Action Actions Active Allowed Ass Bran Brand Cheap Class Cool Day Dungeon Dungeons Erver Fac Faction Factions Geo Grief Griefing Job Jobs Join King New Open Ops Ran Rank Ranking Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Today

Team Nexus

Brand new server just opened!
Griefing allowed, Factions, Jobs, Dungeons, Ranking system, Cheap shops, Cool Spawn,
Join Team Nexus today!

Action Ass Ations Block Build Building Class Cloud Com Craft Current Dom Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Ill Ita King Kingdom Kit Lobby Need New Open Play Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Staff Style Survival This


GolemCraft Cloud
We have a:
– Lobby Server
– Factions Server
– Skyblock Server
– Kingdom Server
– Kit-Pvp Server
– Survival Server

We still need staff, and our solicitations are open, this is our site at THIS moment:
Our new site is currently in building


Action Actions Active Arena Arenas Ass Bar Class Com Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Free Fun Grief Join Mob Moba Mobarena Mobarenas People Pvp Pvparea Pvpareans Raft Ree Rps Server Survival Multiplayer War Warp Warps


ConvoCraft Factions PvP server with lots of fun warps such as MobArenas PvPAreans and more. Come Join ConvoCraft as it is free and you are aloud to grief people.

Active America Ass Aus Australia Best Cat Class Craft Date Ect Erver Everything Grief Griefing Help Inecraft Mad Mine Minecraft Mon New Pro Protect Protection Pvp Run Rvival Server Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Update Updated Way

Mad Monkey Minecraft.

Mad Monkey Minecraft is a new, constantly updated server! It runs Survival, with PvP and Griefing aloud if protection is not set. If we don’t have something, tell us! Our Operating team is always there to help anybody!! We hope to keep everything at its best!! Oh, and also, Mad Monkey Minecraft runs 24/7 so you can access whenever YOU want! Our server is located in Philadelphia, America, but most staff are in Australia.

Adventure Bar Citizens Class Custom Dark Denizen Dragon Dragons Enchantments End Essentials Fac Faction Factions Game Guard Ill Map Mcmmo Minigame Mmo Nether Nocheat Owner Plugin Plugins Real Realm Rol Sky Spawn Survival Terrain Vanilla Venture World Worldguard

Ancient Realms

– Bloodmoon
– DarkHorse
– Citizens
– Custom Enchantments
– Denizen
– Essentials
– Factions
– HealthBar
– HerobrineAI
– mcMMO
– MyWorlds
– NoCheatPlus
– Sentry
– TerrainControl
– WorldGuard

– Main World ( Adventure Maps & Spawn )
– DunegonWorld ( Minigame World )
– Custom Survival ( Skyrim Like World )
– Regular Survival ( 1.7.2 Vanilla + Dragons )
– Nether
– End

– NLBlackEagle
– NLBlackHeavenNL


Action Active Age Ages Ass Build Clan Clans Class Com Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Free Ill Lag Mall Mature One Ops Play Player Pve Pvp Server Shop Shops Small Survival Multiplayer This Village

We Build Crap

A free small quiet, mature, pve & pvp server. This is a free build server no factions or clans. you can build in avaliable villages or be a loner. We have an economy with server and player shops avaliable.

Active Ban Bans Build Cat Class Community Craft Creative Default Easy Eco Emo Game Has Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Multi New Play Player Players Rights Server Sign Spawn Staff Star Survival Survival Multiplayer Time Tutorial

Official MCBans Server


McBans Minecraft Survival Server:

The McBans Minecraft Server is now officially back up and running and under new management (Run By: MCBans Staff member SP_S6). The server has gone from Creative to Survival to give Players a more memorable time and game play within the McBans Server Community.

Getting Started:

To begin load your Minecraft Launcher, next go to the Multi Player area and select add new. Now enter into the description: McBans, then where it says IP, Enter:
Now that your on the server you will spawn at the default location: Server Spawn Area.
Cords: x: -7.50000, y: 65.000, z: -287.50000. This is the default spawn location for the server. Now follow the sign to the tutorial to become a Player and get build rights on the server. (HINT: It’s Easy!)

Action Active Ass Class Erver Fac Fact Faction Faction Pvp Gaming Hack Hacks Hard Lmao Ming Pvp Rule Rules Server Survival Multiplayer

Hack Shard Gaming

Rules- go to server. Faction Pvp server!

Active Art Ass Class Com Community Craft Dcraft Diamond Eam Erver Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mmu Mon Nen Ommunity Premium Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Tea Team War

Diamondcraftserver 24/7

Wenn ihr einen kleinen 24/7-Minecraft-Premium-Server sucht, seit ihr hier richtig. Epische Bauwerke und eine nette Community wartet auf euch!

Schaut doch mal Vorbei!

Das Serverteam

Action Art Ass Awsome Class Com Community Craft Create End Enjin Erver Event Fac Faction Factions Hey Hub Join King Link Looking Noop Open Play Player Players Pvp Red Server Stable Star Start Style THC Vote


We Started off like you, The players. We searched and searched for days on end looking for a stable and awsome Factions community to join. We tried Mythcraft, Reds Pvp, etc. Eventually, we figured Hey, We bet that we could create our own server. A month later, Here we are. We are the OPTIMAL
“Vote voor OptimalPVP ” (Link: )


Active Awesome Class Community Creative Donator Eco Econ Economy Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Forge Free Game Great Join King Lit Mod Money Network Plugin Plugins Prison Rank Ranks Server Servers Sky Skywars Survival Unique War Wars

The Storms Network

The Storm’s Network is the community server you’ve always been looking for. Not only do we offer Creative, Factions and Skywars modes, we also offer an unforgettable experience om our Survival server, as well as a unique take on Prison.

Besides all the other awesomeness, we’re known for a unique set of features, including, but not limited to:
– A global economy system (= Same money across all servers)
– Both free (in-game) and purchasable (donator) ranks!
– A great selection of plugins to please your stay

So, what do you think? Are you looking for a server with a community, quality, variety and dedication? Don’t hesitate to join us!

Abilities Active Boss Build Challenge Challenges Class Creative Custom Dragon Eco Econ Economy End Fac Faction Friendly Games Join Land Mini Games Mob Mobs Nether Parkour Play Player Players Plot Plotworld Protection Pvp Server Shop Shops Survival World


Friendly server offering something for everyone since 2012.
Land protection, economy, purchasable abilities, shops. The nether. Slay the dragon in the End, fight custom boss mobs, fight other players, make a faction in PVP World. Build massive art structures in Creative World or Plotworld, or play one of many Games and Parkour challenges.

Come join us now!

Active Admin Amazing Cities City Custom Event Factions Fantasy Going Hard Hardcore History Knight Land Map Medieval Need New Noble Normal Play Player Pvp Quest Raiding Rank Rol Roleplay Server Servers Story Survival Swamp Unique War Wars Who World

Medieval Unlimited

Welcome to Medieval Unlimited’s Server Page!
Here you will find everything you need to know about the server. This server has gone through A LOT in the past year of it being up. If anyone knows how to prevent chunk errors can you tell me please. The server is set in 1216 C.E, England. Its taken place a year after King John tried to take back England with an army of Danish mercenaries, he got close, he struggled mostly with capturing Rochester Castle. luckily the French came and sent King John and his army on the run, with a new French King.. After that happened it kinda gets off of history into its own Fantasy world, that’s where Terrowin and all the other stuff fits into the server. This server is very strict in wars with what happens and what items u can use, only if its a “Official” city though. The server has a massive custom map made by me. The map is 82,591,744 blocks squared. The mining on that map is expecially hard. The chance of finding diamonds 1/100. So if you see a Normal player walking around with diamond, Call an Admin to come question him. The server has greatly detailed mountains and Trees. (Tree credit to Lentebriesje, For his amazing Tree Repository).. The map has towering mountains to deep and muddy swamps. It also has a Tropic area and a Mesa area. I’v been working on adding some African type areas, and Savannah’s.. Enough about the map, Lets talk more about the diverse Cities.
So far there is one city, Terrowin. This is the main and largest city in the whole map. (Unless some one makes a bigger one XD). Terrowin is controlled by the Knight’s Templar. They are the most Noble members of the city. The city has a unique ranking system aside from the Servers ranking system, it has two ranking systems all under one ranking system and they all intertwine in ways.
They reason the server has cities, wars and Roleplay aside from the Survival PVP aspect is because its so you can get more involved in whats going on.

Arena Bar Build Builder Class Creative Eco Edit Essentials Fac Faction Factions Game Gamers Games Great Ill Minigame Minigames Mob Mobarena Multi Noop Open Parkour Play Plot Plots Server Spleef Survival Twitch Vanilla Who World Worldedit Youtube


We are themultidutchgamers. Come check out our server.
We are recording YouTube and Twitch on this server and it could be with you…

We are offering you.

Factions survival with essentials.
Vanilla survival
(All survivals are we keeping up-to-date)

Hide and seek
And more coming soon…..

We are using plots for creative
But if you are a great builder we offer you a whole flat world with WORLDEDIT…


Ace Active Admin Admins Cat Class Community Craft Create Creative Dedi Dedicated Economy Emo End Features Friendly Game Gamemode Help Join Mini Games Mod Network New Online Peace Peaceful Peacefulcraft Plot Plots Pve Riendly Server Servers Survival Tea Team

Peaceful craft

PeacefulCraft first came online in October of 2012. Over the years we’ve expanded our gamemode selection and currently host PvE, Peaceful, and Creative Plots servers. Our friendly and dedicated moderation team is always around to help while our network admins continue to develop new game modes and features to grow our community. We strive to create a positive, friendly community and hope you decide to join us.

Action Actions Active Ark Ass Class Conomy Craft Dcraft Erver Event Events Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Iconomy Join New Ops Park Parkour Pvp Raft Server Shop Shops Survival Multiplayer World Worldcraft

WorldCraft PvP Faction

We are a new faction pvp server. We have iconomy, factions,shops, pvp,events,parkour and alot of more fun. Join us now —->

Arena Arenas Class Community CTF Custom Donator Eco Econ Economy End Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Friendly Fun Great Home Homes Join Mcmmo Mmo Noop Open Perks Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Server Special Spleef Teleportation Tpa Website


InertiaRealm brings you a friendly community along with many great features that enhance your PVP experience. Full on raid and pvp. Donators also get special perks.
Join us today to have some fun. Visit our website for more information ( or join our server at

Our features includes:
– Horn of Plenties (custom plugin.)
– Factions
– Obsidian Destroyer
– Economy
– Battle Arenas
– Spleef
– Portable Horse Plugin
– Friendly community
– Comes with multiple set homes (2 or more)
– Teleportation for all Members (tpa)
+ More.


Active Allowed Ats Based Cat Class Craft Currency Dedicated Fac Faction Factions Free Game Grief Ill Inecraft Kill Land Lands Mine Minecraft Multiverse Open Plot Plotme Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Skills Sky Skylands Survival Survival Multiplayer Tech World


OPEN WORLD! PVP-FACTION BASED! grieffing is allowed
scoreboard stats
40 + Plugins
Dedicated i7 Machine
100 Slots!
Multiverse worlds:
Plotme, Skylands, Survival

Free Minecraft Servers too! Get yours today with TechCash game currency

Active Air Chest Class Craft Crafting Duck Ducks Eco Fair Fun Game Gameplay Has Ill Infinite Invite Job Jobs Join Money Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Red Residence Server Shop Spawn Star Start Survival Multiplayer Sword

Infinite Crafting

We invite you to join us in Infinite-Crafting. We got many plugins that will provide the players a fair and fun gameplay.

Between all the plugins the server has we have:
– authme (to protect your account)
– redprotect (to protect your residence, chests, etc..)
– jobs (to give players a way to get money)
– duckshop (to give players a shop)


How to start?
You will appear on the spawn area, the first thing you want to do is register, using the following format:
“/register [password] [confirm password]”

Example: /register ilikecookies ilikecookies

Active Battle Class Community Craft Currency End Fac Faction Factions Fly Free Friends Game Games Hub Inecraft Item Items Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mini Games Plot Prison Pro Protection Pvp Raiding Safe Server Servers Survival Games Tnt War Wars


WitherHUB isn’t only a Minecraft Server, it’s a Community built for friends. Interact with one another, send mail, currency and items. All in the protection of your own safe plot! Mini-Games in every corner. Express yourself and enjoy Free Fly every Friday.

Our servers:

1) Mini-Games
2) Factions
3) KitPvP
4) Prison
5) TNTWars
6) BattleField
7) The Bridges
8) One in the chamber

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Top Minecraft Servers Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!