Ace Active Ages Aus Australia Block Bungee Bungeecord Class Creative Drop Eco End Family Friendly Guard Kids Mcmmo Mmo Multi Multiworld Play Plot Plots Pro Protection Pvp Safe Server Sky Skyblock Survival Swearing Ungee World Worlds


1.15.2 BungeeCord Hosted in Australia full protection in survival world with world guard and McMMO! Multiworlds which include: Skyblock, Plots, The Dropper.! We are a very family friendly server, we are very strict on no swearing or any 18+ content during the day to make it a safe place to play for kids of all ages.

Block Class Craft Custom Developed Developer Discord End Europe Event Events Experience Friendly Goodstaff Help Helpful Hubserver Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Network New Newserver Noop Open Pvp Ranks Region Server Servers Staff Team Title Unique Update Updates Youtube

DashMC [1.8 – 1.15.2]

DashMC | Minecraft Network
New KitPvP-server opening the 20th June
◆ Minecraft PvP Network
◆ EU/NA region
◆ KitPvP
◆ Fully custom-developed server
◆ Unique and custom user-events
◆ We got some of the most experienced developers
◆ Helpful and a friendly staff-team
◆ Lots of updates to be added
[ ] Discord [ ]

[ ] Server IP [ ]

[ ] Server trailer [ ]

Active Best Class Community Craft Creative Custom Dedicated Discord Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Game Inecraft Join King Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Network Networks Open Play Player Players Prison Server Servers Sign Sky Skyblock Staff Team Towny Website

Karismic Minecraft

What is Karismic MC?  Karismic MC is an aspiring minecraft network with a dedicated staff and development team. The server officially opened in March of 2018 featuring one gamemode, Factions. A little over half a year later, we have significantly grown our community and have turned it into a network by introducing Skyblock. There are plenty of servers out there, and plenty of networks. You might be asking, why would I want to play Karismic? We have a dedicated staff and development team constantly working to improve the players experience and trying to grow our well knitted community. From Skyblock to Factions we offer multiple custom features that have been worked on constantly over the past year and have been almost perfected thanks to our staff team and our dedicated playerbase. You could sit here read about all our features and what have to offer, but the best way to find out is to join experience it all for yourself! Server IP – play.karismicmc.comDiscord – – –

Active Car Class Community Custom Download Emo End Event Events Factions Forge Friendly Google Gym Infinity Latest Legendary Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Player Plugin Plugins Pokemon Pve Quest Quests Reforged Riendly Skyblock Spawn Spawns Star Start Survival Trade Weekly Wns

InfinityMC Pixelmon Reforged

Pixelmon Reforged LATEST
Legendary Spawns
Custom Plugins
Weekly Events
Shiny Starters
Friendly Community
Player Gym Leaders
Wonder Trade
Pokemon Auras

Active Ars Bed Bedwars Class Craft Economy English Erver Game Google Hide Hide and Seek Inecraft Kitpvp Love Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Play Player Players Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Skypvp Survival Two Vanilla War Wars World

Royal MC

RoyalMC is a Minecraft Server Network.
We have five game modes available:
– SkyPvP
– SkyPvP
– BedWars
– Hide and Seek
We’re an English-Slovenian Minecraft Server and would like to attract new players from all over the world.

Active Block Class Craft Discord Dragon Dragones Economy Fun Ill Land Mcmmo Misiones Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Mods Nether Network Pro Sell Shop Sky Skyblock Skywars Slimefun Sub Super Supervivencia Survival Games Town Towny Vanilla War Wars

DrakesCraft Network

DrakesCraft Network
Consta de Modalidades en distintos Servidores
Vanilla: 1.16.X
DrakesLand: 1.12.2
Supervivencia: 1.15.2 – 1.16.X
SkyBlock: 1.14.4 – 1.16.X
SkyWars: 1.12.2 – 1.16.X
Towny: 1.14.4 – 1.16.X
DrakesLand: Servidor con Mods, puedes proteger tu casa, criar dragones y resucitar dinosaurios! Paquete de mods en nuestro discord
Supervivencia: Con menas de protección, SellShop y BuyShop además de Mobs y Jefes Únicos
Towny: Versión Mcmmo y Slimefun, puedes crear una ciudad (towny) y una Nación. Sube de rango completando misiones!
SkyBlock: Versión Mcmmo y Slimefun, también tienes una Isla en el Nether
¡¡Te esperamos!!

Active Chill Class Community Creative Discord Eco Econ Economy End Family Friendly Game Help Helpful Ill Java Join Lag Land Mine Mod Normal Online Plugin Plugins Premium Pvp Realistic Roleplay Server Small Staff Survival Team Update Updated Vanilla Version

Minerland Survival Creative


MINERLAND server is a survival and creative chilling server, a small community which is trying to grow.
In the near future we will add more gamemodes.
You can join our server from version 1.9.X to 1.15.2 for JAVA PC, also you can join in a premium or normal account.
Minerland have 0% lag and crashes, and it is online 24/7, and it is constantly updated to the last MC version.
Also we promise you a premium survival experience with realistic plugins and economy.
Our community is very active and our Staff Team is very friendly and helpful, you will be welcome as a family member of our community, try today our server, you won’t regret it.


Active Adventure Adventures Class Community Create Eco Economy End Event Events Fun Great Join Lit Market Markets Mcmmo Mmo Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Quest Questing Ranch Relax Relaxing Server Servers Small Spawn Town Towny Venture Welcoming Who


Tranquility offers all players who join, a relaxing and fun time with their friend. Hopefully, our server achieves this goal with the many plugins and future events we have. Tranquility strives to become one of the most welcoming servers to play. Our community has come from a branch of past servers which created Tranquility.

  As for plugins, we offer Towny, McMMO, markets, and small questing adventures around the server spawn. The community has brought together something great with their furthering assistance creating what the server is to this day.

If you decide to join, Welcome. We appreciate you for trying our server out.

Active Aus Australia Australian Base Based Best Class Community Create Custom Discord Fight Game Invite Job Jobs Join Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Money Mpet Pet Play Pve Rank Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Top Town Towny World


Hi welcome to InfinityMC!
Australian hosted towny PvE server!
We offer a rank-up based game play!
Earn money through jobs and shops!
Join a town or create your own and strive within the community
Compete for the top of mcmmo
Fight the custom mobs that spawn around the world
Find the best custom gear!

Join today!

Active Class Craft Eco Econ Economy End Event Eventos Fac Hard Hardcore Inecraft Irl Lit Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mod Monstruos Normal Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Simple Sub Super Survival Tnt Town Towny Vanilla War Wars Zombies


¡Hola! Gracias por pinchar en este servidor de Minecraft, a continuación te cuento un poco de que trata este servidor:

Este servidor tiene muchas opciones de entretenimiento, no es un servidor normal, hay economía, plugins que facilitan el juego y lo hacen más entretenido como el mcmmo que vas mejorando según vas jugando. Hay subastas, puedes tener una mascota, puedes vender tus objetos en la tienda del servidor y en las tiendas de otros jugadores ¡o crear tus propias tiendas!
El servidor cuenta con dos modalidades, Survival Hardcore con pvp el cual pondrá a prueba tus habilidades de superviviente, con zombies por todos lados y bichos voladores que te acatan, pero tranquilo, si te haces un refugio lo podrás proteger de otros jugadores y de los monstruos con las protecciones de bloques que vas adquiriendo con solo jugar.
La otra modalidad es Towny, es una modalidad un poco más creativa, pero aún así no se libra del pvp, en el mundo entero menos en las ciudades habrá pvp, habrá eventos de Towny Wars, el cual pondrá a las naciones a luchar unas contra las otras sin repercusiones, ¡Lucha simplemente por diversión! Destruye las ciudades de tus enemigos con tnt y antes de que se reconstruya invádela para ganar, grandes premios y la gloria te esperan.

Como ves, hay muchas cosas por hacer en este servidor y tú estás apunto de descubrirlas.

Active Bedrock Challenge Challenges City Class Craft Dedicated Edit Elves End Force Free Freedom King Lag Mine Minecraft Mining Mmo Nether Nostalgia Play Player Players Playing Pve Pvp Quest Roleplay Server Spawn Survival Team Vanilla Who World Zombies


We’re a Minecraft server which is bringing teamwork, coordination, critical thinking, focus and most importantly… strategy back to a Minecraft survival experience.

In all simplicity, we would like you to ask a question, why did you start playing Minecraft?

The most common answer would be the freedom it brought – the whole world in Minecraft could be used as your canvas. However… what happens if you’re out of paint? This is where our initiative comes in. We introduce ourselves as Minevictus and we’re here to rekindle the flames of your passion which first got you hooked on the game.

It is a calling to all Minecraft veterans and connoisseurs out there looking for nostalgia.

Minevictus is not just a one-man project. We have a dedicated team, researching the player demands via surveys. If you think this is just another survival server, you’re wrong and in for a surprise to say the least.

Our challenges include (but not limited to):
+ Improved and more challenging Wither mimicking bedrock edition.
+ Pig zombies attacking when mining their quartz ores in the Nether.
+ Villagers who call reinforcements when slaughtered by players.
+ Shulkers respawning after days or weeks in the end world.

Active Boss Bosses Brewery Class Community Craft Custom Discord Dungeon Dungeons Economy End Environment Friendly Fun Land Lands Mcmmo Mob Mobs Movecraft Pirate Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Popular Pve Pvp Quest Quests Roleplay Server Ships Survival Trading Website



Server IP >
Website >
Discord >

PlunderSeas is a pirate themed survival server! Our focus is in a strong community with a friendly environment! We strive to make everyone feel welcome and accepted. The server features numerous popular plugins including Movecraft, Mythic Mobs, and Island Craft. Players can have fun with any of our features including custom dungeons, quests, and items.

Active Amazing Ass Class Custom Enchant Enchants Erver Event Fres Fresh Fur Google Grief Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Need Network Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Server Skyblock Smp Survival Tom Towny Two Work


Need An Amazing Fresh SMP server! Well look no further as SalvosMC is just the thing for you We have custom plugins,enchants and more! We have grief prevention, mcmmo and many custom things!

Active Allowed Best Build Building Community Craft CTF Donator End Environment Friendly Friends Fun Good Grief Griefing Hard Join Mine Minecraft Mod Multiplayer Old Online Play Player Pve Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Safe Server Shop Staff Survival War Who


NautiCraft is a server all about multiplayer survival. We offer a good ‘old’ survival experience for everyone willing to join! Start your own shop, make the most epic empire or just live by yourself and mind your own business, it’s all possible! Griefing, raiding and being disrespectful is not allowed, after all we’re on NautiCraft to have fun. You can protect your buildings and chests and add your trusted friends to keep everything safe! We are a moderated server, so if you ever experience any issues you can contact online (and offline!) staff who will do their best to solve your issues as soon as possible!

We offer both player ranks and donator ranks available to everyone. We aspire to grow a large friendly community and upgrade towards better hardware to offer an even better experience for everyone!

TL;DR: You’re a fan of Minecraft survival and want to play multiplayer in a safe and friendly environment? Join NautiCraft!

Active Ass Class Com Community Craft End Erver Everyone Friend Friendly Google Has Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Ming Ommunity One Parkour Play Player Players Pvp Raiding Riendly Roleplay Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla Way Welcoming


Lichcraft is a 1.15 Survival Minecraft server. Lichcraft has a friendly community and is very welcoming for everyone and always puts the players first.

Ace Active Auction Auctions Claim Clan Clans Class Craft Craftersland Dragon Dragons Dungeon Dungeons Eco Econ Economy Event FTB Grief Land Land Claim Map Market Mod Modpack Prevention Pve Pvp Rewards Server Shop Shops Space Survival Vote War Website

Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles

░░░ Website: | Forum: ░░░

>> Server address:

░░░░░░ Server Info: ░░░░░░
> Grief Prevention land claim system.
> Economy – Server Shops, Market and Auctions.
> Daily and Vote Rewards.
> Clans and PvP.
> Server Live map.
> Hosted in Data Center in Germany.
> FTB Ultimate Reloaded Modpack

Active Anarchy Build Craft Easy End Free Freedom Friendly Grief Hack Hardcore Home Kit Kits Land Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Mods Multiplayer Play Player Pvp Raid Raiding Server Servers Sethome Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Tpa Vanilla War


Is Minecraft too easy for you?

Have you ever wanted to play on a server that was was fair but also gave you the freedom to do what you want?

Other servers protect land so you can never be raided or attacked by mobs. Some give you kits so you don’t have to get tools on your own. Others let you obtain spawners so you don’t ever have to leave your base again.

Not Gladius! We are a semi-vanilla server. That means we aim for a very vanilla experience – only with extra things that make multiplayer better, like /tpa, /sethome, /warp, etc.

We are also a semi-anarchy server. That means while using cheats/mods/hacked clients is against the rules, pretty much anything else goes! You can raid, you can grief, you can kill, you can insult, or you can be friendly and build. Hell, you can even raid, grief, kill, and insult staff members! So, if you’re tired of other servers treating you like a child instead of a friend, come play on GLADIUS!

Active Art Artic Ass Class Discord Eat Economy Emo Event Events Factions Features Free Game Gamemode Gamemodes Google High Lit Mod Network New Nks Not P2w Quality Raiding Ran Rank Ranks Ree Singapore Site Store Survival Tebex Two Vanilla Website


A new striving network in Singapore that publish High-Quality gamemodes, we offer
variety of features per each gamemode and not p2w, get free ranks by participating in


Active Best Community Custom Dungeons Eco Economy End Friendly Fun Home Job Jobs Leveling Mcmmo Minecraft New Npcs Parkour Pets Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Quest Quests Ranks Roleplay Server Shop Shops Skills Skyblock Survival Survive Trans Unique Welcoming


What to Expect:      
Punkcraft has always been a unique kind of survival server like no other. With plugins setup in a fun and challenging way, you can easily adapt the way you survive into the server with no problem. The server has always been super laid back and friendly/welcoming to new players so itll be no pressure transitioning from a newbie to a regular of the community. Rules are not strict and pretty lax. We try our best to allow all walks of life to enjoy survival together because we all love Minecraft! So what are you waiting for? Your new survival home is just one copy-paste away!

– Naturally spawning dungeons with lots of loot
– Pets that fight and level up alongside you
– Custom quests and Npcs
– Jobs to acquire money with
– Economy with server & player shops
– Leveling system with skills
– In-game ranks system

Have fun
Dont cheat

Active Ass Class Com Eam Economy Ect Enjin Google Haven Ice Lin Link Mcmmo Nks Pro Project Pvp Roleplay Sit Site Speak Survival Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Ter Twitter Voice Website Welcome


=[Welcome To The MayHaven Project!]=


Twitter – @mayhavenproject
Website –
TeamSpeak –

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Top Minecraft Skyblock Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!