Active Ass Class Com Craft Everyone Hun Hunt Hunter Lmao One Raft Survival Multiplayer Ter Welcome



Everyone’s Welcome!

Active Amazing Ars Ass Class Craft Dom Erver Fight Huge Inecraft Join King Kingdom Mine Minecraft New Pretty Raft Server Survival Multiplayer War Wars You


Do you want you to get on an amazing server join a kingdom and fight in huge wars we are pretty new so be patient!

Active Buycraft Class Community Craft Creative Custom Dedicated End Fac Faction Factions Forums Friendly Hard Join Network New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Premium Public Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Store Survival Team Teamspeak Town Towny War Welcoming Whitelist

Crafting Innovations

About Crafting Innovations:
Recently under new ownership, Crafting Innovations is a ever evolving server changing and growing every day. With a core focus on a Towny server, the server will be branching off to things like Creative, Factions, SkyBlock, etc. A welcoming community, and a zero tolerance on bullying. We are friendly and love to have to new players!

No whitelist, just join and play!
Premium access enabled across all servers (Donating gets you tiers on each server)
Custom plugins and dedicated development team
Dedicated network and hardware

Other Information:
CraftingInnovations Forums:
CraftingInnovations Web store:
Public TeamSpeak:

Active Arena Arenas Build Builders Capture Community Custom Dedicated End Flag Friends Games Great Hard Join Lag Magic Magical Mcmmo Mmo Mod Moose Online Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Server Servers Spells Spleef Staff Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer War


MooseValley is a gaming community of thousands of PvPers, builders, and general gamers. We strive to provide the greatest gaming experience possible, running on top of the line server hardware. With over 1000 slots on 4 different servers we are able to handle any amount of players without lag. Our dedicated staff has over 2 years of experience under their belt, are online to answer your questions any time of the day. With the use of our custom mod ticketing system you’re able to ask questions and get responses in a short amount of time.

MooseValley Provides CUSTOM plugins to enhance PVP and provide a more balanced and quality game play.

– Pick from dozens of customized magical spells! Launch your enemies through the air, bring down lava rain around you, or see through stone to find riches!

MooseValley utilizes a the MCMMO plugin to give players the ability to skill up their defenses, swords attack, fists, and bow.

Play on our custom fully dedicated Battlegrounds server, with game modes such as Survival Games, plus coming soon, Battle Arenas, Spleef, Capture the Flag, and more!

Or, relax for a while on our non-PVP survival server and build a house with some friends!

So come join us, and have a great time!

Abilities Anti Antixray Build Building Class Craft Eco Econ Economy Edit Enjin Essentials Experience Fac Faction Factions Ill Join King Lit Mining Mission Nation New Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Server Spawn Spleef Team Trees World Worldedit Worldguard


Welcome to FantasiaCraft.

We are a brand new server that focusses on international players. Everyone is welcome. The spawn is almost completed and the permissions are still getting finetuned. You are more than welcome to join the server and play with us all. Until the server is officially released wed like you guys to find bugs/glitches and report them to us. You can also start building, exploring, cutting trees and mining ofcourse.

We use the following plugins:
– GroupManager
– WorldEdit
– AntiAd
– ArmorAbilities
– AntiXRay
– BOSEconomy
– WorldGuard
– Essentials
– AncientGates
– HeavySpleef
– AuthMe
– Factions

We are, ofcourse, always looking to expand our pluginbase with more usefull or entertaining plugins to give our players a better experience.
On our forum you can leave suggestions and we will have a look at it and maybe even implement it.

Make sure to check our server out sometime.

FantaisaCraft Team


Active Bar Capture Class Craft Custom Different Eco Econ Event Features Flag Game Ill Inecraft Kill King Kit Kitpvp Kits Lag Large Mechanics Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Paintball Play Player Pro Pvp Server Simple Spawn Team Unique

MCBall | Paintball Server | #1 PvP Game

About MCBall -
MCBall is a Minecraft Paintball Capture the Flag server withmany unique gameplay features

What is MCBall? Why is it unique?
MCBall, in its simplest description, is a completely custom Minecraft minigame that revolves around two teams, red and blue, trying to capture the other team’s flag and protect their own. The first to 3 captures wins the game, but it’s not that simple. Preventing you from capturing the enemy team’s flag is the entire enemy team armed with paintballs (snowballs) which kill on impact. When a person runs out of snowballs they must left click or press Q to reload. If a person dies he will respawn within 20 seconds at their team’s base. Also adding to gameplay mechanics arekits.

What are kits?
Kits are a large part of MCBall gameplay and add much variation and strategy. Any player can use one kit at a time and can select it by either /kit or clicking on the slimeball in their hotbar. Kits vary in what they do but they all influence playstyle and gameplay.Every kit has different killstreak effects at 3, 5 and 7 kills.

Art Block Class Com Craft Creative Ect Erver Exp Experience Experienced Extreme Fun Host Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mod Original Play Player Players Pve Pvp Server Staff Star Start Survival Title Town Towny Vanilla Version Xtreme


HipXCraft is a Towny Server that started on 6/June/20
Being Hosted By an experienced Staff with all its intentions to let the players have extremely Fun. There is also Creative Mode.
Minecraft Version: [1.8 – 1.15.2]
Originally On Version: 1.12.2
What are you waiting for?

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Ats Block Bukkit Chat Citizens Class Clearlag Community Craft Creative Eco Econ Economy Edit Essentials FTB Ill Inecraft Kit Lag Logblock Lwc Mine Minecraft Mission Missions Multiverse Nocheat Permissions Plugin Plugins Server Sign Stable Survival Survival Multiplayer Version World Worldedit


Scungilli NET Minecraft is now running Craftbukkit Version 1.2.5. Multiverse server with creative and survival worlds. Plugins: Essentials, Essentials Eco, Citizens, NoCheat, ClearLagg, Falsebook, WorldGaurd, WorldEdit, Stargate, PermissionsEX, LWC, ChatSensor, LogBlock and many more! We have an excellent community and stable economy. ServerIP is No signup required to enter server and check it out!

Action Actions Ass Block Buy Buycraft Class Com Combat Community Craft Erver Exp Expansion Fac Faction Factions Global Join King Network Noop Open Prison Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skypvp Soon Store Style Two Vis

Experion Network

| Experion Network is a Global Community Network |

| What do we offer? |

Our network consist out of many servers such as:
– Factions
– Prison
– Skyblock
– Skypvp

And were working on even more expansions.

| How can I join? |

You can join our server through the following IP adress:

What are you waiting for visit us. See you soon on Experion Network.


Active Ash Ass Class Com Craft Creative Creativity Detail Eat Enviro Environment Erver Everyone Fun Gaming Inecraft Iron Mine Minecraft Ming One Raft Sand Server Sit Site Smo Smooth Tail Website Welcome

Sandstorm Gaming Creative


Welcome To SandStorm Gaming’s Creative Minecraft Server. The goal of the server is to allow everyone’s inner creativity to be unleashed and flow into a smooth and fun environment. Check website for additional details!

Action Arena Arenas Ass Best Class Die Dynamic Elo Elon Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Item Items Kit Kitpvp Loot Map Mine Mini Minigame Minigames Nen Noop Open Play Pvp Raid Ree Server Shop Shops Style Tnt Vote Zen


Wij zijn NexusPVP, een Factions PVP Server met Minigames. We hebben een Grote shop met heel veel items voor goede prijzen, geld verdienen is makkelijk. Door te voten krijg je beloningen zoals geld.

We hebben minigames. Ook hebben we een KitPVP waar je altijd kan vechten zonder je items te verliezen in de PVP wereld.

Ook zijn er echte PVP arenas waar je kan strijden en kan looten.

Raiden is toegestaan, TNT is ook toegestaan.

Wij hebben ook een Dynamic map te vinden op

Dus begin met minen op deze server, speel minigames, wordt de beste faction en versla iedereen.


Active Admin Adventure Arena Arenas Australia Australian Build Bungee Challenge Challenges Create Creative Faction Factions Good Hard Hardcore Mob Mobs Nice Paintball Parkour Play Player Plots Protection Pvp Server Servers Skills Sky Skyblock Spleef Survival Survive Ungee Who World

Beergamez Australian Bungee Server Now with 1.7.9 🙂

Grab a beer and and enjoy servers built by players for the players.
We run a number of worlds/Servers so there is something for everyone.

Survival/Hardcore – Two worlds, Both use Diamond Block protection and have extra mob, The hardcore world will test your skills, CAN YOU SURVIVE?

Factions – Is your typical Survival world with mobs, ideal for the player who wants to create and survive but doesn’t want to be overrun buy mobs, Join a faction, keep on their good side and survive.

Arenas/Skyblock/Paintball – Is a world of arenas and challenges, Paintball, Parkour, Spleef, PVP, Mobs, Chess, Connect4 and more

Adventure – A highly experimental world worth exploring

Creative – Is a Creative world where you can build and show off anything you like, Plots Protection, ask nicely and an admin might bring on of your creations to life in one of the other worlds.

Active Age Ages Build Cheat Class Com Economy End Erver Free Friendly Game Help Helpful House Ill Join Lag Long Mini Minimal Mod Plugin Prison Pvp Riendly Rules Rvival Server Star Survival Town Towns Towny Village Vis Wns

PcCheaters Server (Free Build)

Survival Server with Minimal Rules
No Destroying others work
No Raping of others belongings or work

Free Roam + Free Build +Stargate Plugin!!

See our massive Spongebob & our T-Rex as well as a fully modelled “Whitehouse”
massive towns & villages..

Come visit & join in the friendly helpful atmosphere.

Active Art Ass Build Class Com Community Day Erver Hot Join Mmu New Ommunity People Server Survival Multiplayer Ter TERA Today Water Who


WaterBucket is a relatively new server with people who like to build and have and interact with eachother. Join today and be part of the community we have here.


Action Art Ass Best Build Class Com Craft Dead Deadly Eat Erver Fac Faction Features Follow Ice New Nice Noop October Open Raft Server Star Start Style Survival Multiplayer Time


A new server that started 2 october 2013 so you got the time to build the best faction.
We got alot of nice features, check our server out.


Active Art Ass Aus Class Com Community Craft Creative Deutsch Die Empire End Erver Gens Greif Grief Hut Inecraft Infinity Mine Minecraft Nen One Pie Plane Pro Pvp Run Server Simp Simple Sol Spawn Survival Ter Zen

Du suchst einen deutschen Minecraft-Server, der stabil und flüssig läuft – mit einer netten Community, die sich gern gegenseitig unter die Arme greift? Du bist es Leid, dauernd umziehen zu müssen, weil in deiner Nähe lauter hässliche Gebäude gebaut werden oder dir Griefer ständig dein Werk zerstören? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
-ISG-minecraft-server ist ein Minecraft-Server für bis zu 32 Spieler und bietet durch sein durchdachtes und sich stetig weiter entwickeltes Konzept größtmöglichen Schutz eurer Bauwerke bei entsprechend dennoch großartiger Freiheit und Auswahl an Blöcken.
Zonen-Prinzip auf Empire (unserer Hauptwelt)
Durch die automatisierte Erstellung von Bewohner-Zonen, welche auch zu ganzen Städten verbunden werden können, genießt ihr absoluten Schutz eures Eigentums. Solltet ihr mehr Platz brauchen, ist dies natürlich keinerlei Problem – hierfür reicht ein simples Ticket für eine Zonenerweiterung. Solltet ihr später an einem weiteren Ort ein Zuhause errichten wollen, könnt ihr euch für einen gewissen Obolus eine weitere Zone erstellen.
Solltet ihr ein Fan von Großprojekten sein, bietet euch der Community-Projekt-Bereich nahe dem Spawn genug Platz um gemeinsam mit anderen Spielern epische Projekte zu planen und umzusetzen. Community-Projekte haben zudem die Möglichkeit, sich im Rathaus am Spawn vorzustellen.

Active Ass Class Com Craft End Erver Finland Inecraft Land Mine Minecraf Minecraft Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Ten This Welcome


This server is intended for the Finns, but others are welcome!

Ass Back Buy Buycraft Class Com Craft Eat Erver Follow Game Games Great Hub Ice Inecraft Join Love Mine Minecraft Need Nen New Nice Noop Open Play Port Raft Server Servers Staff Style Support Survival Multiplayer Taff Ter


Hi We are NenimusCraft

Do you know Interhub ?
Now we are back with new staff and servers
do you love minecraft and need a nice minecraft server
Then you need to join NenimusCraft with a lot of games and great staff and Support

what are you waiting for


Opening Feb/05/14


Active Arena Arenas Autorank Class Community Craft Creative Custom Dedicated Edit Epic Game Games Great Hunger Games Join Land Map Mine Minecraft Mob Play Playing Plugin Plugins Protection Pvp Rank Server Sign Skills Survival Multiplayer Town Towny Unique War Weapons World


No White List Dedicated Server, Land Protection, Hunger Games, Towny, PVP War Zones, Mob Arenas, creative World Edit, Live Map. Gain skills and custom enchanted upgradable weapons and armor as you play with Unique EpicAutoRank and EpicArmor. Custom Epic Plugins designed to enhance playing experience you cannot get anywhere else! Join the greatest Minecraft community in the world!

Active Block Cat Class Craft Creative Game Games Happy Has Hub Hunger Games Inecraft Lag Large Level Mean Mine Minecraft Minimal Ortal Play Player Players Pmc Popular Portal Pvp Server Servers Simple Sky Skyblock Survival Survival Games Website

Level Up Minecraft

Level Up Minecraft is a large and popular Minecraft server that caters for all types of players. We ensure that all our players are happy and also make sure our server has minimal to no lag.

We currently have 7 servers set up and running which include:
Hunger Games

All servers are connected by a cloud, meaning you can easily teleport between servers using a simple command listed on the server – or use the server portal pads in HUB.

You can visit our website at:
Server IP:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Forge Server Free. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!