9.2 Builder Economy History Maybe Miner Nations Pvp Shops Story Survival Towny Trade Warrior Waste

The Waste Lands

Want to become a warrior?
Maybe even a miner?
Or a Builder?
Join us, make your own story. And leave some history.
Welcome to The Waste Lands

Account Added Ass Ate Aternos Cent Class Des Has Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer This You

minecraft server minecraft server

Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1181server 1182server Alone Alonemc Bedwars Bedwars But Bukkit Housing Hypixel Bedwars Paper Parkour Pvp Skywars Spigot Uptime


AloneMC is a 1.18.1 server with many Parkour maps and PvP gamemodes coming soon. New Parkour maps are being added at least every week. We have a dedicated team of staff members with strong servers. To be 100% honest our server still has a few bugs but we have 2 talented developers working on the server. We have a decently sized dedicated staff team always available to help you with any problems or help with a parkour map.

Our games:

Parkour: This is our primary gamemode as of now. We have many maps with a couple exclusive maps from our builders and new maps being added at least once a week, so you will always have something new to play and get better on. We ahve a leaderboard system almost done as well. If you enjoy parkour from Manacube, Cylone, or even Hypixel lobby and housing parkour, you will definitely enjoy this.

Skywars (in development): This is your classic skywars game similar to something from Hypixel and others. We have a very good anti cheat on par with Hypixel’s.

Bedwars (in development): This gamemode is going to be a 1:1 copy of Hypixel Bedwars but the big difference being that it will be cross-compatible between Java and Bedrock.

Auto Défi Ect Lec Look Looking Nam Name Need Needed Put Staff Survival Taff Title

DefiSMP (Looking for staff)

Hi! This is a new server named DefiSMP. Staff is needed!


Dclaim Dragon Economy Ender Ender Dragon Gon Him Landclaim Pve Pvp Sell Sever Summon Survival The End

Chimps Survival Sever

Chimps Survival Server is a server for Minecraft about Survival and Economy with LandClaim.
It has shops at spawn with lots of available items to sell. (you can also sell items to players from Auction House aswell)
We have skills to add the survival experience even better!
We have an Arena to summon the Ender Dragon for you to slay!
Join with us today and have a great time!

Direct Going How To How To Join Minecraft Chat Roles Season Semivanilla Smo Smp Survival Tpa Vanilla Vannila Voting

TL_ SMP Season 4

Welcome to The TL_SMP our server is semi_vanilla SMP we have alot of features like tpa, warps, custom shops and much more We also have a discord server you can join in the discord server we have self roles, voting, smo chat which connects the discord chat directly to the minecraft chat in out server and much more by joining the discord server you will know how to join the smp and our smp is cracked so anyone can join this is season 4 and its going to be alot of fun

Appliedenergistics2 Bloodmagic Botania Enderio Forestry Immersiveengineering Industrial Industrialcraft Industrialcraft2 Minecraft Minecraftserver Mod Modded Mods Server Servers Survival Thaum Thaumcraft Thermal Twilight Twilightforest Witchery

ARAGO Modded minecrfat servers

We are glad to see you at the ARAGO project, which consists of eight servers: MagicTech, DraconicTech, MagicRPG, GregTech, SkyBlock, HiTech, Minigames, Pixelmon. Here everyone will find their own world for survival, their own element. After logging in just once and starting to survive on one of the servers– it won’t be long before you want to look for something new, because all the mods, and there are more than 100 of them, are the latest build. The creators of “ARAGO” are adult, responsive, fair guys who will not only help you, but also play with you together, complement the worlds with quests and events…

Link to the launcher: Launcher

Server in Discord: Discord

We wish you a successful game and a good mood!

Anarchy Banned Eset Ffa Fun Hacker Multiplayer Plugins Post Reset Shit Starter Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla

Vanilla Anarchy. (1 rule: no h


ONLY hackers get banned.
Everything else is allowed.

The world NEVER gets reset, and has a 30 million block radius. Explore anywhere and everywhere you want, but youre on your own. No plugins, no starter kits. Hard mode is on. Old-school vanilla survival multiplayer.




118server 118survival No Mods Nocheat Obama Origin Original Purevanilla Smp Smpvanilla Survival Updated Vanilla Vanillasmp Vanillasurvival

Fines SMP


  Globama SMP is a pure vanilla Minecraft server run on recently updated hardware in the US. Globama SMP is the original and authentic Minecraft experience with no mods or plugins and is always updated to the latest version of the game. Members of the growing community are friendly and are often online throughout the week. Welcome to Globama SMP!

Discord Server:

Arin Aternos Current Den Ili Lin Link Lobo Man Minecraft Servers Oden Pre Ring Servers Survival Multiplayer

This server is currently preparing.lADr fMinecraft servers on demand acraft.linkeb Minecraft server

The server owner “This server is currently preparing.lADr fMinecraft servers on demand acraft.linkeb” has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Crossplaybedrock Dynmap Economy Gravestones Landclaim Lands Mcmmo Pets Salary Servershop Survival Treeassist Voterewards Voting Votingrewards War Warps Wars

Grave Lotus SMP

Welcome to Grave Lotus SMP.
A world of Lands and Wars.

  The goal of Grave Lotus is to have something for everyone! PvP isn’t the main focus of the server but it isn’t against the rules. Here are some of the features:

Go somewhere random with “/RTP go”

Level up skills and gain abilities by simply playing the game!

Server Shop
Buy many items in game by simply typing /shop

Silk Touch Spawners
Mine a spawner with silk touch and take it for yourself!

Cross Platform
Have a friend that only has Bedrock? Simply have them join with the port 19132 (Some features may not function properly with console versions, but you can still play)

Have you ever died and couldn’t find your body? Of course you have. If you ever need to, type “/gravestonesplus teleport” to find your grave!

Ations Dynmap Elf Geo Geopol Geopolitical Laim Mars Nations Oli Pol Politic Political Survival Towny Server


MarsGeoPol is an towny server on a small map of Mars!

the server map isnt that small.

you can create nations and wage war against others
claim mars for yourself! Is the dynmap

1v1 1vs1 1x1 Arena Blockparty Brasil Brasileiro Brazil Brazilian Duels Economia Economy Elevador Encantamentos Encantar Enchantments Enchants Eventos Frog Heads Jobs Latest Mcmmo Paintball Parkour Pets Petsystem Pvp Pvpsurvival Rtp Server Servidor Sobrevivencia Survival Tag Tags Timber Vip Vips

The lair! – Brazilian server!

◇ Lair ◇
» IP:
» Language: Brazilian Portuguese
» Improved survivability
» McMMO, Pets, Enchantments and more!
• Will you be the next big bad guy?

Aco Bans Coolserver False Forest Mega Multiplayer Permanent Problems Seri Serious Server Spigotbukkit Survival Wise

mega cool survival server!!

basic minecraft survival server. no biggie : 25565

owner is extbyt (me) !! contact me via discord (ext#2084) if there are any issues (that are serious)!!!!
bans are PERMANENT. no repeals unless false ban, otherwise leave me alone!!!

descriptions of ranks are BEHIND the starting forest.
if you have any problems with them, msg me!!!

Economy Fair Friendly Goditems Griefprevention Landclaim Mcmmo Newserver Nopay2win Premiumplugins Rush Slimefun4 Survival Updatedfrequently Wings


Good Afternoon, Morning, or Night everyone! Today is the first day the server is opening, its been a long time making this server and we hope you enjoy it. Not everything is finished and plugins, shops, and areas are still heavily under developed. Most quality plugins cost money and time to properly get, apply, and set up. So bare with us in our early days as out server opens its new wings. I would like to thank our Play-testers, Staff, and Owner for helping make this all possible. More plugins and shops are going to be added in the future as our server settles into its nest and grows a healthy player base. The End will be locked for a few days so no one can rush the ender-dragon and kill it day one. When the end is unlocked we will hold and event for it so everyone has a fair chance at killing the dragon. Our spawn will evolve over time based on player actions, so will the economy and shops. I hope everyone has a great time on the server and makes the most of what we currently offer. Welcome to Prosperity!

5gb Ashes Barrels Carpet Contraption Dedicatedserver Fabric Fabric Mods Gravity Notable Ryzen Survival Technical Vanilla Vanillasurvival

AestheTech[Vanilla]{1.18.2}{Whitelisted}{Fabric}{Carpet Commands}{Masa’s Mods}{Auto Backups}


AestheTech is a Whitelisted 1.18.2 Fabric Vanilla Survival Server using a fresh world that started on March 21nd, 2022.


The server runs on a dedicated machine with a Ryzen 9 3900 12-core CPU. It has 15gb DDR4 RAM allocated, with the possibility to allocate more if necessary.





You may wonder why we don’t have Discord integration or Dynmap integration. We like to always update the server to the newest patch as soon as possible, that’s why we try to rely on as few mods as possible. In fact, we are planning to update to 1.19, The Wild Upate, as soon as it comes out and seems to be stable and free of game-breaking bugs. We do use some Fabric mods, the most notable ones being the Fabric Carpet mods and Masa’s mods (Tweakeroo with Andrews’ mass crafting fork, Litematica, MiniHUD and Itemscroller). We also have some server performance and server management mods. You don’t need any mods on your client to play on the server. To see the current list of mods and their respective versions, see this screenshot.

Additional Game Rules:

doFireTick = fallse

playersSleepingPercentage = 20

Carpet /player commands are available to everyone. More permissions may be given in the future with the Player Roles mod.


A backup of the world is made automatically every hour as long as one player is online. The 10 most recent backup folders are kept.


1. Be polite, kind and respectful. We’re all here to have fun, and our time to do so is often limited, so let’s make the most of it by being nice to each other.

2. Don’t destroy or modify builds that aren’t your own without permission.

3. Don’t take items from containers (chests, barrels, shulker boxes, etc.) that aren’t your own without permission.

4. Don’t use cheats.

5. Don’t intentionally do anything that might seriously hinder server performance to the point that the server becomes unplayable or crashes.

6. Don’t abuse duping. Contraptions that rely heavily on duping will probably no longer work in the future, so let’s not rely on them too much. TNT duping and gravity block duping are fine, but we should probably avoid things like carpet duping-based furnace arrays, rail duping, tripwire hook duping, etc.. This rule is flexible and can be adjusted is that’s what the majority of the server wants. I’m personally not opposed to duping, I just don’t think we should rely on it *too much*.

7. Don’t build anything permanent in the spawn chunks, we keep it for community farms. The world spawn is at 0,0, so don’t build anything permanent between -256,-256 and 256,256

How to join:

First, join our Discord server. For now, there is no application process. You simply need to post your IGN in the #post_your_ign_here text channel on Discord and you will be added to the Whitelist.

Future plans:

We plan to add another server that will have a Creative copy of the server. We plan to update to update to 1.19 as soon as it releases.

1.18.2 Atapacks Beacon Best Mods Comic Data Pack Data Packs Discord Java Mega Base Mega Bases New Season Prank Smp Survival

BeaconSMP | 1.18.2 | Java | Discord required

NEW SEASON! (everyone will start out with nothing in survival)

We play survival with a few minor data packs that still allow the game to be vanilla and we prank, and we build MEGA bases, we make shops, we team, and a whole lot more.

Survival with Datapacks, Long term, Discord- sir comic#6378 add me to play.

possibly the best server out there…The BeaconSMP! Have fun building raiding griefing (if you wanna ban) and the coolest discord with the best mods and owner! Check rules before you join, we are not responsible getting made fun of. Message sir comic#6378 on Discrord, for server invite.


1.12 Asa Emc Mode Rad Rgt Sit Site Survival Multiplayer Tik Tiktok Tok Trade Wip Wipe

TikTokGrief – .-.. Our SITE

The owner of the server “TikTokGrief – .-.. Our SITE tiktokgrief.trademc.orgThere was a wipe in the GRIF mode COME IN ASAP” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.19 Alliance Alliances Bosses Currency Economy Events Faction Factions Guis Kingdoms Perks Pvp Rod Smp


Welcome to RodCraft Factions Page!

Here at RodCraft, we strive to provide you with a great and unique experience. We are an factions server with unique features to distinguish us from servers alike. We have custom armour and gear that gives you something more to strive for, we have custom bosses to fight for rewards. You can also team up with other players, create factions and build kingdoms, wage war on enemies and create alliances. This is all within ONE server.


We provide in-game voting perks to players, such as in-game currency, gear and kits, and land!

Subdomain :

Capturetheflag Community Complex Easter Easter Egg Events Furry Furryfriendly Hunt Lgbtq Lgbtqfriendly Minigames Semivanilla Survival Trans

Betula Mc

Betula Mc is a brand new semi-vanilla minecraft server with a focus on community and transparency.

We are a community focused server that ensures a safe and open environment for our members. The server emphasizes vanilla game play over complex additions, and is constantly developing new events, such as Easter egg hunts. We even have custom minigames! Our staff team is always here to help and open to suggestions.

Hop on and see it all for yourself!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and mc Java Parkour Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!