24h Allowed Ass Class Com Dedi Dom Edit End Enjin Erver Follow Free Freedom New Noop Open Play Player Players Playing Plot Plotme Rat Ree Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer World Worldedit

CheaseMC WorldEdit

CheaseMC WorldEdit is a new server opend to allow players to have more freedom when playing on a crative server or plotme world, we allow players to have 1 server but if you play over 24H you are allowed 2 servers.


Active Ass Best Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Survival Server Class Craft Erver Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Raft Rvival Server Smp Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer

Crafted SMP Survival

Best minecraft survival server ever!

Active Ages Cars Chat Class Community Craft Deathchest Eco Econ Economy End Enjin Event Friendly Game Games Great Grief Griefing Griefprevention Mca Minigame Minigames New Noop Open Play Player Players Prevention Pvp Server Sky Sorting Store Survival Website

SkyArch Rebirth

SkyArch Rebirth is a completely new server made to last. We have a friendly community that gets along great with players of all ages. There is a lot to do on here and though we are just startingup a new server, we are open to new ideas as well as improving what we already have. Check out what we have in store for you:

– MiniGames
– GriefPrevention
– Cars
– Interactive Chat
– FastCraft
– Economy
– Auto sorting chest system

No Griefing

Also take a look at our website.
No Griefing

Also take a look at our website.


Active Ass Blo Block Build City Class Com Creative Eat Flat Game Games Hgames Land Limits Mansion Rise Sit Sur Surprise Survival Multiplayer Vis You


Come visit our city! Surprises abound in each city block. Want to build your own mansion? Go outside the city limits in no-mans land and have a blast!

Arenas Ban Best Build Building Challenge Challenges Cities City Create Custom Discord Dungeons Eco End Event Events Force Fun Games Grind Lore Map New Npcs Open Play Player Raid Raids Resources Server Servers Shop Shops Title Town Towns Wns

Gold Pixelmon


– Custom Map – Player Gyms – Battle Frontier – Weekly Events –

What we offer:
The Narrow Band Pixelmon server offers a large map to explore, multiple challenges, gyms, easter eggs, and a ton of fun tournaments and events hosted weekly! Grind your way to become the servers master trainer, challenge the Elite 4, and beat the reigning Champion!
The map is custom-built, and spans over 1.5k blocks in length and width, and is being expanded every day by our own build team. Journey through massive cities, nuclear fallout, fairy forests, and sketchy back alleys to become the ultimate pokemon trainer and challenge the pokemon league!

Gyms and Events:
We also currently have two gym leader positions open to the players! Player gym leaders serve as challenges to server players and other gym leaders on their road to challenging the pokemon league.
– Tournaments Every Week
– Trivia nights
– City Raids
– Building Competitions

Teams and Towns:
Players can create their own, official, pokemon teams! Players can choose between any generation of pokemon’s evil teams, or join the police force, choose wisely because your team can help you out in events, create custom shops, and participate in raids!
Players can also found their own towns, where multiple players live together, as your town levels up you gain access to shops, arenas, and other resources.

Participate in massive raids across entire cities! Players participating in a raid can get together with their team to find and take down as many npc trainers as they can, all without the option to heal or leave. You also are competing against other teams, so the number of npcs is limited, the team with the most points wins in the end (This is also as a rivalry between teams).

Dungeons & The Battle Tower:
Go through Mystery Dungeons to get rare loot, battle fierce trainers, and end up at the ultimate prize, the Arceus Chalice! These dungeons change frequently and are planned to have expansion floors for players to explore!
Or go to the Battle Tower to fight ex-gym leaders, champions from the pokemon games, old players, and player-submitted teams to earn BP and take your team to new heights! Players can also submit teams for review to be put in the battle tower! Many of the teams are made by high level players (and executed by low-level bots) to give the best learning experience around!

100 Active Army Ass Class Diamond End Ender Erver Free Greif Mon Raid Ree Rvival Server Smp Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Vote

Enderarmy Survival.

Survival SMP no greif/raid and Vote for the server for Three free Diamond! and $100!

260 Action Actions Ass Buy Buycraft Class Craft Ect End Fac Faction Factions Follow Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Noop Open Pro Project Raft Style Vendetta

Project Vendetta

Wij van Project Vendetta proberen een nieuw idee te geven aan het begrip Minecraft. Tot nu toe alleen nog maar Factions, maar wij zullen dit uitbreiden en zo proberen uniek te worden.

Join nu.


Ace Active Ass Build City Citybuild Class Com Community Counter Counterstrike Craft Crafter Erver Flan Flans Fly Ice Join Mini Games Mod Network Nice Ommunity Place Pvp Roleplay Sea Server Servernetwork Strike Survival Ter Time Two Vanilla

PvPCrafter Servernetwork

You are searching for an server with an nice community?

Then you are at the right place.

You can chose between Flans Mod, Counterstrike, Citybuild an much more!

Its time to join:


Ass Class Com Craft Die Erver Fac Follow Inecraft Ken Lang Leplay Lit Lite Make Mcp Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Raft Rol Role Roleplay Roleplay Server Rpg Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer Ten

JPR Craft

JPR Craft is een van de weinigen RPG Servers (Roleplay Server) op Minecraft die er zijn. Op onze server kan je gebruik maken van veel faciliteiten die je in het echt ook tegen komt. Wij zijn ook een 24 7 Server dat houd in van dat de server nooit dicht is. Wij zijn een hele gezellige en leuke server met veel dingen om te doen dus je zult je nooit vervelen. Kom is een keer langs op JPR Craft.


Active Adult Ass Aves Better Chest Chestshop Chestshops Class Com Community Conomy Creative Dangerouscaves Economy Edit Enjoy Epic Erver Gaming Home Iconomy Ill Kill Mall Ming Mob Mobs Ops Plugin Plugins Scale Server Shop Shops Small Survival

XeGaming Home Edition

Epic Community Small Scale Server.

Adult owned and operated, many
plugins for your enjoyment!

BetterSleep, and more!

Active Ass Capture Class Craft Dcraft Eam Erver Flag Fortress Game Games Inecraft Lag Mario Mine Minecraft Play Rvival Server Sit Site Super Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Tea Team This Website


this is a minecraft server where you can play survival games super mario team fortress capture the flag and many more check out the website and server.

Action Active Age Ass Blue Class End Erver Fac Faction Hack Ken Kit Nick Nks Ores Owner Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rat Ring Server Skri Survival Multiplayer Tag Top Vip


Hej Alle jer der ude dette er bluedog owner hvores server er 24/7 det er faction/pvp vi gør virkelig meget for serveren der er omkring 60/70 inde på server hver dag så det er ikke en server der ikke er kendt der er nogle ranks man kan få gratis det er vip/vip+ vip kan /hat /top /invsee men kan ikke tage ting og kan også kit vip hvor vip+ kan det samme men kan lave nick med farve og skrive med farve og meget mere man må ikke spørger om op ingen form for hack ikke noget spam ikke reklamere også videre vi har en intro til serveren i kan se den here et sted vi ses der inde BYE Hilsen bluedog

Active Air Cat Cheat Class Com Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Enviro Environment Erver Fair Family Forums Gaming Grief Griefing Heat Help House Ming Mod Mods Nature Network One Pro Register Rvival Server Servers Ship Smp Stable Survival

WolfCraft Gaming Network

We’re a laid back SMP community with with a family feel. All of our servers are available to all members. Plenty of room to roam!

Our servers are available 24/7 and are running on our very own dedicated servers in-house!! We have a comfortable, and stable environment for our membership. Survival in nature. We do not tolerate griefing! And we do not approve of client side mods that help cheat. We strive to keep it fair for everyone on all of our servers!

Server IP:

You can check out, and register on our Forums at:

We also have our own dedicated Ventrilo server!

119 9.2 Active Age Ass Cell Class Cod Com Craft Enjin Erver Exp Experience Game Has Home Host Hosted Inecraft Join Lag Limited Mine Minecraft Paper Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Sydney Time Ves Vis Voting


For Limited Time Only! Recieve 15% Off Any Purchase You Do In Game CODE: voting (Exp: 15-5-2013)

Active Arena Arenas Awesome Build Building Class Cool Cracked Craft Donate Donator Free Game Good Guns Inecraft Join Kill Kit Kitpvp Kits Mine Minecraft Mission Mmo Money New Old Pvp Rank Ranks Rifle Server Sign Spawn Special Survival Multiplayer Vote Who


Guys you loved PvP in Minecraft right? Well This server is perfect for you, this server is called AL99 KitPvP,
then why kit PvP because you will choose a kit then fight. We have all a total of 20 different types of awesome kits. When your starter in this server, your rank is Level_1 and you can only access 3 kits in level one, as you go up, example in Level 4 you unlock more Kits, the max level is level 15 which unlocks all 20 awesome kits. And how to rank up you may ask? Each kill will gives you $50 in game money and use that to rank up to the next level until level 15. So Just be active and and good at PvP in this server, then you will get Level 15 in 1 day only, I swear. We are currently adding new Kits and ranks by now. We have also beautifully built PvP Arenas, one is in near the spawn and one is separated from spawn but they are both connected. Special thanks to JohnBarry99 and ThereseJoy which is very good at designing and building PvP Arenas. We have also an Audience Arena which you can see whos Fighting and having some relaxation there. We have more cool features in this server like GUNS. You can buy guns by In Game Money, non-donator guns is composed of 5 guns which is SNIPER, SHOTGUN, GRENADE, BEAM RIFLE and AK-47. There is also free guns and Pops every 5 minutes. You can also get your INTEREST every 1 hour. 1 hour = $1000 in game money. You can also vote to have $300 in game money, Golden and God apples, ASSAULT RIFLE 32 ammo and 10 Firebomb. Donate to have awesome permissions and kits and be able to buy awesome guns. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?JOIN NOW.


Action Age Arena Ass Block Call Class Com Daily Eco Econ Erver Fac Faction Factions Free Fun Has Kit Kitpvp Kits Love Lover Lovers Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Ree Server Sky Skyblock Stand Standard Style Welcome


Welcome to our page of our server.

The server is called GyFa PVP.

We have A massive KITPVP arena With 2 Kits free to use.
The first kit is a standard kit.
the second kit is a daily kit: can be used every 4 hour.

Our server has also factions raiding/pvp.

We have for the skyblock lovers also a skyblock plugin.

Have fun.


Ace Active Ass Ava Class Craft Erver Fun Join Lab Lmao Mod New Raft Server Space Survival Multiplayer Vip


Fun new server with VIP and Mod spaces available!!!!
Join now

Adventure Anything Class Craft Custom Enjoy Fun Game Games Great Inecraft Invite Join Lag Lit Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games New Play Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Ram Real Rvival Server Slots Star Style Survival This Unique Venture

Victus Craft – Survival – PVP

Hello there fellow minecrafter .

We invite you to start a brand new adventure in our very unique server : Victus Craft.
In VictusCraft, you can litereally do anything .

-Do you like PVP? Great.
-Do you like survival? Great.
-Do you enjoy playing mini-games? GREAT.
In our server, you can all of this .

Currently, we run our server with 32gb of RAM, and we have 100 slots. Therefore, you can be sure there wont have any lag.

We currently have many fun plugins and even some custom ones . What are you waiting for? Come join us now. IP:


Ass Bal Blo Block Class Craft Creative Eat Erver Game Games Inecraft Lets Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Pain Paint Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


Een minecraft server met : Survival | Creative | Skyblock | Minigames | Paintbal | PVP | and more..
Lets check it out.


Action Actions Active Ass Class Com Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Fac Faction Factions Grief Griefing Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Plot Plots Pro Protect Protected Pvp Raft Survival Multiplayer

Magnum Minecraft: 24/7 Bu

Come and join for Factions, PVP, Griefing, Protected Plots, Economy, and much more!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Survival Worlds Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!