Bone Creator Creators Example Exchange Forest Looting Magazine Maine Merchant Nick Nickname Ocean Sus Treasures

TybeMaine 1.8 – 1.16 Minecraft server

Description of the server TYBEMAINE – the server is built on classic survival with custom locations and buildings, at the moment there are more than 20 unique constructions with loot. Here you can have a great time and get the most out of the game. The server is designed for a minimum donation with balanced whales. spawn surrounded by the ocean and forest, but be careful, other players will also want to show interest in the forgotten treasures of this world. If you suspect something is wrong, then you can contact directly the creators of this project through the command / report nickname. Outside the spawn area there are also locations, but there are fewer of them. We have constant discounts and events from the server administration, which will not let you get bored with the project. But this is not all that is on our project, unique plugins that add variety to your survival. For example, a bone store, which can be found by looting in our locations, and they can be exchanged with a resident merchant on cool items or through the server menu (as it is convenient for you). These are not all the goodies of the server, you can see everything if you go to the site and see for yourself that it is unique!

16x Apes Beau Beautiful Case Cats Dog Dogs Eau Fish Fishing Landscape Merchant Survival Multiplayer Taming

MAWIX NETWORK Minecraft server

Description of the server (Version 1.16x) MAWIX – Server with hardcore survival along with mobs. The server has working mechanisms, mobs, merchants, taming cats and dogs, fishing, a unique block privatization system and a stunningly beautiful map with beautiful landscapes. And that is not all!

There are also privileges, donate cases, and its own economy.

Bed Wars Details Gifts Initial Lobby Merchant Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Miners Mob Arena Mob Farm Prod Selection Signs

ReallyDream Survival Minigames Minecraft server

Good day, everyone! We have carried out a global update of the server, as you can see, we even changed the name. All maps of the lobby modes and survival spawn are re-created by hand. On the skywars, there are signs for the selection of arenas. Many bugs were fixed and some details were added, such as a welcome welcome and a beautifully designed tab. A wipe has been produced – all the maps are clean and are waiting for new conquerors of space, miners and builders) There is an auto mine, a pvp arena, a mob farm and a survival store, as well as npc merchants on the skyblock and three types of islands to choose from – including the toughest mode with a minimum of initial resources , and even islands in hell. Weddings with kisses, gifts for the spouse and a common family home, several parkour in different parts of the server, pets and turning into mobs for donators. The donation system has been slightly changed, but all the privileges of those who have already bought them have been recalculated into new ones. No one was missing anything. Opportunities are the same)) Enjoy your game))

Antispam Decorative Magazine Medic Merchant Minecraft Cases Minecraft Cities Minecraft Kit Start Npcs Portals Poses Research Russia Russian University

RNIMU Minecraft server Minecraft

We started with the construction of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, now this is the first virtual copy of the medical university in full (!) Size, which plays the role of a spawn with merchants, portals, a PvP arena and much more.
Its entire territory is completely accessible for research, you have never seen anything like this!

There are a lot of rooms in the building that you can buy for in-game currency and use for your own purposes, for example, set up a store!

At the moment, a full-fledged survival with a unique economy, NPCs, donations is configured and available on the server, interesting gameplay and decorative mods are available.

Client installation – just a few clicks! –

VK project group –

Come to our server! In the future, you will be able to join one of the factions and wage clan wars, the struggle for resources and territories.

Barrels Bone Conquest Dwarves Firstdawn Merchant Noble Roleplay Roleplaying Runecraft Settlements Traditional Tripp Unwhitelisted Warriors

☀️First Dawn Project☀️ – New RolePlay Server

First Dawn Project

About us

Hello! We hope you liked our trailer! Some of you may have seen some of our builds on PMC, some of you kind and amazing players may have also gave them a diamond, or even a favourite; and to you we say, you are awesome! Your diamonds has inspired us to keep going this far. The recommended resource pack for this server is Conquest_ as some builds heavily utilise the connective textures and biome specific texture changes, without it you would be losing out the most immersive and enjoyable experience. Our server safely supports Minecraft versions from 1.13 up to 1.15.2. For all rules, information and to meet our team, please join the discord.

We’ve been working collectively on a RolePlay Project for over a year now. With lots of huge builds to use for roleplaying in or even living in, from cities to a monastery. We now feel like we need to build our community and open to the public for people to enjoy the map and experience, however please remember we are still new, and we have many things we want to improve, change or redesign going forward. There may be bugs we have missed, but please just tell us so we can prevent it from ruining the experience.

Our Aim has been to create a roleplay server with an immersive and enjoyable experience, and as a result we have invested slightly too heavily in RPG features, such as races, challenging custom monsters and bosses, as well as discover-able regions, none of which is a bad thing, however it is a roleplay server.

You will roleplay the point of view of a peasant escaping to the land as a second hope at life. Your backstory is your own, a former king, merchant, soldier or even humble farmer, now reduced to the life of peasantry. This will come with the hardships of surviving in a overwhelmingly challenging country, laced with magical creatures, hostile animals and beautifully dangerous terrain.

Does this sound promising to you? Join our Discord at



The technology setting is late medieval with a fantasy mix, although we took liberties of allowing cannons on ships as it just made them look more menacing. This means that overall we do not allow for gunpowder in our roleplay, however there are other options such as magic, (Currently we use the RuneCraft plugin to allow for craftable magic). We have tried our best to reflect this era in our builds, we would respectfully request that you do the same.

The worlds is a heavily magically tuned world, therefore allows for fantasy playable races. Each comes with its own buffs and debuffs to your in-game roleplaying experience. For example the Dwarves, are known as mighty drinkers, therefore after a hard days labour in the mines, what better way to celebrate their hard-work than with a barrel of ale. To represent this they offer a range of effects to allow for a heavily inebriated night time experience. (Luckily though they don’t have hangovers!).

The list of current playable races and brief descriptions are as follows:

– Humans – Once the alpha-predator of the world, till they realised how large the world really is. This is your standard human, potential to learn magic, although very unlikely to possess it. They breed like rabbits, and can be found just about anywhere that is hospitable. Known for their vast cities, settlements and towering structures.

– Elves – Fast, nimble and taller than your average Human. Roughly up to 2m in height. Often known for intellect, however they have an annoying habit of being overly condescending. They are creatures at nature and can often be found in civilisations in the forest.
Elves, much like Humans, are entirely different depending on the region they inhabit. For instance some would happily live in grand structures with nature, whereas others would settle for lesser more au naturale conditions.

– Dwarves – Fierce, small, angry creatures, with muscles the size of trees, and stomachs comparable to the size of the barrels of meed they consume. Despite their size they are a exceedingly proud, warrior race. Some say its because of their height, that they are so envious of others, it fills them with spite. These creatures are mountainous dwellers.
Simple, sturdy, but renowned for their expertise with metallurgy. They are the most industrious of creatures, known for stripping mountains barren for resources, and creating impenetrable fortresses. Dwarves thoroughly enjoy a party and drink, therefore are commonly found in taverns at night generally being merry.

– Blight – These are creatures twisted by corruption and dark magic itself. They live and breathe chaos, often found around areas of mass chaos or tragedy. Although not the bringers of destruction themselves, they are drawn to these places like moths to light. As if it’s the oxygen that fills their lungs.
Blights alignment is always a mix between chaotic neutral and chaotic evil. This race is less of an individual species and closer to corrupted beings and creatures, from goblins to wolves that are tainted to the core.

– Undead – These creatures range from all races individually to combine into one as a whole. Traditionally referred to and acknowledged as Human or Elven Skeletons. Notable members of this race are the Dark Overlord, who transcended into the afterlife after becoming a Elder Lich; although this is not possible for normal Undead (or players).
They are known for being resilient creatures who usually serve those of great power or stumble with no real goal, due to their lack of passion and emotion. Although conscious, the very same magic that courses through their bodies to grant them life, restrain them from pleasure, joy, sadness or any other emotions. These are usually True Neutral to Neutral Evil, lashing out at those living in an attempt to feel something again.

We’re proud to finally be sharing the lore that we will be using for the server. This will be regularly updated in one of our Discord channels, with more updates to the storyline as the server progresses and events transpire. We are actively working on our own Wiki too, which is where we write in-depth lore about all our cities, towns, races and even characters. Although currently the wiki is a little bit behind as we are a very small team who have been focusing our efforts elsewhere.

“The sixth century has dawned upon Varkhest. The Emperor of Indarus, the empire that rules over the known world, has made preparations to expand the horizon of his lands. Conquest and exploration, diplomacy and war, and good and evil will take root in the outskirts and beyond, either creating chaos or bringing a golden age. Perhaps this will be a futile attempt, as the Dark Overlord, who has threatened the Indaran Empire, has also been creating evil schemes to either prevent the Indaran Empire’s expansion… or to destroy the empire as a whole.

You are but a normal person. One of the Peasantry. Perhaps just for now. You, among others, will create your own adventure, free from the bounds of the Indaran Empire’s homeland. You will take the laws into your own hands, but must stay civil nevertheless. And perhaps, you may create your own town. Your own city. Your own empire.

But you could end the threat, or bolster its resolves. You could make way for the colonists, or bar them from their newfound lands. You could be a hero of Indarus, or a villain who will serve the Dark Overlord. What will you be? What will you carve your legacy as in Varkhest?

Alidom, the region in Varkhest where you’ll be calling your new home for a while, however, this was not your choice. Your homeland has been usurped by sinister force, the best warriors of your kingdom were only merely able to hold off the invaders so that artisans and nobles such as yourself could escape. You’ve abandoned everything you hold dear, so that you may live to see another day. Putting forth the same amount of back-breaking labour that you endured to get to your previous quality of life seems futile, and an unrealistic possibility, given your current situation.”

Getting Whitelisted

Currently for a very short duration, the server remains unwhitelisted to build up a community and allow players to explore; this will soon change. Want to be permanently whitelisted? Here’s how:
In the comments below please leave a comment with this information.
– Your MC Username
– Your RolePlay Character Name
– Your Characters Race (You will be asked to select a race upon first login)

Although it is not mandatory, we heavily advise players to invest some time in character backstory and creation. Such as finding images to reflect your characters appearance, and details about them. There will be guidelines in our discord and a channel for you to post this in. With your permission, we would also be willing to help you improve your character or expand their backstory and create them their very own character biography page on our wiki.

Also on a final note please join our discord. We’re trying our hardest to create a loving and friendly community of people that we can enjoy our time and have fun with. Plus since we don’t have a website, its the platform of choice we use instead of a forums. Due to this we respectfully have to state we will not be allowing anyone under the age of 14 to join our community, as this violates discords Terms of Service; and since it is our backbone, we have to respect the platforms TOS.

Boat Boats Character Fleet Horizon Merchant Respectful Rift Rifts Roleplay Ships Ssl Sudden Summer Technology


VinumMC, an old Minecraft server from the old days without any technology! A galaxy in the summer of 1671: A merchant fleet is on its way to Suntown. But suddenly she gets caught in an emerging storm. A smaller one of the ships was badly damaged and has moved away from the fleet. On the ships of the fleet it is noticed that a small boat, with 20 men on board, apparently drifts helplessly has to be handled: Rescue teams grab their small rowing boats, but they had no chance. The boat had drifted too far, and a strong current pulled the ship out of sight of the fleet. After a full two hours the men realize that no one would save them. They were left to their own devices. For many days the men had to feed themselves on what the sea and cargo space still had to offer. There was no hope that they would survive this debacle, the boat also suffered and more and more damage occurred. But on the 17th day the miracle happened, the lookout reported an island on the horizon … Your rescue! They tried to get to the island with combined strength and so they fought their way towards the island. Will they build a new empire and maybe even meet islanders?

Experience it for yourself on VinumMC!

We offer you:
A respectful community
Create your own character
Personal support
A Community Discord and TeamSpeak Server

Automatic Coins Drops Economy Hag Interactive Merchant Npc Purchase Pve Survival Toc Traders Travel Unlimited

Kraft Hagen

Welcome to Krafthagen! For a limited time only we are giving everyone who joins a free starter kit. Get yours today! Collect Coins! – Physical coins drop when you kill mobs or mine ore. These are automatically added to your in-game balance. Protect Builds! – Join with 100 free blocks to claim. You can purchase more with the coins you collect and then give your friends permission to build there too. Interactive Spawn! – NPC shops have unlimited stock at a reasonable price, and you can sell your items to the Merchants for extra cash. Traveling Traders sometimes offer exclusive items as well. Special Events! – Staff will occasionally offer events such as coin drops.

Custom Items Drops Economy Essentialsx Instagram Killing Merchant NSFW Points Prod Pvp Selling Sfw Survival Vanilla

Not Original Content

===Not Original Content, a server for the followers of @not_oc or @noc_nsfw on Instagram.===

This server is an EssentialsX Vanilla PVP server with Essentials Economy. Money can be obtained by killing mobs or by selling drops, produce, or ores to spawn merchants. It can then be used to buy home points, custom items, or items sold by players on the Auction House.

Ares Cannon Cannons Drinks Economy Mcmmo Merchant Pve Pvp Selling Ships Tau Towny Vanilla Warfare

Tau MC

Tau MC is an up-and-coming Towny server with a unique gameplay style. Brew drinks, build cannons and movable ships or make it big as a merchant selling your wares. PvP and warfare between towns are enabled. We are currently looking for Builders and Moderators. If interested, please join the Discord link!

Africa Brewery Economy Euro Europe Historia History Lockpicking Merchant North Notable Pvp Realistic Survival Towny


Welcome to Historia! We are a casual roleplay server set roughly around 500 B.C.

Notable plugins/features:
-Scaled map of the Earth
-Hardcore plugin
-Realistic item restrictions

Please take a moment to check out our website to learn more.

Note: The map is currently restricted to Europe and Northern Africa. It will be expanded as the player base grows.


PokeClash Cobblemon

Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server just looking to have fun without everything locked behind a paywall! We try to keep things as simple as possible for anyone who joins! We may not boast some of the features other servers have, but we try to be as fun as possible!


Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric 1.20.1


✦ Non-PTW

✦ Dex Ranks – Rank up in game after completing various parts of the Dex

✦ Custom terrain gen for all worlds!

✦ Rotating Cobblemon Competitions with monthly placed rewards

✦ Cobblemon Community Tasks

✦ Skills

✦ Catch Combos

✦ Mega Evos

✦ Mega Raids

✦ Shopkeepers

✦ Land Claiming and Homes

✦ PokeDex rewards

✦ Pokehunts

✦ PokeBuilder

✦ PokeBingo

✦ Daycare!


✦ Fakemon Spawns

✦ Legendary Spawns

✦ WonderTrade!

✦ Pokemon Trading

✦ Pokemon Fishing

✦ Keep Inventory

✦ Cosmetics

✦ Player Warps and Player Chest Shops

✦ New Resource World planned every week (never run out of resources)

✦ Custom textures and blocks

✦ Pokemon & vanilla mob spawns

✦ Custom Starters

✦ and more to come!

Server Links & Info


Mod Packs

Modrinth Modpack:

CurseForge Modpack:

Technic Modpack:



Sphere MC
– Welcome to our whitelist-only community, we offer a friendly and engaging modded experience using the All the Mods 9 modpack.

Simple and quick whitelist!


💎 Get Started Here:


What Sets This Modpack Apart?

"All The Mods 9" (ATM9) is an extensive addition of over 400 mods that blend together very well to redefine your Minecraft experience. Here are some key mods to explore.

(Tech & Machines) (Enchanting & Spells) (Biomes & Dimensions) (Diverse Additions)
Create Mod Botany Biomes O' Plenty Easy Villagers
Mechanism Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks Twilight Forest Aether
Refined Storage Blood Magic Blue Skies Ends IO
Immersive Engineering Ars New The Lost Cities Ad Astra


Our Promise:

We're committed to providing a seamless, up-to-date experience. With good server hardware and regular updates, Sphere MC guarantees 99% uptime with a daily restart.


Server Info:

• Version: Minecraft 1.20.1

• Modpack: All the Mods 9

• Difficulty: Challenging yet rewarding

RAM Recommendation: 8GB minimum ❗


Join Us!

We're looking for more enthusiastic members to join our server! Ready to be part of our community? Fill out a quick form on Discord:

Be Inspired!



We reset our server a few months ago and are looking to recruit people to play with us. We have 300+ players, with roughly 20 playing daily.

About us:

  • We have community built themed server events often! Easter is our next event!

  • We are whitelist only to stay closer to vanilla and protect your builds.

  • We are never restarting or having new "seasons"so your builds will always be around

  • We are looking for players who love playing on worlds for a long time and don't get bored quickly

  • Community shopping area is at spawn

  • Member ages range from 16-47, with most being in their 20-30s

  • We have some cool community builds happening at spawn right now!

  • A few mods and data packs are installed that help keep the server fresh! Things like dynmap, player heads, and admin tools to protect your hard work. We also have chat protection and a discord-minecraft chatbot. Nothing that requires any work on your part. Unless you want to use the voicechat mod.

  • Strict rules against griefing/stealing/hacking

  • Most of us don't even have max armor yet, and many are still in iron/diamond!

  • Examples of some of our builds:

Here's our discord:



Welcome to karlssonSMP! ✨🚀

What started in late August 2023 by a couple of friends who decided to invite new players turned into a fun and small community of like-minded players, our goal is to make it feel like you're just playing with friends.

Our second public server ARCADE opens soon!

At karlssonSMP our priority is to maintain the essence of the original game by preserving its vanilla aspects. However, we've implemented a few quality of life datapacks to ensure a smoother experience for all players.

Apply here: Discord

⚔️ Enhanced Gameplay: Experience the best of both worlds with vanilla gameplay complemented by carefully selected quality-of-life datapacks. Dive into a seamless gaming experience with features like custom armor statues for personalized aesthetics, mini blocks for intricate builds, anti-grief measures against creepers and endermen, player head drops upon vanquishing opponents, their heads will now serve as trophies and more mob heads where mobs have a chance of dropping their head.

  • Multiplayersleep
  • Hermitcraft inspired
  • Shopping district
  • Squaremap
  • Respectful and fun members
  • 10k World border
  • Map reset every 6 months

You can find out more information about the server and its datapacks on our discord!

🚫 Zero Tolerance Policy: Enjoy a safe and fair gaming environment with strict rules against stealing, cheating, and griefing. Our community upholds integrity and respect for all players, ensuring a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.

🔒 Server Details: Our Java Edition server runs on PaperMC and is located in Europe, ensuring a smooth gameplay. Currently, we are on version 1.20.4.

How to Join:

Applying is easy! Simply hop onto our discord server and submit your application. Join a community of like-minded gamers and become part of the karlssonSMP family. We welcome all players, from casual builders to hardcore survivalists.

See you on karlssonSMP! ✨🚀



Info – This is a skyblock focused server but we offer more servers too! We are in 1.20.4 currently and plan to continue updating without going backwards. We allow natural mob spawning and big farm designs! We are focused on semi-vanilla gameplay with server plugins to enhance farming, tools, and overall end game feasibility. This is mainly economy style however you are not focused on buying off shops, we usually encourage you to create your own resources. Almost modded mc style!

Updates – So far we are updating bosses for Player vs Events to reward players for hard work. We are also always fixing bugs unlike some servers who dont! The community is overall very nice and has some very old faces around, we are always changing things up to fit the players wishes.

So what? – You should totally check us out, we have nothing to lose and you sacrifice a few minutes. We ensure safety and keep moderation on all our servers so you dont feel like we are an anarchy style server.

Discord ->
Server IP ->



▪︎ Hi there! My short name is Yani, I am 18M, I live in GMT+2 timezone and I would like to share you all an SMP that I'm hosting from past year (18 august 2023 more exactly).

▪︎ I am looking for active and friendly people and create a nice community together! ▪︎ I would also like to specify that I have lots of stuff to do + exams coming in summer so I won't really be able to join daily, but as the owner, I will maintain, moderate, grow this community and do more of the technical stuff for the server.

I will list you all here all the benefits you will get by playing on this server.

  • Active staff which means any attempt of griefing or unacceptable behaviour will be instantly punished
  • Simple and peaceful vanilla experience with small adjustments to the gameplay (such as vanillatweaks datapacks to fix some of the multiplayer frustrations)
  • We are using voicechat as an optional tool for even greater gameplay experience (it's not necessary to use it btw)
  • Minimum age requirement is STRONGLY recommended to be 18 years old for more reasons such as: maturity, appropriate behaviour on the server and with other people
  • The server is running on Fabric which means you will have access to the default vanilla mechanics from singleplayer

▪︎ In order to get an invite on the server, please make sure to add me on discord yani01 and ask for one 🙂

● The main benefit you will get by playing on this SMP is that you will never lose all your work and time spent on the server even if you are inactive for months ●



(The world is permanent no resets)

we have lots of active members

  • 🔴 With daily backups, your progress is safe.
  • 🔴 Embrace longevity
  • 🔴 Join EternalCraft the server for a vanilla survival experience!

Join Our Discord:



Reality is a semi-vanilla/semi-archany/PVP survival server similar to king's smp with custom weapons . We are trying to grow our community to make it even more fun.

If you wish to join please do!

p.s there is an event tommorow at the time of this post.



Lifesteal Factions



Come play on lifesteal factions! Pretty simple server we have a small community right now.

World Border is 16X16K

Factions obviously

Pretty hardcore server if you like betrail and hardcore pvp then this is your server.

Hope to see you guys on!

Have fun!

Implemented anti Xray



Littl3Craft3rs Discord

About Us!
We are Littl3Craft3rs! We are an adult only Java/Bedrock SMP survival server!

We are looking for active members of all play types!

Start and End Date!
This server opened on March 10th 2024. We will not reset any time soon!

Our Community!
We are a very small community currently! We are also whitelisted and have an application system on our Discord. We are an English speaking only server, so everyone feels included in the conversation.

What Version?
Littl3Craft3rs is on version 1•20•40.

Our Plan!
We plan on having build competitions in the future. As well as a community shopping district. A nether hub will be made as well.

Are we Vanilla?
We currently only run 4 plug-ins, so basically completely vanilla. Our plug-ins are one player sleep, one which makes tree cutting less tedious, one that makes a chest of your items when you die, and mob heads!


AussieBuildCraft looking for good builders

AussierModdedMC Is a Minecraft building server and survival server!
This server has a mod that generates the earth at 1:40 scale!
There are also tons of mods to play with such as:
– Vehicle Mods
– Furniture mods
– Mods that add thousands of new blocks
– Immersive railroading
And so much more! Best of all, You can play in this server with creative mode or survival mode and start a civilization anywhere or join anyone's. You can even join any states or countries that haven't been touched on the server yet!
I am also looking for good builders too.
If you want to be whitelisted, sign this form or join the discord:

We hope you enjoy this server!



The Stonemasons is a small, whitelisted Minecraft building-focused SMP with a strong medieval-fantasy theme. We specialize in building anything medieval from stone castles to smithing towns, wizards towers, dwarven kingdoms and everything in-between 🙂 The goal is to build a consistent, strongly themed world that every member can enjoy both exploring and learning from one another.

The server is only a week old as of 4/22/24. We will never be resetting the world map, and constantly backup the world which will be free for our members to download whenever they wish. The things you build here will be safe, and will NEVER be deleted by anyone, no matter how long a break you take.

The server runs on a custom Forge 1.20.1 Modpack that includes Ice and Fire, Alex’s Mobs, Create, Iron’s Spells, Gravestones and a plethora of building and décor mods. There are thousands of extra medieval-themed blocks with which to build, and hundreds of new items to collect and display in your cities 🙂 We will play and build in Survival Mode with the server set to Hard.

Requirements to join:

  • 21+
  • Be willing to build in any medieval/fantasy style of your choosing. Keep it themed to the rest of the server 🙂
  • Be Active! Looking for active, dedicated people to keep the server lively 🙂
  • Be chill and relaxed. Try to get along with others like a normal adult lol.
  • Be willing to fill out a super small application on our discord. Link below.

If this sounds like something you might like to get involved in, join our discord –


Simple Survival 0.8.1

Hello! This is a new server that I'm hosting on MCPE 0.8.1! I have plugins added that enable you to create separate worlds to play on with only you and your friends (no random people unless invited). To request your own world for people to join on multiplayer, just leave a request in the channel on my discord server.

Feel free to join, address is below!


Port: 19133



Launching QuasarsSMP on April 27th at 6:30 PM UTC, and you're invited! It’s the semi-vanilla Minecraft you love, with the perfect balance of enhanced gameplay and the timeless Minecraft feel. Forget about seasonal resets; we’re all about lasting builds and forming enduring friendships here. We're aiming for a group of 15-20 players who value creativity and community. If that sounds like your kind of server, we’d love to see you there. Join our Discord today: Server Address: (not up yet)


Complexity SMP

[Complexity SMP] is a 2 1/2 month-old server! We wanted an enjoyable experience, so the modpack is heavily centered around exploration with other fun mods that just improve the quality of life within the server, as well as a built-in economy and Discord chat integration

With a tight-knit community that's active and adventurous, we're looking to expand our horizons and bring on even more new members. If you're interested in a long-lasting world and have the ambition to bring your creativity to the world, then Complexity is for you! The modpack the server runs was made to be tailored to the server as well!

Our Discord is fairly active and has a lot of useful features to get you started and engaged with other players. [Join us here.]

With an emphasis on exploration and innovation, this modpack has mods such as Alex’s Caves, Create and many of its addons, and many others, more creative freedom is possible. While mods like Cataclysm and Iron’s Spells allow power spikes to create a fun and engaging late game. But, it's not about the end, it's about the journey it takes to get there. Enjoy.

Looking forward to seeing new faces!

[Check out the modpack here]


Glimmer Shores Survival

Glimmer Shores is a Survival Server currently on version 1.20.4 Java Edition! At Glimmer Shores, we're more than just a server; we're a vibrant community dedicated to ensuring a safe, welcoming space for everyone to explore, build, and connect. Our commitment extends to maintaining the server with the latest Minecraft updates and features, and ensuring an ever-evolving playground for your imagination. Our dedicated Discord community is the heart of Glimmer Shores. Here, you can meet like-minded players, showcase your creations, and stay in the loop with server news and exclusive events. It's a place to share, learn, and grow with others who share your passion for Minecraft. Ready to elevate your Minecraft experience? Join us at Glimmer Shores today! Adventure awaits!

Version: 1.20.4
Gamemode: Survival

– Lands
– Shops
– Trade System






Astra Vale

Astra Vale is a Java/Bedrock network with heavily dedicated admins and a beautiful feature-rich discord server.

SMP is open now with land claims, MCMMO, quality of life plugins, and much more!

New game modes and features coming soon.

All development is prioritized based on community feedback.

We are a welcoming and friendly group to anyone 14+. If you're new to servers we can help you get setup. We have a ticket management system in our discord for any issues you may have.

Head on over to the Astra Vale Discord and begin your adventure today!

Bedwars Buildbattle Creative Eggwars Other Skywars

ArchonCraft Crossplay

Bedrock ip:
Cross platform servers
PC java and bedrock
xbox – playstation – android – iphone – switch
all can play together!!!
our server is free for everyone
that means you don’t Minecraft premium!!

we offer : Eggwars, Skywars, Bedwars, Creative, BuildBattle and survivalGames!! more are coming soon

make sure to write /register (password) when you first join our server



My wife and I started playing Minecraft over a decade ago and have grown a healthy community to play with over the years. We of course use Discord and if you're interested in playing with us, please use the link below to join and tell us a little about yourself before we whitelist you. We try our best to avoid kids and weed out any annoying players, so please don't join if you fall in these categories. Most of us are in our late 20s/early 30s. Our primary goal is to provide a truly vanilla experience, I'll include some other various information about our current world and playstyle below.

  • Age 25+, please.
  • No Ranks or Moderator positions. Over the past 10 years my wife and I have run this server independently and successfully. We also play the game by the same rules as all other players.
  • No area claim plugins.
  • We started a new map on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update.
  • The world border is currently set at 10k blocks in every direction from spawn, but will be expanded in the future.
  • We're a smaller community with usually only ~8-12 players online at peak times
  • Render view distance is set at the maximum of 32 Chunks.
  • We play on Hard difficulty
  • We have a separate Legacy Server to view all our old maps, and a Creative server to play around or practice your build or redstone machine.
  • Our goal is to have as vanilla of an experience as possible, any exceptions to this are listed below.
  • Enderman and Creeper griefing are turned off (Villagers still work for trading and block editing).
  • We use DynMap.
  • We use DiscordSVR which bridges in-game chat with a Discord channel to allow everyone to chat with people in game when they can't be on.
  • AFK players won't be counted towards the total number of people needed to sleep in order to turn it to day.
  • We have a plugin that allows players to change their in-game chat text color.
  • The only other plugins we use are for grief protection (including rollback capabilities, chest locking, block edit logging) and chat functionality (changing text colors in game, and in-game chat from our discord server).

As stated above, join our discord if this is what you're looking for and tell us about yourself before we whitelist you.

When you join our discord you will see we have a couple hundred members in our sidebar, but don't let that turn you off if looking for a small community. A large number of our members have joined in years past and since become inactive, as is the case for any long-term minecraft server.

See you around!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!