Active Admin Allowed Awesome Best Build Craft Creative Eco End Free Friendly Grief Griefing Minecraft Mod Moderator Need Perks Play Player Plots Pvp Quest Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Rol Server Shop Skills Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Website Who World

McShadowCraft V9

McShadowCraft is a survival based server with a few extra worlds for those of you that like to mix things up a little, including:

A Free Build world with absolutely no griefing, free items at spawn, and an epic shop with every item you need to make the house of your dreams, and show it to your friends! Griefing may not be blocked, but it can be rolled back by our awesome, friendly, Staff Team of Moderators and Admins. This world is for those of you who just want to build, and unleash your full potential.

A Survival world with no griefing and no raiding, this server provides a shop but does not provide free items like the Free Build world, This world is for those of you that are here for the true Minecraft Experience, the experience, of survival. Build your house, craft your weapons, or purchase them from the shop.

A PvP world with Griefing and Raiding allowed! Build your base and choose your allies! Become the strongest team of players on the server! Everything you need to ultimately wipe the world clean of your enemies with TNT explosions, lava, fire, and everything else that you can think of. This world is for those of you that want to unleash your inner power on the enemies of you, and your allies. Leave no one standing, and become the ultimate victor in a reign of terror!

A Creative Plots world with completely protected plots and all of the supplies you need, unleash your true imagination, become one with yourself, and let your creativity flow. This world is for those of you that simply wish to show of your build skills or completely unleash your creativity, build the ultimate fortress, be known as the best builder in all of McShadowCraft!

A Survival Plots world with protected plots, all to yourself, and if you want, even your friends! This world is for those of you who really want to show off your build skills, but don’t want there to be any chance of it being griefed! Be known as the ultimate survival builder of McShadowCraft!

As you can see we have many worlds for everyone, so come, and find your domain! We offer many many cool worlds and an awesome set of perks and ranks that you can donate for! We hope to see you soon! And if you have any questions, just ask and Moderator or Admin on the website!

We hope to see you soon!
~[Owner] ~Shadow

Ace Active Ass Awesome Class Craft Erver Eso Lmao Play Plot Pvp Raft Server Smp Survival Multiplayer

Ace Craft

An awesome SMP server. All PvP and Plot server!

Active Arena Armor Ass Blo Block Blocks Build Buy Class Craft Creative Eat Economy Erver Game Inecraft Item Items Mcserver Mine Minecraft Mob Mob Arena Owny Plot Rvival Server Shop Special Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny World


Stirebuild is a minecraft server with both a Towny Survival World and a Plot Creative World.
There’s also a Mob Arena where you can win special armor and a in-game shop where you can buy blocks and items.

Apply Ass Auto Blo Block Cell Cells Class Com Data Discord Ect Erver Follow Lin Link Nam Need Network Noop Open Please Plot Plots Prison Server Staff Taff Title Tps Two Welcome Work

The 305 Network: Prison

Welcome to the 305 Network!
  We are a OP Prison server, with plots, cells, and much more!
   We are in need of staff, and if you wish to apply, please apply at


Active Auction Build Building Challenge Claim Classes Combat Create Custom Eco Economy End Events Farming Good Grief Job Jobs Mature Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobarena New Pay Play Plugin Prevention Pvp Rewards Roles Server Skills Skyblock Survival Survive Trading Unique

Gilded Aegis

We are a mature server with over 2 1/2 years under our belt! Gilded Aegis offers a variety of activities for our players, from slaying mobs in our custom mob arena maps, building your ultimate skyblock empire, or creating a masterpiece in good old survival. The amount of things to do is plentiful!

Grief Prevention – Prevents all forms of griefing, including build/break, theft, fire, spawn camping, lava and more. New players get automatic claims around their first chests. Players who ask for help in chat get an instant link to a demonstration video.

Player-based Economy – Our server’s economy is run by the players. Just like a free market in the real world, the in-game economy is completely free and unrestricted. Earn your cash by PvP, auctioning items, using our Jobs plugin or simply trading with the Global Market.

Jobs – A plugin that pays you! A method of income in our server can be finding a job! We have plenty of unique jobs, from hunting to farming to mining. Earning money is not only easy but it will also train your mcMMO skills!

MobArena – A high pace wave based plugin that enables our players to play against an endless hoard of mobs! See how long you can survive alone or with friends. Play on multiple maps with a variety of classes specializing in unique roles!

mcMMO – A skill based plugin that rewards players with unique abilities that may or may not prove useful in combat and rewards!

Skyblock – An island based survival plugin that test your knoweldge of Minecraft and craftyness to the max! Complete challenges to earn rewards that will enable you to create a better island! If you want you can also build an island with your friend or friends!

Ass Bed Class Craft Dank Erver Follow Homo Ken Knight Night Noop Open Paw Raft Server Shop Shops Spawn Style Vast Vote


Welkom. Kom ff Kijken Bij Onze Server Nieuwe Shop Spawn en nog veel meer. We Bedanken uw al vast [ Vote Ook Graag Elke Dag ]


Active Ass Class Craft Erver Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Job Jobs Lmao Owny Raft Server Sur Surival Survival Multiplayer Tau Town Towny


A surival server with Hunger Games. Jobs. Towny!

9.2 Active Ass Build Class Coc Com Craft Eco Exp Explore Lmao Lore Raft Sur Surv Surviv Survival Multiplayer Survive Vive Welcome


Welcome to EcoCraft Build,Explore,Survive

Action Actions April Ass Beta Bukkit Buy Buycraft Class Craft Eng Erver Essential Essentials Fac Faction Factions Free Fun Ice Kit Lag Mcmmo Mmo Nice Noop Open People Ran Rank Ranks Ree Server Shop Staff Style Vote Way





Active Admin Admins Adventure Adventures Allowed Cities Class Community Contests Craft Diamond Donate Eco End Fac Fly Flying Friendly Friends Fun Great Grief Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mod Mods New Pay Plugin Server Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer War Website

Lost Cities MC

We are a server that is up and coming in survival. We are friendly and have a great staff of Admins/Mods. The server is griefer proof by using the plugin Big Brother. Flying and other mods are not allowed on our server. We like to celebrate a lot and have great times with new people. We always have fun contests with great prizes. Donating is appreciated and rewarded on our server. You can donate through PayPal. To see full information about donating visit our website! We would love to have you join our community of friends in the adventures or survival on Minecraft! Like us on facebook to get ten diamonds! Recommend this page to get 3 diamonds and leave a comment with your username!

Active Admin Bukkit Casino Classes Community Craft Creative Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Enjin Faction Factions Fly Games Grief Griefing Hack Hacks Hunger Games Kit Lwc Mature Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Mod New Parkour Perks Pvp Server Spleef Staff Survival Whitelist World


NEW RELEASE – January 4th, 2014, come JOIN us for PITCRAFT 2.0
Dedicated 24/7 – PVP – Bukkit – Survival – MobArena – Spleef – Economy – Hunger Games – Factions – Perks – Classes – Parkour – Multiverse – LWC – No Whitelist- No Lag- MCMMO-Creative-Casino Adding more base on community Suggestions. Our server is a on going project of things to do!

No chat spam (24hour mute for spam)
No griefing in Lobby World
No advertising
No hacks, cheats
No marcos
Be mature and respectful
No asking for mod/gm/sponsor/admin/fly
No abusing admins *If you find any evidence of a staff member abusing report it ASAP to lycanloki on our site

Active Amazing Ars Block Class Community Craft Creative End Factions Fast Friends Fun Game Games Growing Hunger Games Inecraft Invite Join Kitpvp Kywars Mine Minecraft New Ored Pvp Red Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Survival Games Town Towny War Wars


Welcome to the MineJam server, a fast growing Minecraft server. You are invited to join our amazing community, have fun and make new friends! With Survival PvP, Towny Survival, Hunger Games, SkyWars, Creative, Sky Block and more, you’ll never get bored!

Ass Class Craft Erver Follow Grid Noop Open Raft Rvival Server Sky Skygrid Style Sun Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival You

DfqCraft – Survival / Skygrid



Active Admin Ass Awesome Bukkit Cat Class Com Craft Dedi Dedicated Economy Ect Erver Game Gameplay Group Hardcore Help Helpful Inecraft Kit Mine Minecraft Oup Play Player Players Pvp Run Rvival Server Surviva Survival Ter Vanilla Website


Active server since June 2011!
Server IP:
Server Website:

Craftee Survival Minecraft Server.
Running Bukkit.

Dedicated server and internet connection.
Active group of players
Helpful admin
Awesome gameplay

Active Admin Australia Chill Craft Donation Donations Eco Econ End Faction Factions Free Friendly Fun Land Lands Map Maze Mine Mob Nations Online Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Regeneration Rol Server Sky Spleef Staff Survival Multiplayer Vehicle Vote War

EMP.mine.BZ – Australia

We are online almost 24/7 and have over 1 billion slots so join now so you don’t miss out!
The staff are pretty chill about everything and are really friendly.
Occasionally the admins will blow stuff in the old map up with TNT. Feel free to join in when this happens.
You will always have a warning if you accidentally destroy several houses as it takes us only a few seconds to roll it back.
We aren’t too into ranks so default starts off with tonnes of permissions however you can earn higher ranks if you are a fun and responsible player.
Server files (inc maps) are frequently uploaded to skydive for everyone to access.
We don’t accept donations so you will have to earn trust rather than buy it (its more fun this way).
Just a few of our plugins 🙂
– Factions
– Skylands
– DungeonMaze
– Chop Tree
– Mob Arena, Spleef, PVP
– Craftbook (Mech, Vehicle and IC)
– LightVote
– Creeper Heal (slow explosion regeneration over time)
– Chesscraft

Ass Blo Block Class Com Craft Create Die Dungeons Easy Eco Ect End Erver Exp Hole Ill Inecraft Keepinventory Lastlife Level Life Mine Minecraft Mod Modded New Pvesurvival Ring Rings Rlcraft Server This Title Tutorial Who

Last Life – RLCraft

RLCraft is a modded minecraft that brings it to a whole new level.

We recommend that you look at the tutorial created by Shivaxi.

Do not hop into this server expecting it to be easy! You will die A LOT!

Active Anticheat Arena Ban Chestshop City Clan Craft Donation Easy Eco Econ Economy End Essentials Friendly Fun Good Grief Map Mining Nether New Play Player Pvp Rewards Safe Server Shop Simple Spleef Survival Survival Multiplayer War World Worldguard

CruelMC Econpvp

We are a Survival server. We have a new map, seeking good players to offer fun times.

PVP FFA Server! In the wild, Kill other people, Rob their stuff / house and grief them to show them that the wild is unsafe 😀
The city has lots, appartments for rent per week, (dont worry making money is easy!) Where your stuff is protected and theres no PVP 🙂

Friendly tip: Nether Mining is the secret for a wealthy bank account 😀
See ya there! 🙂

** Note: Mogulcraft server closed, our inspiration. All Mogulcraft players are welcome with a 10 000 CBs bonus! **

Crueldog, the owner
Additional Details
We are a PVP Economy FFA Survival server. We have a new map, seeking good players to offer fun times.

Just Added A Spleef Arena, City, City Lots, Apartments (Made By Ianhalmond), Automatically Rent Lots, Donation Rewards Automatically Put Into Your Account.
Come Check Us Out. Tell Your Friends And Neighbors.

Essentials, WorldGuard, DragonTravel, AntiCheat, ChestShop, SimpleClan

Ass Class Follow Ita Lmao Network Noop Opé Open Play Style Survival Multiplayer Two Vital Work

Vital Network


Active Ass Class Craft Drop Enjoy Erver Lea Lmao Mix Please Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Vote You


Hope You enjoy my server and please drop a vote!

Active Ass Awesome Best Class Com Craft End Erver Event Events Exp Experience Friendly Fun Game Gameplay Games Help Inecraft Lag Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Non Play Player Plugin Plugins Riendly Run Rvival Server Smooth Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer


Introducing VulcanCraft a awesome multiplayer 75 slot survival server with friendly staff, and tons of fun games and events.
Vulcancraft is a server committed to helping you have the best minecraft gameplay experience ever. We have a list of wonderful plugins to help your gameplay run smoothly on a non-lag server.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Java One Block Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!