Breeding Collecting Furnace Increased Kingdomsmp Ladder Mcmmosurvival Msmp Parrot Scoreboard Shards Smp Survival Unlocks Waves

KingdomSMP | 1.18 | Mcmmo | Grief Protection | Friendly Community | Quests | Marriage | Economy | Staff Needed

Small Vanilla SMP Looking For Staff And Members.

Free Ranks, lots of goodies!

Custom Items:
We have custom items which don’t take away from the Vanilla Experience, Egg shards, Crystal Shards, they all can be gained without Donating free of charge!

Free Ranks:
Get Amazing Rewards from simply putting your name into a vote site and support us for FREE!
There more then 6, yes 6! Vote Ranks, which come with Keys, Experience towards your Server Level, Claim Blocks and MUCH MORE!

Automatic Farms:
Simply place the End Rod Automatic Farms and watch it do the work, from collecting crops, to killing and breeding your animals. Combine this with a Hopper, it’ll keep on going filling chests!

Advanced Hoppers:
Level your Hoppers, link them to chests, Auto sell your Mob Grinder Loot, Auto sell Your Automatic Farms Crops!
The possibilities is endless!

Advanced Furnaces:
Advanced Furnaces gives your vanilla Furnaces a EPIC Boost! More Ingots, Increased Speed, Wireless uses!

Advanced Spawners:
Spawners are a special thing, combine them together, boost them for more Monster Spawning!
Silk Touch 2 is required to mine Spawners get it from the Vote Token Vendor!

Server Level:
Your Server Level is displayed in the Tab scoreboard along with a experience bar. Your Level is also displayed next to your name for everyone to see.
You can gain experience from absolute anything, Voting, Opening Crates, Fighting in the Mob Arenas, Donating and Completing Quests!

Leveling up also unlocks Rewards at the Parrot at spawn, we are constantly adding new Rewards for Leveling up!

Climb the level ladder and gain some amazing goodies!

There is a large Variety of Quests where you can get amazing rewards and experience towards your Overal Level, Quests also give you something a little bit different from the Vanilla Minecraft Experience.
There are more and more Quests Being Added Weekly!

Mob Arena:
Have the challenge of defeating wave after wave of Monsters with premade classes, and gain Experience towards your Server Level get Egg Shards, Crystal Shards from Destroying Waves!

Come Join The Community Today And Have Fun!

Atapacks Datapack Datapacks Decides Discord Hybrid Irl Kcc Nick Normal Normalsurvival Nowhitelist Smp Survival Weird

Hybrid craft smp

bored of minecraft servers with so many datapacks/plugins.
bored of minecraft servers with all kinds of different twist.
bored of minecraft servers where you need to buy ranks or boxes with irl money.
then is this a great server for you.
with this server you are the one who decides what choices are made
and for the rest is it just a normal server
these days it’s so hard to just find normal minecraft server/smp
no whitelist, no weird spawn, no pay to win,
just survival

advice is more than welcome

Bank Brazil Cash Economy Factions Fishing Hardcore Machines Mcmmo Mini Games Plant Pvp Rankup Op Survival Warz


The best RankUP OP server in Brazil, come check it out for yourself!


1.19 1.6 Griefing High School Insta Killing Mods No Mods Rts Steal Stealing Survival Tall Totem Whitelisted

Totem junior high school

a fun life steal server:) where you can make new friends and have a fun time. there are no mods you need to install its always on hard mode and is is a anarchy server so stealing, killing and griefing is allowed. i hope all of the people have a fun time. (btw if u want to join firts join the discord to be whitelisted) have a fun time! 🙂 the discord link

Economy Factions Invite Meg Mega Nen Nft P2e Public Pve Pvp Survival Testing Twitter Vanilla

MegaMine NFT

MegaMine is an NFT-powered, P2E Factions / PVP Server!
Open to the public for beta-testing! Invite your friends!

Follow us on Twitter for updates: @megamineNFT

Cloud Daily Farm Farm2win Helpful Kitpvp Power Powerful Pvp Sea Season Seasonal Team Pvp Weapon Weapons


Welcome To CloudWars

Our server includes:
A fun pvp system
cool and powerful weapons
Seasonal Crates
Fun & Daily Events

Ages Dates Days Eng English German Going Hey Lang Nline Pve Pvp Support Survival Updates


Hey what’s going on? Are you up for some fun? Then join this server. Languages: German, English. Hey what’s going on? Are you up for some fun? Then join this server. Languages: German, English. EVENT ON YT: NikEms UPDATES ON SERVER: EVERY 3 DAYS 24/7 ONLINE-24/7 Support on Discord

Cheap Competitive Factions Hardcore Hcf Kitpvp Mpet Need Staff Partner Partners Pot Potpvp Pve Pvp Survival


HCF | PARTNERS | *NEW* | Cheap Store | Good Staff | Need Staff | Hardcore-Factions

RatioMc is a PotPvP / Competitive HCF Server. We are very community driven meaning you can give us suggestions we will most likely add!

1.19 130 2022 570 Blue Bluemap Expansion Greatest Lives Minecraft Live Minecrafter Minecrafters New Map Survival Vanilla

G.O.A.T. minecraft Server

**Who/What is G.O.A.T Minecraft Server**
We are a group of long-time Minecrafters on a quest to be the Greatest Of All Time. We are highly inspired to have the Vanilla experience, and want a world where we can all be free and comfortable to live our Minecraft lives together, and build things worth showing off to the world.
Season 4 started 28-01-2022
New map for 1.18
Periodic world border expansions
Hard difficulty
Immature behavior will not be tolerated
Bluemap (3D online map)

Brit British Chill Comments Community Creations Creative Happy Hermitcraft Isle Limits Private Smp Vanilla Whitelisted

The Chill NW SMP

Hello, I invite you to The Chill NW SMP (which can be abbreviated to the CNS)!
My name is Nick and I offer you the chance to join this vanilla survival server even if you may not play often.
This server is not for any messers, but relaxation & fun is highly encouraged..
As is the case with any other server, there is a list of important rules to be followed:

Rule 1: Treat other discord users and players alongside their constructive in-game activity with respect (as you expect to be treated).
Rule 2: Harassment cannot be tolerated; disagreements are normal but severe (or repetitive) negative comments will be cracked down upon.
Rule 3: Try to try and relax and have fun sometimes if not always!

The rules listed are subject to change.
Please know that these rules apply to the Discord server as well. In the game, they cover a general variety of activities including lag-inducing creations/activities and unwarranted griefing, stealing, killing, or harmful behaviour. Be honest. Do not impersonate another person and share misleading information.

If in doubt about whether something is against these rules, please ask me and I’ll be happy to help. I’m British and my time zone is UTC. Hence, response times may vary within limits.

Invitation: Click here to join the Discord server and apply

Actu Actually City Creative Dating Different Leplay Plot Plots Role Roleplay Roleplaying Survival Voice Wild


LustCraft is a dating / roleplaying server. We have an active community of people that want to hang out and have conversations with you. We have multiple different server game modes such as Roleplay in the city, Survival in the wild, and Plots for the creative users that can actually build. We also have a discord if you’re into getting your voice chat on! So what are you waiting for join lustcraft today!

Auto Hank Hanks Lec Mission Missions Nam Name Nks Port Put Sin Support Survival Thanks

Survival Server

This server is a Survival Server This server has missions. and more can come later, you can support us by joining our server, thanks in advance 😀

Change Chats Commands Essential Global Hats Local No hacking Nocheat Nodupe Smp Space Survival Useful Vanilla


We are a Minecraft server featuring a low-change vanilla experience. With some useful features to keep it more comfortable for the player. With active updates(the server is always running the latest version of minecraft) and some essential plugins it provides clean minecraft experience.
Useful Features:
– Commands /home and /spawn

– Global and local chats

– Anti-cheat protection

Other aspects of the game are intact.
– No hacking

Not anarchy!!!

000 300 3000 Ass Axe Center Class Count Description Has Owner Script Survival Multiplayer This World

AxWorld server Minecraft

AxeWorld server owner hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.18 201 Auto First Floo Mods Players Restart Run Running Sin Soon Star Start Survival


just rest this world get in on the ground floor has bin running since 2017 runs 24/7 but first restart for 1.18.1 and more mods for players coming soon and more info

Creative Economy Grand Griefprevention Llamacraft Mcmmo Minecraft Version Minigames Pvp Resets Resource Smp Survival Tebex Upcoming

BahamaLLama Craft [1.18.1] [Worlds: SMP, PVP, Resource] [MCMMO, Economy, Ranks, Grief Protection]


Welcome to BahamaLlama Craft!
Running on Minecraft Version 1.18.1

* SMP world | Land claims available
* Resource world | Resets weekly
* PVP world | Separate Inventories
* Economy
* Friendly staff
* Vote for Upcoming worlds on our Discord server
* Fun events and mini games planned

Join us now!

support us here:
our discord:

Antigrief Auctions Building Community Custom Discord Economy Essentials Events Griefprevention Griefprotection Java Javaedition Jobsreborn Kits Landclaim Lockette Mobarena Mobboss Mobbosses Mobs Online Parkour Pvp Quest Quests Ranks Ranksystem Rankup Rules Smp Survival Unique Vault Vote Voterewards Votifier Xraydisabled Youtubers Zombies


About the server:
DRGSurvival is a Minecraft SMP survival server with protection from griefing/griefers. We have multiple features for Minecraft players to take advantage of. These features include the common jobs, quests, rankups, land claiming/protection, mobarena and balanced economy. We also have custom and unique features like lucky mining [​slight chance to level up the enchants of your items]ability to ride any animal or mob, a voting shop that allows you to buy perks such as protection from fire and lava damage, as well as a lot more.

We are a survival server with “Normal” difficulty. We provide grief protection to our players through the form of a command; /claim. You can add friends to your claims with /lands trust . We also have ranks that you can grind and gain new perks, kits and commands as rewards for ranking up. Anyone can use SilkTouch to mine spawners. There are several events that we have listed below that run regularly.

Our community:
Our community may be small but it is mature and laidback. We try to go easy on our rules and punishments but we will not tolerate players who are only looking to troll, advertise or harass our players. Freedom of expression is something we strongly believe you should be allowed especially with how sensitive the world is becoming towards jokes, insults and whatever crybaby nonsense. DRGSurvival is a server that tries to take away the outside world so you have somewhere to just relax, so please do not bring politics and other stressful crap onto our server.

Staff members:
We have a few staff members but we are looking for more to add to our server. We are trying to recruit members with a decent knowledge of Minecraft, knowledge of running Spigot based servers [​including plugins]knowledge of plugin usage and who are genuinely invested in our server.

Feedback and improvements:
Lastly, we are constantly looking for feedback and suggestions. If you join our server and do not like something, let us know, we’ll do our best to change/fix/improve it. The owner [​me] is active on a daily basis and constantly trying to improve the server and it’s quality.

Rules: We’re pretty lax when it comes to rules but please abide by the following:
Swearing is allowed but please keep it within reason.
Spamming is annoying so please don’t do it.
Do not impersonate staff members or pretend to be one.
Don’t advertise.
Don’t threaten malicious/common afterschool activities such as doxing, ddos, suicide, etc.
Mods are allowed as long as they do not give you an unfair advantage [?KillAura, Aimbot, etc. are bannable.]
Do not grief, we will roll it back and you will be banned.

Recruiting Helpers/Moderators/Administrators here:

Social links:
Twitch Streamers:

Asc Ate Aternos Center Class Count Description Has Lin Offline Owner Santa Script Survival Multiplayer This

Offline Minecraft server

The “Offline” server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.18.2 Abilities Caves Cavesandcliffs Endless Ios Minecraft Mmorpg Oriented Rpgsurvival Ryan Server Survival Tags Tienda

Aryans Online [1.18.1 – 1.18.2]

ONLINE ARIOS [​1.18.1 – 1.18.2]

Arios Online a Survival server oriented a bit in the field of RPG Servers, you can explore endless things without getting bored, we have many options that will give you a
unique experience on the server, explore dungeons, enjoy the new caves and Generation of 1.18, 19 jobs to choose from, tags, rankup system, crates, shop, auction house and much more…., Don’t worry! you’ll regret joining!

We have:
– Ranking system
– Dungeons
– Crates
– Tags
– +19 Jobs
– Auction Shop
– Store / shop
– Skills/skill abilities
– Random Teleport /rtp
World Resources and Build
– Land System /land
– And much more…


Bov Cell Cern Courage Deal Example Griefprevention Minecraft Life Monthly Root Rust Seasonal Survival Trust Voice


Welcome to KobelcoSMP ,

an excellent server known for it’s amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, SMP server where we value community above all else. The server is running 1.18, and everyone is welcome

The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecraft’s roots such as player warps, griefprevention, and more! ✨

We aim to keep gameplay itself as vanilla as possible, while providing access to some commands that make Minecraft life a little less mundane. For example, we have /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn.
Grief Prevention
Claim your land and only give access to people that you trust! This prevents griefing and raiding, which gives you peace of mind and gives staff more free time to help players, and plan features and events
Every vote gives you a chance to win a crate key that can be opened up at /warp crates! We also have seasonal crates that provide players cool cosmetic items!

Start a town! Meet new people! Chat with friends! Join in on a community project We want everyone to enjoy their time on KobelcoSMP.
We try to promote a friendly environment free from toxic energies. Players are encouraged to voice any suggestions or concerns they may have for the community.Events
More than one event will be held monthly. Ideally, we like to hold events at different times of day to try to cover all of the time zones. Although sometimes that isn’t possible, we certainly do try our best!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and ip Server Minecraft Survival. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!