Survival Towny


We have created a new server called HiveFun:
We have the following modalities:
Survival Towny RPG
We hope to see you soon!

Creative Parkour Skyblock Survival Survival Games


You will find the following on our server:

Splegg, Bedwars, Survival Games, Mobarena, Parkour, Quiz, PvP, Survival, 1vs, Creative, Spleff, Skyblock, Survival plots

Our android app:

Pixelmon Survival Towny

Ams pixelmon

We are small growing Pixelmon server With many fun things such as Gyms Events and we even allow people to Join teams such as team rocket or team Plasma!

Factions Mini Games Skyblock Skywars Survival

Minecraft Jenp

Welcome to Minecraft Jenp! Our awesome gamemodes:


Join now! @

Economy Factions Parkour Pvp Survival


Faction Server [Avec double jump pour tout le monde!], 1v1, World Jump and Events. Totally free PvP, competent and regularly connected staff. We are waiting for you ! Arysta IP:

Craft Java Pvp Smp Survival Team Pvp Vanilla



Creative Factions Mini Games Pvp Survival


OwerCraft is a Minecraft server in 1.9/1.10. On this server you will be able to find survival, creative, pvp/faction and mini-games like warcraft, hungers games, rush etc… We have shown innovation in the creation of some of these games like WarCraft , based on the FPS style, or Op Prison entirely recoded by our DEV Java staff for even more fun!
The staff will always be there to listen to you on TeamSpeak and the server chat!



First off, kids:
MCMC is a minecraft server for a generally mature audience. We are most certainly not all ages. We do not put up with the complaints nor the demands of children.

With that out of the way:
We are a Freebuild survival server in the traditional style. That means that we are building focused. We don’t do PvP, Creative, or any of that other nonsense. We offer a simple, to the point, survival build server.
We do have a few mods to try to make life easier for those willing to build massive creations in survival, but largely we are vanilla except for anti-grief.

No, griefing is not allowed. We ban instantly and permanently. If it is not yours, do not touch it, yeah?


Gravity Gaming

GravityGaming is a new Survival Server that is currently in BETA. Our plan is to create an environment that players want to come back to and enjoy. We have a friendly staff and are always looking to recruit more to our team.

Currently, we are a Survival only server but with a few extra features. We have the Custom Enchantments plugin which we plan to use with dungeons that will be added fairly soon.

Come help create an experience with us! Join GravityGaming now!

Anarchy Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla

3B3T – Ultimate Anarchy Experience

If you want to have the best Anarchy Experiece, Then 3B3T might be the place for you.

This server is completely an Anarchy server with NO RULES. Find Friends, Make teams, destroy other teams, Whatever your heart desires, you can do it all here. Play Minecraft the way it was supposed to be played. The only thing that will stop you is yourself.

This server features some Helpful commands such as:
/tpa – Send a Teleport Request to your friend to make your life easier instead of Walking thousands of blocks.

/mhome set name – When you already have a base, or you need to set a home at an Important Location, just do the command it will help you. At the moment you can set almost unlimited homes, but we will eventually set a limit later.

/ignore – If someone is annoying you or is spamming in the chat, just simply type that command alongside his name.

Come join us and have the best time of your life. and if you see me in-game, Dont be shy to say hi 🙂 My IGN is TheNoobestRusher. I usually give new people some food or gear. Hope to see all of you in-game 🙂

Bedwars Factions Prison Skyblock

Unidealistic Theory Server

An ideal minecraft server for cracked players to experience.
Our team was formed with a goal to create the best cracked minecraft server!


Vanilla Survival Craft

good servar vanilla minecraft no plugin server so you can hang out with everybody on the server.

rules: no griefing, no bad words on chat, no spam.

Survival Vanilla


4b4t is an Anarchy Server. This means that we bring a server with no rules with minimum gameplay changes, all while trying to be able to hold as many players online as possible with low amounts of lag. 4b4t was created with the hopes of being better than every other Anarchy server as there was a lack of playable servers, due to them often having unplayable lag. It was created to be the best Anarchy server that is more exciting, and lag-free.

The server’s map was reset as of June 22nd 2022

Vote –
Donate –
Reddit –
Twitter –

Server IP –
Server Versions – 1.8x-1.19x


Tekton Legacy

Did you know that Tekton means craftsman or builder in Ancient Greek? This symbolizes the combination of crafting and storytelling inherent in our server. Tekton Legacy is a Minecraft server with quests, dungeons, custom items, and more. Plus, you won’t have to download any mods to join!

We are hoping to have many seasons that build on each other creating a unique minecraft experience together.

This Season’s theme is Greek Mythology and the quests will be loosely based on its characters. All the builds in the spawn area will match the theme but outside of that build in whatever style you want!

There will be monthly releases of new story content as well as side quests and ways to unlock custom items!

We are a community that strives for mature, dedicated, hard-working, and invested players. Our general goal as a server, (including developers and members who join) is to create fun experiences that we all can enjoy and remember together. We support and respect each player individually as well as their play style and goals for the season.

We are a server built on trust and self-accountability, meaning that we won’t control how and where you build. As a result, we don’t use any plugins that make you claim land or restrict how you build. Tekton will be monitored by the development team, but strives to give our members the freedom to play Minecraft in the way they most enjoy.

This server is USA based, and hosted in Dallas, TX.

We take the application process very seriously, as we are seeking like-minded adults who will support the development of Tekton’s unique worlds and join our crafting community.

How to apply?

Add me on discord Sid#9427

I’ll send you the link to join our discord server. From there, please follow all instructions in filling out an application in the #📝︱application-info.

You will be asked to upload images of previous builds, and participate in a voice-chat with a developer as part of the application process.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Creative Economy Kitpvp Mini Games Pve Pvp Survival

Fast forward

Amazehut is a more than 2-year old Minecraft server with a very friendly community.
The server’s goal is to let everyone have fun while playing Minecraft.
On Amazehut we have 4 gamemodes: Survival, Creative, KitPvP and Village Defense.

Do you want to be Amazed and have fun while playing Minecraft? Join Amazehut now!

Economy Mcmmo Pve Pvp Survival


New Survival server from 1.16 – 1.19
-PvP 1.8
-Daily Events
-Weekly Wars
-Active Staff

Wanting to start a new Adventure?!
Come with us on this new LoveCraft Journey!

Economy Skyblock Survival Towny Vanilla


Hello! We are a small, very new Minecraft server currently focusing on survival.

In our survival server we have features like Marriage, Custom Biomes, Custom Brews, Jobs, and much more! On this server griefing and stealing is not allowed. although we do not have claims, everything that is stolen will be restored by our friendly staff! Keep inventory is on and the economy is community driven, with a variety of ways to earn money. You can set up your own shop and list items on the auction house!

Creative Mcmmo Parkour Pve Skyblock Survival Towny


You’ve stumbled across a gem of Minecraft networks, its community is probably one of the most friendly and helpful ones you’ll ever find, it’s open-minded and mature (though silly sometimes but that’s part of being mature).
The server is anti pay to win, meaning all you get from donating is a rank that shows in game and nothing else. Donations are only made to support the work put into the server, not to get advantages over others in any way!

We offer the following servers:
– Creative
– Skyblock
– Minigames
– Builders (for everyone’s inspiration and people who have proven to us that they are talented builders)

If you want to learn more about each server just join 😉

Mini Games Skyblock Survival

Pixel Club

Welcome to the enchanting world of the Pixelclub SMP server, compatible with versions 1.8 – 1.20! Immerse yourself in our vibrant Minecraft community, where limitless fun and excitement await. Our server is equipped to handle a large number of players simultaneously, promising a fluid and seamless gaming experience.

Pixelclub operates under a fair and well-regulated set of rules, ensuring a friendly and respectful gaming environment for all players. We do not restrict player activities, allowing for boundless exploration and creativity. From survival games, to skyblock, to SMP mini-games, there’s a thrilling adventure for every type of Minecrafter in Pixelclub.

Join us and discover the unique joys and thrills our server has to offer. Let’s craft some unforgettable memories together in Pixelclub, the SMP server where fun never ends!

Ip server :
Store :
Discord :
Support 1.19-1.20 Support

Custom Discord Fun Skyblock

Adept Network

The Adept Network is a new but unique server that hosts an exclusive skyblock. If you are expecting anything that will be similar to all skyblocks on Minecraft, then youll be surprised as we have custom quests for players to complete and be rewarded with money and hard to get items events are held weekly a small community that is welcoming of all and most importantly: the top ISLAND will be awarded $25 STORE CREDIT. So come on down and join Adept for some skyblock fun and get to Island Top for an amazing prize.


Creative Economy Hardcore Mini Games Oneblock Skyblock Survival


You are all welcome to our new MC server on our network, launched on June 18, 2023, called TempCity! I’m used to managing servers, but this one is going to be really special! The server is trilingual to invite players from all over the place, but it’s still in development. We have a dedicated server with 230 GB of allocated RAM for all the combined servers!

The Discord is still under construction and is divided by language. We are looking for Spanish speakers to join the team!

Discord: or

Custom Discord Free Rules Survival

Nether Survival

Nether Survival is Minecraft a server where you spawn in the nether and can not escape to the overworld (doing so will kill you). There are custom crafting recipes that let you obtain items that would normally be unobtainable in the nether. There are also many cool features such as customized mobs, auto-chopping trees, nether in the water, obtainable mob spawners, and free name colors.

The only rules are no cheating such as using x-ray or a hacked client nor spamming the chat.


Pixelmon Survival


Join our Community now for the best pixelmon experience!
Friendly and active admins to get the best for our community.

Factions Pvp Raiding Survival


MadsCraft is a /Factions server, made to be the ideal war server! We have various amounts of factions elements installed, with a general classic factions feel.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Creative Discord Economy English Plugins Ranks Rules Towny Vanilla

Pandora Craft

Pandora Craft IP:

Our mission is simple, we are interested in creating a place where players can have their voices heard. Where you can see your suggestions shape a server. While we can’t promise that we will have an expansive list of amazing plugins, what I can assure you is that every plugin added has been done with care.

What we offer

We believe the worlds we offer is one of the most important thing of a server, so in addition to the standard “Main, end, and nether” worlds, we also allow access to both a resource world and a creative world that any player can join at any time with the appropriate in-game rank. Currently, both the main and resource world are limited in size by 30k by 30k with plans to increase this soon. All other worlds do not have a limit.

While 30k by 30k may be a ton of area to explore, we also reset the resource world monthly along with the end and nether semi-monthly. This is to ensure players can have new areas to explore with possibilities to encounter all that Minecraft has to offer. As of right now, we have no current plans to reset the main or creative world.

What is a SMP server without its plugins? To name a few, we offer the use of Advanced Enchantments, Town, mcMMO, Dynmap, Wild, LWC, JobsReborn, Craftbook, Rankup, Votifier/VotingPlugin, CrazyCrates, QuickShops, Advanced Market Region, Auction House, Deluxe Menus, Chat Games, Coin Flipper, DashHat, DiscordSRV, Bottled Xp, Mineable Spanwers, Elevator, GSit, KwarkLite, Loot Chests, Luckperms, Minepacks, MysteryBags, Multiverse, PersonalValts, Repair Hammers, Ultimate Catcher and Stacker, Towny, Temp Fly, and TAB. I would be more than happy to answer any questions about the plugins we offer. We are also planning to add a pets and a cosmetics plugin but as of right now we haven’t found a really good one that we like.

Important things to consider

Neither Ghostifique (the second owner) or myself (NotTheodore) are experts at running or maintaining a server. What that simply means is that you may come across bugs as you play if you decide to check us out. I recommend you visit our discord to report those bugs so that we can fix them. Often, when a bug has been reported, it gets fixed within the next few hours. Currently, we are working on configuring mcMMO and JobsReborn to make it fit in line with the economy we would like to set up.


There is more information about each rule both on the Discord linked below and ingame with the command /rules. These rules are also subject to change at any moment, but we will be sure to let any and everyone know of the changes made in order to ensure transparency.

1. Don’t beg staff/players for money, items, or ranks. Trading is okay, begging is a no no.
2. Don’t harass staff/players.
3. Racism, sexism, homophobia and other things are not allowed.
4. Global chat should be kept to English when at all possible.
5. Don’t spam the chat.
6. Divisive topics like politics are not allowed in Global chat at all.
7. Staff say is final, please don’t try to argue.
8. Claiming too close to another town (distance requirements listed in game and on the Discord) is forbidden.
9. Using exploits, hacks, or mods to gain an unfair advantage is not allowed.
10. Machines that bypass systems or that greatly lag the server are also not allowed.
11. Attempting to scam others is not allowed
12. Griefing is allowed but only when it is outside of the previously mentioned town distance limit and only when it is an unclaimed chest or build.
13. Setting homes in restricted areas is not allowed.
14. Alternative accounts are not allowed.
15. TP killing or TP trapping is not allowed.

Discord – Click Here For Our Discord

If you have made it this far and are interested in giving Pandora Craft a try, we would recommend first joining our Discord server. It is the best way to get information regarding changes made to the server, upcoming events or parties, and the best place to report bugs or suggest changes.

Current Staff Members

Ghostifique – Co Owner
Not Theodore – Co Owner
SomeoneCalledJ – Moderator
Chloe – Chloe
Budly – Skript Kiddie (Trial Run)
MrJesseD – Helper (Trial Run)

Applying for Staff

If you are interested in becoming a staff member, there are a few requirements before your application will be looked at. First, you need to have joined the server for a month. Meaning if you join on the 5th of December you would not be able to apply until the 5th of January. Second, you also need to join our Discord server. Lastly, you need to be at least Andesite rank in game. There are a few other requirements that you can see in the application on the discord but those are the 3 most important ones. Please do not join the server and ask for an application. Please do join the server to become a part of a community and then after meeting the requirements as for an application and apply.


Q: Minecraft has updated to (Current Version) will the server be updating to this version soon?
A: Yes. The only thing that would restrict being able to update asap is plugin support. We cannot update until all the plugins we use have updated as well.

Q: Is this vanilla Minecraft? I’m looking for a vanilla Minecraft server.
A: No, sorry we are not a vanilla Minecraft server. We utilize several plugins that push us out of that category and into the [SMP] tag. Even with that, we don’t offer too many things that make it feel too far from vanilla. Our most game changing plugin is advanced enchantments.

Q: Do you guys have an active player base?
A: As of right now no, I believe this is because there are millions of Minecraft servers out there and we may just not stand out enough. Another reason may be because I don’t properly advertise our server as much as I should, though it may also be because we just aren’t good enough, though we are actively improving the quality of our server each and every day.

Q: I see you don’t allow mods, but are there any exceptions?
A: Yes. Please shoot me a message on discord giving me a link to the mod in question and I will look at it. If it doesn’t give you any unfair advantages, we will more than likely approve it for you and others to use. If we don’t approve it, please do not use the mod in question as it would fall under rule 9 and more than likely get you banned.

Q: Why is English required for Global Chat?
A: This is simply so that everyone can communicate with each other. While I do acknowledge that not everyone knows English, we are a server that primarily focuses on English because we are based in North America. These restrictions are not required when using Towny chat.

Q: I joined a while back and wasn’t impressed. Why should I give you another chance?
A: Being a new-ish server we are improving every day. This means changing plugins and tweaking existing plugins to make them better for our players. A feature or problem you had before with us has more than likely been changed or updated to be better. When all else fails, we recommend you suggest a feature or change in our Discord. We are more than happy to listen to suggestions that will make the server better for all.


Economy Mini Games Pixelmon Survival


Pixity is a friendly Minecraft server with a small active community. Its a Pixelmon server that is currently whitelisted while it undergoes development. If you would like to learn more about the Pixity server, or how you can join during its development, just head on over to its Discord.

Creative Free Survival Survive Vanilla

Minecraft Survival EEHM

-Please do not destroy everything
Open Server Free For All Creative Mode Vanilla.
-Please do not destroy everything
This is just a vanilla minecraft server for everybody. Use commonsense.
Almost 24×7 admin online to help you survive )


Crates Custom Shops Towny


Slimetime2 Server is a Family friendly server. We aim to make the server an enjoyable server for all. We offer Slimefun, Towny, Custom Enchants, Golden shovel claims, Player warps, Player shops. We provide a public farm, XP farm, Enderman farm, Slimefun shop with basic machines, spawners with changeability. We offer Vote Crates and Chat Trivia. Everyone is welcome weather you like to build big or small, simple or complex, We offer something for everyone. Keep Inv is on, RW resets every 72 hours. Grab a friend or two, or come alone either way just come check us out.


Pixelmon Survival

Pixera Pixelmon

Welcome to Pixera Pixelmon, a friendly and inclusive gaming community that thrives on fairness and camaraderie. Say goodbye to pay-to-win mechanics and embrace a level playing field where dedication and skill reign supreme. Join our vibrant community of trainers, where everyone has an equal opportunity to progress and succeed. Engage in epic battles, explore breathtaking landscapes, and forge lasting friendships. Experience the true spirit of Pixelmon in a community that values collaboration and fun over unfair advantages. Welcome to Pixera Pixelmon, where the journey is as important as the destination.

Custom Discord Factions Pvp


VoidCraft is a no pay to win Factions server, offering up to 300 USD payouts. We made PvP as interesting as possible, by adding KOTHs, outposts and frequent events to our server as well as custom Enchants.

With kind regards, the VoidCraft staff team


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!