Active Admin Admins Ass Class Com Conomy Craft Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Event Events Game Games Gaming Lin List Ming Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Nline Online Play Player Players Pve Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival



Server IP:
Server Status: Online

General Information:


Ass Class Com Community Craft Erver Follow Good Inecraft Ken Mine Minecraft Mmu New Noop Ommunity Open Pvp Raft Rvival Server Staff Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff


New Minecraft server, PvP and survival. Good community, and staff.


Action Active Ask Ass Base Class Com Eat Erver Fac Faction King List Pvp Raid Server Sur Surv Surviv Survival Multiplayer Survive Top Vive


Hiddenpvp is a faction/raid server with lots to do and accomplish. Creating a faction to survive may be the base of it all but making the top leader boards and staying off the most wanted list are tasks that are included.

Age Backups Blood Class Com Difficult Difficulty Eco Ect End Erver Friendly FTB Great Head Keepinv Keepinventory Mini Mining Mod Nether Noop Normal Open Ores Pvp Reset Resets Riendly Server Servers Style Tech Twilight Forest Vis Website World


Bloodtide Corp is a friendly server running the FTB Techworld 2 Mod pack
We are an open server with a Mining Age, Twilight Forest, Nether and End resets every 2 week. Backups are done every day and server runs 24/7. Come visit our Website at
The servers difficulty is set to normal.
PVP is on but so is KeepInventory, great for head collectors.


Active Allowed Ban Build Claim Class Community Craft Creative Eco End Experience Friends Fun Great Head Help Ill Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Moderators New Play Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Protection Rank Ranking Server Stable Website Who

AeroCraft Creative

AeroCraft Creative is a creative server meant for the more constructive users of Minecraft. This is a newly bread server, with stable plugins, and great community so far. This server is hoping to become a great one, and we here hope you will enjoy what we have to offer, such as our protection method. We use a plugin for plots that allow our users to find, and claim plots, and add people to their plots to help build, so the users can have help from friends, or can help others. We have a very stable ranking system, and are constantly improving the server experience! Go ahead and check out our plugins, or enjoy our website. at www.Aero-Craft.Net ! Have fun!

Side-Note: Acting as someone who you aren’t will get you kicked or banned. Even Moderators aren’t allowed. Ignorance and Immaturity will get you kicked, although some is allowed. And there is no offensive profanity allowed. Cussing is allowed as long as it’s not used to hurt another user.


Active Amazing Best Build Building Bungee Bungeecord Custom Dayz Eco Econ Economy Faction Factions Free Fun Hub Kit Kitpvp Map Minecraft Mod Network Networks Online Popular Pvp Raid Raiding Server Servers Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Survive Town Towns Ungee Wns Zombies

Haydzcraft Cloud Network

HaydzCraft is one of the best Minecraft server networks online today! We offer a variety of lag-free, quality gamemodes, and are always looking to expand more!

We currently offer the following gamemodes:
PVP Factions/Raiding- This server comes equiped with factions, and a full economy system

KitPvP- Have fun PvP’ing without worrying about loosing any valuable items! Get points for killing, and loose points for dying, then use those points carefully, to become the most powerful on the server!

DayZ(COMING SOON)- Survive in a Minecraft version of the popular Zombie Survival game of DayZ! Zombies are faster, stronger, and spawn more often! With a HUGE custom map, with towns, buildings, ruins, and more, you may never see the full map!

You can join ANY of these servers by joining!
Using an amazing program called “BungeeCord”, we are able to teleport users directly between servers, which means lessening the stress on individual servers, without making users disconnect fully.
Join HaydzCraft today, and know what it feels like to be among the 100,000+ people that have joined!

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Detail Discord Ect Erver Game Gamer Join Nam New Plotme Presents Rvival Server Spigot Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tail Thor Title

AuthorityGamer Survival Server

AuthorityGamer presents a new Survival Server!
More details to come.
Join us on

Active Ass Class Com Enjoy Erver Free Hank High Ill Mini Mining Mon Money Nks One Prison Ran Rank Ree Server Staff Taff Thanks Way

Corrupt Prison

CorruptPrison is a prison server duh. A prison server is a server in which you have to get money in order to rank up. The main way to gain money on here is to go mining (like every other prison server). Once you reach the highest rank (Freeman) you will be free outside of the prison. Hope you enjoy the server 🙂

Thanks again,
Corrupt Prison Staff.

Active Age Ass Base Based Blo Block Class Com Craft Creative Eat Erver Everyone Grief Marriage Multi Multiworld One Owny Pig Plot Pvp Rvival Safe Server Sky Skyblock Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer This Town Towny World


This is a multiworld server. We have a survival/pvp world based around towny and marriage. We have a creative world divided so everyone gets their own plot, and is completely safe from grief. We have a skyblock world as well!

Active Adventure Air Ats Class Community Donator Easy Eco Econ Econom Economy Fair Fun Great Hats Lag Multi Nation Play Player Players Pro Server Servers Simp Simple Staff Stand Star Survival Multiplayer Unique Usa Venture World


BearNation is a community that runs thousands of active users, NO lag whatsoever, unique play styles, great staff, and a wide diversity of players from all over the world! We strive to have simple, unique, fun servers that are easy to understand, yet provide hundreads of hours of fun and progression with great economy systems and fair play throughout donators and members, We supply multiple servers to fit everyone’s interest. Your adventure starts here, make it a BearNation Adventure!

Arena Build Building Community Craft Dedicated Enjin Free Fun Great Grief Griefing Hard Join King Map Mcmmo Mmo New Open Paintball Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Protection Pve Quest Quests Rewards Server Skills Survival Town Towns Towny War Wns


AevusCraft (1.7.2) is an already well-established survival PVE server. The server has been running for a year with a new and clean map. We have a solid, dedicated player base of all ages. There are up to 60 slots available but we have a more close community with about 10-25 players on at a time. We use many plugins to enhance the game experience and provide the server with excellent anti-griefing precautions. Our primary plugins are Towny and McMMO with new plugins being added continually like Infected and Arena Paintball. Towny is a plugin that enables players to join or make their own towns with protections. McMMO is a skill building plugin that rewards players for their hard work by intensifying survival skills and with Towny, they both greatly enhance the game making everything you do very rewarding and fun. The theme of our server is time travel, though players are free to build what they want, and there are plenty of quests, hunts, and fun things to do. So please come on by and check our server out as I know you will love it.


Action Active Adventure Ass Best Cheat Class Craft Dom Dventure Eat Enviro Environment Exp Experience Fac Faction Faction Pvp Free Freedom Hack Heat Ill Iron Play Player Players Pos Pro Pvp Raft Ree Ring Safe Survival Multiplayer Ter Venture

BeckCraft 1.4.6

Beckcraft tries to provide players with as much freedom

as possible, while also offering a safe environment

from cheaters and hackers! You will have the best

Faction PvP experience, right here. Your adventure

begins here!

Ace Action Active Arena Arenas Aus Build Class Conomy Craft Create Erver Fac Faction Fight Good Iconomy Ill Join King Looking Mcmmo Mmo Owner Plugin Plugins Power Powerful Pvp Rvival Server Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer This Vast


Bubbacraft is a pvp server. We have tons of plugins, such as mcmmo Iconomy, and various arena running plugins. If you are looking for a server were you can fight for your very survival; create strong and powerful aliances and build a vast faction possibly the most powerful on the server; or even if your just looking to join an faction and earn you honer in our arenas this will be the server for you. As the owner I can assure you no staff abuse will take place either because i know how that can ruin a good server. So what are you waiting for? Join today!

Arena Class Cracked Craft Creative Dedicated Edit Fly Free Game Games Grief Hungergames King Land Lit Mob Mobarena Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranking Ranks Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Staff Unique Vanilla Website World Worldedit


IslandCraft Cracked Server




**Free WorldEdit In Creative**

Plugins and features:
*Free /Fly for everyone
*Free worldedit in creative
*Dedicated machine with 24/7 Uptime.
*Raiding and PvP
*Vanilla Server (Do what ever you want, eg: grief, raid e.t.c)
*A unique system of ranking up as a staff member via application on our site
*Player owned chest shops, and the ability to make your own chest shop
*Over 22 ranks
*Automatic rank up
*More Coming Soon

IP: Play.IslandCraft.Info

Active Ass Class Com Craft Erver Grief Griefing Inecraft Join King Looking Mine Minecraft Ming Mod Mode Moderator Moderators New No Griefing Play Player Players Raft Rat Server Soon Survival Multiplayer Ter Water


We are a new minecraft server, join now! No Griefing! We are looking for moderators and players so join now!!
More coming soon!

Action Ass Class Com Enjin Erver Fac Faction Follow Lin Lmao Noop Official Open Pvp Red Server Style


The Offical RedLiners Faction and PvP Server


Active Ares Ass Bit Bot Class Core Event Gar Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Lmao Mega Pvp Sub World


Worlda e : Hardcore PvP
Vsqka Subota i Nedelq Mega Eventi 🙂
Molq vlezte shte vi haresa 🙂
Koito e Lybitel na PVP 🙂

Active Arena Ass Auction Auctions Bar Bend Bending Class Com Craft Economy End Erver Lag Mob Moba Mobarena Official Owny Play Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny

PassionCraft Bending&Towny

Our server includes:
– Bending (Official server)
– No Lag
– 24/7
– Towny
– PvP
– MobArena
– Auctions

An “Official Bending Server!”
Come play with us!

Ark Ass Build Class Com Conquer Craft Cru Dom Empire Empires End Erver Follow Help King Kingdom Land New Noop Open Owny Raft Server Style This Town Towny Welcome World


Welcome to the NEW towny server. Conquer the land, build your kingdom, and recruit other to help defend it. Can You leave a mark on this world?


Active Arena Battle Build Cash Class Craft Death Fight Food Game Games Ill Kill Killing Mob Mobs Money Play Player Players Plot Pro Protected Pvp Resource Resources Rewards Spleef Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer War Wild Wilderness


Darmacraft offers a variety of things to do and keep you entertained. Stressed out? No worries, come to the PVP arena and fight it off. Gain some extra cash for killing players! Still not cutting it? Come down to the Mob Arena and battle mobs to victory. Gain rewards and XP quick! Battle other players to their death and gain money in Spleef! Still bored? Collect food and resources from the wilderness and build a masterpiece on your own protected plot! Oh and did I mention, we have Survival Games!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Lifesteal Server ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!