Pixelmon Pve Survival

PokeValley Minecraft Server Review March 2024

– Creativity: 4.5 out of 5.0 – PokeValley offers a unique spin on the traditional Pixelmon experience with player-run Gyms, Elite Four, and custom Badge systems. The incorporation of weekly tournaments and player suggestions keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging.

– Challenge: 3.5 out of 5.0 – While the server provides a competitive environment with a large player base, the challenge level could be raised to provide more difficulty and excitement for seasoned players.

– Community: 4.0 out of 5.0 – The active and engaging community on PokeValley adds to the overall experience, creating a welcoming environment for players to interact, compete, and collaborate.

– Overall Experience: 4.0 out of 5.0 – PokeValley offers a fun and non pay-to-win Pixelmon experience with a variety of engaging features and a dedicated player base. The server’s commitment to incorporating player feedback and suggestions enhances the overall gaming experience.

Custommap Customweapons Customworld Discord Kingdoms Noshop Pvp Survival Team Pvp

Kingdoms of Asalia – CUSTOM MAP [Java Minecraft 1.20.4] COMING SOON

Kingdoms of Asalia - CUSTOM MAP [Java Minecraft 1.20.4] COMING SOON Minecraft Server

Welcome to Kingdoms of Asalia, a Minecraft server where custom weapons, a bespoke map, and kingdoms await. Immerse yourself in a world where players craft alliances, build fortresses, and engage in thrilling PvP wars.

Explore our meticulously designed map, filled with diverse landscapes and hidden treasures. From soaring mountains to ancient ruins, every corner of Asalia offers adventure.

With custom weapons and gear, battles are tests of skill and strategy. Choose your playstyle, whether as a nimble assassin or as a mighty warrior.

Join epic PvP wars as rival kingdoms clash for supremacy. Will you rise as a hero or fall into darkness? Adventure awaits in Kingdoms of Asalia. Join us and forge your legend today.



Pve Pvp

Orbit Cycle

Space seems to be the final frontier, but in Orbit Cycle the only limit is you. If you are looking for a challenge with all of your favorite mods look no further!

Build your colony up from an abandoned village or from the ground up with your friends. Recruit mercenaries to protect you colony and hire only the best to guard your town hall. Many have tried and failed to keep their colonies from perishing to illness and hordes of enemies. Expand your empire of atomization and immersion and finally be part of the project to become the ruler of the galaxy. While your colony is thriving learn to extract power from the sun and utilize your knowledge to produce enough to keep up with the demands of modded minecraft in this up to date pack. Of course this is plenty of magic to be had as well, control time and weather with the source in the air. Conjure demons from bloody sacrifices and fight your inner demons each step of the way. Whats the goal? Whats the purpose? space? make it your own and launch into the atmosphere and live above the clouds on your own space station. Link all of your homes with technology to create an empire. If this isn’t enough to sate your modded minecraft hunger then might I suggest joining our discord where each update is announced and logged. Inspire the community by joining today.



Hello, thanks for checkin' this post out!

Server IP:

Look, I know. I'm working on the custom IP.

EchoCraft was started by myself and two of my friends, we aim to have a relaxed community with some mild tweaks to Vanilla Minecraft. Although we currently don't have cross-platform compatibility it's on the list!
The server is on Hard difficulty, with overall goals of being relaxed, take it at your own pace, make farms, make epic builds or well, anything you want. We've fostered a nice little community so far and hope to see you join us sometime!

When it comes to items buying, selling we have opted for an in-game trust system, akin to Hermitcraft – so no economy plugins! No chestshops either! This is of course, open to change but for now we've all been content to trade, buy with diamonds or IOU's.

The sever is based in North America and our world map is here!

We have zero intentions of ever adding lootcrates/voting systems

We have swapped to a whitelist! Applications found in the Discord

What Do We Have Installed?


  • AngelChest
  • BigDoors
  • ChestSort
  • GriefPrevention
  • LuckPerms
  • mcMMO
  • SlimeFun4
  • MobisHome
  • SafariNet
  • SilkSpawners
  • SimpleNicks
  • Vault
  • EssentialsX+Chat
  • Tab
  • DiscordSRV
  • ChatItem


  • Armored Elytra
  • Banner Flags
  • Better Item Frames
  • Blaze And Caves Advancements Pack
  • Craftable Spore Blossoms
  • Custom Nether Portals
  • DnT Stronghold Overhaul
  • Double Shulker Shells
  • Item Display
  • More Mob Heads
  • Multiplayer Sleep
  • Silk Touch Budding Amethyst
  • Silence Mobs
  • Terralith
  • Terralith Biome Saplings
  • TPA
  • XP Management

There might be more that I've forgotten to type up, but a lot of VanillaTweaks Datapacks!

Anarchy Pve Pvp Survival Survival Games Vanilla


Welcome to the Obssidian server [1.20-1.20.2] [Premium – No Premium].

– IP:
– Region: IN THE South
– Discord:

Obssidian is a completely anarchy server. Vanilla, with few quality of life modifications. We are dedicated to providing the old school anarchic experience, with a great map that never resets, no land claims, PvP 1.8 on 1.20-1.20.2 and no tp, no reports and security 2FA.

Commands: /msg, /r, /reply, /ignore, /msgtoggle, /replytoggle, /discord, /skin, /premium, /2fa, /totp, /email, /register, /login.



Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without the limitations of land claiming or over-the-top additions such as skills, abilities, RPG elements, and more. With a heavy focus on community and player interaction, we are the closest server for anybody seeking a true "hermitcraft-like" experience.

Over the last 4+ years, our community has blossomed into a wonderful group of kind hearted and dedicated individuals. At Dominion our community is and always will be our primary focus. We run weekly events, monthly competitions, organize enormous group projects/builds, let our players vote on all new changes/additions, and much much more.

To keep our server safe from players who seek to troll or grief, we employ a whitelist process that is reviewed by our dedicated staff team. If this post sounds like the right server for you, click the link below to visit our Discord server and create an application to join!

To apply, click HERE



This part is a little wordy I admit, but these are the fundamental 5 pillars that hold our server up and govern every decision we make. These will always be upheld and used to judge any potential additions or changes in Dominion's future.

The Vanilla Experience

Dominion is committed to preserving the vanilla Minecraft experience. We will never add any any plugins, datapacks, or otherwise which fundamentally make the game easier, harder, or different than vanilla. You will never see plugins such as mcMMO, Jobs, NPC's and similar on our server.

In addition, while Dominion does provide a Donator rank, this is purely for players who wish to give back and help fund the server. Donators do not and will not ever receive any benefits beyond a shiny yellow name.


We believe that it is each player's right to know exactly how much money is raised though donations and how it is spent. In the spirit of this transparency, we release monthly updates on all expenses and donations.

We are also completely open about any community issues that may arise such as dismissal of staff, banning of influential players, and integrity changes to how the server functions. During these times, we allow for open discussion and provide insight into any decision making.

Community Voice

We pride ourselves on listening to our community. We welcome comments, critique, and honest opinions. Through that openness, we are able to continuously improve our server and community because of your feedback.

For all major changes or addition to our server, be it a new plugin, settings changes etc., we run a poll where every member of the community gets to cast a vote. Polled content/changes only take effect if the community votes at a majority 75% approval rating.

Playing Together

We founded Dominion on this major principle: Create a space for players to play together, not just be strangers in the same world. To help foster our close community, we run weekly events ranging from one off quick PVP maps to massive large scale build-athons.

For those who prefer more long-term collaboration, we have a dedicated space in our Discord for larger player ran projects such as modern city districts, gaming districts, special mega-farms, and more.

New Content Now

When a new update drops, it can be frustrating to wait for your favorite server to update so that you can enjoy all of the new and exciting content. We purposely run a lightweight, almost-vanilla server so that we can give you that new content as soon as physically possible!

To apply, click HERE

Earth Factions Survival Towny Vanilla

urEarth Minecraft Server Review March 2024

– Creativity: 4.5 – This server offers a unique twist by incorporating real-world politics into the gameplay, creating an immersive and engaging experience for players. The use of an Earth map and diplomacy adds a layer of complexity that sets it apart from other servers.

– Challenge: 3.5 – The server provides a moderate level of challenge with monitored wars and a variety of plugins to keep players on their toes. While not overly difficult, there are still opportunities for players to test their skills and strategize in gameplay.

– Community: 4.0 – The community on urEarth is welcoming and dedicated, with active staff members who provide support 24/7. The friendly atmosphere enhances the overall gaming experience and encourages players to connect with one another.

– Overall Experience: 4.0 – Playing on urEarth offers a refreshing and enjoyable experience for Minecrafters looking for a server that combines creativity, challenge, and a strong sense of community. With unique features like vehicles and a fully functioning economy, players are sure to have a great time exploring and interacting within this dynamic world.

Anarchy Cross-Play Economy Hardcore Mini Games Pvp Survival


New Server!, New Mechanics!, Huge amount of prizes and new things to discover! 24/7 EVENTS – Network, Medieval, Exotic Games, Guaranteed Fun!

Cross-Play Economy Mcmmo Pve Pvp Skyblock


Experience the worlds of KrumbledMC!

An incredible server exclusively for adults aged 18 and above (No Exceptions).

Dive into our multi-world adventure, always up-to-date with the latest Version of Java. Leave behind the hassles of drama as you indulge in a crossplay (Java / Bedrock) worlds crafted just for you.

We have a Resource world that is regularly reset.
The map is large with lots of room to build.
We utilize anti-griefing plugins along with a variety of other plugins to make your game enjoyable and your builds safe.
The plugins we have aren’t meant to take the challenge out of the game, but to add a whole new dynamic to your gaming experience on our server.

Interact with our ChatGPT powered, A.I. NPC’s!



Server IP:

Hello, fellow Minecrafters!

Are you looking for a new SMP survival server to join? Do you want to experience a classic and immersive gameplay with a friendly and active community? If you answered yes, then you should check out Shadedthe best SMP survival server in 2024!

Shaded is a server that offers a lot of features and benefits for its players, such as:

  • Land claiming and grief prevention, to protect your creations and belongings
  • Skills, economy, shops, and auctions, to trade and earn money
  • Ranks, kits, and perks, to enhance your gameplay and show off your status
  • Quests, events, and challenges to keep you entertained and rewarded
  • And much more!

Shaded is also a cross-platform server, which means that you can play with both Java and Bedrock players. The server is updated regularly and has a dedicated staff team that is always ready to help and listen to your feedback.

But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself! Join Shaded today and discover a new way of playing Minecraft survival. All you need to do is copy and paste this IP address into your Minecraft client:

You can also visit our website, discord, and social media for more information and updates:

We hope to see you soon on Shaded! <3

Earth Economy Factions Roleplay Survival Towny

TaipCraft Minecraft Server Review March 2024

– Creativity: 4.5 – TaipCraft offers a unique twist with its combination of building, exploring, making friends, and engaging in wars on a 1:500 scale earth map. It provides players with a variety of activities to keep them entertained and immersed in the game world.

– Challenge: 3.0 – While TaipCraft offers various ways for players to interact and compete, the level of challenge can vary depending on the player’s preferences and the dynamics within the community. Some may find the wars and exploration challenging, while others may seek more difficult tasks.

– Community: 4.0 – The community on TaipCraft is active and diverse, offering players the chance to make new friends and form alliances. The Discord server adds an extra layer of interaction and communication among players, enhancing the sense of community within the server.

– Overall Experience: 4.0 – TaipCraft provides a fun and engaging experience for players looking for a diverse range of activities in Minecraft. With its creativity, community engagement, and unique features, it offers an overall enjoyable gaming experience for players of all skill levels.



Hello and thank you for clicking on our server!
Lavish opened its doors to the public on 03.31.2024!
The server is in active development so things are bound to change! I am working on this project by myself!
We're trying to keep the server restarts to a minimum so that you can stay as active as you'd like to be!
The aim is to bring back real F2P, no paying to get an edge over anyone else!


  • Auto Swap to Best Tool (Turn Off and On Easily)
  • Auto Sorting (Inventory and Chests)
  • SafariNets (Move Mobs Where You'd Like!)
  • McMMO (To Keep Things Fresh and Have Progression!)
  • Custom Jobs (Coming Soon)Player Warps and Player Shop! (Coming Soon!)

Build World

/buildworld is a permanent world to use /claim and build your homes on!

Resource World

/resource is reset every 28 days, and is used for gathering resources!

Check us out!


Cross-Play Economy Oneblock Parkour Roleplay Survival

McCaverns Minecraft Server Review March 2024

– Creativity: 4.5 – McCaverns really brings the creativity with their custom enchants, slimefun, and player-selected difficulty features. Plus, the mix of SMP, Parkour, and OneBlock keeps things interesting and fresh.

– Challenge: 4.0 – The challenges on McCaverns are no joke. From navigating tricky Parkour courses to surviving in the OneBlock world, there’s always something to keep you on your toes.

– Community: 5.0 – The McCaverns community is straight fire! From the friendly players to the active Discord server, you’ll never feel alone on this server. Plus, the staff are super responsive and always willing to help out.

– Overall Experience: 4.5 – McCaverns offers a unique mix of gameplay elements that will keep you coming back for more. With its engaging challenges, creative features, and awesome community, this server is a must-play for any Minecraft fan.

Anarchy Cross-Play Raiding Survival

Rogue Craft

Survival based server with advanced claims and items. Fight strong mobs, level up your skill tree, and become the richest player



Welcome to Solarion SMP

━━━━━━━━━╰┈➤ ❝

━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━

We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the immersive spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base that warmly embraces newcomers. Our objective is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives, making it an ideal home for a wide range of players. Notably, Solarion SMP operates on Java 1.20.4 and extends a warm welcome to protentional members.


Our Vision:


Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the quintessence of the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include:

˚.⁀➷ Drop Heads – Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.

˚.⁀➷ SinglePlayerSleep – Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.

˚.⁀➷ Armor Stand Tools – Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!

˚.⁀➷ DiscordSRV – Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!

˚.⁀➷ Coreprotect – Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.

˚.⁀➷Simple VoiceChat – Allows players to speak in close proximity ingame with each other.

˚.⁀➷ Axgraves – Chest "gravestone" to allow your items to not despawn after a death


»»———–► Community


At Solarion SMP, we heartily welcome players of varied playstyles, catering to diverse preferences within our vibrant and interactive community. Numerous engaging projects and events are continually underway, ensuring that every member remains actively involved.


»»———–► Commitment to The Vanilla Experience


Solarion SMP is steadfast in its commitment to upholding the genuine Vanilla Minecraft experience. Although we integrate some quality-of-life plugins, rest assured that we abstain from incorporating any game-altering features such as teleportation, flight, or virtual currency systems.


»»———–► Application Process:


Joining the Solarion SMP community begins with a comprehensive whitelist process aimed at cultivating a harmonious and inviting player base from the outset. Our approach has yielded a mature, engaging, and delightful community predominantly composed of players aged 18 and above. The whitelist process unfolds as follows:

Familiarize yourself with our server rules before initiating the application process. This ensures alignment with our ethos before integration into our community.

Our application requirements are tailored to reflect a genuine passion for both Minecraft and our community. We seek to understand you better through your application, so while brevity is appreciated, please provide insight into your motivations.

In the event your initial application does not meet our criteria, rest assured that we afford all applicants an opportunity to revise and enhance their submission.

To embark on this journey with us, we invite you to join our Discord platform for seamless access to the application process and to connect with our vibrant community.

╰┈➤ ❝ Join Us Today: Discord

╰┈➤ Our Beautiful Shopping District!

Mcmmo Survival


A classic and popular way to explore, create, and survive new block worlds with friends or strangers, right here in the Pizza SMP!


Davidscloud Servers

About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come.

Player Protection: Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players start off with 2,000 blocks they can claim, and accrue 120 every hour of playtime. These claims cannot be destroyed or built upon by anyone other than the Owner of the claim, or Trusted players. Plus your pets are also protected in the same fashion! If for some reason there's ever a problem, our Admin team will investigate and assist whenever necessary.

Quality-of-Life: With us focusing on your security, you can focus on enjoying the features on our server that add to your survival chances should you choose to use them, completely free without pay-to-win! Such as our banking system that gives interest for every hour you play. This lets you save up some cash to spend at the Market set up at the Survival Spawn, where our new Merchants offer a small variety of goods, like fish, potions, wood, and other miscellaneous goodies you might be looking for.

Multiple Worlds: Bit bored traveling over the same old Minecraft landscape? Our server isn't just the one traditional Survival world, it's actually linked to another realm giving you more to explore! Find Zedmun at the Survival Spawn for the opportunity to be transported to our new Amplified World! Added in 1.18, it has all of the new caves and cliffs you could want with the added craziness of being amplified. Additionally, we're working on adding an Event World and a Creative Plot World that would be accessed via our Hub so you will have even more places to enjoy. We would love to see you here when they launch!

Another Tidbit: Curious why Java and Bedrock were in the same title? Simple, that's because our server now allows cross-play between the Bedrock and Java versions! Anyone can play on our servers regardless of if they play on console or PC, provided they have a paid Java account of course. That means you get to play with friends you might not of been able to before due to platform restrictions! Plus, with more people able to play on our servers the more fun can be had by all as our community grows. So we are looking forward to seeing you and your friends join us at Davidscloud!

Got questions? Join our Discord to learn whatever you might like to know about our Minecraft servers such as commands, admin support, community rules, and more.​

Vanilla (Latest Version) IP: Bedrock Crossplay Port: 19132.

For connection tutorial, visit:

Economy Factions Lifesteal Mini Games Pvp Skyblock Survival

Minefort Minecraft Server Review March 2024

Creativity: 4.5 – Minefort definitely offers a lot of creative freedom with their full FTP access and ability to use any plugins. It’s like having a blank canvas to build your dream server on.

Challenge: 3.0 – While the platform itself doesn’t offer much in terms of challenge, the real challenge lies in creating and managing your own server. It can be tough work, but also rewarding.

Community: 4.0 – The community on Minefort is pretty active and engaging. There are always people around to play with or get help from, which adds to the overall experience.

Overall Experience: 4.0 – Minefort is a great platform for Minecrafters looking to take their gaming experience to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone here. Plus, the ability to create your own server adds a whole new level of fun and creativity to the game. Minefort gets a solid 4.0 in my book.

Bedwars Earth Mcmmo Survival Towny Vanilla Whitelist

FrogPond SMP

Welcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!

Anarchy Cross-Play Earth Economy Kitpvp Pvp Survival

Anarchy ArtixMC

Anarchy server, no rules play freedom


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!