116server Elon Farmwelt Farmworld Freebuild Freundlich Hut Multiworlds Shop Spawn Survival Timber Veinmine Veinminer Votes


Wilkommen auf Asterra


Wir sind noch ganz frisch auf dem Server-Markt und freuen uns, dass du uns gefunden hast! Aktuell befinden wir uns noch im Aufbau und entschuldigen uns für evtl. auftretende Fehler.

Aktuell bieten wir dir mehrere Freebuildwelten an in welchen du dich frei austoben, dir ein Grundstück frei suchen, abstecken und bebauen kannst. Mit viel arbeit und Geduld kannst du in diesen Welten dein eigenes Königreich erschaffen. Deine Bauten können auch gegen feindlich gesinnte Spieler geschützt werden.

Damit es zu keinen Ressourcenengpass kommt gibt es eine extra Welt zum Farmen. Hier solltest du jedoch nichts Bauen da die Farm-Welt regelmäßig zurückgesetzt wird.

Und da währe noch die Welt Asterra.
Asterra ist die Survival Großprojekt . Das Ziel ist es eine riesige Fantasy-Mittelalter Welt mit mehreren großen Königreichen zu erstellen. Um auf dieser Welt bauen zu können musst du jedoch erst Zeigen das du das Zeug zum Meisterbauer hast.

Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt? Hast du Lust dich auf unserer Reise anzuschließen?
Dann komm in unseren Discord-Channel und schnuppere schon mal etwas rein!

Auf unserem Discord-Channel wirst du über alle Events, Änderungen oder Ankündigungen auf dem Laufenden gehalten und bist immer Up-to-Date.

alle Features Kurz und knapp zusammengefasst:
+ Es gint mehrere Welten zu erkunden und zu bebauen
+ Jede Welt besitzt ihre eigenen Dimensionen (Nethet / End)
+ Es gibt eine Farmwelt um einem Ressourcenengpass zu entgehen
+ Freebuild -> Du kannst überall bauen
+ Du kannst deine Bauten schützen und in ruhe mit deinen Freunden Spielen
+ Es gibt hilfreiche selbst erstellte Befehle
+ Timber / Veinminer erleichtern dir das Leben
+ Shops mit vielseitigen Angeboten
+ Votesystem mit tollen Belonungen
+ Regelmäßige Events
+ Der Server wird regelmäßig um neue Features erweitert
+ …

-Ich bin immer für Wünsche und Vorschläge offen

Mehr Informationen findest du auch auf unserer Webseite

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Das Team vom Asterra

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Application Bomber Bomberman Create Creative CTF Decent Interesting Mini Games Nda Oce Plots Pvp Regular Skywars

Artemis Realms

SPECIAL OFFER! FREE SKYWARS BOMBERMAN KIT TO ALL NEW PLAYERS UNTIL MONDAY!!! Just create a help ticket (/ticket create) and ask for your kit, and we’ll add it for you.

A new, friendly server. Right now we have our own custom SkyWars, Creative Plots, Factions, and we’re just setting up CTF (War). We plan to have Hunger Games too.

Check out our unique features in SkyWars!!

Please come visit us; we’re looking for builders to add content as we grow. We’re especially interesting in hearing from map builders for Skywars & CTF.

Sidenote: the “application process” for mod on this server is to come back often, vote regularly and play decently with others. We will look for the best, most helpful players and promote them at our discretion.

City Creative CTF Customkits Dutch English Factions Kits Kywars Project Pvp Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival

ProjectFriends – for Dutch & English players.
+ Creative
+ Factions/Survival
+ PVP met Customkits
+ Kingdom
+ SkyWars
+ OurCity
+ SkyBlock

+ Owner: DutchGameTiger


1.16 1.16.1 Beau Beautiful Button Donation Duel Dueling Eau Large Private Rading Scar Survival Multiplayer Trading

WeinerCraft .. Minecraft server

The server has responsive administration.
Survival server. Version 1.16.1
A tube server for playing with friends.
Beautiful spawn.
They took the best, discarded the excess, and made a pleasant server for hanging out.
• Large privates
• Without donation
• Friendly players
• Works
• Dueling
• Trading / ah

4 VoteGet button code

Amazing Auto Automatic Builds Chest Chunk Corn Ftc Hun Plus Protect Protection Ram Tom Vanilla

Vanilla Chest And Chunk Protection

Amazing MineCraft Server 48 GB ram Vanilla Chest Protection Automatic Protection of Land and Builds plus Much more!

000 1000 300 Earth Free Iron Mini game Minigames Ranks Sad Scale Shops Tall Towny World Map

Iron Stallion

Our website:
1:1000 scale world map Of EARTH
Donator ranks
free saddles
Iron man mini game
and MORE


Bedrock Best Minecraft Economy Middle Mini Games Offline Parkour Potato Potatocraft Pretty Survival Survival Games Treeassist Tweak Tweaks

PotatoCraft Survival

Our staff is and users are very friendly and are always available to help. we strive for the best Minecraft experience.
This is a survival server, with a few added tweaks here and there. On this server, gameplay is pretty laid back but it’s really up to you. If you want to dig yourself to bedrock, and live there like a caveman, that’s cool by me; just don’t mess with other people (and be reasonable — don’t do something rediculous in the middle of a town or city, or in front of someone’s house).
** If PlanetMinecraft lists this server offline, try connecting anyway. Sometimes it likes to lie 🙂 **
Additional Notes:
Survival, VIP, Economy, and much more!

Better Emo Friendly Gamemode Gamemodes Infinity Know Kywars Minigames Mode Quest Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival


In this server you can play survival, skywars and skyblock (FOR NOW). We will add gamemodes and minigames. If you want to help us to make the server better you know what to do. The friendly staff will help you with your questions. Join now…


Abandoned Apes Barren Basics Chop Echo Gone Griefprevention Landscape Portals Resources Shopkeeper Shopkeepers Survival Vanilla


Join our small community for some grief-free survival PvP!

ArchaiCraft is for players interested in long term gameplay, and those who dont like the HUB-style servers with a list of minigames and different portals to jump between. Gone are the barren landscapes void of trees and resources, cluttered with abandoned houses made of dirt. Get back to the survival basics. With only a few small enhancements, ArchaiCraft is a fresh, enjoyable, semi-Vanilla experience.
Visit our website to request White-List
Plugins installed on server: mcMMO, GriefPrevention, ShopKeepers, EchoPet

Contest Contests Creative Economy Exclusive Factions Marriage Monthly New Minecraft Server Promotion Pvp Roleplay Theme Titles Viking

Valkyrie Network

201 Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Awa Away Cpvp Crates Donator Epic Factions Giveaway Giveaways Kits Parties Plugins Ranks


Our Server has unique plugins it also has Factions mcmmo Crates And epic Donator Ranks and kits . Drop parties And Rank Giveaways


Abe Art Ass Buy Buycraft Class Dns Lmao Sale Star Start Starting Style Survival Multiplayer Tps


35% off starting sale.


Alone Bit Imple Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Nur Problems Quick Sea Sol Survival Thor Unch Vanilla Welcoming

Wabbit Survival – A Friendly Server

Wabbit Survival is a simple, welcoming and friendly Minecraft survival server. We are heavily focused on growing and nurturing our amazing community, and we welcome players of all ages, providing you stick by our simple and fair rules!

We also have a brilliant and dedicated staff team to solve disputes and fix problems quickly. We hope you choose Wabbit Survival to play on, and that you thoroughly enjoy your time with us.

Besides the amazing staff, there are always a bunch of active, and friendly players of all ages online. If by this point you’re still looking for a reason all we can say is join us, and give it a try.

The introduction alone, and our warm, sincere welcomes should convince you. Search no more for a friendly Minecraft survival server, for Wabbit Survival is here!

Cool Ender Factions Group Kits Mall Messi Oup Plugins Private Pub Public Public Server Pvp Top

Enderium PvP

Enderium PvP is your #1 stop for PvP and faction game play. Friendly Staff, awesome kits, cool plugins, and much more. See you There . Our server started with a small group of friends just messing around in our private world, but then it formed into a public server and we welcome anyone who wants to join the community. We really hope to see you there.


Curse Curseforge Details Faction Irl Launcher Moddé Modded Modpacks Poses Rpg Story Survival Testing Twitch

[A][WIP] Minecraftia – An RPG Faction Survival Modded Server

Hi all!

Firstly, to begin with this section and post will contain very little details as this is to just let people know the server is open and able to be joined. This is mainly for testing purposes to see if the server can run fine with people on and the numerous mods with have installed on this.

Don’t be worried about hearing mods! It is fairly easy to join!

Simply go to the Twitch Curse link to download the modpack, and use the twitch launcher to make a new profile and simply click import and import this modpack.

Modpack from Curse Mods:

Within the coming week or so, I will be creating a website and everything which will flesh out the server a lot, not to mention the back story. Like I say, this is strictly for testing and for those of you who’d like a head start on this.

Hope ya’ll enjoy!

Clip Clips Creative Creativity Economy Factions Farms Floating Parkour Protections Protectionstone Protectionstones Rce Skyblock Stones

Eclipse MC

Welcome to Eclipse MC! A peaceful community for people to pass the time.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our server is currently undergoing some changes with plugins, worlds, and more, but we will still be open to the public! Ask the Admin Team for more information.

Below is a list of each of our gameplays and what they include!

Featured Games:

Skyblock – Generates a personal floating island for you to gather resources, create farms, and make your way to the top of the island charts!

Survival – Sets you in the classic survival mode play of Minecraft, with the added bonus of land protection using our ProtectionStones plugin! (See Survival Spawn for more info.)

Creative – Allows you to express your creativity in our plot world, where you are able to claim plots of free land and build whatever you fancy!

Adventure Building Creative Factions Fancycraft Map Maps Mini Games Mini-game Mini-games Op Prison Prison Survival Survive Vive

Fancycraft Server

Fancycraft is a Hub server Network that offers you only the best. This is a server you do not want to miss out on!

>> Factions
Fight others and raid other factions!
>> OP Prison
Join the Prison and beat your friends!
>> SkyBlock
– Come join and get your SkyBlock and Expand it!
>> Creative
Play in Creative and enjoy building and having fun with your friends!
>> Survival
Survival is a Great place to start the adventure and survive!
>> Games!
We have Awesome Games and custom Mini-games with unique maps!

Combine Creative Dollar Dollars Extreme Factions Freedom Gang Grid Jump Maybe Mining Powers Prison Skyblock


Join GridlockMC and indulge in an epic OP Prison experience which you won’t find elsewhere!
Jump right into the action with an extremely efficient kit and begin mining. The more time you invest, the more you will propel through the ranks.
After a lot of mining, voting and maybe (if you’re a generous one) a few dollars spent at the Store, you’ll find yourself amongst the top players in the Prison.
Combine your powers and form a gang then fight to the death as you earn more and more respect from other prisoners.
Once you have earned your freedom, claim a plot and build a base for you, or even for your gang.
There is much to do on GridlockMC, so join now and check it out!

]>> Server IP:
]>> Store:
]>> Website:

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Auction Auctions Features Gym Gyms Job Jobs Lottery Miner Pixelmon Protection Shiny Starter Whitelist

Pixelcraft Online

Features :
-24/7 server
-No Lag
-No whitelist
-Shiny Starters
-Grief Protection
More coming soon.


Abilities Donor Enchanted Enchants Envoy Envoys Factions Kitpvp Mcmmo Npc Oys Purchase Pvp Raiding Tinker

Sacred Network

Sacred Network is a cracked custom enchants server that has unique custom enchants in the form of books. You are able to purchase these custom enchants in the form of books from an NPC called the ”Enchanter”. We also have this unique NPC called the ”Tinkerer” that allows you to tinker custom enchant books and custom enchanted armor. Envoys will also drop every hour. Donor ranks can be obtained from these envoys crates. We also have a custom kitpvp server that has many different types of abilities.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minehut Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!