Abuse Bans Brain Cheats hardcore minecraft Initial Local Misc Painful Projects Rights Survival Multiplayer Technical Teleports Trades

Imptovskii Place – a Hardcore Minecraft Server Minecraft server

Imptovskii Place – a Hardcore Minecraft Server.

This is a project where there are no rules and restrictions – do what you want.

The concept of this server is to provide players with that classic survival experience. As in the good old days, on the first Minecraft servers. PVP, there are no serious restrictions and bans for any sneeze and misconduct.

Initially, the server was local for playing with friends, since at that time we simply could not find an adequate server for playing together. But at some point we decided to make our server public, so that you can join us. The project is constantly evolving and refined for greater comfort in the game.

Key Features:
– Classic no-frills survival
– Difficulty on the server: “Hard” – mobs hit painfully
– As such, there are no rules, as well as restrictions
– Neck allowed
– Cheats are allowed if you bypass the anti-cheat, of course. For abuse of cheats, you will simply be kicked from the server.
– Privat, teleports and stuff like that is disabled for more atmosphere
– PVP – every man for himself
– Simple clan system via / clan command
– There is a system of trades through the / trade command
– Random spawn of players 1000 blocks away
– Everyone on the server is equal – there is no donation system that can give an advantage over other players, but you can always help the administration financially for the further development of the server.
– The administration is trying most of the time to maintain a high TPS server for a more comfortable game, to promptly process player complaints from the server side.

What is discouraged:
– Disrupt the stable operation of the server, use various types of exploits, unauthorized access to administrator rights.
– Begging. Requests like: “Admin, give diamonds” or “Admin, tphni” – will be ignored by the administration.
– Take out the brain of the administration and moderators not on technical issues.
– You can get a header for spam and advertising of other people’s projects.
– Completely block the exit from the spawn.

If you are interested in us, welcome to the server!
And enjoy the game!

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Bans Blast Bone Calm Cheats Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Survival No Donations No Dupes No Mods No Protection Teleports Vanilla Like

Epic Dreams Minecraft server

Vanilla Minecraft server.
Server address:

– No mods, no privates, no donation.
– No teleports, weddings, minigames, etc. Vanilla.
– No cheats. Kicks for any cheat. There are no bans for cheats.
– The admin doesn’t interfere with the server, doesn’t build anything. Punishes only for destructive anti-cheat bypass.
– Neck. There are no rules. Steal, blast, dig to the bone, build lavacastas, destroy the Edge, whatever. No cheats.

Develop calmly, create clans, trade, griffer, travel, build farms, whatever. The server is free from cheaters.

Our discord channel:
VK group:

Advanced Anarchy Bans Cheating Default Exploit Forever Maj Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Anarchy Server Permanent Pvp Survival Vanilla Xray


TheDefault is a very new Minecraft Anarchy Server with only 2 Rules, No Cheating or Exploiting and No doxing other players. Whatever you do in this server will be there forever, as I plan to keep the server on the same map forever and I’m willing to upgrade the server hardware if needed. We have an advanced Anti-Cheat and an advanced Anti-Xray to stop hacking. Major offense bans are permanent with no chance of appeal.

Bans Cheat Difficult Difficulty Dot Dota Hag Level Ports Private Survival Multiplayer Teleport Teleports Wip Wipe

NRNB – No Rules No Bans Minecraft server

Vanilla server, anti-cheat, no dotans, no privates, no teleports, no admin interference, no wipes. Anarchy, difficulty level – Hard.

Discord –

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Accounts Advertising Bans Cheat Cheating Comments English German Heat Mineplay Pvp Racism Sex Skypvp Yes


Premium Server (Keine Cracked Accounts)
Buyable ranks with features: Yes

-No racism, sexism or harassment.
– Spam and inappropriate comments and insults are prohibited and can be punished with warnings or bans.
-No cheating
-No advertising
– Please write only in English and German

If you have any questions, just report to the Discord
Your SkyPvPEUW server team

2b2t Anarchy Anime Bans Dance Eset Max Nether Nether Update Paper Pvp Random Seed Survival Vanilla

Anime dance

No Rules | No Bans | No World Reset | No Ops | Ely | 100k Max world size | Nether Update | Paper 1.16.1

The new server is less than a week old using a random seed with absolutely no plugins yet, besides SeaShells. We are not trying to be the next 2b2t, I’m just trying to build a community through youtube and discord and have a place for us to play and call home.

1.13 2b2t Anarchy Aternos Bans Cod Cube Diamond Diamonds Escape Eset Forever Reset Resets Sets


Anarchy minecraft server for 1.13.2. No Bans. No Rules. No Admins.
You are able to do anything you want, even hack. Server wont be safe forever though, so get on while you can, get some diamonds, and escape spawn. There are no admins to mess you up and ban you, and there will never be resets. It’s bascially 2b2t except without plugins and the wait.

Anarchy Ancient Bans Hidden Hidden Secrets Lava Projects Pve Pvp Resets Rollback Secrets Survival Testing Vanilla

Anarchy Survival – no rules, hard difficulty. Just have fun, engage in build projects, join factions, fight for your cause. Lots of hidden secrets to discover. Administrative actions only involve plugin testing and updates – no bans, no resets, no rollbacks.
The Spawn area is ancient – it was generated and first built on in Beta 1.2.

Atmosphere Bans False Fans Free To Play Hermit Pve Pvp Redstoner Replica Skyblock Stoner Stoners Survival Vanilla

Reef MC

Survival Multi-Player
Quick Info: Hard Difficulty; Player Owned Shops; Premium Lag-free server; No Raiding; No Griefing; Free to play Rank system with rewards; Hermitcraft-like atmosphere; Economy that isn’t super bloated; Anti-cheat with no false bans; Active admins;
Vanilla Survival Minecraft with tons of plugins to create the best possible community experience in the most recent updated version of Minecraft. Fall back in love with playing Survival surrounded by a great community of builders and redstoners. Most of us are fans of Hermitcraft and wanted to have a public server to play with people and build a community that resembles the amount of fun they have. While we can’t replicate them perfectly, many of us build in the same areas and enjoy building large farms for anything we need (which we sell in our player owned shops). This server is very new (only about 1 month old) and is growing steadily. Our goal is listening to player feedback while keeping true to the ideas listed above. Come join us and bring your friends and start your journey on our premium Vanilla Experience with many quality-of-life additions!

Custom Skyblock – Coming Soon

Atapacks Aust Australian Bans Bored Datapack Datapacks Decade Exploit Haven Mojang Qol Sets Surival Survival Multiplayer

Australian Vanilla-Ish Surival Raiding Exploitation Server

Australian based raid, PVP, PVE and fairly vanilla survival.
Anti-cheat present but no manual bans for hacking/cheating/exploits are issued.
Server is up 24/7, only command present is teleport request (/tpa ) to make playing with friends a breeze.
Some custom generation present as Mojang haven’t updated the “Mine” portion of “Minecraft” in decades.
Mobs have been made harder and the server is generally quite difficult.
Some QOL features and server will receive updates to plug-ins and datapacks as they become available or as boredom sets in.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Pve Roleplay Survival Vanilla


A chill server with an owner who loves hanging out with players. if you like it here I hope you will share it with your friends and help us get big!

Factions Pvp Survival Vanilla


GlizzyMC – Home to the MLG
Semi-Vanilla Survival Experience
Server IP:
We are fully transparent with our community:
» All server updates are announced in our Discord.
» Community mutually-agreed server wipes.
Our rules are flexible:
» We listen to our players, taking action if the majority thinks we should add or modify rules.
Server Customization + Performance Optimizations:
» We prioritize server performance and optimizations.

Cross-Play Economy Hardcore Kitpvp Mini Games Survival Vanilla


Our server is about smp you can pvp there you can make money there and get the strongest and richest player.
We have many fetueres.

Economy Mcmmo Mini Games Vanilla


Server for the land of Avea. Builders, battlers, explorers are all welcome to wander and settle the lands!
Regioning, economy, PvP, mythic mobs are all available on this server! Dedicated players welcome!

Cross-Play Economy Mini Games Pvp Survival Towny Vanilla

MineWar is a fun survival server with commands such as /sethome and /rtp which make the game funner to play. It is also very well developed. For new players, there are pieces of text around spawn to help get started on the server. Want to have some fun? Join today!

Economy Mcmmo Survival

Ferox Reborn

Do you remember of Ferox, the friendly, non grief survival based server ? It is back! If you enjoy building, doing quests, taking part in competitions and making money then you have come to the right place!
– Version 1.20
– Player Warps | Like showing off what you can build? We have a plugin which allows you to make warps as you rank-up with in-game balance purchases.
– User-Friendly Land Claiming | Protect your property with ease from griefers and have an ability to stop mobs from spawning and attacking you!
– Rank promotions for playing on the server | Each Rank has its own upgrades and perks, buy these with in-game money!
– Player-Driven Economy | Shops and markets are ran by players, join and start your own business!
– Art Map | Like doing pixelated art? We have an art plugin which allows you to do so.
– Friendly Community | Although we are a small server, we encourage our players to be mature, respectful, and friendly!
– Jobs | Like making money, like doing business? We have a jobs-based plugin which generates you more money as you get to a higher level from completing jobs such as Mining, Fishing, Farming & Woodcutting (including many more!)

Kitpvp Lifesteal

SL Network

Who are we?
SL Networkis India’s Biggest Minecraft Network
What do we have?
⇨ Ultimate Lifesteal
And more gamemodes coming soon!
(SL Network is available for both JAVA Edition and BEDROCK/POCKET Edition of Minecraft)
◆ Bedrock Port: 25583

Economy Mini Games Skywars Survival Towny


SunsCrazy Network – Explore Our Unique Modalities!
Game modes:
– TNT Tag: An exciting tag game with explosives.
Survival Towny: Build your empire in a friendly player community.
– Survival Prehistory (Under Maintenance): It will soon return with exciting new features.
Weekly events of all kinds to challenge your skills and win incredible prizes.
IP address:
Puerto: 25585

Economy Kitpvp Mcmmo Pve Pvp Skyblock

Serenity Network

Serenity is a cracked asian server hosted in singapore.
We have game modes such as SoupPvP, Practice and Skyblock.
You can invite your friends or play with others with a lag-free experience!
Give our server a try!
Version: 1.7 -> 1.19.x

Economy Mini Games Pve Pvp Raiding Survival


Survival, but with a twist! Here on CompCraft we have spent nearly 1.5 years providing the most immersive survival experience around! Unlike other servers, we will not force the content that we provide in your face, we want to allow players the freedom to pick and choose what they want to enable and disable during their stay here on the server.
Choose to participate in our custom economy system that operates unlike any other survival economy, or choose to enable the bandits that stalk the landscape!
Choose to unlock your inner Paleontologist and discover all the dinosaurs that are buried within the world!
Perhaps you’d like to instead come across and try to conquer our “beefed up” dungeons that are spread out within the world.
With the amount of content we provide, of course we want players to save their work, to do so, claim some land using a golden shovel!
We have loads of content available and too much to list here. We assure you that you will be respected as a player and we DO take all player input into account. We respect player feedback and can and will make changes on the fly if the majority of players feel a particular way about anything in the server.
Come give us a chance, you won’t regret it!


MegaCubes – Best griefer survival server Minecraft

MegaCubes – Grief Survival Server

> Donat (optional)

> Destroy bases

> Build your bases

> Create a clan

> Become top 1

> Good administration

> The server has just opened

> Constant updates⛏️ ↓

> Listening to the players ←

Come in. You will not regret

Creative Economy Factions Kitpvp Pvp Skyblock Survival
Play with Originality! is a server that tries to bring as many unique things as possible to Minecraft in Romania, among the current monotonous servers. This is where our name comes from, Original.

Skyblock Skywars


Welcome to the biggest Portuguese P2W!
We have these games; Sky Wars, Bed Wars and The Bridge
We have these games; Sky Wars, Bed Wars and The Bridge!

Economy Survival Vanilla is a no grief, vanilla survival server. We have a few plugins to add player and mob heads, and also an economy and shops near spawn. Keep inventory is enabled. Although PvP is not against the rules, abuse is. Type /wild to get started, and use a gold shovel to stake your claim.


Friendly Craft

Welcome to Friendly Craft! This server is PvE and not PvP. This server is survival and it has LuckyBlocks. It is recommended if you turn on server resource/texture packs for this server. We need staff. I hope you enjoy the server and don’t forget to have fun!

Creative Economy FTB Mcmmo Mini Games Pve Survival

Xaldin Edge Gaming

Now Updated to 1.20.4!!
XeGaming is a community based friendly survival server with a newly generated world and our Egyptian themed pyramid spawn Xelantis! We use precious stones to claim a 40×40 sponge area so everything you build is protected.
Check us out at That works for Minecraft, Discord , Website, Forums, and Twitter!

Economy Pve Pve Economy Pvp Rpg Towney

Starfall Colonies

Welcome to Starfall Colonies! Space is such a beautiful thing, so come set up shop under the skies! Trade on the market or become the most well-known baker around! Economy not quite your thing? No worries! Come join the family and build to your hearts content.

Creative Cross-Play Mini Games Survival

LotsOGames Network

LotsOGames is a minigame network that aims to be non-pay to win, and fun for everyone all ages. LotsOGames listens to you and will improve every day.

Economy Lifesteal Pve Pvp

Jai Server

welcome to our server Life steal.
We are new server , let try join with our server.
hope you all enjoy with us.

Economy Pve Pvp Survival

Meadow Mines

Meadow Mines is a new survival server running on 1.20.4! We have a fresh economy, an auction house, a skill system, and the ability to claim your land! Join the Discord server and become a part of this new community! We are actively working to make this a thriving SMP community. Also, the icon is a picture of my beloved dog Sully so that’s cool

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!