Owners: annman00 and VolunteerFD
HeadAdmin: stormtrooper28
We have:
Parkour for rewards! /parkour
Survival Games (Hunger for Victory!) {FFA} /sg join
MobArena (Fight endless hordes of monsters!) {PvE} /ma join
Castellum Bella (Who will win? The red or blue?) {TD} /cb join
MultiMazes! /warp maze or /warp maze2
KitPvP (Taking pvp to a whole new level!) {FFA} /pvp
With several [WIP]s we are very much a growing server, we need you!
In addition to our many common and our many custom mini-games, we also have a customized faction system.. Got an Idea? Leave it at our forums, our main dev loves new ideas and will happily add them to the queue!