Active Art Ass Ats Aus Class Com Community Eam Economy End Fac Forum Google Job Land Leb Leplay Life Mini Games Mmu Nen Ommunity Play Real Rol Role Roleplay Speak Stadt Survival Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Ter Timber


Deine Chance auf ein neues Leben in einem aufregenden Land!

Ziehe in eine Stadt, suche dir einen Job, bau dir ein eigenes Leben auf!
Tritt unserer tollen Roleplay-Community bei und du findest einen großartigen Ort vor – DEIN Zuhause.

Für weitere Infos oder um einfach mal zu quatschen besuche uns auf TeamSpeak:

oder schau im Forum vorbei:

Active Arcade Arena Arenas Ats Claim Claiming Class Cmi Contests Economy End Fun Game Games Job Jobs Land Land Claim Lit Mcmmo Mine Mini Games Mmo Pets Play Player Players Pve Pvp Rpg Server Shop Shops Skills Survival World

MythicMiner RPG

Server Address

Welcome to Mythic Miner! Our world has unlimited possibilities and endless fun for all types of gamers.
Players can upgrade their skills using the MCMMO stats, Earn $ through in-game jobs and Set up shops to gain profit.
Some other features include: Land Claiming, Upgrade-able Battle Pets, Gambling , Contests, Battle arenas, Mini games, Arcade games and much much more!!

Active Admin Admins Adminshop Aus Build Chaos Class Com Community Craft Die Erver Free Freebuild Google Ill Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Nen Nur Ops Pay Pie Plugin Plugins Rvival Server Servers Shop Shops Spawn Spawns Survival Vanilla Wns


Wir sind ein vergleichsweise kleiner Server mit einer netten Community und konzentrieren uns auf Freebuild und Survival. Außerhalb der Spawnstadt gibt es keine Grundstücke und wer einen schönen, unbewohnten Ort findet, darf diesen gerne besiedeln. Dabei sind alle Bauwerke willkommen, es gibt keinen vorgegebenen Serverstil und keine Grössenbeschränkungen.

Der Server selbst orientiert sich am Vanilla-Spielgefühl mit einigen zusätzlichen ausgewählten Plugins. Wir versuchen dabei das gute alte Minecraftgefühl am Leben zu erhalten. Es gibt kein Pay-To-Win und keine Adminshops. Handel gibts es nur als Tauschhandel zwischen Spielern.

Wir sind vom Serverstamm ein eher erwachsener Server und freuen uns über jeden vernünftigen Mitspieler, der mit Freude am Spiel und mit Respekt vor fremden Spielleistungen unsere kleine Community bereichern möchte.

Abilities Active Aus Claim Class Cool Craft Custom Eco Econ Economy End Event Experience Features FTB Fun Ill Inecraft Item Items Join Level Lit Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Modded Non Original Play Server Servers Slimefun Survival Vanilla


This server is a non-economy, survival server. The mainly depends on playtime, experience, and claim blocks. Some cool add on features are

Blood Moon – An event that happens after every 5-6 nights in minecraft. It last one night, and causes every vanilla mob to become more OP than they originally are. This includes adding a scary atmosphere with mobs that have different abilities.

Slimefun – Adds a ton of custom items and blocks that have certain requirements or levels to achieve before learning them. It adds a FTB atmosphere to non-modded survival servers.

There’s a lot more to discover on ZatieCraft. Join now to experience the basic, but intense atmosphere of survival!

Ace Active Auction Claim Claims Class Craft Crate Crates Elytra Enchants End Essentials Event Fly Grief Griefprevention Happy Hardcore High House Job Jobs Kit Kits Mcmmo Mmo New Prevention Pve Pvp Rank Rankup Server Silk Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival

My Happy Place

Server Highlights
– v1.15.2
– OP Enchanted Books. 190+ New Enchants!
– Craft Armored Elytra
– Auction House
– Better End
– Crates
– Fly in claims/trusted
– Essentials
– GriefPrevention
– Jobs
– Kits
– mcMMO
– RankUp
– Silk Spawners

Active Ass Class Com Custom Ein Erver Gen Google Map Mmu Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tom


Nexus survival 2.0 is een kleine server.
Met onze eigen communitie en een custom survival map hebben wij hier veel plezier.

Active Ass Blo Block Class Com Content Craft Creative Eat Economy Erver Exp Google Mall Network New Reward Rewards Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Small Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Two Ubs Vanilla Vote War


WubsCraft is a small network with Skyblock, Survival, and Creative! We are constantly expanding and adding new content. Come check it out! Vote for the server to earn rewards!

Action Actions Ass Balance Balanced Best Block Boss Bosses Chill Class Com Community Conomy Custom Easy Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Enchant Enchants Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Hill Ill Jump One Server Title Void

Best Factions

Factions, done right! *Chill Community *Bosses *Custom Enchants *Balanced Economy *Chunk Busters *Gen Buckets *Easy Access and Much More we offer at Dont take my word for it, jump into the void and see for yourself!

Active Ass Blo Block Buy Class Club Economy Free Google Ice Kitpvp Nen Play Player Players Practice Pvp Pvptoggle Ran Rank Ree Sky Skyblock Skypvp Store Survival Uhc


You can buy permenent rank at

Active Ass Awsome Cat Class Com Community Create Dedi Dedicated Discord Eat Erver Give Good Google Join Kitpvp Mini Games Mmu Ommunity Play Player Players Please Pvp Server Vis


We are a awsome server dedicated to our players. Please join our discord server to give us advise and to create a good community

Active Alpha Ass Axe Axel Class Elf Erver Farm Farms Google Help Lea Mc Server Please Port Server Support Survival


Alpha MC Server Please Help Support The Server

Action Actions Active Ass Class Economy Erver Euro Fac Faction Factions Google Kitpvp Pay Play Prison Prisonpvp Pve Pvp Raiding Safe Sea Season Server This You


this server is a factions PvP server
if you wanna play JUST DO IT
10 euro pay safe for the number 1 of the season

Action Active Block Class Community CTF Custom Donator Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Future Google Great Has Hub Ice Mini Games Network Nice Perk Perks Pile Plugin Plugins Server Sign Sky Skyblock Staff Super Survival Tea Team

RiftMC Network

RiftMC Network is a network compiled of Factions, a Hub and Skyblock, we plan to add way more in the future, we offer alot such as great designs, custom plugins, and alot of donator perks, our server also has a very nice member community and our staff team is very well trained and super respectful.

Action Actions Active Ars Ass Back Bee Block Class Com Community Economy Fac Faction Factions Game Google Has Mcmmo Mini Games Network Play Prison Pro Ring Roleplay Rvival Sky Skyblock Surviv Surviva Survival Two Website


ParallaxMC has been a community for over 4 years, and we are proud to be a network back in the game.

– Factions
– Prison
– Skyblock
– & more


Action Actions Active Ass Block Bungee Bungeecord Class Craft Crafting Custom Daily Date Dungeon Dungeons Eco Enchant Enchants Fac Faction Factions Geo Google Mcmmo Network Pve Pvp Reward Rewards Sky Skyblock Two Ungee Update Updates War Weekly

Astral MC

Astral MC –> BungeeCord Network
Weekly Updates and Daily Rewards!


Custom Enchants –> Custom Crafting –> Custom Armour

Active Adventure Block Class Community Craft Date Emo Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Gamemode Inecraft Island Islands Land Lands Mine Minecraft Mines Mod Nation New Play Player Prison Raid Rank Rankup Server Sky Skyblock Star Venture


We’re introducing a brand new game to the Minecraft community. Skybrawl is a combination of the three most widely-loved gamemodes that exist to date; Skyblock, Factions, and Prison. We’ve combined them in a way that allows the player to experience the feel of each one, not by simply adding prison mines to a skyblock server. Raid other player’s islands, upgrade your own, rankup, and so much more. Start your adventure today!

Ace Active Age Ass Aus Class Craft Doctor Doctorwho Esp Fit Francophone Fun Gadgets Google Inecraft Item Items Lit Mine Minecraft One Place Plus Pos Pro Ran Rise Serveur Space Sur Survie Survival Tardis Ter Unique Who


Bienvenue sur le 1er serveur Minecraft francophone dédié à l’univers de Doctor Who !

Dans ce serveur jouable seulement en survie, vous aurez la possibilité de créer votre propre Tardis, de vous déplacer avec et de l’agrandir à souhaits !

Voyagez dans le temps et l’espace et ajoutez plusieurs gadgets à votre Tardis pour profiter pleinement de la vie d’un Seigneur du Temps.

Maitrisez aussi les éléments grâce à Slimfun pour créer plusieurs items magiques, des armures uniques et des sceptres pour foudroyer vos ennemis !

Active Anti Ass Base Based Bee Class Dom Eat Economy End Erver Eth Exp Features Free Freedom Friend Friendly Google Great Hey Mcmmo Pve Ree Riendly Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Time

Per Ardua – Friendly Survival

Hey! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite a while. As of right now, it’s not much, but I hope that in time I’m able to grow this server into something great. Mostly based around freedom in PvE, with added features to expand on what I believe survival is all about.

Active Amazing Ass Away Cked Class Com Community Custom Eam Eat Erver Give Giveaway Giveaways Google Great Ked Mmu New Ommunity Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Staff Taff Tea Team Tom Way


New OP Prison Server!
Lots of giveaways
Custom Plugins not seen anywhere else
Great Community
Amazing staff team

Active America Casino Cat Class Community Create Currency Eco Econ Economy End Farm Friendly High Ill Join King Kingdom Land Lit Mine Nation North Prison Pve Pvp Raiding Server Shop Shops Spawn Town Towns Towny War Welcoming Wns

MineVegas |Economy|Towns|PvP|Casinos

The community is welcoming and ready to have friendly people join. (The stakes get a little high in PvP war). The server is located in North America. Once you join the server, you will be greeted at the spawn area which will show you a few tips and the value of the currency system. Join and create your very own town or nation with a prison, farm land, shops, etc!

Your kingdom awaits!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and 1.9 Pvp Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!