Active Build Building Capture Casino Class Craft CTF Diamond End Fac Faction Factions Flag Games Grief Hunger Games Item Job Jobs Kit Kits Lag Market Money Need Old Peace Play Playing Pvp Raid Server Small Spleef Vote Votifier Website World

WeimCraft Addict

WeimCraft Addict is a PvP server with a little bit of everything! We have Factions, Kits, Slot Machines, Hunger Games, Colosseum, Capture the Flag, Jobs, and Spleef.

Our main world is a PvP area with kits. People can also buy a sponge in the market to protect a small area 50×50 from grief. And you can PvP in this world without losing faction power!

But that is not all. We also have a faction world where you can build, raid, and grief. We also have a Casino where you can win money and prizes by playing slot machines. We also have a battleground world where you can play Hunger Games, Colosseum, CTF, and Spleef. Get money and XP when you win! And should you feel the need build in peace, you can enter our Old School building world where you can buy materials and build in peace without worrying about PvP.

We also have a referral system so you get can in-game cash every time you refer a friend!

We also have Votifier so you can vote for us and earn diamonds and in-game cash! Remember you must be in game to get your items

Visit our website:

Active Arena Ass Build Class Com Craft Ect End Erver Extra Free Friends Game Grief Griefers Help Ill Lockette Mob Mob Arena Ops Perk Perks Play Pluggins Pro Protect Protection Ree Ring Semi Server Shop Shops Survival Multiplayer Vanilla Void


Shmikecraft is a Free Build Semi-Vanilla server. We have lockette and protection Pluggins to help you avoid griefers. We also have a Mob Arena and Shops as extra game perks. So come and bring your friends and play Shmikecraft! Free Build!

600 Active Admin Ass Class Core Die Erver Kit Owner Pie Ram Rvival Server Sit Site Sts Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tekkit Ter Tes Test Website

Spieler Stammtisch

18+ Server
Survival 1.4 und Tekkit

Bewerbung für die Freischaltung unter:

Server Owner: Chumper_tm

Lead Admin: Werwolfi

Der Spieler-Stammtisch läuft auf einem Root-Server von Hetzner.
Außer dem Stammtisch befindet sich dort noch die Website, der TS-Server und ein kleiner Testserver.


Intel® Core™ i7-2600 Quad-Core
1TB Festplatte

Active Ban Build Builds Class Eco Econ Economy End Free Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Home Homes King Lit Mature Mod Normal Old Play Player Players Protection Pve Safe Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Tpa Trade Vanilla Website World

McGroove Unlimited

McGroove – Version: 1.8.x – Game mode: Survival, PVE, Normal
unlimited size world. Gold Ingot Economy with Player Shops.

We tend to ban for hacking and griefing pretty strictly, so if you are wanting a safe place to build, come to McGroove. We have ways of protecting your builds, and can even undo it if people happen to break your stuff. Semi-vanilla means we don’t load the server up with unnecessary plug-ins. We have a couple plug-ins for fun things, but most plug-ins are for essential day-to-day operation, and protection from players with malicious intent. Our staff is mature, and personally analyzed by the owner, jtpatriot.

Register for free on the website to get features like the ability to set a few homes, get your build protected, and make trade shops.

Active Anti Antigrief Ass Cheat Class Com Eat Event Grief Heat Map Mine Play Plugin Plus Public Ran Rvival Serveur Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tak

Mine Otaku

Un Serveur public a tous
plusieur plugin contre les cheat
antigrief et une map event a venir!
Venez en grand nombre !

Active Admin Admins Age Art Ass Aus Ban Bank Best Class Die Economy Gun Job Jobs Mini Games Mod Moderator Modern Nen Ops Ortal Portal Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Ranksystem Rankup Rules Run Shop Shops Spawn Survival Tale Tech

GER TheGarGoyles Tafelrunde

Wir haben seit dem 20.März einen neuen Spawn, der im Stil “modern” erbaut wurde. Dort finden sich neben den Portalen in die verschiedene Welten und Gebäude, auch unsere vielen Shops, versch. Gebäude und dem Einkaufszentrum.
Unsere Ranksystem ermöglicht euch selber zu befördern,
dafür müsst ihr bestimmte Anforderungen erfühlen /rankup
Geld könnt ihr sehr gut über Jobs verdiennen /jobs
und es gibt viele Möglichkeiten es auch wieder auszugeben.
Ihr könnt euer hart Verdientes Geld auch auf die Bank /bank legen um dort Zinsen zu bekommen.
Um für eine gute Atmosphäre zu sorgen, bitten wir euch,
freundlich miteinander umzugehen und euch an die Regeln zu halten /rules.
Für Fragen stehen euch geduldige Moderatoren, Admins, Techniker
zur Verfügung. Wir hoffen euch bald begrüßen zu dürfen.

Active Apocalyptic Boss Bosses Citizens City Class Create Custom Death Defense Eco Econ Economy Elves Fight Gambling Help King Lit Military New Old Pro Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rpg Survival Multiplayer Time Unique Whitelist Wild World Worlds

Ashvale RPG

★-Ashvale RPG-★ [50+ Ranks] [No Whitelist] [Military] [Apocalyptic] [Unique Economy] [Custom Worlds] [Gambling] [SMGs] [Snipers] [Quests] [Bosses]

Old Ashvale, once a prosperous city, now lies in ruins.

It took a few mere hours for the outbreak of the deadly mutational virus dubbed ‘Z-12’ to wipe out half the population. Citizens that managed to escape the death trap fled through the Outskirts and into the wild, to form a settlement now known as New Ashvale.

The able bodied took it upon themselves to create the New Ashvale Military, the first line of defense against the onslaught of the mutation.

Thinking rationally though, the survivors know it’s just a matter of time before they’re struck down next.

As a Trainee in the New Ashvale Military, help the citizens and fight off the mutation to make your way up through the ranks, you might even become a General one day.

Don’t get your hopes up though, there’s over 50 ranks you’ll have to climb before you’re part of the elite.

Active Bukkit Classes Community Creative Custom Dedicated Eco Economy Elves Essentials Games Hungergames Kit Mature Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo New Online Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rol Roleplay Server Staff Survival Town Towny Voting Website Whitelist


OnlineMinecraft (OMC) is a tight-knit community of dedicated players, mature staff, and seasoned Minecraft veterans which has been around since October 2011. We pride ourselves on maintaining an exceptional experience for all our players. We strive to have fairness, stability, constancy, and a resoluteness in our mission to provide a first-rate experience and improving our position within the global Minecraft community.

Our server recently went through a major staff and layout refresh in which we brought back Towny, Bukkit, and other Classic OMC plugins. With these we hope to rekindle the great OMC experience for old members and have a new exiting one for those just joining OMC for the first time.

About the Server: 24/7 • 90 Player Slots • No Whitelist • Towny• Bukkit • Quests • MCMMO • Custom Classes • Roleplay • Essentials • Hungergames • Donators • Voting Ranks • MultiWorld • Lockette • Economy • Ventrillo •No Whitelist •Much, Much More!

Visit our Website @
Follow us on Twitter @Online_Minecrft
Follow us on Facebook @ theonlineminecraft
Hope to see you soon in the OMC!

Active Build Building Claim Claiming Class Community Contests Craft Dedicated End Friendly Grief Griefing Help Item Map Mature Mod Mods New Play Player Pve Pvp Region Regions Rules Server Shop Shops Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer War Warp Warps Website World


Fishycraft is in our third year. We have a friendly, established community and a mature staff. We are starting a fresh map for 1.7.2, come help us rebuild to our former glory again! New Guests should read the /rules to be promoted to a player.

– Multiple Worlds
– PVE Survival (NO PVP in the main world)
– We’re up 24/7 on a FAST, dedicated server
– Anti griefing/cheating tools
– Private regions available for claiming
– Player run shops and warps
Mods cannot spawn/give items
– Regular building contests
– Website on

Active Ass Bacon Blog Call Class Corporation Elves End Event Events Food Forums Game Gamers Hero Herobrine Join Lit Live Love Online Play Player Players Real Rewards Special Store Survival Multiplayer Top Vis Voting War Website

The Conspirators

Join the conspiracy or else… Live since March 2012. Upwards of 9000+ players visited.

The Conspirators consider themselves a special corporation of online gamers, our mascot is unofficially Herobrine. Since Herobrine is something of a myth and a legend, we like to adopt the same and stay hidden within the shadows of reality. We also unequivocally love Bacon and prefer it as a food source.

Be sure to stop by our website for Voting Rewards, Forums, Events, Gallery, Store, Blog and more! ->

Action Actions Active Ass Class Cool Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Gaming Has Item Items Ming Mini Nks Port Ran Rank Ranks Run Rvival Server Staff Support Supportive Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Top

The Gaming Grunts

We are a survival type server that has a supportive staff, mini-games, ranks, factions, cool in-game items, and more! Stop by and check us out!

Active Anti Ban Build Building Class Community CTF Explore Farm Force Hub Ill King Lore Market Mob Need Old Play Player Players Portal Public Pvp Quest Racing Resources Rights Rules Server Shop Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Trees War Website Who

Blockaholics is a Survival server; to gain building rights you need to read our rules at our website here. Once done, let a staff member know and they will give you a brief quiz. Answer the questions correctly to build. Keep in mind that you will not be able to leave spawn, build, or explore until you finish this process.
The server is over two years old as of July of this year and has an experienced staff to suit your needs. Just note that stuff will -not- be spawned for you if you ask. The server is Survival at heart and will be treated as such.

Our spawn area is 400×400 blocks and contains a number of resources for our players.

The community resources quarter includes a public library for enchanting, public brewhouse for brewing, public farm(with all trees and farm-able crops), portal hub, PVP/Mob battle/Pig racing/ CTF Colosseum, blacksmith shop and more.

In addition, we have a Housing district for those who like to live by spawn, a market district and a pixel art district.

The rules for the server are listed on the site, as mentioned above, and will be enforced. Breaking the rules may result in a ban without warning. Ban appeals may be made on our website, linked above, in the correct forum and using the correct template (listed in the sticky).

Coming soon: PVP/RP server, Tomahawk! Stay Tuned and we hope to see you soon!

-Blockaholics Staff.

Action Actions Active Ass Beast City Class Com East Eso Fac Faction Factions Full Ill Kill Mine Miner One Pvp Residence Resource Resources Safe Survival Multiplayer Wild Wilderness

Beast Miner

PVP and factions in the Kill Zone. Your own safe residence in Beast City. A wilderness full of resources.

Active Big Block Build Challenge Class Com Community Craft Economy Established Exp Inecraft Island Land Lit Mall Mine Minecraft Nation Parkour Pie Play Player Players Pve Sky Skyblock Small Star Start Survival Who World

Island World Skyblock

Sweeping Skyblock is an established Minecraft community of players who like the challenge of skyblock. You start small and dream big – and with a little effort and determination you expand your island and build out your masterpiece.

Action Block Class Community Craft Emo Established Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Gamemode Games Gaming Hub Ill Inecraft Join Mad Mine Minecraft Ming Mod New Noop Open Opfactions Oppvp Prison Pvp Rpg Server Sky Skyblock Survival

ZARP Gaming

ZARP Gaming is a new Minecraft server hub with gamemodes including: Skyblock, Factions, OPFactions, OPPvP, Survival and many more to come such as Prison. We are a established GMod community and are hoping to expand out into many more games such as Minecraft. The server is still being made but come and join the fun. See you soon.


Abilities Active Anti Anticheat Auction Balance Balanced Based Chat Class Community Custom Fac Faction Factions Features Free Ill Kill Lit Loot Mcmmo Mmo Old Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Real Realm Server Skills Survival Unique

Goldrealms – Massive PvP Factions Action

Goldrealms PvP Factions Server 6.0 (1.7 / 1.8)

We are a community driven factions based PvP server. We feel that is important to listen to what the players want, and many of the features you will find on our server are completely unique and based on player feedback.


Factions – Includes custom commands such as /f global to disable global chat and only see factions/ally chat<

mcMMO – Completely rebalanced, no more overpowered skills or abilities

eBay – Custom built auction system to allow the sale of your loots!

GoldAntiVClip – Custom built anticheat system that includes detection of freecam, v clipping and boat glitches

Active Anarchy Apply Ass Class Com Craft Craftmc Creative Eat Enjin Erver Game Games Love New Open Play Player Raft Rvival Server Sit Site Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Taff Tmc Way Website

ChrisCraft Creative

ChrisCraft is an all new Creative/Anarchy/Survival Games Server! We would love to have you be a new player on our server. We are ALWAYS open to new staff, however you must apply on our website!

Active Adventure Balance Balanced Bee Bukkit Challenge Class Com Craft Ect Erver Everything Exp Experience Experienced Ill Isa Kit Lag Maze Mini New Online Plugin Plugins Pro Rol Server Spawn Stable Staff Survival Multiplayer Time Venture Version


AdventureCraft is a server honed and polished though experience. The staff are experienced and ready to take on any challenge that comes their way. You will be amazed at our new spawn and even more amazed of how well the plugins are integrated and balanced. Everything on the server is there for a reason. We hope you take the time to check it out and are sure you will not be disappointed. Hope to see you online! Keep in mind that the new version of Bukkit is unstable. Lag and disconnections have been reported. We are doing all we can to try to minimize all the problems but some are just out of our control.

Action Active Allowed Ats Base Better Block Blocks Call Chest Class Fac Faction Factions Grief Griefing Level Lit Loot Mcmmo Mmo Nation Pro Protect Protection Pvp Raid Raiding Rpg Server Sign Spawn Stats Survival Multiplayer World

Raid Nation


Raid Nation is a server focused on Factions and PvP. Griefing, and more specifically raiding, is allowed and encouraged. The world border is set a 3,000 blocks away from spawn. A more condensed world better facilitates raiding. There is NO chest protection! Design your base with security in mind to keep the baddies away from your loots. We also run mcMMO that allows you to level stats in the style of an RPG.

Action Ass Class Com Content Core Craft Erver Fac Faction Follow Hard Hardcore Ice Inecraft Lag List Mine Minecraft Nice Noop Open Pvp Raft Raid Reward Server Servers Staff Style Taff Ten Tes Tps Vote Votes War


BoomBoomCraft is een 1.52 Hardcore/Pvp/Faction/Raid Server met Nice staff Votes met Reward. No lagg


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Host mc. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!