come in and enjoy but “watch your step!”

Anarchy Dating Economy Instagram Mix Mixed Origin Original Police Promotion Pve Pvp Selfpromo Survival Updating

SPPD Community Server

SPPD-MC is a server originally created for the Instagram account @selfpromotionpoliceofficer
The server is a survival, mixed with a bit of anarchy and community project type experience. We have great staff, and are constantly updating to provide the best player experience possible.

Come join us today!

Client In Minecraft Law Laws Menu Minecraft Game Peace Proper Pve Pvp Raiding States Survival United Vanilla


1.15.2 Java Vanilla Survival

Click the ‘Peace Symbol” to the left of your name in minecraft game chat to open your player menu, you may also use the command ‘/trigger gui’

If something doesn’t work properly logout and back in

Please join our discord

No Breaking United States Laws
No Hack/Modded Clients

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!