Action Active Anarchy Anti Cash Claim Class Community Craft Dcraft Different Fac Faction Factions Fun Google Has Join Kitpvp Laim Land Land Claim Ming Play Plugin Prize Prizes Pvp Raid Raiding Rvival Server Survival Tea Team This Vanilla Void Welcoming


VoidedCraft is a Survival Factions server with a fun and welcoming community! We also do cash prizes so be sure to join and play!

This server is different as it has a team land claim plugin and a anti afk raid plugin.

Active Ass Claim Class Com Community Core Create Creative Discord Economy Erver Free Good Google Hard Hardcore Join King Laim Land Land Claim Looking Ommunity Play Player Players Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Qol Ree Semi Semihardcore Server Survival Time Tps


Semihardcore server with lots of QOL plugins, land claim, and plots. Looking for players to come have a good time and create a community! Feel free to join our discord at and come say hi!

Abilities Active Amazing Auction Capture Community Cool Craft Creative Economy End Forge Friends Great Home Homes Join Leveling Mcmmo Mod Modpack Need New Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Server Servers Smp Survival Tpa Vanilla War World

Penguin Craft SMP

A new community with various servers, such as Vanilla 1.15.2 survival journey. with top-notch hosting software. all servers have essential plugins that render your gameplay to the max with Pixelmon Reforged modpack and in the progress of adding another mod pack within a few days. we also have a great amp 1.15.2 backward compatible survival world that has a great community which captures everyones attention by having amazing plugins such as the gift of marrying in-game players to basic commands such as tpa, homes and wild teleport and by having auction allows you to sell items and gain money to buy better more advanced items in your journey. Solo not for you? You can join friends with a group plugin allowing you to join your friends and alliances if needs be. And in the making of adding many more plugins and cool features to the server which include skill leveling up on abilities in-game, please hop on and join out amazing server at, looking forward to seeing you there! 😀

Active Ass Blo Block Class Craft Eam Erver Eth Exp Experience Experienced Game Gameplay Google Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Play Plugin Plugins Raft Ran Ring Server Sky Skyblock Staff Super Superior Taff Tea Team Ter


Minetheft is a veteran experienced Minecraft Skyblock server bringing you a superior sense of gameplay with game-enhancing – not changing – plugins. We occupy a strong staff team and motivation so checking us out won’t do any harm!

Active Ark Art Ass Aus Class Craft Google Kart Lin Pal Park Parkour Pit Punk Pvp Raft Roleplay Rvival Skin Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


– kartcraft –

Hauskin palvelin

avoinna klo 8:00 – 22:00 ma – pe

hauskanpitoa, parkouria, survivalia, kaupunki elämää ja muuta kiivaa

Active Ass Class Com Community Die Economy Erver Event Events Game Gamer Gamers Gaming Google Ill Join Mcmmo Ming Need Network New Ommunity Play Player Players Prize Prizes Pve Roleplay Server Staff Survival Taff Toxic Two Work

Toxic Network

Toxic Network is a new gaming community that needs staff and players. We are waiting for you on the server!
Gamers dont die!
Join us and you will receive prizes!
Events every week!

Active Ass Awesome Bal Balance Balanced Blo Block Bran Brand Class Classic Com Community Conomy Day Eat Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Eso Google Great Join Mmu New Ommunity Plus Ran Server Sky Skyblock Staff Taff Today


A brand new classic skyblock server with a balanced economy, great community and awesome staff, join today!

100 Action Actions Active Ass Away Class Com Erver Fac Faction Factions Free Game Games Google Ill Join Mcmmo Neo New Nks People Ran Rank Ranks Ree Rpg Server Way

Neon Games

Come And Join Are New RPG And Factions Server
We Will be Giving Away Free Ranks To The First 100 People That Join

Active Based Chill Class Cosmetics Craft Creative Discord Economy Emo Europe Experience Features Fun Game Hill Hub Ill Inecraft Join Kitpvp Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Music New Owner Pve Pvp Redstone Server Servers Sky Skypvp


ShrineMC Is a 1.8x – 1.15x new minecraft server based in europe (Our servers are from europe) with a comfortable experience in mind and a fun one too, We admire to be your go to server to chill on everyday!
IP :
Owners: A7md, Sul1man
You can also join our discord at

Our server includes many gamemodes and fun cosmetics such as: SkyPvP – RedstonePvP – Creative & more coming soon!, We also have in-game music in our hub with other cosmetic features.

Active Ass Bee Class Erver Fly Free Fun God Google Has King Mod Mode New Night Port Quest Quests Ree Rvival Server Sts Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Teleport This Tpa Uests Vis Work

mekb survival

This is a new survival server I’ve been working on
It has free fly, free godmode, TPA (teleport requests), night vision, etc.
Have fun!

Active Ars Ass Class Com Craft Discord Emo Exclusive Exp Experience Game Gamemode Gamemodes Games Google Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mod Network New Original Parkour Popular Pvp Skywars Two Unique Website Welcome Who World

Oricraft Network

Welcome to Oricraft – A new original Minecraft experience.

On the Oricraft Network you will be brought to a whole new world of Minecraft minigames with some of our exclusive games and unique takes on popular gamemodes.


Active Allowed Art Ass Bran Brand Cat Class Craft Create Dom Erver Exp Experience Google Grief Griefing Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Ming Nation New Pixel Pvp Ran Random Rvival Server Star Start Survival Teleport Wild

Pixel Nation

A Brand New Survival Minecraft Server. Join now to establish yourself before others. Hop in and join us! Use /wild to teleport to a random location and start your journey on Pixel Nation. PVP and Griefing ARE allowed. We are aiming to create the ultimate Minecraft experience.

1.15 Action Actions Active Ars Ass Class Fac Faction Factions Google Join Kywars Network Port Sky Skywar Skywars Support Two Version Versions War Wars Work


We have Factions and Skywars! We have 1.8 – 1.15.2 supported versions. Join us now at the FqdedNetwork!

Active Ass Class Eat Erver Good Google Great Join Kit Kitpvp Kits Lin Lobby Mini Games Nks Obby Offline Parkour Play Pls Pls Join Pve Pvp Raiding Ran Rank Ranks Server Survival


a good PvP server!

our pvp server is a great pvp server with ranks, kits and much more!

pls join our server

if its offline, press play and do in the lobby /join MensPvp

Active Best Clan Clans Class Classes Coop Dark Dedicated English Event Events Floating Going Good Intelligent Join Jungle Kit Land Lands Law Map Minecraft New Nice Old Online Open Play Rol Role Roleplay Server Title War Wilderness

Pawstep Pathway Warrior Cats- Don’t join if you don’t read Warrior Cats!

Do not join if you haven’t read Warriors- Into the Wild by Erin Hunter.
NEWS: A new map is in development. I’m putting my best work into this map, so it’s going to take a while!


Our Current Clans

CLAN NAME CLAN PERSONALITY TERRITORY AVAILABILITY DustClan Cunning, bold but also sneaky Jungle/Dry lake OPEN! GladeClan Swift, withdrawn, spiritual Moor/Pine forest OPEN! ReedClan Sleek, intelligent, withdrawn Lake OPEN! CavernClan Fierce, sneaky, cunning Mountains/Underground OPEN!

Our Special Clans

CLAN NAME CLAN PERSONALITY TERRITORY AVAILABILITY BeachClan Sleek, happy, laid back Jungle/Underwater TRUSTED ONLY! TempestClan Fierce, bold, strong Floating Islands TRUSTED ONLY!

Our Equivalents of BloodClan

GANG NAME GANG PERSONALITY BASE AVAILABILITY The Glaring Eyes Cunning, intelligent The Sewers DEDICATED ONLY! The Glinting Claws Violent, wild The Mansion DEDICATED ONLY!

Other Classes

CLASS RELATIONSHIP WITH CLANS/GANGS PERSONALITY TERRITORY AVAILABILITY Kittypet Negative/Negative Lazy, less smart, nice Twolegplace TRUSTED ONLY! Loner Negative/Neutral Active, suspicious, defensive Wilderness OPEN! Rogue Negative/Neutral Violent, vengeful Wilderness LIMITED!


AFTERLIFE NAME GROUP PERSONALITY TERRITORY AVAILABILITY StarClan The Clans Kind, serene, good Starry, glowing forest OPEN! Dark Forest The Clans Unkind, violent, evil Hazy, red islands TRUSTED ONLY!

Sometimes, we have events going on that change the structure of the Clans or add new groups. As of 6/13/2020, there is an antagonist group known as the Society that has caused chaos among the Clans. Join now and find out what will happen!Please try to follow the Clan personalities, but add your
characters’ own personalities on to them.
Do not join if you haven’t read Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter, don’t know how to spell or use grammar at all, or are discriminatory/rude in general. Due to the cooperative roleplay nature of this server, you may only use English while online.

Active Ask Ban Basic Class CTF Eco Econ Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Ill Join King Mod Moderator Moderators No Griefing No hacking Play Player Rules Server Smp Staff Stealing Survival Tea Time Towny Vanilla War Website Whitelist Whitelisted

Eletrik SMP

The Basic Server Rules include,
-No Hacking Of Any Kind
-No Griefing, Stealing, or even attempt to do either.
-Be A Respectful Player, Try To Make It Fun For Everyone Else
-Dont Join and immediately Ask For Staff (will get disqualified for staff if you do)
-No Racism
-No Spamming
-No Advertising
-More Rules to Come Later On
If you break any of these rules Me, or any of my Moderators will Instant-ban with no warning. So please respect the rules at all times.

Active Anarchy Build Cells Claim Class Community Craft Diamond Earth Economy Home Ill Inecraft Item Items Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Monsters Nice Play Player Players Plot Plugin Pvp Safe Sethome Shop Shops Small Spawn Spigot Survival Town Wilderness

Flat Earth


We are a small, survival-based community with a twist:

There are three levels of danger here.

In the spawn town you’re completely safe from monsters or PVP, and can own shops to sell items to other players. Outside of the town, there is The Wilderness where you can live and build with /plot claim.

But 4,000 blocks away from spawn, you’ll see a wall of ice. – beyond this wall is the Outer Wilderness. Out there, nothing is safe from anything. Time is wrong, /sethome doesn’t work, and strange things happen near the border. However, the Outer Wilderness is the only place you can mine diamonds.

Owned and built by active Minecraft/Spigot plugin developers, Flat Earth has many features you will not find elsewhere!

(Also, its not covered in nasty, spammy text frying your brain cells. We’re a pretty nice group, and not actual Flat Earther kooks!)

Active Amazing Arena Auction Contests Donor Dungeon Dungeons Dwo Eco Economy End Environment Free Friendly Fun Great Mine Mines Mod New Npc Open Play Player Players Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Staff Survival War World


GodWorld is an Eco-SkyBlock based server featuring Dungeons, Auction House, NPC Shops, Public Mines, PVP Arena, Contests etc.

Regularly scheduled Contests & great prizes such as free donor-ranks, in-game items, etc.

A highly desired feature is Dungeons, and Public Mines which allows players to avoid the struggles of a cobblestonegenerator, a new mode to have fun and achieve rewards for your game-time.

Active Ass Class Com Daily Enjoy Event Events Fun Google Hey Host Ken Kitpvp Mon Money One Parkour Time Vanilla Welcome You


Hey welcome to PikeNet! We host daily events, sometimes for money sometimes for fun, Hope you enjoy!

Active Ass Bored Class Com Cool Craft Economy Erver Eth Game Games Going Google Ill Interesting Kitpvp Mcmmo Ored Parkour Play Pvp Raft Red Rvival Server Sky Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Vanilla Way


On our server we will allow you to survival, play games, pvp and lot’s of other cool things. You’ll never get bored and there will always be something interesting going on! Come and play!!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft pe Pixelmon Server ip And Port. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!