Ass Ate Aternos Class Erver Fun Her Hero Http Lmao Serv Server Style Ter Tps


fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun


Anarchy Creative Grand Hero Heroes Les Lmao Meme Mini Games Parkour Pot Pour Serveur Survival Ten


Heroes Mc N’est pas un grand serveur mais a quand même du potentiel et c’est pour ça que toute les personnes qui vont sur se serveur son trés satisfais 😀

Almost Hero Life Minetopia Nline Nova Online Real Life Site Survival Multiplayer Top Version Versions Way Website


Join now the best MineTopia real life server. Always online. Almost all versions.


Coins Comic Comics Flash Hero Levelup Netherlands Oins Powers Superhero Survival Multiplayer Training Upgrade Wom Woman


CD Comics (Netherlands) Wat is DC Comics?
DC Comics is a server where you can be your own superhero. (In this case THE FLASH)
With StarLabs you follow training per training that you do you earn 5 PowerCoins (PC) and 1 PowerPoint (PP).
With PowerPoints you can unlock powers and go levelup.
You can buy these powers via PowerCoins. You can also upgrade your powers to make them even faster / better
Do you think you are the fastest man / woman of the server? Show it on


Boda Cpvp Dates Donators Economy Factions Hero Kens Pve Pvp Rich Survival Tok Token Tokens


IonicPvP is a recently updated Factions server to help balance members, staff, and donators. IonicPvP gives all players a chance to become rich through crates, tokens, voting, pvp, and events! Come on and check out the server, and don’t forget to check out the owner, Therobodavo, and his youtube channel for updates on the server!

Ass Class Her Hero Inecraft Las Lmao Mine Minecra Minecraf Minecraft Naruto Ros Style Survival Multiplayer




Castle Creation Creations Destroy Gmc Hero Heroes Male Plugins Seek Social Supernatural Survival Upcoming Veterans


New and upcoming survival server. A lot of admin made creations on our server world for players to do with as they wish. See an admin made castle in the distance? Want to move into it? Blow it up? Your choice.

The OPRPG server has a heavy focus on community. We want to have an enjoyable social experience while we play, and we hope you are looking for the same. Ask others for help on defending your creations from our move malevolent members, or seek out creations to destroy yourself. Most importantly with community, vote for what we will do with the server… Should it have RP? Supernaturals plugin? Heroes plugin? We need suggestions.

Join our community today, and become among the veterans of the server as we gain popularity.


City Economy Giga Hero Heroes Limited Mini Games Pvp Superhero Superheroes Survival Unlimited Wild Wildernes Wilderness

Superheroes Unlimited

Superheroes Unlimited Mod 5.0 server owned by GeneralGigan! Live in the city, survive in the wilderness or have fun playing the Hero Games! We hope to see everyone there!

Away Essential Factions Familia Fun Health Hero Irl Little Minigames Playerbase Plugins Quick Serves Show



Who are we?​
Hello, everyone. First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this post, if you just want to quickly join the server right away, heres the IP

Server IP –

Need a little more convincing before you decide you want to join the server? Alright, no problem. Heroic-Kingdom is a new, fun, 24/7 factions server. We have features that youre familiar with, so theres no confusion of what the purpose of playing on our server is. We have many plugins (a healthy amount), just enough to enhance your playing experience. We have just the right amount because we know players like you dont need all that junk that serves no purpose. We have just the essentials. So why not join today?

Why factions?​
We chose factions because we feel most players are fairly well introduced with factions, and we hope we can show you what we can provide to you (if you decide to play). Now, we also chose factions because since were still growing (were only 1 DAY old.), we wanted to have our playerbase grow a little. This is why we opted not to go for a server type, such as minigames, where if you have a little amount of players, it effects how many game types players can choose from. Now, this also effects factions, but not as much, so we decided to go with the safe route and choose factions.


1.16.1 Epic Griefing Griefprevention Hero Ign Information No Griefing Pig Prevention Private Spigot Steve Survival Vie

EpicAdamH’s Survival Server

EpicAdamH’s Survival Server!

No Griefing Please!

This is a Spigot v1.16.1 Survival Server. All players welcome.

GriefPrevention plugin is running on this server.

Map can be viewed at

Visit for more information.

For questions, email [email protected]

Cross-Play Economy Mcmmo Pve Pvp Survival Towny

The Redlands

Welcome to The Redlands, a Towny Minecraft server with a large world, in which players can practice geopolitics, economies, and industrialization together! This server is friendly for the more technically inclined.


Broken World RP

In the wake of undead hordes bringing about the collapse of their homelands, two factions set themselves adrift upon the sea–totally unaware of the other group's parallel tragedy. They discover magical mists, impossibly thick and dark. Inside these mists is a strange continent, where long ago armies clashed, gods were born and died, and where the hands of fate are your own. It is a shattered continent, named Nebelloren.

This is a role-playing server utilizing the Mod Figura. Members of our community work together to form characters and tell immersive stories.

Our Races and Factions:

The Imeris Entente 👑

The Imeris Entente, originally founded and comprised of the proud Dwarven clans of Votha, the star-gazing high-elf Caeli, and Humans recently returned from Hell called The Lambent Front, has recently been joined by the mysterious Myriad; constructs who awoke from long slumbers upon the arrival of newcomers on Nebelloren.

The Wildchoir 🌳

Made up of the comfort-loving halfling Cuthail, the plant-like elven Kihai, the spiritual and orcish Hjen and the traditionalist monster-hunting humans, The Endless Spears, the Wildchoir prides itself on becoming one with nature. They will find the earth of Nebelloren has time and time again been scarred by foul deeds. The spiritual wounds they will find go deep, and not be easily healed.

Our Cities:

The peoples of the Wildchoir and Entente are dispersed across this continent among two freshly founded city states:

Azuverde 🏝️

Far to the west, nestled between the tall cliffs and trees of the jungle, there is a sprawling town with the warm sand and air that comes from the tropics. The waters surrounding the port are a dangerous beauty. The winding paths cross along the cliff faces, leading to tall towers that overlook the sea. A town of learning, and of ambition. A town of scholars and artists, traders and craftsmen. A town of discovery and commerce, where all are given the incentive to push beyond themselves, to be greater than they ever imagined.

Hythe 🏰

High above the cresting waves of the eastern coast of Nebelloren lies a mountain, and upon that mountain lies a city. White stone walls and red roofs kiss the clouds overhead. Banners of stark red and gold dot the interior and exterior of the central complex. With rapid advancements in artificery, Hythe is defined by the innovative spirit of its engineers, and by its steadfast defense against mysterious invasions from the mists. It is a town of laws and order, imposed by a well established bureaucracy, determined to keep its people safe.

The World 🗺️

An enormous custom map, populated with over 50 unique wildlife mobs, gorgeous biomes dotted with strange ruins and interesting vistas. Our dedicated team of Storytellers, Community Moderators and Techies provide support for personalized crafting, storylines and mechanics. With a plethora of combat, racial and story based abilities, profession based classes and even opportunities for your own unique and custom skills, both our mechanical and story based interactions are beyond the vanilla experience.

Role-Playing 🎭

As a roleplay server, you will be playing a character of your own design! Think of a backstory, as detailed or as sparse as you want. What are your character's interests? How do they talk and act? Are they brave or craven? All these little nuances will add up to create a truly memorable character.

Choose from a variety of classes stretching from 10 mechanical professions such as blacksmiths, doctors, and alchemists, to roleplay-based professions such as a cobbler, explorer, or cheesemaker. Our team of Storytellers and Community Moderators do their best to allow each player to form their own stories and make their own experiences.

Hundreds of hours of work has gone into making the player experience and community on BWRP one of the best servers in service, using the game of Minecraft as a medium to tell personally resonant stories in its current form for over six years!

We provide an easy to download curated modpack of quality of life mods, along with our key roleplay mod Figura, which makes Dwarves short and stout and Kihai lithe and ethereal by changing how character models are displayed! We provide step by step instructions to downloading the modpack as part of the welcome experience!

How To Join:

Join our Discord server hereor via the join tab of our website. Information on each of the races can be found there as well!

Read our Rules

Fill in our short application

Get Whitelisted, then download the modpack and resource pack


Lifesteal Smp Survival


This is WhiteSMP that you can team up and kill other players. It’s lifesteal server so don’t worry about killing person And it has a lot of cool plugins




  • Unique Minecraft Server: OG SMP ASIAN combines Semi-Anarchy and Normal middle school gameplay.
  • Custom Plugins: Enhance your experience with unique features.
  • Asian Community: Interact with players from diverse backgrounds.
  • Low Latency: Say goodbye to lag! 🚀
  • Anti-Xray: Protect your resources from prying eyes. 🔒

Choose your path:
Server Info on YouTube 🎥
Join Now on Discord 🗡️🌍

Skyblock Survival

Lukas Fox Den

[1.19] Luka’s fox den is a high-quality Minecraft Skyblock, and Survival SMP server featuring unique content and an amazing community, friendly staff, and awesome players like you!



Are you interested by the inner workings of government, how politics change the world, trading with other countries, and having intense battles? Zima Nations is for you, we offer all of the above plus a large friendly community of players who are very passionate about their own countries

Java 1.9 – 1.20.4


Bedrock PC/Mobile
Bedrock IP:

Bedrock Port: 6761

Bedrock Console (Realmcode)
-Add "Realmcenter8730" via the Minecraft Friends Tab
-Restart your game

-Return to your friends tab and scroll down until you see Zima Nations in "Joinable Games" (JOIN DISCORD FOR MORE INFO)



Please Check “Website” to See What DawnCraft is all about now…Featuring..
⚔️ Dozens of Bosses w/ Unique Attack Patterns & Animations
⚔️ Hundreds of New Animals and Monsters
⚔️ Hundreds of New Structures
⚔️ A Complete Quest Line & Custom Built Quest System
⚔️ A Unique Reputation System
⚔️ A Souls-like Combat System
⚔️ Over 200 Custom Picked Mods
Got Questions? Join Our Discord.


Ordinary SMP

I've seen that most servers are just "ha ha, p2w and stuff".

We aren't like that, we are just a Vanilla Whitelisted SMP without any cheating or any shenanigans like that.
We have Voicechat, the 1.21 blocks, better Wandering traders. If you hate anything about it, you can easily suggest a new thing to add.

The server will in a few days, so if you want to be one of the first people on this server, then do it!
You can join here on Discord.

Creative Cross-Play Oneblock Prison


We are thrilled to unveil the grand launch of Panya! A brand new Minecraft Server, ready to launch on its BETA state!

Prepare yourselves for an unforgettable journey into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and adventures await around every pixelated corner.



Greetings traveler!

Welcome to the land of Aurelium, here lye a land of opportunity, of risk and corruption.

We're a towny server focused on politics, lore and war (the 3 best things)

We've just started out meaning history could be YOURS to define..

Will you become a lowly peasant grazing the land or will you ascend and build a kingdom worthy of respect?

The choice is yours, for more information + our communication server join bellow!

Cross-Play Pvp Survival Vanilla

Fame Smp




Whitelist is Enabled I forgot to add it into the title, and can't see a title edit option.


Server Version: 1.18 – 1.20.4
Server IP:
Bedrock Port: 34220
Server Map:

About us

CraftyMC is a community based SMP with a wide variety of plugins, currently it is in Whitelist mode, and a Beta is active, if you would like to join in the Beta please do drop by the Discord and fill out an application, not everything is fully setup however we feel like we've gotten to a point where we can get some players online to help us out, the survival world and accounts will not reset after the Beta unless there are game breaking bugs that need addressing, and then still if there's a way around it without a wipe of some kind, we would rather not have a server wipe.


  • Do not spam in chat.
  • Do not Discriminate against other players.
  • Do not threaten or bully.
  • English only in chat please.
  • Be respectful to both players and stuff, unless given a reason not to be.
  • Do not encourage rule breaking.
  • Do not encourage suicidal thoughts.
  • No Macros, Cheat or Autoclickers, no hacks whatsoever. (will turn a blind eye to autoclicking in slimefun)
  • No ban or Mute evasion, and if your friend evades, please report them or you'll get banned too.
  • Do not advertise your Minecraft or Discord server or website.
  • Do not solicit.
  • Do not post unsafe or NSFW links.
  • Do not scam using chest shops or Auction House, Do not scam in general.
  • Please report any bugs or glitches, you will be caught and will be banned if you abuse.
  • Please do not use inappropriate names or skins.
  • Do not make inappropriate NSFW builds.
  • Cut down all trees don't leave the tops of trees floating about.
  • Do not grief other players even if they have not claimed their builds.


Features included***:***
Slimefun: Slimefun adds a lot of new items to the game and makes the game more challenging to play you should start with a slimefun guide book but if you don't or if you lose it, type /sf guide to get another!

Better Structures + Elite Mobs: There are custom structures in Survival, Nether and End worlds, some are dungeons with a Boss within and the area protected until the Boss is defeated.
Shops: You can type /shop to access the shop, it will actually be disabled though until the Ender Dragon has been defeated, the first player to defeat the Ender Dragon will be rewarded.
Quests: NPC's at spawn can give quests, however this is currently a WIP.
mcMMO: Hands down the best MMORPG plugin every server needs. This plugin adds in a whole range of unique skills with special abilities, and allows you to level them up to improve the effectiveness of said skills. There are leaderboards, and plenty of skills to focus on!
Auction house: We have an Auction House so if you want to undercut the shop buy prices, but also gain more money than the sell prices, this is one of the options.

Chest Shops: Chest shops is a secondary way you can make some cash, similarly to Auction house, however you can have a little shop in your land and have a playerwarp linked to your shop, when you have a rank high enough to create a player warp.

PlayerWarps: The ranks you gain playerwarps on are not 100% setup yet, but they will exist.
Rank: The rankup menu was actually created by myself using Deluxemenus, and there are 27 free /rankups to earn using mcmmo power level + in-game cash, not all the rewards are setup yet, but since it will mostly be commands it is safe to rankup from the get go.

Points + Cosmetics: As we strive to not be P2W, there are a lot of cosmetics you can gain by using the in-game point system, points can be earned in-game as-well as donated for.

TimedFly: Free fly-time can be gotten from voting, 3mins per vote, however votes are yet to be setup, instead for now 15mins free fly time will be given per day, until votes are implemented.

Crates: There are a lot of crates, however except through quests, rankups and other free ways, there is no way to donate for only you to have keys, you can use the point system to buy keyalls, but for just you to gain keys, you will need to do free player stuff.

There is a lot more on this server, just wanted to go through some of the main points.


Server Application

As of right now we are still looking for staff members and developers and Beta testers, you just need to join the Discord, hop into the general chat or submit a support ticket and someone will get back to you with information or questions.


With UneasyVan

UneasyVanilla – Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking.

UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not.


Version: 1.20.4



Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you're seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive building projects, UneasyVanilla is the place for you!

Modded Pve Survival

Malachite – Modded Survival

>> Tech – Magic – Explore – Dimensions <<

Malachite is a light modpack with mods containing tools to allow you to pursue your wizarding needs and your machines to dominate the world, on top of which is a beautiful landscape to explore, on your way you may discover new dimensions.

Malachite’s dimensions:

Ad astra
Twilight forest
The undergarden

With much more to come in response to demand.

Check us out on discord for more details!:

>> <<

Creative Economy Mcmmo Parkour Pve Pvp Survival


Welcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights.

Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect of your gaming experience.

But Fabelized isn’t just a store—it’s a community. Connect with fellow gamers, share tips and tricks, and discover new ways to make your mark on the Minecraft universe. Join us on epic quests, participate in thrilling competitions, and unlock exclusive rewards as you embark on unforgettable adventures with friends old and new.

At Fabelized, we’re dedicated to providing you with the tools and inspiration you need to turn your wildest Minecraft dreams into reality. So why wait? Start your journey with us today and let your imagination run wild!



Hi everyone! My short name is Yani, I am 18 years old and I live in Romania (UTC+2). I am looking for quite some time for active people who are interested to join the "LittleSMP" Community (1.20.4).

What are we offering?

– We offer a place for all people who are looking for a no world reset and long term vanilla SMP where you can spend your time without thinking that you will lose all the effort put into the server at a given moment. We have been actively trying to create since the launch of this SMP, a pleasant experience for all people on the server by imposing some basic rules that must be respected. As for the mods, we are using voicechat as an optional mods and some optimization mods which are providing the best gameplay experience without affecting any vanilla mechanics.

What are we looking for?

– We are looking to find people who are mature(18+), friendly, but most important active who are interested joining a long term vanilla based SMP without thinking about loosing all their effort and time spended on the server. We are also looking for people who are passionate or have experience in building/redstone who may want to take part in this community.

When was the server founded?

– We are a small-ish and private community called "LittleSMP" which was founded on 18 august 2023. The first and first time, our plan was to beat the enderdragon together in order to benefit from the moments spent together. The server had a lot of active people, but unfortunately, ~1 day later, some bad guys leaked the server seed and beat the dragon without us knowing, ruining our whole experience and vibe. For this reason, I deleted that world and relaunched the server again, titled "LittleSMP Part II". This time the server did not have so many people, but we managed to populate this server as well and of course reach here. Since then, we tried to make the best vanilla multiplayer experience by populating the server with as many active people as possible.

How can you join us?

– In order to get an invite to our discord server, you have to add me on discord (yani01) and ask for an invite link! Thank you for your attention reading this post and I hope we will meet on the server and have some fun together <3 🙂


Architect SMP



We are currently playing on 1.20.4 with the 1.21 experimental snapshot features! (excluding the new trial chambers.) Having the fresh tuff blocks and extra copper additions, and more!

The ArchitectSMP is an inclusive and warm group with the aim of making a pretty world together brimming with stories, possible (super-secret) shenanigans, and amazing memories.

Our vision drives us to keep redstone use to a minimum, meaning we do have foundational rules to keep farming to a relaxed level of use.

We are looking for individuals who must be 21 years or older, preferably from the American or European time zones. Whether you're a seasoned builder or just branching out, you'll find a welcoming community of Architects from all walks of life who are always willing to join in, collaborate, and talk.

Join us to be connected to the stories of our homes, community areas, and player lore! From shops in the ground; to a megazord in the rocky sea. We can't wait to see what you may create! Season 5 of Architect SMP has started late August, with plenty of time to join in on all the Season 5 shenanigans, such as our Easter District, ReSpawn community area or ArchPark Minigame Area.


Join our discord, go to the #application channel, and fill in the application at the top!

We may ask to see screenshots of your favourite build to show us your style, inspirations, and overall vibe as a possible future Architect!

Architect Links

Architect Website:


Dyn Map:

Server Location: Frankfurt, Germany

"A lovely server. Considerate and thoughtful group of people with some really skillful and impressive builds. Owners diligently tend to their server. I cannot say enough good things about it, come and build a few things."- Fromtia

Lifestealcracked Lifestealsmp Survival

Hijibijibu SMP

This is My New SMP!
Hope You Enjoy this Lifesteal SMP.
There are Custom Items and
Enchants. I also added many
For any Problem You can
Contact me on my email:
[email protected]


Ignite Craft

Welcome to Ignite Craft!

Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure? Ignite Craft is the ultimate survival server that will ignite your passion for exploration, creativity, and community!

Step into a vast, immersive world brimming with endless possibilities. Don’t forget to join our Discord!


Davidscloud Servers

About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come.

Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players start off with 2,000 blocks they can claim, and accrue 120 every hour of playtime. These claims cannot be destroyed or built upon by anyone other than the Owner of the claim, or Trusted players. Plus your pets are also protected in the same fashion! If for some reason there's ever a problem, our Admin team will investigate and assist whenever necessary.

Quality-of-Life: With us focusing on your security, you can focus on enjoying the features on our server that add to your survival chances should you choose to use them, completely free without pay-to-win! Such as our banking system that gives interest for every hour you play. This lets you save up some cash to spend at the Market set up at the Survival Spawn, where our new Merchants offer a small variety of goods, like fish, potions, wood, and other miscellaneous goodies you might be looking for.

Multiple Worlds: Bit bored traveling over the same old Minecraft landscape? Our server isn't just the one traditional Survival world, it's actually linked to another realm giving you more to explore! Find Zedmun at the Survival Spawn for the opportunity to be transported to our new Amplified World! Added in 1.18, it has all of the new caves and cliffs you could want with the added craziness of being amplified. Additionally, we're working on adding an Event World and a Creative Plot World that would be accessed via our Hub so you will have even more places to enjoy. We would love to see you here when they launch!

Another Tidbit: Curious why Java and Bedrock were in the same title? Simple, that's because our server now allows cross-play between the Bedrock and Java versions! Anyone can play on our servers regardless of if they play on console or PC, provided they have a paid Java account of course. That means you get to play with friends you might not of been able to before due to platform restrictions! Plus, with more people able to play on our servers the more fun can be had by all as our community grows. So we are looking forward to seeing you and your friends join us at Davidscloud!

Got questions? Join our Discord to learn whatever you might like to know about our Minecraft servers such as commands, admin support, community rules, and more.​

Vanilla (Latest Version) IP: Bedrock Crossplay Port: 19132.

For connection tutorial, visit:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!