Aco Cas Case Con Draco Draconicevolution Evolution Ice Kit Kits Nice Onic Rac Survival Multiplayer Vol

DRACONICEVOLUTION – /hkits case Minecraft server

The server owner ‘DRACONICEVOLUTION – hkits case’ has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Adventure Auctionhouse Avaritia Discord Discordsrv Draconicevolution Dragons Economy Hero Heroes Iceandfire Infinitycraft Insane Insanecraft Inventorypets Lucraft Lucraftcore Modded Survival Thaumcraft Vote Voterewards

RPG’s | Insane Craft

A fan-made server so you can also play Insane Craft with your friends like your YouTube Heroes!!

Make your own custom hero or use one of the pre-made heroes.
We have land claiming, party system, player shops, kits and voting crates with tons more planned.

The server is new and therefore a work in progress expect updates.

Play the same mods played by: [SSundee], [Sigils], [Henwy], [BiffleWiffle]and [JeromeASF].

Recommended RAM:




Mod List:
The Betweenlands (MrCompost)

AbyssalCraft (Shinoow)

AbyssalCraft Integrations (Shinoow)

Alchemistry (al132)

AmbientSounds 4 (CreativeMD)

Ancient Spellcraft (windanesz)

B.A.S.E (lanse505)

BadWitherNoCookieReloaded (Kreezxil)

Bewitchment-Legacy (sunconure11)

Botania (Vazkii)

Brandon’s Core (brandon3055)

Buildcraft (Covert_Jaguar)

Carry On (Tschipp)

Champions (TheIllusiveC4)

Chunk-Pregenerator (Speiger)

Tombstone Coral (Coral_31)

CraftTweaker (Jaredlll08)

CreativeCore (CreativeMD)

Cyclic (Lothrazar)

DimensionalDoors (DimensionalDevelopment)

Doomlike Dungeons (JaredBGreat)

Draconic Evolution (brandon3055)

Electroblob’s Wizardry (Electroblob)

ExtraPlanets (MJRLegends)

FastWorkbench (Shadows_of_Fire)

Flux Networks (sonar_sonic)

FoamFix (Asia Church)

Future MC (thedarkcolour)

Hammer (Lib) Core (Zeitheron)

iChunUtil (ohaiiChun)

Inventory Pets (Purplicious_Cow_)

Just Enough Calculation (towdium)

LittleTiles (CreativeMD)

Lucraft: Core (Lucraft)

Mahou Tsukai (stepcros)

MJRLegends Lib (MJRLegends)

ModTweaker (Jaredlll08)

MTLib (Jaredlll08)

Mystical World (Noobanidus)

MysticalLib (Noobanidus)

Patchouli (Vazkii)

Recipe Stages (Jaredlll08)

Roots (Noobanidus)

So Many Enchantments (ShelterRin)

Tesla Core Lib (face_of_cat)

The Aether (GildedGames)

The Aurorian (shiroroku)

Tickrate Changer (Guichaguri)

UniDict (WanionCane)

Worley’s Caves (super_fluke)

xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (TeamDman)

/dank/null (TheRealp455w0rd)

A Lib (al132)

Actually Additions (Ellpeck)

Additional Structures (XxRexRaptorxX)

Admin Weapons (elias54_)

Advent of Ascension (Scimiguy)

AE2 Stuff (started)

AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (TheRealp455w0rd)

Aether Continuation (XaeronTheProtogen)

Aether: Lost Content (Modding Legacy)

Akashic Tome (Vazkii)

Animus (TeamDman)

Antique Atlas (Hunternif)

Apotheosis (Shadows_of_Fire)

AppleCore (squeek502)

AppleSkin (squeek502)

Applied Energistics 2 (AlgorithmX2)

Armory Expansion (AshuraNoYami)

Aroma1997Core (Aroma1997)

AromaBackup (Aroma1997)

Astral Sorcery (HellFirePvP)

AutoRegLib (Vazkii)

Greed 1.1x (brandon3055)

Baubles (Azanor13)

BdLib (started)

Better Builder’s Wands (Portablejim)

BetterFps (Guichaguri)

Biome O’ Plenty (Forstride)

BiomeTweaker (superckl)

Blood Arsenal (Arcaratus)

Blood Magic (WayofTime)

Bookshelf (DarkhaxDev)

Botanic Additions (Zeitheron)

Bountiful (Forge) (ejektaflex)

Building Gadgets (Direwolf20)

Chance Cubes (TurkeyDev)

Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (covers1624)

Chickens (setycz)

Chisel (tterrag1098)

CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (covers1624)

CoFH Core (TeamCoFH)

CoFH World (TeamCoFH)

CompactStorage (tobyystrong)

ConnectedTexturesMod (tterrag1098)

Construct’s Armory (TheIllusiveC4)

ContentTweaker (Jaredlll08)

Controlling (Jaredlll08)

Wearable Backpacks (HeckinChloe)

CoroUtil (Corosus)

Crafting Tweaks (BlayTheNinth)

Crimson Revelations (mobiusflip)

Dark Utilities (DarkhaxDev)

Doggy Talents (percivalalb)

Draconic Additions (FoxMcloud5655)

Dungeons2 (gottsch)

Electroblob’s Twilight Forest Spell Pack (Electroblob)

Enchantment Descriptions (DarkhaxDev)

Ender Storage 1.8.+ (covers1624)

Energy Converters (xalcon)

Extra Alchemy (zabi94)

Extra Spells (Electroblob’s Wizardry) (meldexun)

Extra Utilities ()

ExtraCells2 ()

Farseek (delvr)

FastFurnace (Shadows_of_Fire)

Forestry ()

Game Stages (DarkhaxDev)

Gendustry (started)

Gendustry JEI (ninjabrain1)

Ghost’s Explosives (ghostgamingpe)

GottschCore (gottsch)

Guide-API (TehNut)

GunpowderLib (Jackyy)

Hatchery (GenDeathrow)

HeroesExpansion (Lucraft)

Fun (TehNut)

ICBM-Classic (QueenOfMissiles)

Ice and Fire: Dragons (alex_khaan)

Industrial Foregoing (Buuz135)

Infinity Craft (AnvilcraftMC)

Integration Foregoing (Jackyy)

Inventory Tweaks (JimeoWan)

Iron Chests (ProgWML6)

JEI Bees (started)

JEI Integrations (SnowShock35)

JourneyMap (techbrew)

Just Enough Energistics (TheRealp455w0rd)

Just Enough Harvestcraft (mrapplexz)

Just Enough Items (mezz)

Just Enough Resources (way2muchnoise)

Lapis Stays in the Enchantment Table ()

LLibrary ()

Loot Games (Time_Conqueror)

LootBags (Mina_the_Engineer)

LootTableTweaker (DarkhaxDev)

Lycanites Mobs (Lycanite)

Mantle (mDiyo)

Max Potion ID Extender (zabi94)

GalacticraftCore (Micdoodle)

MicDoodleCore (Micdoodle)

Minerva Library (zabi94)

Moar Tinkers (AshuraNoYami)

More Bees (Tencao)

More Chickens (GenDeathrow)

More Overlays (FeldiM245)

Morpheus (Quetzi)

Mouse Tweaks (YaLTeR)

Mowzie’s Mobs (bobmowzie)

MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod (MrCrayfish)

Multi Mob Library (Daveyx0)

Nature (mDiyo)

Nature’s Compass (Chaosyr)

NotEnoughIDs (fewizz_)

OMLib (Keridos)

Open Modular Turrets (Keridos)

OpenBlocks (OpenMods)

OpenModsLib (OpenMods)

Ordinary Coins (flametaichou)

Ore Excavation (Funwayguy)

p455w0rd’s Library (TheRealp455w0rd)

Pam’s Breadcraft (quackandcheese)

Pam’s Cookables (BloodWorkXGaming)

Pam’s HarvestCraft (pamharvestcraft)

Powerful (someaddon)

Phosphor (jellysquid3)

Placebo (Shadows_of_Fire)

PlayerAPI (doch13_)

Portal Gun (ohaiiChun)

Primitive Mobs (Daveyx0)

Project Intelligence (brandon3055)

Quark (Vazkii)

Quark Oddities (Vazkii)

RandomPatches (TheRandomLabs)

Redstone Arsenal (TeamCoFH)

Redstone Flux (TeamCoFH)

xReliquary (P3pp3rF1y)

Roguelike Dungeons (Greymerk)

Roost (timrwood)

Serene Seasons (TheAdubbz)

Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (ShadowfactsDev)

Simple Generators (TeamKrypticLink)

Sit (bl4ckscor3)

Snad (TheRoBrit)

Sound Reloader (TheWhoAreYouPerson)

Special AI (FatherToast)

Speedster Heroes (Lucraft)

Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (lordcazsius)

Star Tech, Man! (nictogen)

Straw Golem (Fradige95)

Streams (delvr)

Surge (DarkhaxDev)

SwingThroughGrass (exidex)

TAIGA (zkafaceTV)

TellMe (masady)

Thaumcraft (Azanor13)

Thaumic Inventory Scanning (BlayTheNinth)

Thaumic JEI (Buuz135)

Thaumic Terminal (O_O)

The Fifth World (nictogen)

The Midnight (cipher_zero_x)

The Twilight Forest (Benimatic)

Thermal Cultivation (TeamCoFH)

Thermal Dynamics (TeamCoFH)

Thermal Expansion (TeamCoFH)

Thermal Foundation (TeamCoFH)

Time Core (Time_Conqueror)

Tinkers Construct (mDiyo)

Tinkers’ Tool Leveling (bonusboni)

Tiny Progressions (Kashdeya)

TNTUtils (ljfa2)

Treasure2! (gottsch)

Underground Biomes (Kreezxil)

ValkyrieLib (ValkyrieofNight)

VanillaFix (Runemoro)

Wall-Jump! (genandnic)

WanionLib (WanionCane)

Waystones (BlayTheNinth)

Weather2 (Corosus)

Wireless Crafting Terminal (TheRealp455w0rd)

XL Food Mod (mariot7)

ZenStages (artdude543)

Lycanite’s Redux (indominator650)

Wakanda Lucraft Add-on (Azinthos)

DFHeroes Lucraft Add-on (DuvainFeynorim)


Aco Appliedenergistics CTF Curse Curseforge Draco Draconicevolution Dragons Freeroam In Survival Infinity Moddedserver Respect Respectful Survival

The Dragon’s Den

This is a freelance server please be respectful and do not grief. You will spawn in adventure but chances are I will be on the server and I will put you in survival. This server contains 161 mods and requires the Curseforge modpack “Draconic Infinity” to join. If you need help joining join my discord Also the first few to join may get creative

Draco Draconicevolution Greg GregTech HiTech Laws React Reveal Skyland Streams Survival Survive Tame Wine Wings

VictoryCraft.Ru | THERE WERE WIPES | MANY SERVERS Minecraft server

VictoryCraft.Ru is a game server project created especially for you! Play on the most interesting servers! There are no items on the servers that go only for donation – an exception, Anchors. Good balance among mods, responsive players / Administration. Come and see for yourself!

⭐Features of the project:

◾ Lots of quests on each of the servers! You can easily figure out the mods without studying them even once!

◾ Realistic map generation with many beautiful biomes!

◾ There are awards to players for online / voting / participation in the development of the project and not only!

◾ Servers for every taste. There are 10 assemblies of different topics!

◾ The servers have personalization of your character. From hats to wings and pets!

◾ Daily work on improving servers, fixing flaws and errors!

◾ Daily streams with the participation of the Administration with the ability to ask all your questions!

⭐HiTech 1.7.10

◾ Classic Industrial server with many quests and mods. Crafts on this assembly are not complicated!

⭐TechnoMagic 1.7.10

◾ Classic TechnoMagic server with many quests and mods. Crafts on this assembly are not complicated!

⭐DraconicTechnoMagic 1.7.10

◾ TechnoMagic server with DraconicEvolution mod with complicated crafting and many quests

◾ This assembly has 7 servers. 6 server runs without complications!

⭐DraconicTech 1.7.10

◾ The technical server is based on RF energy. There is no EU energy on the server!

◾ There are many quests on the assembly, and they all reveal the essence of the assembly from a pickaxe to a Dragon Reactor!

⭐GregTech 1.7.10

◾ Server with the main GregTech mod and other industrial mods. Galaxy present

◾ There are over 500 quests on the server that will take you from the Stone Age to the Fusion Reactor itself!

◾ All crafting on the assembly is intertwined and sharpened on the GregTech mod

⭐SkyLand 1.7.10

◾ TechnoMagic island survival build!

◾ In this assembly, all mods are intertwined with each other!

◾ There are quests that will guide you from the very beginning of development!

⭐MagicRPG 1.7.10

◾ Magic server with DivineRPG mod with many dimensions and bosses!

⭐4546B 1.7.10

◾ Self-written Technical assembly of the project, based on which you will have to survive in a world filled with water!

◾ On this assembly it is possible to display fish and get resources from them! Even iron and stuff!

⭐Pixelmon 1.12.2

◾ Server with the main Pixelmon mod in which more than 600 types of Pokémon, which you can tame and control and fight with other players!

⭐ Classic 1.12.2

◾ Construction server with a small number of necessary mods for construction and enjoyable play!

Adults Beyond Discord Draco Draconicevolution Greg GregTech HiTech Minigames Nolog Notech Skyblock Survival Survive Technology

ARAGO – GregTech Minecraft server

We are glad to see you at the ARAGO project, which consists of eight servers: MagicTech, DraconicTech, MagicRPG, GregTech, SkyBlock, HiTech, Minigames, Alveon. Here everyone will find their own world for survival, their own element. Logging in only once and starting to survive on one of the servers – you will not soon want to look for something new, because all the mods, and there are more than 100 of the latest build. The creators of “ARAGO” are adults, responsive, fair guys who will not only help you, but also play with you, supplement the worlds with quests and events …

Launcher link:

Discord server:

We wish you a successful game and a good mood!

⭐️GregTech Server

Are you tired of creating mechanisms over and over again and developing according to the same pattern? The GregTech Server handles this problem. New generation of ores, completely different tools, mechanisms and their creation – each of these elements has been changed beyond recognition. The level of nanotechnology is now truly an achievement! And if you want something else, the server can offer you development in the direction of DraconicEvolution and other auxiliary mods, which, with the proper skills, will simplify the game for you.

Aco Added Draco Draconicevolution Evolution Fru Has HiTech Ice Nice Owner Rac Survival Multiplayer Tech Vol

[FructusMine] HiTech – DraconicEvolution Minecraft server

Server owner “[FructusMine] HiTech – DraconicEvolution hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Aco BuildCraft Cards Draco Draconic evolution Draconicevolution Evolution Forestry HiTech Industrial Craft Minecraft Thaumcraft Nolog Techno Technomagic Twilight Forest

RumMine.Ru WITH MODES Minecraft server

Server DescriptionWhat cool do we have?
– A bunch of cool mods on all servers
– Convenient mini-cards
– Good Administration
– Beautiful spawn
Also, see screenshots from the servers on the right —–>

Our servers:
DraconicTechnoMagic is that server on which high technologies develop along with magic. And also on the server there is a legendary mod called DraconicEvolution! Want to combine the power of modern mechanisms and magic? Here you can make your dream come true! Come in, study and explore!

Play and enjoy with us!

1.19.3 Allowed Chunk Chunks Cked Client Dupe Essential Exploit Hacked Hacked Client Hun Law Lawless Survival

Lawless Anarchy 1.19.3

Come join a new Anarchy Server.
150 Player Count.
2 M PreGenned Chunks.
Essential Plugins.
Hacked Client Allowed.
All Dupe/Exploits Allowed.

Butter Economy Ewg Faction Pvp Factions Factionwar Henderson Matured Mcmmo Ogfactions Ogfactionspvp Pearl Rebirth Ruler Survival

EWG Rebirth | Old School Factions PVP + War | Mcmmo, Economy, and Ranks

Welcome to Endless War Gaming Rebirth
EWG Rebirth for short!

EWG Rebirth Information
EWGR is a fan-made server based on the original EndlessWarGaming server that since no longer exists. The story of EWG Old and the lore that was created way back in Minecraft 1.4 has been reborn into a modern interpretation of what EWG meant to us as fans. We’ve grown and matured since then and want to give you a place to experience the fun that EWG was to us!

EWG Rebirth features top of the line plugins, but not so many that it’s a hub server. Only factions. One Spawn. Endless fun. Mcmmo, PlayerHead Drops, and Economy are just a few plugins that make all the difference, and of course there’s more but you’ll have to join to find out yourself!

EWG (Old) Information
EWG was THE best Factions server. Originally started out as Towny but became factions and the idea behind EWG is that once a week all faction claimed territory was unprotected and you could grief, TNT, and enderpearl of the likes at your factions enemy, but only for a limited time. Once war was finished, the lands return to normal so it was very important to defend your faction on war day. If anyone from the original EWG makes it here, we’d love to catch up. Myself, JawaSlayer2, and Co-Owner, _Sodio, have since changed usernames and were formally known as chenderson2 and butterruler6 respectively. If you recognize either of those names, come on in and have a chat! We’d love to catch up! Otherwise, join EWG Rebirth and forge your own memories and path to High Council!

Special thanks to Kidpaler(Last active 2013) for being the best Admin EWG could’ve asked for…

If you’ve read this far, what are you waiting for? Forge your LEGACY!

Building Dark Genre Knight Mana Manage Night Nre Plane Planet Planetminecraft Sub Subs Ubs Youtube


Welcome to DarkNightMC this is a server of many genres such as Survival KitPVP, building, and more! If you want to support the team, subscribe to DaBozos

100 Ban Banner Elf Ending Gamer Gamers Hosted Information Lake Mall People Small Soon Survival

Gamers From the Lake

Information coming soon.
This will be a small community server of 50 to 100 people (depending on how the self hosted server works out)

Banner coming soon.

000 100 1000 Account Ame Ezz Gam Game Host Mcp Mcpe Mez Ost Rip Survival Multiplayer

Mezzo game server Minecraft

Mezzo game server owner hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Artifacts Building Custom Discord Magic Medieval Medievalroleplay Medievalrp Pg13friendly Prison Pvp Relics Roleplay Smp Storytelling Survival Terralith Tiktok Towny War Worldbuilding Youtube


LoamMC is an up and coming Worldbuilding-MidRP-Towny server focused on telling a legendary story for the ages! We use Terralith to create a custom and unique overworld for a great experience.

Join our discord:

Casino Claiming Customworld Gambling Games Gymleaders Gyms Modded Moddedserver Modpack Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmonserver Pokemon Pokemongo Pokemongyms Pokemoninminecraft Pokemons Pokemonserver Pve Economy Rewards Towns

Sammy’s Pixelmon Adventure!

Check out the Discord for instructions on installation!

Welcome to our custom Pixelmon modpack server! Are you ready to put your skills to the test in our challenging gyms and battle against the Elite Four?

But that’s not all – our server also features unique custom towns, each with their own distinct personality. Imagine building your own home in a bustling city or setting up shop in a quiet countryside village. The possibilities are endless!

As we grow, we want to create a welcoming community of players to populate the cities and explore the vast world of Pixelmon. You can even purchase your own property to buy, sell, and trade with other players.

And if you’re looking for something to do, grab your camera and go on a Pixelmon hunt – snap some amazing pictures of the creatures you encounter!

Join us now and be a part of our exciting server adventure.

Customization Faction Factions Hardcorefactions Hardcorepvp Iris Medieval Medievalunlimited Minimap Neekoris Pvpfactions Realism Shaders Survival Waypoint

✠ Medieval Unlimited ✠ 1.19.3 – Factions Survival, Semi-Roleplay, Realistic Gameplay, Custom Biomes, and More!

✠ Medieval Unlimited ✠ 1.19.3 - Factions Survival, Semi-Roleplay, Realistic Gameplay, Custom Biomes, and More! Minecraft Server
✠ Medieval Unlimited ✠ 1.19.3 - Factions Survival, Semi-Roleplay, Realistic Gameplay, Custom Biomes, and More! Minecraft Server
✠ Medieval Unlimited ✠ 1.19.3 - Factions Survival, Semi-Roleplay, Realistic Gameplay, Custom Biomes, and More! Minecraft Server

Required Resource Packs: (Will auto download on first join)

Click here to view some of the server’s custom biomes!
…and many more (200+ total)

William Wyther’s Custom Overhualed World:

Click here to view some of the server’s custom structures/dungeons!

Click here for the server’s recomended mods & shaders!
Recommended Mods & Shaders:

Mods & Loaders:
Minecraft Forge: (Required for all mods)

Xaero’s Minimap Fair-play Version: (Adds custom minimap & waypoints)

Optifine: (Performance enhancement and shaderpack loader)

Iris Shader Mod: (Preformance enchancement and shaderpack loader – better than Optifine)

Shaderpacks: – Require Optifine or Iris Mod
BSL by Captattsu:
Chocapic13 by Choca_13:

Have any questions, need help, or want to join the community?

Don’t forget to diamond, favourite, and drop a vote for the server! It helps keep this server running and the community engaged. Thanks for viewing the server, and we hope to see you online soon! – Neekoris

Account Ame Aternos Com Come Ewg Gam Game Layer Mew Play Player Survival Multiplayer Welcome World

Welcome to the player server WorldGameWG Minecraft server

The server owner “Welcome to the WorldGameWG Player Server” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Anarchyserver Clif Core Hard Hardcor Hardcore Hardcore Mode Hardcore. Life Life. Like Mode Nothing Put Real


AnarchyHardCore Is Anarchy in HardCore. There is nothing else to say other than this is Anarchy in Hardcore Mode, Like What Else Can I Say???? Really What?

Brasil Brazil Computer Computers Console Fide Mobile Modified Network Phones Remake Restart Survival Vanila Videogame

Minecraft Brasil

Hello player, welcome to our Minecraft Brazil server, it is a network of servers from version 1.8x to the most “RECENT” that has several modes made by server developers!

Minecraft Brasil is supposed to be an open server where if the person knows enough and has experience and confidence, he can create his mode with us.

Common doubts:
1) Is the server 24 hours online?
-yes, we try to keep online as much as possible without restarting, only shutting it down for bug fixes and updates!

2) Where can I play? for mobile?
-you can both play on Java and Bedrock, normally it’s more common to see people playing Java on computers, and Bedrock on mobile and consoles, so YES it can be played on cell phones, PCs and VideoGames!

3) Will I find people to talk and play with?
-We have our own server Discord, where there are always people to talk to whenever you feel like it! it will be at the end of the description

Any more doubts? enter Discord at the end of the description and we will answer your question there

Top most played mode:

It has the following mechanics:
– Skills
– Quests
– Kits
– Clans
– Wars
– Modified mobs
– Terrain protection
– Among several mechanics…

MinecraftBrasil thanks you for your attention!!!

You can login using Minecraft Java Edition and Bedrock Edition by IPs:


Porta: 19132

Discord: Link

Battles Bov Clans Creation Creations Economy Elements Landclaim Minecraft Servers New Update Next Level Share Spell Spells Survival


Ladies and gentlemen, are you tired of playing on boring Minecraft servers with no excitement or challenges? Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Well, look no further, because BlockClub is here to deliver!

BlockClub is a unique Minecraft server where you can fight using magic and have a plot of land to yourself. That’s right, on BlockClub, you can wield powerful spells and engage in epic battles with other players. And with our state-of-the-art land claiming system, you can protect your creations and build your own kingdom.

But that’s not all! BlockClub also offers a friendly and welcoming community, where you can make new friends and share your experiences. And with our dedicated staff, you’ll always have someone to help you out or answer your questions.
So why wait? Join BlockClub today and start your adventure! Whether you’re a seasoned combat veteran or a newcomer to the magic scene, BlockClub has something for everyone. Join us and be a part of the most exciting Minecraft experience out there!

mcBlockClub does its best to cater to everyone�s needs. That being said, the server supports everything above 1.17.1 just to make sure there is nothing missing from the new updates!
You can play Survival, SMP, Economy, PvP, PvE on the mcBlockClub server!

Account Ada Ate Aternos Cent Das Des Retro Rip Ros Sad Shi Shield Ssd Survival Multiplayer

By sadassd server minecraft

Server owner “By sadassd” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.19.3 Aco Automatic Hosting Minute Mud Nut Shut Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalserver Vanilla Vanillasmp Vanillasurvival

Nebula SMP 1.19.3

This is the Nebula SMP, Requires 1.19.3. Rules are on the server. Here is the Discord server

Disclaimer: Aternos is being used for hosting (because money), which means the server automatically shuts down after 4-6 minutes of no player activity. Ask in the Discord if you want to play when the server is down. I will try to keep it up.

Awa Away Earth Earth Smp Factions Giveaway Giveaways Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal One Block Oneblock Pvp These


Come join a wonderful community today! Consisting of One Block, Lifesteal, and Earth SMP. We are doing many events and giveaways during these times, come join us now!

247server 247uptime Armor Better Boss Bosses Claims Demons End Jobs Magic Mod Modified Mods Pvp Quests Rpg Structures Summoning Survival Team Teams Weapons Witches

BOGN Revival

BOGN Revival is a Medieval MC Fabric server which includes 200+ mods with features such as:
  • New Biomes
  • Quests
  • Bosses
  • Teams
  • Land Claim
  • New Weaponry & Armor
  • Attributes
  • Magic & Summoning
  • Storage Terminals
  • Better End
  • Better Dungeons
  • Better Strongholds
  • Tons of Structures
  • New Dimensions
  • And many more!
  • The current version of Medieval MC is 14.5
    To join you must use the Curseforge Launcher.
    Server is 24/7. Hope to see you there!
    If you have any questions, join our Discord community

    Among Away Buildings Change Easy Geyser Geysermc Mcmmo Minimal Protected Save Story Survival Towny Wild is a survival, towny, and minigames server where our first priority is making sure our players have the best time possible!

    Minimal plugins helps us achieve a mostly un-changed Minecraft survival experience.

    Whether you like to run from spawn to the wild and build away from everyone or,
    save money to move into a protected town and live amongst peers that’s what we’re all about.

    grief is never undone along with buildings to ensure story continuity!

    Capital Capitalism Community Green Mcmmo Old Old Minecraft Oriented Pit Planet Skyblock Survival Voting Wip Wipe

    The Green Cod Network

    TGC is a 4 year old Minecraft Server that has always been community oriented and having a network of players from all over the planet! Mode is primarily SURVIVAL with a Skyblock and MC MMO to soon come. We don’t do wipes, we choose friendliness over capitalism and we are very glad to say that we love playing together.

    1.19.2 Cheap Economy Furniture Hanks High School Nuke Nukes Paid Pvp Survival Vehicle Vehicles Version 1.19 Weapon

    Nuke Junior High School

    – NUKE SMP is a unique Survival type server
    – We have features such as: Auctions, Jobs, Shops, Crates, Custom Items (Vehicles, Weapons, Furniture, ETC.), and MUCH MORE!
    – All our paid ranks and perks are super cheap! Our best rank only costs $7.50!!!
    – Thanks for joining!
    – Version 1.19.2

    /a/ /d/ /e/ Amity Brewery CTF Edm Google Imgur Minecraft Java No Resets Survival Vanilla Voice Wise

    Amity Station

    Amity Station is a small, 18+ Minecraft Java server active for a year.
    – No resets on a 20,000 world
    Plugins like Essentials, Dynmap, voice chat, and Brewery
    – No griefing, cheating or exploiting. We keep it friendly!
    Our world has some cool builds too:
    If you’d like to join, please submit the Google form linked below! Approved 18+ applicants will be whitelisted to build and emailed.
    Server rules:
    1) We accept players who are 18+
    2) Be mature, reasonable and respectful to everyone in the chat and otherwise.
    3) Griefing, stealing, cheating/exploiting, and nonconsensual killing of players are not allowed.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!