24h 580 Actu Edit Edition Euro Europa Java Java Edition Loja Minecraft Java Minecraft Java Edition Servidor Supervivencia Survival

ꕤ Yggdrasil ꕤ

Versión actualizada de Minecraft Java Edition
Alojado en Europa, disponible 24h
Vanilla Mejorado [Semi-Vanilla]
Modo supervivencia
PvP activo
Modo difícil
Habla Hispana

Servidor creado el 26/10/2020, recién publicado.


Architecture Attention To Detail Decent Euro Europe European German Interview Luckperms Perms Recruiting Survival Testing Ucl Worldedit

Pixelmon Kingdoms – WIP

Hello! Pokémon Kingdoms (PK) is currently recruiting volunteer Builders to get the server going. PK is an upcoming Pixelmon 8.1.1 (Minecraft v. 1.12.2) survival-adventure server with a medieval theme in a new fictional Region. We are running Nucleus, WorldEdit, LuckPerms, and Pixelmon Extras for now.

–We are not looking for moderators or administrators at this time.–

What we’re looking for:
– Decently-experienced builders who play close attention to detail
– Experience with medieval European/Germanic architecture is a bonus but not necessary
– Must be 15+ years old
– Discord is required
– Any time commitment is entirely voluntary and appreciated

Sending a portfolio of your previous works is recommended but not required. All applicants will be briefly interviewed on our Discord server and then tested on their building skills in a server testing site before being officially accepted.

Since PK is being built from the ground up, we will offer preference positions to our Builders when we expand for Gym Leader or Staff spots in the future. Furthermore, if desired, all Builders will be allowed to play on the server during downtime while we are still under development.

Join our Discord ( to view and submit an application, as well as to join our community! All questions will also be addressed on our Discord. We hope to see you there!

Backpacks Bloodmoon Comunity Custom Discord Euro Europe Free International Pvp Residence Residences Shops Survival Weather


Hello Minecraft players,
We would like to introduce you our server comunity named Avaloncs.
We are international comunity with Headquarters in central Europe.
We run Minecraft servers but we also run other game servers NoMoreRoomInHell, Fistful of Frags, Smokin Guns, Hurtworld,..

You propably asking what you can expect from our minecraft community?
Its simple.
We have [EU] Adventure 1.16.3 – server
where youll find: server translation (/lang) , 2 residences(200×200), custom generated worlds, bosses and bloodmoon, free fly in residence, shop, deco heads, jobs, teleport, unique spawners, backpacks, pvp, weather voting, auction house and other interesting features.

MC server:

We look forward to your visit and we hope that youll be satisfied with our servers and our Admin Team. (Staff recruitment contact me on discord: Secret Sn0w#3682)
Best regards your Avaloncs team


Chunks Curseforge Euro Exploration Five Grave Magic Modded Modded Minecraft Modpacks Pve Pvp Rocket Technology Teleporting

**All The Mods 3- Remix, SprocketGames – NO WHITELIST**

All The Mods 3- Remix, SprocketGames – NO WHITELIST


Nothing banned! – Long term All the Mods 3 Remix Modded server – Please see discord for behavior rules and best practises on minimising lag!

Modpack info and download page here:

Version: Release 1.5.4

High powered server based in Europe – up 24/7 with 20 slots

Aiming to build a nice community of modded minecraft players that like playing, building and experimenting. Griefing won’t be tolerated!

Make sure to claim your chunks! – Donation system in place to support server, keep it running smooth and gain perks in and out of game:

**Become a Top Supporter (VIP+) for £5 a month:**

Get guaranteed white-listing on future servers, priority support and special
recognition in Discordand in game chat as a VIP+ (Orange text). You also get
the following in game perks:

1. All FTB/Chicken loaded chunks of yours will remain loaded after you
log off the server(default is they unload upon leaving).
2. Five /home locations (default is one)
3. /back after death to return to your grave
4. Instant teleporting (no stand still for 5 seconds)

**Become a Supporter (VIP) for £2 a month:**

Get next in line behind Top Supporters for white-listing on future servers,
priority support andspecial recognition in Discord and in game chat as a VIP
( Green text).You also get the following in game perk:

1. Three /home locations (default is one)

Any issues, or want to join the community, come say hi over on my discord:

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Euro Europe Example Fighting Microrpg Pvp Roleplay Server Smp Smpvanillasurvival Smpvp Streamer Streamers Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival

Ahegao SMP

This is a semi-vanilla SMP server with a great and friendly community comprising of people from all over Europe! The server has very active admins and even some streamers too!

The plugins this server has for all players to use are:
Grief Prevention (Golden Shovel Land Claim)

There are also some fun mini games you can access with /warp such as our PVP arena!

Although this is not a strictly roleplay server, we appreciate it if you play along with stream bits or micro rp’s when they come along, for example when at someones shop, when fighting with people etc

/c/ Astro Bauen Burg Deutsch Deutschland Euro Gangster Instagram Nur Reallife Rez Roleplay Timber Wirtschaft

TimberLife 3.0

Dein Roleplay-Erlebnis der besonderen Art wartet auf dich!

TimberLife ist ein Roleplay-Server im RealLife-Setting. Wir existieren nun seit 2016 und haben uns ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal als ernstzunehmendster RL-Roleplay-Server Deutschlands erarbeitet. Uns zeichnet aus, dass wir viel Wert auf Details und ein rundes Spielerlebnis legen, wofür wir seit 4 Jahren ausnahmslos gelobt werden. Wir bieten allerlei Features, die das Roleplay-Erlebnis in Timberia und Co. einzigartig machen!


★ Ein rundes Umfeld für einzigartiges Roleplay

★ Diverse Systeme, die dein virtuelles Leben realistischer gestalten

★ Allerlei Fraktionen, die Tonnen an Roleplay-Material bieten

★ Allerlei Quests, wenn du mal genug von deinem Charakter hast

★ Einen Freizeitpark als Zeitvertreib mit deinen Freunden

★ Ein einzigartiges Zugsystem mit genauen Tagesfahrplänen und klugem Schienennetz

★ Abwechslungsreiche Jobs, damit keine Langeweile aufkommt

★ Wöchentliche Events und regelmäßige Großevents

★ und vieles mehr…

Was macht euch besser, als die “Konkurrenz”?

Da wir viel Wert auf ein rundes Spielerlebnis legen, fassen wir alle unsere Systeme mit größter Sorgfalt und Mühe an. Das dauert manchmal etwas länger, als auf anderen Servern, ist dafür aber auch durchdachter und fühlt sich für jeden Spieler am Ende runder an. Mit unserer großen Roleplay-Erfahrung versuchen wir auch “Minecraft-untypische” Systeme und Funktionen einzubauen, die es so woanders nicht gibt. So ergeben sich viele neue Möglichkeiten, das Roleplay zu gestalten. Über unsere Fraktionen ergibt es sich zudem, dass man vom bescheidenen Bürger bis zum Gangsterboss oder gar Präsidenten alles werden kann! Nur du bestimmst, wie weit es dein Charakter schafft! Neuerdings haben wir die Wirtschaft auch so weit angepasst, dass Preise in schwindelerregenden Höhen der Vergangenheit angehören! So kauft man sich ein Sandwich für 80 Cent, statt wie üblich für 100 Euro. Generell gibt es viele Custom Speisen und Getränke, die man sich entweder selbst über umfangreiche Rezepte herstellt oder in einer unserer vielen spielergesteuerten Gastronomien kauft.

Starte noch heute dein neues Leben in einem aufregenden Land! Wir erwarten dich voller Freude!






Bots Euro Europe Fighting Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp Russian Minecraft

Spark Games server Minecraft

A server with the highest quality game modes and mini-games.

Survival: here you will find – cases with things, several different worlds for survival with their unique monsters, the best clan system, the ability to create your own store, weapons, a well-thought-out economy, an improved work system, mini-games (BedWars, Spleef and Paintball) and much other.
Destroyer: one of the most popular modes in Europe.
SkyBlock: Classic Island Survival
BedWars: Team Famous Mini-Game
Creative: a mode where you can unleash your creativity
Fighting: a mode for PvP battles against players and bots

The server administration is trying to fix almost all known bugs, to make the server more stable, to arrange wipes as rarely as possible. That is why there are as many as 5 survival worlds on the server.

Atapacks Euro Friendship Hulk Minecraft 1.16 Nickname Papermc Playing Minecraft Shulk Shulker Statues Trades Universal Vanilla Worldborder


Who/What is G.O.A.T minecraft server :

G.O.A.T minecraft server plans to become the Greatest Of All Time minecraft server in the Future 📷 .

After following various members of hermitcraft and joined various HermitCraft like servers which bleed to death after a few weeks, I decided to give it a try myself.

My name is FutureForce i’m 46 and have been playing Minecraft since the Alpha version.

what am I looking for :

I’m looking to build up a mature and active community, to engage into new friendships and experiences.
We all have our preferences in terms of how we approach Minecraft and nobody can tell you how to play this game, enjoy it the way you like it.
The thing that connects us is our love for the game and having someone to share it with.

what does G.O.A.T have to offer :

A very friendly community of active and respectful players, and is a great server where you can be as creative as you’d like.

The Server is hosted in Europe and runs PaperMC minecraft 1.16.2
there are some plugins and data packs installed but will not take away the vanilla feeling !.

Plugins :
>CoreProtect : (to help me and the community with Griefers, Thieves, rollbacks(Backups))

>WorldGuard (to protect the world against fire spread, enderman griefing)


armor statues
coordinates hud
double shulker shells
dragon drops
more mob heads
multiplayer sleep
nether portal coords
player head drops
silence mobs
wandering trades minibloacks

Most of the communication will be happening on our Discord server.
Preferably apply on discord, since we are online there every day.

Please follow our instructions on how to apply for an easy and fast procedure.

Before typing anything about yourself, make sure you fulfil the requirements:

  • It is important for us that we have a mature community, so we will set the minimum age to 18.
  • We would like to have an active community, so we’re encouraging to be online on a daily basis even if it is just a few minutes. Interact with each other on the server or on discord.
  • You need to have an official Minecraft account. We will need your nickname in order to whitelist you.
  • You know about Hermitcraft and follow some of their hermits on youtube. We think it’s a great example of a server we want !
  • you will obey the rules of the server.
  • So what do we need from you ? Just follow this template and you should be good to go !
    How old/Young are you ?
    Where are you from and where are you playing from ?
    What is your Minecraft Name ?
    Why do you want to join the server ?
    How mature would you describe yourself ?
    How active do you plan to be on the server ?
    Do you have a YouTube/Twitch channel ?

    If you like-minded and want to join this community. Fill in the Application.

    follow this link :

    2.11 America Auction House Claiming Couple Days Euro Europe Fall Inspiration Launched League Maj North Survival

    League of Misfits

    League of Misfits is an open economy-based SMP server that I launched couple of days ago with my friends. It takes inspiration from various other servers we’ve played on. It includes in-game currency, shop, auction house, spawner mining…
    The community is still small, and joining now wouldn’t make you fall behind other players, as we launched it just couple of days ago. We would love to see you there. At the moment the majority of players are from North America, with couple from Europe.

    Server IP:


    in-game currency


    auction house

    land claiming

    ranks – with special perks for each rank

    crates – with special rewards which will be changing every few weeks

    custom enchantments

    spawner silk-touch mining


    and more

    Features are subject to change over time

    Asia Attraction Attractions Creative Euro Mini Games Parkour Recreate Recreation Resort Rides Scale Shows Tower Towers

    Euro Magic

    Welcome to Euro Magic! Home to the mos accurate 1:1 scale recreation of Alton Towers Resort. We work hard to recreate the magic of Alton Towers in Minecraft with fully functioning, realistic rides and attractions as well as shows, mini-game events and lots of other fun activities! 1:1 recreation of THORPE PARK Resort and the most accurate recreation of Phantasialand in minecraft coming soon!



    Server supports 1.20! Find cherry biomes, have sniffer pets, and so much more!
    Bedrock Port: 19132
    CubeCadia is the ultimate Minecraft experience, with custom plugins, unique features, and a friendly community of players. Whether you're looking to build your dream home, explore new worlds, or level up in the dungeons, CubeCadia has it all.
    Features Offered
    – Dungeons – This includes a storyline, custom items, and custom mobs / bosses to fight!
    – Player Warps / Shops – Make your own shopping district or your own warp!
    – Custom Items – We offer over 200+ custom SMP enhancing items! Check them out!
    – Custom Armor – We have over 10 sets of custom armor you can grind for to become super strong!
    – Custom Fishing – Level up your fishing and compete in tournaments
    – Custom Farming – Gain special crops to grow in growth stations and level up your farms!
    – Custom Mining – Mining gives big rewards like special gems, artifacts, and other luxurious items
    – Rewards – Many reward systems such as daily, streak, and playtime rewards!
    – Daily Bosses – We have daily bosses that spawn for you to kill and get rewards!
    – Quests – We have daily quests, challenge quests, special quests, and even holiday quests!
    – Jobs – Earn money from everyday tasks! Also progress job skill trees to unlock special loot
    – Cross Play – You can play our server on PC, Pocket Edition, Xbox, Switch, or even PlayStation!


    Bedrock Port: 19132
    Version: 1.19 – 1.20.2

    Anarchy Hardcore Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla

    Arcadia Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5 – Arcadia’s unique blend of Semi-Vanilla and Semi-Anarchy gameplay really sets it apart from other servers. The absence of land claiming and limited grief prevention adds an element of challenge and excitement to the survival experience.

    – Challenge: 3.5 – While the server does provide some QoL plugins like tpa and set homes to ease the vanilla experience, the lack of land claiming and grief prevention at base locations ramps up the difficulty level. Players will have to be smart about hiding their bases to avoid being raided.

    – Community: 4.0 – The community on Arcadia is active and engaging, with players always looking for new allies or adversaries in the harsh survival world. The Discord server provides a great platform for players to connect and strategize together.

    – Overall Experience: 4.0 – Arcadia offers a refreshing take on traditional Minecraft gameplay, with its blend of Semi-Vanilla and Semi-Anarchy elements creating a challenging and immersive survival experience. The active community and engaging gameplay make for a memorable gaming experience.

    Economy Mcmmo Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Towny

    ZuZu Adventure

    Welcome to ZuZu Adventure – Where Minecraft Magic Comes to Life

    Are you ready to embark on an EPIC journey like no other? Look no further, because ZuZu Adventure is here to take your Minecraft experience to a whole new level! Get ready to dive into a world of limitless possibilities, where your imagination knows no bounds, and adventure awaits around every corner!

    Claim Your Kingdom: Explore a vast and breathtaking world where you can establish your very own empire! With our top-notch Land Claiming plugin, you can carve out your territory, protect your precious creations, and build your dream base without the fear of griefers or unwanted intruders.

    Master the Art of Combat: Prepare for adrenaline-pumping battles that will put your skills to the test! Our EliteMobs plugin introduces formidable foes, offering you challenges that will keep your heart racing. Collect rare loot and show off your combat prowess as you rise through the ranks.

    Level Up Like Never Before: Unleash your inner warrior, miner, or farmer with the immersive MCMMO plugin! Level up your skills, gain unique abilities, and become a true master of your craft. The sky’s the limit when it comes to your Minecraft skills!

    Get Paid for Your Passion: Earn your keep in the world of ZuZu Adventure with the Jobs plugin! Whether you’re mining, farming, or crafting, there’s a job for everyone. Rack up valuable currency and turn your in-game activities into a profitable venture!



    Welcome to SurviveTheDesert, where the sun is relentless, the cacti are unfriendly, and your chances of survival are as likely as finding an ice cube in this endless sea of sand. Here, you’re up against scorching days, bone-chilling nights, and surprises that’ll make you question your life choices. But hey, it’s not all bad! Discover hidden gems, ancient ruins, and the occasional oasis to quench your thirst for adventure. Gear up to outwit the harsh elements, outmaneuver the mobs, and outlast your competitors. Will you rise as the ultimate survivor, or end up as just another mirage? Dive in—survival just got a sarcastic twist!



    Welcome to . . . Crafters Haven!

    Here at Crafters Haven, we have a long variety of fun, entertaining and amazing aspects that an SMP should have!

    Our server is a survival multiplayer server that aims to provide YOU with YOUR vision!

    We aspire to bring a safe, fun, and a joyful server for you to play in. Come join us and have loads of fun! We have many plugins, kind players, and custom enchants for you to utilize! We have a long variety of other plugins such a cosmic vaults, a plentiful bounty of shops in the shop gui, and more! We have yet to grow into a well known server, but we would love t have you! Consider joining us today, and enjoy your stay!

    We have the following commands for you to try out:

    /tpa and /tpahere to have friends and others come to you, or to them

    /sethome /delhome and /home for up to three homes to use

    /ah to view the servers auction house

    /shop – opens shop menu for you to buy items

    /enchanter – shows custom enchants

    /pwarp – to see player warp gui/menu

    /daily – obtain your daily rewards

    /bal to view your balance and /baltop to see the balance top

    /cf – coinflips with other players

    /v – vaults to utilize for storage

    /bar – bartender gui for custom 'potions'

    /claim – claming land function, along with /claimsettings

    /markets – for viewingplayer markets and the gui

    Join our discord!

    Economy Mini Games Prison

    PlasmaPR Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – PlasmaPR really brings some unique features to the table with its custom OP Prisons Server. From daily updates to frequent events, players will never get bored with the variety offered. The planned new features also excite me for the future of this server.

    – Challenge: 4.0/5.0 – The challenges on PlasmaPR are just right. They keep you engaged without being too overwhelming. The balance between difficulty and fun is well-maintained, making for an enjoyable gaming experience.

    – Community: 4.5/5.0 – The community on PlasmaPR is friendly and welcoming. It’s easy to make new friends and connect with other players. The sense of camaraderie adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the gameplay.

    – Overall Experience: 4.5/5.0 – PlasmaPR offers a solid gaming experience for players looking for a unique twist on an OP Prisons Server. With its creativity, challenge, and strong community, this server is definitely worth checking out for Minecrafters looking for something new and exciting in the world of Minecraft servers.

    Prison Roleplay Survival


    LushLife is a charming and inviting Minecraft server that offers a delightful blend of gameplay experiences. With three engaging modes to explore, it’s perfect for both newcomers and seasoned players.

    In the Survival world, you’ll discover a lush and vibrant landscape teeming with resources and opportunities. Craft, build, and thrive in this serene environment while forging connections with fellow players who share your love for adventure.

    For those seeking a more challenging twist, the Prison mode awaits. Find yourself incarcerated in a captivating, high-stakes setting where mining becomes your path to freedom. Navigate alliances and rivalries within the prison community as you strive to break free.

    If you’re in the mood for some casual fun, head to the City Minigames realm. Here, you can partake in a variety of exciting mini-games and challenges, compete with friends, or make new ones in a lively urban setting.

    LushLife is all about simplicity, camaraderie, and fun. Join us today to embark on memorable adventures in the world of Minecraft!


    The Garden

    Welcome to The Garden, a (Bedrock Edition) laid back experience thats been running for 2 years now. Our server is powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion made by Nico the Kid. No modding required, just join and download the resource packs.

    I pride myself on keeping this world running until i absolutely cant. The only reason the world will be reset is if a new minecraft update requires it, and i'll do my best to work around that as well. Blocks outside of 15,000 in any direction are reset every once in a while to add new land to explore.

    🌱 No Obligations: I believe in creating an environment where you can play Minecraft on your terms. There are no playtime obligations, and we don't have any paid packages or donation systems. The server's expenses are entirely covered by me, ensuring that it's a place for pure enjoyment.

    🌍 Fresh and Unique: The Forsaken Odyssey expansion introduces a variety of new content while maintaining game balance. Expect new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items, along with carefully selected personal addons that keep the server fresh and unique. You dont have to download anything on your own to join. Just download the resource packs when you log in.

    🌟 Play Your Way: There's no "right way" to participate here. Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to create or join a community, you're welcome. We respect your choice and value your presence. As long as you are respectfull of others, you'll have a great time here.

    ⚔️ Survival Challenges: The server is set to Hard difficulty with enabled coordinates. PvP is allowed for duels or consensual battles, and players can form factions and engage in PvP when agreed upon. Check our Discord for more details on rules. Modded creatures get added and removed occasionally to keep things interesting, and the landscape is dotted with abandoned buildings and dungeons to explore.

    🏡 Convenience Features: We offer features like Homes, Warps, and TPA for easy navigation and a smoother gameplay experience. Economy features make catching up to long term players easier, and allow you to focus on building what you want.

    Joining is easy, simply click this link:

    After reading the rules, click the verify button in our Discord server. No captchas, external links, or additional authorizations are required. The IP and port will be readily available in the Discord. We're excited to welcome new players to The Garden, and we hope you have a wonderful and stress-free time here.

    Lifesteal Pvp Survival


    Welcome to Blazesteal – Where Hearts Define Victory!

    In Blazesteal, every encounter is a heartbeat away from victory or defeat. Engage in epic battles where each player kill rewards you with a precious heart, making you stronger and more formidable. But beware, for with each defeat, you lose a heart, bringing you closer to the edge of elimination. The stakes are high, and only the most cunning and skilled players will emerge victorious.

    Your voice matters! By casting your vote for Blazesteal, you not only support the server’s growth but also unlock exclusive in-game rewards. Rally your friends, build alliances, and make your mark on the leaderboard. The more votes, the stronger the Blazesteal community becomes!



    Join Us Today! 🚀

    Please visit to access the server and discord

    Dear fellow gamers, 🎮

    We invite you to join our Minecraft family. We are a smaller server at the moment but wanting to grow, right now we have about 5 regular players. I started this server after having been in a couple other servers and being unhappy with some of the treatment of players.

    I’m aware that a main concern for a lot of players, including myself, is the worry that a server will just disappear and all you’ve built is gone to the wind 💨. To try and make my members more comfortable I have paid for the server hosting 2 years in advanced as well as having another player who regularly backs up the world file separate from the auto back up. this player also would become the server owner if I was ever unable to continue owning the server.

    This world is still relatively unexplored, I do try to keep up with a map of looted end ships and of player base/important locations. I also maintain a website and discord for the server to keep everyone up to date on information and to make joining easier for new members.

    Together, I hope we'll build magnificent structures, share stories, and create lasting memories. 🏡🌳

    This server means a lot to me and I am very hopeful that new players will come and love this place just as much.💕

    With warmest regards,

    Valhallage ,server owner

    minecraft #gaming #adventure #community #bedrock #server

    Creative Cross-Play Economy Mcmmo Parkour Survival Vanilla

    BennixMC Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5 – BennixMC truly pushes the boundaries of creativity with their dynamic PvP battles, loyal pets system, and custom terrains. The server offers a fresh and innovative approach to traditional Minecraft gameplay.

    – Challenge: 4.0 – While the server provides a good level of challenge through PvP and custom terrains, some players may find certain aspects a bit too easy. However, the overall experience is engaging and keeps players on their toes.

    – Overall Experience: 4.5 – BennixMC offers an exciting and immersive Minecraft experience that is perfect for players looking for a mix of creativity, challenge, and a strong community. With no resets and no mods, players can truly craft their legacy on this server. So, grab your sword, adopt a loyal pet, and dive into the limitless adventures at BennixMC!

    Cross-Play Economy Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla

    MysticLink SMP

    Welcome to MysticLink Network, your Minecraft haven of limitless creativity and adventure. We offer stunning builds, custom plugins, and a unique shop system. Our cosmetics and player level systems ensure a standout experience for all. Explore 678 player quests and conquer dungeons for epic rewards.

    Player ranks add depth, and our loaded crates offer rewards for every achievement. Experience a unique death system and delve into the Black Market for mystery items. The Ancient Traveler brings daily treasures, and our land claim system protects your creations.

    With 63 custom menus and the ability to mine spawners at higher levels, our server is full of surprises. Vote for your preferred time of day with our custom cycle plugin. Join MysticLink Network today for an unforgettable Minecraft journey of innovation and excellence.

    Cross-Play Prison Pvp


    » Box PvP
    » Grind
    » Non Pay to Win
    » Grindable Ranks
    » Custom Items / Abilities

    Java IP:
    Bedrock IP: (Port 19132)

    1.9 to 1.20 supported!



    Welcome to CatCraft!

    CatCraft is a smaller, adult only, community focused Minecraft server. We started Season 1 on April 4, 2019. With the launch of 1.18, we began Season 2 in December 2021 to make the most of the new biomes and world generation.

    Our intention is a long term world, with a slow world border expansion as new 1.X updates are released. Currently, we're running 1.20.2with a world border set at 15k in every direction. Our server is hosted in Ashburn, VAon the eastern seaboard of the USA.

    While we're a small-ish community (usually between 30 and 80 total active members)the admin staff is passionate about keeping the server going and providing as many quality of life options as possible. On top of having a Survival server, we also have a Creative server with world edit, as well as an Event server on standby for (a hopeful!) monthly UHC, community planned events, or the occasional mod-pack. Bluemap runs on both Creative and Survival, as well as a discord Chat Bot.

    Pictures Here!

    Server Rules

    1. Don't be a dick. I really think this kind of sums up all the rules, but I'll spell it out.
    2. Don't steal shit, dupe, or grief. See rule 1.
    3. We're a strict 21+ server. We are not child friendly. Swearing is fine, within reason. If that makes you uncomfortable, we are not the place for you.
    4. PVP is turned on. This is not an excuse to be an asshole and snipe people. Play fair, help the loser pick up their stuff, and return all the things. See rule 1.
    5. No hacking. No x-ray. No duping. No forcefield. Whatever might give you an unfair advantage.
    6. Pranking is fine, within reason. Don't destroy someone's shit, or cover it with TNT and call it a prank.
    7. In your application, please include your favorite breed of cat.
    8. Patch up creeper holes, fully chop down trees, and don't leave dirt towers around. We all have to live here, let's try to keep it pretty looking.
    9. Sign your stuff, keep the server easy to navigate.
    10. Don't kill withers in the over-world. Just don't. It never goes well. Under the end portal please.

    Other Important Details

    – No Enderman Griefing

    – End Dragon drops an elytra, egg, and head

    – AFK Detection

    – Custom Trapdoor, bark block, stair, and carpet recipes.

    – Back to Blocks

    – Renewable Coral

    – Many custom recipes

    – Mending and Infinity on bows

    – And a nametag mob silencer

    – Universal Dyeing

    – CoordinatesHUD

    – Armor Stand Book

    – Custom Head Selling Villagers

    – All mobs have a chance of dropping heads

    – Custom PVE group boss and single player dungeons.

    – Fast Leaf Decay

    – Redstone and Terracotta Wrenches

    – Villager Workstation Highlights

    – PVP Head Drop

    – Craftable Light Blocks

    More info on the above, or an application can be found on our Discord.

    Mcmmo Mini Games Parkour Pixelmon Pve Pvp

    Celestial Pixelmon Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    – Creativity: 4.5/5.0 – Celestial Pixelmon brings a fresh take on the Pixelmon experience by incorporating Biomes O’ Plenty, adding a unique aspect to the traditional gameplay. The server’s modpack and installer make it easy for players to jump right into the action.
    – Challenge: 3.5/5.0 – While the server offers a fun and engaging experience, the level of challenge could be increased to provide more excitement for experienced players. More difficult quests or battles could enhance the overall gameplay.
    – Community: 5.0/5.0 – The community on Celestial Pixelmon is friendly, active, and welcoming. Players can easily connect and interact through the Discord server, fostering a sense of camaraderie among participants.
    – Overall Experience: 4.0/5.0 – Celestial Pixelmon offers a unique and enjoyable Pixelmon experience with a creative twist. While the challenge level could be elevated, the strong community and creative gameplay make it a memorable server for all Minecrafters seeking a different adventure.


    MC WasaxLab Anarchy

    Welcome to MC-WasaxLab-Anarchy, where the only rule is no rules!
    This is a wild and unrestricted kingdom, where creativity and survival are in your hands. There are no limits imposed, which means you can do what you want, where you want and how you want.
    Creative Chaos: Forge your own destiny in a world without limits. Build prosperous cities, form alliances, or take on other players in a fight for supremacy.
    Challenging Survival: Resources are limited and competition is fierce. Find ingenious ways to survive, trade and prosper in a hostile environment.
    Player-Driven Economy: Set your own prices, trade with other players and create a vibrant market. The economy is in your hands!
    Unrestricted PvP: Fight for your resources, or just for fun. There are no safe areas, so always keep your eyes open.
    Unlimited Exploration: A vast world waits to be explored. Discover unique biomes, rare structures and hidden treasures.
    Minimized Mods and Plugins: We keep additions to a minimum to preserve the anarchic essence. The gaming experience is authentic and undiluted.
    Diverse Community: Join a community of passionate players, each with their own unique play style. Form alliances, challenge others or simply share your creations.
    MC-WasaxLab-Anarchy is your blank canvas, your chance to make your mark in a world where the only limitation is your imagination! Join us today and be part of this unparalleled Minecraft experience.
    Server IP:
    Important: Remember that by joining MC-WasaxLab-Anarchy, you accept the rules (or lack thereof) that govern this anarchic kingdom.
    Have fun and let chaos reign!



    Hello everyone, I'm Phobos, and I invite you to join our server which will open soon. We are mostly a french community, but everyone will be welcomed.

    We have adventure, events, and lots of fun to be seen.

    The server is base on other famous server like Holycube or Hermitcraft with sometimes some events to addd a bit of RP.
    We are opening the server on march 13, 2024. The server ip will be given on that day.

    So I hope you'll enjoy yourself, the adventure starts here :

    Version: Java 1.20.+

    Cross-Play Economy Mcmmo Survival Towny Vanilla

    Zeacraft Minecraft Server Review March 2024

    Creativity: 4.0 – Zeacraft offers a unique server experience with special events and custom features that keep players engaged and entertained.

    Challenge: 3.5 – The server provides a good balance of difficulty, ensuring that players are challenged without being overwhelmed.

    Community: 5.0 – The community on Zeacraft is welcoming and active, with players always willing to help each other out and have a good time together.

    Overall Experience: 4.5 – Zeacraft is a top-notch server with a creative flair, challenging gameplay, and a fantastic community that makes for a truly enjoyable gaming experience.

    Survival Vanilla


    This is the most unplugged server you will find ever!

    Play Minecraft without the headaches!

    No more weird voting schemes, plugins, and hubs!



    NPC Army Custom Plugin
    Forge your army and lead your NPC-soldiers into battle.

    • Geopolitical
    • Roleplay
    • Casualties of war
    • Strategic Resources
    • Capture Points
    • NPC Armies
    • Quality of Life Improvements

    Strategic and capturable resources for nations to fight over. These resources can fund your empire, fuel your war machine, and provide necessary bonuses. We enforce non-toxic, non griefing warfare with legitimate roleplay and casus bellis for wars as opposed to factions styled raiding.

    Our world is filled with 9 nation-states, and 20+ towns.

    Some of our major nations include:
    – The German Empire
    – The Kingdom of Britannia
    – Yūgen no Kuni
    – United Levellian Republics
    – Rate

    Theme: Roughly medieval to 19th century

    mcMMO, Brewery, Chess, Mob Arena, Paintball,
    Build Battle, Infinite Parkour, Spleef




    Bedrock: Use same IP and port: 25565


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!