1.16.1 Boy Cosmos Developed Economy Factions Koth Massive Mcmmo Newest Pve Pvp Smo Survival Twist

The sacred cosmos

Welcome to The Sacred Cosmos.
We’re back and even stronger then ever, we as a team have the sole purpose to change the way Minecraft survival, pvp, and factions works together in a server.

We offer everything that a factions server would and more, but there is a twist and more to be added in the future.

The server is still being developed and boy do we have some things in store, changing the way combat works, with KOTH, PVP arenas etc to come the server is only going to grow,
we have an immerse economy system all running in with the newest version of Minecraft (1.16.1)

Currently we use our discord as our server website, we have a store running using the web, but currently the server’s website is run and based completely through the discord!

The list of plugins are massive, with the most unique features added to give the players a unique feel.

We look forward to seeing you in the server,
Good Luck cosmonaut you’re going to need it.

Atm Casual Chunk Chunks Missions Mix Permissions Sable Settings Smo Smooth Speed Starter Survival Tools

MikesShop – All The Mods 3 – Remix 1.6.0

I started this server is so I’d have an always-on world to play on, hoping to also make some friends and play with other people too. I’m a very casual player and hoping to foster a casual playing environment. If you’re looking for a place to speed through to completion in a few weeks, probably not the place for you. Newbie to running a server, so still working on getting scripts, permissions and everything else set up to work smoothly.

We now have time based ranks, and a starter kit of tools! The longer you play, the more chunks you can claim, and chunkloaders you can use!

PVP can be disabled in FTBUtilities settings, be sure to disable it when you join if you aren’t interested in PVP. That being said, non-consensual PVP will not be tolerated. No Griefing or Raiding… just be nice.

550 Beyond Bounty Bov Collectibles Creative Gone Hole Pickaxe Pve Pvp Rome Skyblock Smo Survival


Cosmodrome is built on dedication, and the promiseto make members of this community, new and veteran, our number 1 priority. We put YOU as the player above everything else as your experience and time within our community we take to heart, and with that, we have gone above and beyond to assure our servers meet your expectations.

There is lots to do earn over 550 collectibles, earn crates do quests to earn the best loot challenge yourself in factions with the new bounty plugin which help players earn money by killing people.

Around the whole server network you can get spawners with just a silk touch pickaxe.

Economy Envoy Envoys Giveaway Giveaways Mcmmo Oys Pve Pvp Smo Smooth Survival Titles Treasure Vanilla

Back In Action

Back In Action
Welcome to Back In Action we are here to bring you the best Vanilla server around we have custom plugins and New Ranks and Titles We also have Envoys In PvPArena.
When you Vote you get awesome rewards!

Dedicated Staff
Smooth game play
Custom Shops
Treasure Crates
Balanced Economy
Friendly Community
Daily Key Giveaways!

Balanced Biome Biomes Eau Factions Fast Guard Guardian Kie Prison Pvp Skyblock Smo Smooth Towny


Here at Guardian Skies we provide the finest gamemdode experience. Being one of the most fast growing skyblock servers out there, we continual add cool features to leave you enjoying the game to the best.

1.8 – .1.12 SUPPORT!

» Dedicated Staff
» Smooth game play
» Custom Biomes
» Custom Shops
» Player Shops
» Treausre Crates
» Balanced Economy
» Friendly Community

Apply Aus Create Easy Enjoy Ice Imple Life Looking Paper Sim Simp Simple Smo Survival

Smoking Papers

We from Smoking Papers just created a survival server just because we enjoy the simple life of minecraft, yet with easy plugins. Notice! We Are still looking for staff!!!

so if you wanna join our server and stay you can be able to send us an email and apply for a staff rank its that easy.

1.14 Anarchy Back Ban Banned Chud Economy Emb Fun Hey Ill Mine Miner Smo Smoke


anarchy 1.14.4
have funand remember: where there’s smoke, they pinch back

Chat Elf Euro Europe Fres Fresh Function Hosted Minimal Nothing Random Smo Smooth Suits Survival


Craftial is a survival server with minimal plugins (logging, chat functions) and nothing else.
Once you join the server you’ll be randomly spawned into the world, ensuring you get a fresh start.
The server itself is hosted on a dedicate machine in Europe with 1 gbps uplink to ensure a smooth experience.

If you feel like this is something that suits you, then come on and have a chat!

1.8.9 Best Minecraft Buycraft Factions Factions Server Gameplay Growing Lands Mcp Mcpe Playing Minecraft Pvp Rates Smo Smooth


Enjoy playing Minecraft on our growing server.
It’s a new factions server. We ensure low ping so you can enjoy smooth gameplay without any lag.
We give rewards for our voters, so gather up your friends and enjoy one of the best Minecraft experience on our server!
What we have on our server:
Connect to:

Anarchy Anarchy Server Client Hacked Hosted Minecraft 1.8 Raiding Retro Silk Smo Smooth Spawner Spawners Survival Vanilla

1B8T Anarchy

1B8T is a retro anarchy server for Minecraft 1.8! There are NO rules here, even hacked clients are allowed! We also dont have many game-altering plugins, except for silk-touching spawners. This server is hosted with 8GB of RAM so it should be very smooth and responsive.

Anarchy Ats Conquest Create Creative Domina Economy Elf Hats Kingdom Quest Survival The Quest Towny Twitter


Network Specific:

*World Domination, done right*

*Be Creative, Be Yourself*

*The World lies before you, to join or create a kingdom, thats the question*

Atm Atmosphere Everyone Extra Factions Factions Server Imple Know Mega Mpl Pos Sim Simp Simple Site


MultaCraft, a simple Factions server, but with nice extras.
MultaCraft is not a mega server or network where nobody knows each other, we are the opposite. Everyone knows each other on our server and there is a nice cozy atmosphere.


Added Bungee Class Des Has Minecraf Minecraft Server Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This Ungee You

Another bungee server Minecraft server

The owner of the server “Another Bungee server” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

2020 8.2 Create Economy Group Internet Meet Oup Parkour Pvp Sin Support Survival Who Youtube


2020Craft is a survival-based Minecraft community that welcomes all players! The 2020 Group was formed by a number of friends who met on the internet, and plan to meet in person in the year 2020. Since the formation of the group, we have created the 2020 Channel (our YouTube Channel), and 2020Craft (our Minecraft server). We appreciate all of the support!

Cannons Creative Currency Economy Enderdragon Explosion Explosions Extreme Factions Hardcore Prison Shards Spawns Surprise The End

Faction Hustlers

Of all our game types Factions is our first, in out servers we promise a unique experience for all players and we are always working on our servers. /Vote For Shards! (Server Wide Currency)
– Factions
+First Unique server on our network and full of surprises, custom cannons, huge explosions, and we start you off with a Base in a Box!

– Creative
+Free Creative and full world edit access when you spend your Shards(Vote Rewards)
– Prison
+Come join our prison server for a more open experience then a packed in prison.(Our Trees are Real)
– SkyBlock
+Come start you island and expand today!
– Elimination
+HARDCORE server where the re-spawns happen every Monday and the monsters are uglier than your mother. +Kill the EnderDragon for 10,000 Shards (EXTREMELY HARD) – Minigame(beta)
+We custom code our plugins. (Come make a recommendation today!) Teamspeak: Server Ip: Website:
Come check us out, we have a great community. Come talk to us on our public teamspeak:

Cern Creator Creators Deathmatch Dollars Free Lava Mojang Parents Paypal Ranks Secure Sumo Team Deathmatch Webstore




How do I know my payment is safe?

Your payment is sent through PayPal, a secure payment gateway. If you have an account, you can use it. However, you can also donate without an account. (Simply click: Pay with a debit or credit card, or PayPal Credit)

Parents: What is this?

Where does donation money go?

Donation money is put toward our hosting costs, which are several hundreds of dollars a month. We then pay our developer, LavaisWatery, who puts in several hours of his personal time to develop and shape the server.

Can you purchase something without a PayPal Account?

Yes. Simply click “Pay with Debit/Credit card” instead of logging into PayPal. Consider adding your credit card/bank to your PayPal for future convenience.

A PayPal account is not needed for purchase.
We are not affialiated with Mojang A.B., the creators of Minecraft.
Please contact us if you run into any issues with payment. We do not offer rank transfers or rank combinations (getting a friend to combine a rank with your own rank to get a higher rank).


Added Bungee Class Des Has Minecraf Minecraft Server Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This Ungee You

Another bungee server Minecraft server

The owner of the server “Another Bungee server” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Custom Item Custom Items Drop Drug Drugs Economy Factions Infinity Items Lud Mci Normal Prison Pvp Space

Infinity Prison

Infinity is a normal Prison server in Space that includes custom items, custom plugins, MCMMO, PVP, and even Drugs!
Play today to get a unique prison experience (Don’t drop the soap!)

Aus Cheap Config Custom Delta Enviro Environment Factions Hiring Information Iron Plugins Pvp Stuff Swe


Deltasix is a brand new uprising factions / pvp server making its way up to the top.

We offer our players custom configured plugins for their best experience because we care about them.

Our friendly environment is ready for new players to come and run the world with their factions/friends.

We are currently looking for staff aswell. If you are interested please visit our website for more information and the form.

We also have cheap cheeky stuff on our store.

#Factions/Pvp #We #Hiring.


Chunk Chunks Communities Custom Discord Free Fun Minecrafters Miners Overworld Reddit Rollback Social Standard Vanilla


We have anti-griefing measures in place, you can claim chunks, protect your builds, and staff can rollback griefing and theft. We also have special custom biomes in both the overworld and nether, you wont find these on any standard semi-vanilla server. As well you can check out our social media communities on Discord and Reddit.

We promote a low stress community atmosphere, where we can take our time, think before we act, and have fun together. We respect each other and our differences. We act and communicate responsibly and take responsibility for our actions in game. It is a server free from griefing, thieving, and immaturity. We want you to help make us a tight knit community of fun-loving Minecrafters. We are a very welcoming group so no need to be shy. We love newcomers.


Added Bungee Class Des Has Minecraf Minecraft Server Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This Ungee You

Another bungee server Minecraft server

The owner of the server “Another Bungee server” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

1.10 580 Alpha Creative Empire Factions Hungergame Hungergames Op Prison Op Prison Server Prison Regular Skyblock Skywars Stage


A Skyblock and OP Prison Server now in full 1.10.2
Skywars, Creative, Survival, Factions, Towny and HungerGames are currently in Alpha stage and will reboot regular to improve.

Advanced Creative Diamond Easy Fire Forward Idea Insta Kitpvp Mcd Mini Games Parkour Pvp System Tall


Create your own minigames! DiamondFire’s advanced custom system makes it fun and easy to create your own unique minigames and play them with your friends! No need to set up a server, portforward, install plugins, or write lines of code – just join and get creating!

Make YOUR minigame idea a reality!

1000 лвл Elves Grief Protected Lobby Mcpe Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Obby Russian Minecraft

Sainex MCPE »Server Network server Minecraft

Hello. We will not speak for ourselves, so decide for yourself whether you will play on our server!

If so?) Then you made a good choice! We have 3 game modes:

PORT: 19132
Version: 1.0.0-1.1.7
Server: ON

> 1st Anarchy

Economy Moddé Modded Modded Survival Modpack Mods No Griefing Pack Raiding Saint Tech Technic Technicpack Tekkit Towny

Saints Gaming Modded Survival

This server is a mod pack that contains 160+ mods.

There is no raiding, No Griefing, PvP is allowed out side of town.

Awesome Bajan Eso Factions Fnaf Free King Mcp Need Need Staff People Ree Staff Taff Working


Bajancraft is a faction and it very awesome and we are still working but need staff and people and and we letting you play fnaf4 free on mc

Cities Different Discord Dog Enviro Environment Pc Gamer Planet Planetminecraft Quests Scat Strike Support Tir Wild


Are you tired of the wild of your server looking like a meteor strike occurred? No worries. Our server is brand new as of the first of November 2017.
Welcome to The Kingdom of Galekin, an RPG Based Minecraft server. We feature quests scattered throughout 6 different cities. Our server was built to be unique and to support a friendly player environment. Hope to see you soon.

~Owner: MadDogKiss

Join our Discord.



Donators Donut Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Prize Pvp Russian Minecraft

Free ADMINISTRATION, team / prize Minecraft server

Server description »On the server you can get a donat for free by registering the / prize command.
»Also donators can give you a donut case for free if you ask well: D
»There are mini-games, great online and just nice people on the server: w
Join us: z

Dynmap Econ Economy Little Lore Map Match Non Open World Pve Pvp Rank Ranked Seed Survival


Kono is the survival experience you have been looking for. From open world PvP to Ranked PvP matches, Economy, Lore with little to none intrusion of you experience this is the server for you. With a unique seed, Dynmap integration and more to offer at your disposal.

Back Beau Beautiful Custom Drop Eau Forever Grind Minecraft Survival Pay Pay2win Place Plugins Sad Survival



If you want the Minecraft Survival feeling back then you have come to the right place.

Unique features on this server:

No Pay2Win
Custom Plugins
Our Custom SupplyDrop plugin.
Nice Staff.
Beautiful Spawn.
You do not have to grind forever to get nice stuff.

Yours faithfully,

The SadsaCraft Team


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and One Block Java Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!