Atapacks Building Canvas Datapack Datapacks Friends Fun Plugins Server Smp Survival Tweak Tweaks Weak Yes

Yescraft Official server

this is a small smp server run by newt_00 with some tweaks with datapacks and plugins i have a website for the server you can visit it here you will find the discord server and other info about the server there

NOTE: server is whitelisted you must request to join via the discord or message me on discord at Newt#3434

Hope to see you soon 😀

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

1.16.4 Custom Deepstorage Insane Jobs Modded No Mods Playerbase Portals Storage Survival Tales Towny Tweak Tweaks

Talesu Network Towny MMORPG [1.16 -> 1.16.4]

1.16.4]” title=”Talesu Network Towny MMORPG [1.16 -> 1.16.4]”>


MC Server Version —> 1.16.x

The Talesu Network is made by old Towny players with the playerbase in mind.
It has things like:
– DeepStorage
– Back Packs
– Black Market
– Player Portals
– Bosses
– Insane Weapons & Tools
– Jobs
– Custom Enchants
– Events
– Dynmap (50k x 50k)
– Resource Worlds
And much more coming soon!

It’s designed for a hands off approach, the economy and decisions you make do not get influenced by the server.
Hop into a modded Vanilla with only minor tweaks to achieve an almost constant 20 TPS.
A quickly growing community who are eager to make new friends and achieve big things!

With frequent updates and actively adding new features to the server we can ensure you that this server has a lot to offer.

We are still in Open Beta, but we will soon go FULL RELEASE

If you wish to join or see what’s up you can always join our Discord server!

Infinite Link:

(っ◔◡◔)っ We can’t wait for you to join us!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Camp Campfire Damage Datapack Hacker Health Modified Punch Spider Survival Multiplayer Totem Trees Tweak Tweaks Weak

Osc’s Server

I made a server that has all of my dadapacks

its just plain vanilla but with…

– altered damage

– sticky spiders

– more totems

– no tree punching

– saturation

– campfire tweaks

join if ya want 🙂

no hackerr nagh

130 Anarchy Datapacks Exception Familia Minarchy Nitro Rune Survival Tweak Tweaks Vanilla Weak Worldborder Xray


Hello reader!

If you are interested in an improved classic minecraft survival experience without annoying land claiming and pay to win faction systems, then consider joining Astarchy (a-star-key)! This server is meant to bring the classic vanilla experience with a few tweaks using some of my own data packs which you can find here

This server is mostly anarchy (a better description would be Minarchy, but people are less familiar with it) with a few exceptions:

  • No hacking (xray, killaura, etc.)
  • No spamming
  • No harassment / derogatory language
  • (maybe a few other rules if needed)
  • The spawn is protected and the worldborder will be about 100k blocks or 50k in every direction. The server is not up yet because we are currently building a spawn area, but you can join my discord to stay updated

    See you November 20th!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Datapacks Hermitcraft Server Inspiration Iskall Iskall85 Optifine Paper Relaxed Resource Pack Season 3 Survival Teleports Tweaks Vanilla Xisuma


    [1.16.3] (Season 3) Paper / Vanilla
    Binstercraft is built on players having fun, creating awesome builds whilst playing in survival.

    The server has a few quality of life improvements to make your survival experience fun and easier including claims, rank permissions and Essentials. It’s the ideal server for mature, laid-back players who just want to relax and play survival.

    Main Features of the server:

    A lot of the inspiration for this server came from the Hermitcraft server and the Old Iskall85 Public Server.

    Join our discord server for more information on the rules and an opportunity to meet new friends and chat to our admins about any server issues. We are open to make any improvements that we feel make the server better.
    We hope to see you there! 🙂

    Bedrock Edition Chestsort Economy Geyser Harbor Jobsreborn Land Claims Notable Pvp Qol Sleeping Survival Tweak Tweaks Vanilla


    Ruqquscraft is a server dedicated to providing a near vanilla experience with a few tweaks to enhance quality of life for the players! We’re a small but growing community and would love to see some new faces check the server out!

    I installed Geyser so you are able to connect with Bedrock Edition as well, server address is the same and set the port to 25565!

    Notable Plugins:
    – Geyser (Cross Platform Play!)
    – GriefPrevention (Land Claims)
    – JobsReborn (Economy)
    – ChestShop (Economy)
    – ChestSort (QoL)
    – Essentials
    – Harbor (Skip night with a percentage of players sleeping)
    – Parties (Form parties with friends!)
    – Dynmap (

    Accepting Better Lose Multiplay Multiplayer Protect Reflex Rps Survival Survival Multiplayer Tweak Tweaks Warp Warps Weak

    Reflex SMP

    Welcome to Reflex Survival Multiplayer, at Reflex we try to stay as close to survival with a few tweaks to make your experience better such as: warps, shops and land protection. Were a close, accepting community where everyone is welcome. Want to hang out with the people on the server? Make sure to join our Discord, its part of Reflex Network which is a gaming network with an ever expanding list. We hope to see you soon at Reflex SMP!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Breeding Community Contraption Crops Optifine Plant Pranks Seasons Seed Server Survival Tweaks Vanilla Whitelist Whitlist



    About the Server
    Our server and our community already have quite the past!

    First launched in 2017 as the prowdcraft server, then early 2018 we decided to rename it to the PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY, since the server would no longer be just the map, we play on, but the people that stuck to this project since its beginning. Along with the map reset, we got alot of new members and had a great time!

    Mid 2018 when 1.13 came out, we decided as a group to restart again, because of the major changes that the update brought. Alot of people came and some left again, but the core of the party is still loyal to this day!

    NOW(!) its time for YOU(?) to become part of this wonderful group of people and join us for our fourth season of
    the PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY! We dont expect you, but we would very much appreciate you to become another long-term member and friend of everyone of us!

    About Us
    We are all pretty mature and would like people AT LEAST the age of 16 preferably even older than that.
    Streamers and Youtubers are very welcome but its not a requirement at all.
    Two things, that are most important to me, are:
    1. Being friendly to everybody
    2. Staying active and not leave after 1 week of playing
    Therefore I will be very picky about accepting applications..

    Our Plans
    For this season of PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY, we plan on not roaming too far from spawn.
    More infos here:

    Pixel Banana Trailer

    The seed we play on will be following: 17451728208755585

    There will be a list of datapacks from the “Hermitcraft Vanilla Tweaks” installed to enhance our possibilities and
    make everything more playerfriendly and fun!

    That said, here are the Rules!


    – Be nice to everybody.
    – Dont grief. (This includes: not fixing creeper holes, not replanting crops or rebreeding animals after killing them, etc.)
    – Dont cheat. (I have ways to detect if someone uses mods or texture packs that are more than visiuell like Optifine, so dont even try)
    – Dont spam or swear in the chat.
    – PvP is enabled, but only do it if both parties consent
    – Dont steal from anyone.
    – Always ask for permission, if you use a machine or other redstone contraption at someones base. (not including communal stuff at spawn)
    – Discord is required. Sorry to force you having it, but every announcement and news will be posted there, and I like to have ways to communicate with everone other than minecraft chat.
    – Stick to the plan! We thoroughly thought about the idea of this seasons playstyle (see above in Our Plans) so please respect that and try to adjust your playstyle, if needed..
    – Server difficulty is normal

    – DUPING and using BUGS is allowed! – Dont give someone duped items.
    – Dont make the server crash with bugs.
    – Dont dupe something that is selled by someone at spawn.
    – Dont go overbored and destroy your own fun by overusing bugs.. :/

    – PRANKING is allowed!
    – No TNT, Lava, Fire, End Crystal, etc. Pranks.. they are just too destructive
    – No Pranks that involve killing
    – No Pranks around Redstone stuff, you dont want to ruin someones machine.
    – Leave a sign! Dont prank someone without them knowing it was you, show some attitude!
    – You must be creative! Placing a stack of Obsidian in someones house is annoying and not funny. Building a huge man inside a ring-shaped base using it as a hula hoop is indeed funny!
    – Use your own material when pranking someone. And the pranked guy can keep it if he wants.

    If you have questions on a rule or are uncertain in any way, contact me before you do something!

    Application formular (please copy it as a comment and fill in the answers)

    Nickname (How we will call you):
    Youtube-Account (if available):
    Twitch-Account (if available):
    Usual playstyle (Redstone/ Builder/ Parkour/ Survival/ Something else?):
    How many hours do/will you play weekly?:
    Did you read the rules and do you agree with them?:
    Tell us a little bit about yourself:

    If you want you can add pictures of some of your builds here:

    Atapacks Buildteam Custom Item Custom Items Datapack Datapacks Enchantments Max Spigotmc Survival Trust Tweak Tweaks Vanillatweaks Weak

    WASD Craft !Custom Items! !Custom Enchantments! !Whitelisted!

    Hey Everyone You Might Remember me from hoppercraft! The truth is it got to hard to manage… A lot of players joining and not comming back… But Now This is here to Stay!!! A Whitelisted Server to make sure only trustworthy players and people who want to stay join! This Has Datapacks and Plugins From, , , and ! To Apply for the server just Join The Discord and Submit The Applicaton! (Or Put your username in the comment section below with your aplication in this format, – Username -Reason To Join – Age -If you know anyone on the server)
    Application Link! ! Have Fun! (Maximum 20ppl whitelisted at a time)
    Server Version 1.16.2

    Deepstorage Economy Force Infinite Mcmmo October Playerbase Storage Survival Tale Tales Towny Tweak Tweaks Weak


    A Towny Server with a Twist!

    The Talesu Network is made by old Towny players with the playerbase in mind.
    It has things like DeepStorage, Pets, McMMO, Jobs, Events and much more coming soon!

    It is designed for a hands off approach, the economy and decisions you make do not get influenced by custom rules or enforcements.
    Regular Vanilla with only minor tweaks to achieve an almost constant 20 TPS.
    A friendly community with almost constant activity!

    We are still in Open Beta and planning to be out of Beta in October.
    If you wish to join or see what’s up you can always join our Discord server!

    Infinite Link:

    Survival Multiplayer c avk.commineru Minecraft server

    The owner of the server “ with avk.commineru” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Bedwars Economy Mini Games Pvp Skywars Survival


    Bedrock IPs: With Port: “25598”

    Join Now & Enjoy Your Time

    Earth Economy Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Towny

    Nostalgic Realms

    Nostalgic Realms

    We are a Semi RPG Medieval Towny War server. Play to win is our slogan and we stand by that, you will never be out classed because of donations no matter how much we appreciate them! Create towns that may grow to countries, form alliances and wage war against your enemies! Your goals may differ from simply surviving on your own , being apart of a small group, or even conquering great kingdoms and expanding your empire across the lands! The choice is yours on how you play and we are here to provide you with the best possible experience.

    >>> Proximity Chat
    >>> Quests
    >>> Alcohol Brewing
    >>> Pipe Smoking
    >>> Towny War
    >>> Custom Mobs
    >>> Custom Items
    >>> Live Map!

    Survival Vanilla


    Semi Vanilla server with fun online experiences. This is a brand new sever trying to find new ideas to have a fun and strong community. We are here to give everyone a chance to be their real selves while playing with others. We want to build a tight knit community and enjoy what we are doing in the process.

    Pve Pvp Skyblock


    What is the server IP for FierySkies?

    The IP address of FierySkies is

    But how do I join the server?

    Open the game Minecraft, click “Play” button then choose “Multiplayer” option from the menu. Click “Add Server” tab and input the text on “Server Address” then hit “Done”. Once the connection is available and turns green you may click on “Join Server” button to play on fieryskies.

    What version does the server run?

    Fieryskies server supports Minecraft game version: 1.7.10

    Creative Cross-Play Earth Economy FTB Hardcore Kitpvp


    This is just a test server. Nothing to see here.

    This is just a test server. Nothing to see here.

    This is just a test server. Nothing to see here.

    Anarchy Economy Pvp Raiding Skyblock Survival Vanilla

    YMC Middle School

    Java AND Bedrock crossplay!
    Vanilla Anarchy & Skyblock. 1.19.2 but you may use compatible earlier versions to join if you would like.

    Custom plugins to make PvP and base building better than ever!

    Unique skyblock islands including multiple overworld spawns, a nether, and an end with a dragon fight!

    Economy Factions Pvp Survival Vanilla

    Just Simple Hosting – Community Server

    Our server is an survival server lead by the Minecraft community, built by the Minecraft community. All our staff are just everyday players, We support the Minecraft community by providing a fully community run server hosted on us. The only rules are treat others with respect, don’t swear, no hacks, no trolls. Why not logon to see for yourself?

    Please treat others with respect.
    Don’t swear or you will get kicked and or banned. No advertising.
    Hackers will get banned.
    Trolls will be jailed.

    Economy Survival


    Welcome to SAM SMP
    Fun server with helpfull staff team!
    We are here to make you have fun on our server

    Skyblock Survival Towny


    HistoricalMC is a minecraft network that aims to provide a fun and safe experience for all users.

    Survival Multiplayer

    The Grim SMP

    The Grim SMP

    Grim SMP | Joining Process
  • Join the Discord server at:
  • Open Minecraft Java Edition
  • Make sure you are playing on Forge 1.19.3
  • Play Multiplayer
  • To get into the server, here is the IP:
  • These mods will be required:
  • Xaereo’s World Map:
    Open Parties and Claims:
    Crayfish’s Framework:
    Ultimate Plane Mod: Ultimate Plane Mod – Minecraft Mods – CurseForge
    Ultimate Car Mod:
    Crayfish’s Gun Mod:
    Simple Shops:

  • Have fun!
  • Grim SMP | Guidelines
    Make sure to follow them!

  • Hacking, Exploiting, etc. is not allowed!
    You may not use cheat clients, or use mods that give you an advantage. DM Yoofii# on Discord
  • Be kind in chat!You must not be mean in the Discord server and Minecraft chat. Being kind is nice.
  • Don’t overdo stealing!You are allowed to steal from others in Grim SMP, just don’t overdo it.
  • Do not spam!Spamming is annoying, and not cool! Spamming is sending messages at a fast rate.
  • Minimal swearing, please!Mild swearing is fine, but if you swear, please say them much
  • Do not break the statue of Grimley or the spawn area!Just don’t…
  • Malicious links/files are a big no-no!IP grabbers, viruses, and things that collect data are NO. Only send safe files!!
  • Don’t send personal information!You know the deal, no sending personal info!
  • Use the correct channelYou should know what to do
  • No inappropriate content!This is a safe server for all, so don’t send inappropriate stuff.
  • Follow Discord TOS!!The most important guideline of all. Reading more guidelines and following them.
  • Do not use banned items!!The info on banned things will be available on the Discord
  • Do not spawn kill or spawn grief!Spawn killing or spawn griefing isn’t cool and unfair to others. Don’t do it..

  • Categories
    Economy Factions Mini Games Pvp


    hi there!

    Join my new server, just opend in 1-3. Goal in the server is Factions! go to the website and Vote! Do you have 5 vote’s you get awesome stuff!
    Saberfaction (overclaim your faction with power!), Saberclaim (if your not in a faction), Random teleport ,Admin shop ,Ranks , Dailey rewards ( anly ranks have dailey reward),minigames ( minigames is comming soon! )



    Welcome to our Minecraft survival server! Our server is equipped with a powerful anti-cheat plugin to ensure a fair and fun gameplay experience. Claim your own piece of land to protect your base from griefing and raiding by other players. Explore the vast world and gather resources to survive against the harsh wilderness. Keep track of your surroundings with our dynamic map located at Join our friendly community and start your adventure today!

    Economy Survival Vanilla


    No griefing , crashing the server :).
    Join if you will , idk. up 24/7.

    Use /shop to sell and buy stuff.



    Economy Factions Survival Vanilla


    Join in on one of the most supportive and fun servers out there hoping to achieve near the top of the list! participate in survival with teams, claiming land to prevent griefers, shops, and more with economy!

    Pvp Vanilla


    Have you ever blown someone up in minecraft with a tnt minecart?
    If no, now is the time to try introducing, Thicks

    > Competitive PvP enviroment
    > Explosive Minecart PvP *(Join and see what its about)*
    > Active community of over 300 people

    Cross-Play Economy Survival

    Onlycraft Networks

    PLAY.ONLYCRAFT.XYZ Your Minecraft server! Join one of the best servers in Latin America! Find everything you need, 24-hour moderation, a tremendous team ready for you. We have Survival with Daily Events!

    Puerto Java: 25565
    Puerto Bedrock: 19132

    Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla

    Mooshroom Lagoon

    1.19.3 Vanilla + QOL Plugins.

    We’re currently in a bit of a “Thunderdome” season while we wait for 1.20!

    Come join us for some good ol’ fashion vanilla minecraft! (With QOL plugins, of course)

    Simple Voice Chat is enabled! Download the mod to talk in-game! (Not required)

    PVP, PVE, Vanilla, Survival, Voicechat

    Economy FTB Pve Pvp Survival

    Darkness 3nvy-RLCraft Servers

    Darkness 3nvy is a newer Minecraft community based around the Popular RL-Craft mod pack. Presently most smp servers fall into one of two extremes, complete anarchy or too well regulated both of which can dilute the fun and lead to boredom. We aim to provide an smp that’s a mix between anarchy an order. we offer a few essential commands (/home /spawn /tpa /rtp), a basic economy and Market based solely on player sales. No land claims allowing you to raid and pvp with others, the only exception being spawn. Killing another player will award you 20% of their total funds but will not drop their items, Players will keep their inventory upon death. No purchases or Pay to win aspects implemented, More info and specifics can be found on our discord.

    Skyblock Survival

    Salvos GG

    • Server Version: 1.18.1 • Friendly Community • Custom Plugins • Fishing • Lands • Quests • Dungeons • Events •

    Salvos GG

    Welcome to Salvos GG! Simply put, we are a team of Minecraft enthusiasts that enjoy creating and sharing content for a game that we all love. We offer a semi-vanilla experience enhanced by well thought out features that we think you’ll enjoy.

    We pride ourselves on ensuring there is something for everyone here! Our player driven economy paired with our lands system fosters friendships and rivalries. Our PvP fans will love our warzone with supply drops, we’ve got fishing and mining plugins for the Survival oriented, and even dungeons for those who want a challenge and reward.

    Our staff are dedicated to you, the player. Our goal is to build a friendly environment for anyone to make memories and be themselves. So what are you waiting for!? Jump online, join our discord! Maybe even give Fitz a pat or two. We hope to see you there.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!