Action Active Allowed Auction Auctions Class Com Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Everything Fac Faction Factions Fresh Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Normal Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Reset Rules Server Star Start Survival Version Voting World

Solarius Minecraft Server

Solarius is starting fresh as a PvP server, normal rules. Raiding is allowed, factions is installed, but everything else goes! Come on in and get a fresh start!

Server World reset on 3/31/16 and is version 1.9.2

Some plugins are: Factions, economy, voting, auctions – play today!

Bedwars Bukkit Creative Event Events Gamemodes Kitpvp Minigame Minigames Paper Parkour Plugins Pvp Server Skyblock Spigot Survival Vote




RemorsePvP Is A Great Server With A Variety Of Different Gamemodes. We Offer KitPvP, Bedwars, Survival, Creative, Skyblock, Parkour, And More In The Coming Future! We Also Host Different Events That Are Fun To Participate In!

Server Information:

The Server Version 1.12.2 But You Can Join On Any Version All The Way From 1.8-1.15!
The Server IP Address Is

Also Please Vote For Us On Planet Minecraft, Minecraft Server List, Minecraft Servers, And Minecraft Servers!

Active Platforms:
Server Website:
Server Store:
Server Discord:

Not As Active Platforms:
Server Reddit:
Server Youtube:
Server Email:

Join Our Server Today!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Anarchy Anarchy Server Anything Ass Cheat Cheating Class Com Craft Eco Erver Greif Greifing Heat Ill Inecraft Land Mine Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Mob Mobs New Pos Pvp Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer This Top Vanilla Vote

Land Of Anarchy

Land of Anarchy is a new minecraft anarchy server that tries to simulate vanilla survival as much as possible without cheating, so this server allows greifing, PVP, mobs, and just about anything you want.

Vote for this server to become “Member”!
More information at

Active Admin Arena Arenas Build Class Community Cracked Craft Create Dynmap Eco End Friendly Game Games Hunger Games Ill Inecraft Job Jobs Kill Map Mine Minecraft Money Plot Pvp Rank Ranks Rpg Server Shop Shops Small Spleef Survival Survival Multiplayer Town


(Works with cracked Minecraft)


What is Panni-Craft?
Panni-Craft is a Survival-Server with a small but friendly community.
Build on you own plot or become a member of a town and create together something big!

Some more information:
– Skill System (RPG-Style)
– Admin- and User-Shops
– Jobs to earn money
– Hunger Games
– PVP-Arenas
– Many ranks
– Spleef

Active Ass Class Com Conomy Craft Current Dynmap Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Event Everyone Florida Fly Forum Forums Gon Gone Grief Has Inecraft Inventory Map Mine Minecraft One Play Prevention Pvp Real Reset Run Server Website World

Florida Minecraft Server

FMS has just recently undergone a complete map, inventory, and economy reset!
-Currently Running 1.7.2
-Fly Enabled for Everyone!
-Real Economy
-Grief Prevention
-PVP World

Check out or Website –
Check out our Forums –
Check out our Dynmap –

Active Aus Best Cat Class Core Craft Custom Dedi Dedicated Developed Eco Econ Experience Fight Hard Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Lag Mean Mine Minecraft Mini Multi Please Plugin Plugins Pvp Ram Red Server Sky Staff Survival Multiplayer


MCKitPvP is the ultimate Kit PvP experience. When we say that we mean it. It truly is the best Kit PvP experience ever.

At SkyServer we take lag VERY seriously. PvP SUCKS if there is any less then 20 TPS (Ticks Per Second). This is very hard to achieve, because minecraft does not multiplex. This means that minecraft can only use 1/4 of our Xeon CPU. We try to keep lag to a minimum by installing custom developed plugins that reduce entities. If you experience any lag spikes please inform a staff member.
If you are interested here our are specs: Dedicated Apple Mac Mini at a colocation center in atlanta with 99 MB/s up and 97 MB/s Down. 16 GB of RAM and 13.37GB are dedicated to minecraft. Intel Core i7 Quad Core 2.6 GHz

400 Active Ass Class Craft Inecraft Lmao Max Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft 2 Play Player Players Pvp Raft Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer

MaximalMinecraft 24/7

MaximalMinecraft 24/7
400 players

Active Ass Build Class Com Community Des Erver Fun Lmao Mmu Ommunity Server Survival Multiplayer Unity


fun server for u to build

Action Actions Ark Ass Class Conomy Craft Donate Eco Econ Econom Economy Fac Faction Factions Knight Lag Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Night Nks Nolag Nolagg Noop Open Park Parkour Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Shop Shops Style Surviv Surviva Survival


✔ 24/7 ✔Survival ✔ Factions ✔ PvP ✔ Parkour ✔ Ranks ✔ McMMO ✔ NoLagg ✔ Donate ✔ Shop ✔ Economy


Active Ass Class Craft Creative Ect Enjoy Erver Factions Has Hub Inecraft Kitpvp Mcserver Mine Minecraft Open Owny Pvp Raft Rvival Server Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny

MCserverUK Server Hub has now opened a towny server for the enjoyment and survival aspect of minecraft!

Active Admin Admins Age Ass Best Class Cod Craft Crafter Crafters Erver Everyone Exp Experience Happy Ice Inecraft Keep King Maintenance Mine Minecraft Minecrafter Minecrafters Nice One Ortal Owner Port Portal Portals Server Slayer Survival Multiplayer Ten Ter Youtube

Portals Unite 24/7

Our server is about making minecrafters happy and give them a happy experience. We have nice admins and we try our best to keep everyone happy! Portalsunite is the youtube page. The owner is CODslayer101.

Is the server down?
we may be having maintenance on the server.

Air Allowed Awesome Ban Based Basic Build Class Crack Cracked Craft Fair Free Grief Griefing Growing Help King Lag Map Mature No Griefing Noop Open Premium Pvp Server Shop Shops Small Staff Survival Town Towns Uptime Who Wild Wns

Exodus Craft.

About Us:
Exodus-Craft is a Suvival based server with Towns and Shops running.Free to build anywhere over the map,
and PvP allowed in the wilderniss.
Griefers get banned, and we try to keep it basic and fair.
We have a small and mature staff working at all times.

Currently were growing a lot so why not come take a look.
For people who help us out by donating there are awesome benifits.
If youre Premium or Cracked client, we dont mather. Youre welcome with us

Survival – Towns – 27/7 Uptime – No lag – Mature Staff – PvP – No Griefing.


Ace Action Active Ars Block Class Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Hub Ice Icepvp Ill Kit Kywars Mini Games Network Play Practice Prison Pvp Rol Royale Server Sky Skyblock Skypvp Skywars Speak Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Vanilla War Wars Youtube

SC Network


TeamSpeak 3:
YouTube Kanal:
Facebook stranica:

->> HUB -> (Factions, Rol3Play, SkyBlock, SkyWars, Vanilla, SkyPvP, KitRoyale, Prison, PracticePvP…

Čekamo Vas, zato ne gubite vreme dodajte naš server u omiljene i upadajte!


Ass Class Com Craft Dom Follow Game Games Gaming Good Ken King Kingdom Ming Mini Mini game Mini Games Noop Open Raft Regels Rvival Staff Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff Ubs


1.Aardige staff

2. Mini Games


4.Survivalen ken.

5. Kingdom.


Active Admin Admins Ars Ass Ava Bee Build Builds Bukkit Class Dev Developed Elo Erver Ice Kit Lab List Mall Map Maps Nice One Open Pro Real Run Server Sever Small Survival Whitelist

Jeffros server

I’ve been running a small ( 16 slot ) Bukkit server since late 2011.
Over the years its developed several really nice maps with wonderful builds on each.
Server is available 24/7 and is open to anyone. There is no whitelist.
I already have enough active admins and I have no plans on promoting anyone else.

Active Admin Aus Block Blocks Class Community Eco Enw Game Gaming Home Ill Kor Lag Ming Mini Mining Multi Nen Pie Plugin Plugins Pro Rules Rvival Server Shooter Speak Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Village

=Black-Bull= Multigaming

Kleine Community seit 2007 mit MC Server Ts³ Homepage und mehr.
bei uns ist erstmal jeder willkommen. Wir haben keine großartigen Verpflichtungen,
auch ist alles kostenfrei und ohne Sponsoren finanziert, weil wir nicht abhängig sein wollen. wir haben eine begrenzte Anzahl an Membern, da wir lieber eine kleine Familie sind und nicht nach Rekorden hetzen wollen, wichtig ist noch, dass gamer die bei uns mitmachen möchten über 18 sein sollten, um ein gewisses Niveau halten zu können und auch weil bei uns unter anderem auch Ego-shooter gespielt werden…Multigaming halt.

Kleiner vorerst 30 Slot Mc Server.
Village Rules:
1 Haus das ihr vom Admin bekommt (Kostenfrei). Dies wird als Treffpunkt bzw. als Zentrale gesehen. Ihr bekommt ein Grünstück mit einem Haus, dass ihr euch umbauen könnt. Nicht größer als das Grundstück selbst, einen Keller max 6 tief und nicht mehr als 2 Stockwerke.

danach könnt ihr überall auf der Welt eure Projekte bauen wie es euch gefällt, sollte aber mindestens 1000 – 1500 blocks vom Dorf weg sein.

Mining und Rohstoffe bekommt ihr auf der zusätzlichen Recourcenwelt

Nach Absprache mit einem Admin kann sowohl Creativ als auch Survival gespielt werden

Viele Rechte als Member und nochmehr Plugins.

Teamspeak 3 Server

Best Class Community Enjoy Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Free Game Gameplay High King Lag Large Lit Need Non Noop Online Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Popular Pro Pvp Ring Server Servers Staff Survival Top


Welcome to ValourPVP. Here are some of our primary in-game features.

1. We offer the popular server type (i.e.: Factions, Survival, PVP).
2. We are virtually lag-free and are almost always online.
4. We are hoping to get a large community.50+ player online everyday.
5. We are always searching for ways to improve and we listen to your feedback.
6. If there is an issue, we fix it.
7. We meticulously configure all plugins on all our servers.

Currently Looking for strong reliable Staff. WE NEED YOU (must play for over 1 week.)

At ValourMC, our goal is to provide you with free, nonstop entertainment of the highest quality available while insuring uninterrupted gameplay. We encourage you to check out every gameplay type we have to offer so that you can have the best experience possible on our Server. Enjoy your time at ValourMC.


Active Ars Best Block Class Com Community Craft Creative Emo Features Game Gamemode Gamemodes Inecraft Join Kywars Long Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod New Play Player Players Pro Pvp Red Rvival Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival War Wars


The NexusMC is one of the best and longest running Minecraft community around. Running for over 4 years with over 6000 site members and hundreds of new players joining every day. We are always improving and adding new gamemodes and features.


Active Admin Allowed Awesome Best Build Craft Creative Eco End Free Friendly Grief Griefing Minecraft Mod Moderator Need Perks Play Player Plots Pvp Quest Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Rol Server Shop Skills Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Website Who World

McShadowCraft V9

McShadowCraft is a survival based server with a few extra worlds for those of you that like to mix things up a little, including:

A Free Build world with absolutely no griefing, free items at spawn, and an epic shop with every item you need to make the house of your dreams, and show it to your friends! Griefing may not be blocked, but it can be rolled back by our awesome, friendly, Staff Team of Moderators and Admins. This world is for those of you who just want to build, and unleash your full potential.

A Survival world with no griefing and no raiding, this server provides a shop but does not provide free items like the Free Build world, This world is for those of you that are here for the true Minecraft Experience, the experience, of survival. Build your house, craft your weapons, or purchase them from the shop.

A PvP world with Griefing and Raiding allowed! Build your base and choose your allies! Become the strongest team of players on the server! Everything you need to ultimately wipe the world clean of your enemies with TNT explosions, lava, fire, and everything else that you can think of. This world is for those of you that want to unleash your inner power on the enemies of you, and your allies. Leave no one standing, and become the ultimate victor in a reign of terror!

A Creative Plots world with completely protected plots and all of the supplies you need, unleash your true imagination, become one with yourself, and let your creativity flow. This world is for those of you that simply wish to show of your build skills or completely unleash your creativity, build the ultimate fortress, be known as the best builder in all of McShadowCraft!

A Survival Plots world with protected plots, all to yourself, and if you want, even your friends! This world is for those of you who really want to show off your build skills, but don’t want there to be any chance of it being griefed! Be known as the ultimate survival builder of McShadowCraft!

As you can see we have many worlds for everyone, so come, and find your domain! We offer many many cool worlds and an awesome set of perks and ranks that you can donate for! We hope to see you soon! And if you have any questions, just ask and Moderator or Admin on the website!

We hope to see you soon!
~[Owner] ~Shadow

Ace Active Ass Awesome Class Craft Erver Eso Lmao Play Plot Pvp Raft Server Smp Survival Multiplayer

Ace Craft

An awesome SMP server. All PvP and Plot server!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Better Minecraft Modpack Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!