1.7 Cracked Dev Development Elo Faction Faction Pvp Help Port Pvp Raiding Spigot Support Survival Title

Clam Factions

New faction server. Come join us and support us and help us out while we are still in development

16x Apes Autorank Bungeecord Fide Floating Modified No Resets Nvme Overhaul Rights Roleplay Survival Towers Valhalla [8 Years-No Resets][Semi-Vanilla][GriefPrevention][AutoRank][100% Free!][NVME, 1G Uplink]

Server Valhalla

What sets this server apart? It’s longevity (8 years!) and simplicity.
A promise was no map resets back in 2012. That is still being honored. That map is still there.

You can be confident that you will not lose your time investment building here.

Please visit the website for additional resources!

Game Address:

Website Address:

This server is simple, with your basic multiplayer needs such as Grief Prevention.
Not much has changed since the inception of this server 8 years ago.

Main survival is semi-vanilla:
-4 warps to the corner of the map.
-Home warps (additional homes based on rank)

This is a bungeecord network.
– Main Survival (New as of September 2020): Large Biomes, unexplored. 16×16 km!
– Old Survival (The 2013 Survival Map)
– Island Creative (The custom island world) (Video of the Flyby)

This server has AutoRank, you will be automatically ranked up if you meet the requirements.
All ranks are free and can be obtained just by playing. There is no way to pay to win here.
visit for more information on requirements.

Use /help in game for commands.

Please come back and rate if you enjoy the server.

The rules are simple:
– Please be kind and respect one another
– Please keep the survival landscapes free from floating structures (trees, buildings, etc…).
  If you want to build a floating structure, feel free to do so in creative.
– Do not build offensive structures. These will be removed.
– Do not build low effort towers (1×1 dirt towers, etc). These will be removed.
– Refrain from asking for staff positions
– Most importantly, have fun!

This server has been up for about 8 years now but recently overhauled (years worth of old configs removed, etc)

1.16.1 Custom Customskripts Hangout Nice Non Pve Pvp Semi Semi Vanilla Semivanilla Skri Skript Survival Title

[Semi-vanilla] VrHangout [1.16.1]

This server if for VR and non VR players! You can hangout with players, or play semi vanilla! We have alot of custom skripts, and nice staff! Join us and play!

Aids Danger Dangerous Him Minecraft Clans Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Hardcore Pve Pvp Raids Rpg Russian Minecraft Summon

ZomboCraft RPG BATTLE PETS Minecraft server

Description of the ZomboCraft RPG server [1.12.2] Server with pets, clan raids in dungeons, dungeons, magic, weapon pumping, auction, level system and clan base, Ability to summon a world boss on the spawn and kill him for all servers, CAUTION, this is VERY dangerous

Difficult Difficulty Feed Ideas In Survival Level Mini-games Origin Original Pet Pets Poke Pokemon Suggestions Survival Multiplayer

64-rus Minecraft server

Description of the server 64RUS is a server in survival mode on the High difficulty level. We do not have / hack, pets, pokemon and other things …, but we have Originality, Own Ideas and Commitment to Project Improvement. We will Create and Implement Our Kinds of Various Mini-Games and Try to give Uniqueness to Our Server. Our Goal is to Unite Adequate and Creative People in One Place for a Pleasant Time. We will never stop there! Leave Your Feedback and Suggestions on the Site, We will listen to you. Support us and We will answer you the same!

Aether Betweenlands Economy Expansion Explora Exploration Forest Moddé Modded Modded Server Ores Sever Tech Mods Twilight Twilight Forest


Small modded server with a hard world with lots to explore. Focus is on exploration, economy, and base building. Includes several popular magic and tech mods, as well as many large expansions like Twilight Forest, The Aether, and The Betweenlands.


10k Cannons Custom Elytra Elytras Factions Leaderboards Pearl Ranks Rtp Schematic Schematica Shops Warzone Worldborder

Zen Factions

Schematica is allowed, just dont use the printer function…
Make whatever cannons you want, just no 0 tick farms.
Hacks are not allowed.

Earn ranks in-game
Custom Enchants
Custom GUI – everything you need in /menu

All Non Donor Ranks are reset on Server Reset
Chorus Fruit Disabled
Fly Disabled
RTP Enabled
EnderPearls Enabled
WorldBorder (All Worlds) 10k x -10k
KOTH is Randomly selected every 30min
Envoy is every 2h

**Elytras Disabled while combat tagged**
EnderPearls Allowed while tagged
Block Placing/Breaking Allowed while tagged

Kill Players in Warzone for Warzone Points
Duel Players for Duel Points
Duel Win = 2 Points
Duel Loss = 1 Point
Spend Warzone/Duel Points in /ranks or /f shop
Ranks Are Progressive, you must have the previous rank before you can get the next


1000 лвл Achievement Achievements Alcohol Funny Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival Pve Pvp Rpg

FunnySurvival Minecraft server

Version from 1.8-1.16.2
The main task: TO SURVIVE AT ANY PRICE !!!
Our project includes:
– quests –
– clans –
– god’s armor –
– magic –
– fair PVP system –
– achievements –
– mini pets –
– turning into mobs
– donate –
– cases –
For fun:
– alcohol –
– drugs –

A Minecraft Anti Data Follow Lin Link Miner Noop Pets Pva Quarantine Relax Setup Survival Vanilla

Quarantine Survival 1.16.2

Honestly, we just setup a survival server for
kicks. Come relax and play some vanilla Minecraft. Good luck and have

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ammo Building Cities Custom Dayz Dead Factions Fantasy Food Grenades Guns Helicoper Huge Infectedrpg Infernalrealms Infernalreals Items Machinegun Map Massive Minez Mmo Mmorpg Network Pistol Prison Pvp Ranking Rpg Shotgun Skyscraper Sniper Survival Towns Walking Warzone Yomnetwork Zombies

– YomNetwork – DayZ – Infernal Realms – WarZone

InfectedRPG DayZ
WarZone PvP
Infernal Realms
Website Donate
NEW Players are always welcome into our community!

InfectedRPG DayZ

InfectedRPG is a DayZ based survival PvP PvE server with guns and much much more. Your ultimate goal is to survive and thrive starting from nothing and ending up an unstoppable veteran survivor. Zombies are a threat to your survival and will kill you or worse infect you and turn you into one of them. Other players may be friendly and help you survive, or they could be a bandit and murder you for your supplies. We have over 200 different types of custom weaponry including guns ranging from pistols to RPG’s, over 12 different types of melee weapons including minecrafts default swords, a huge arsenal of explosives for you to use and blow up, and even nuclear bombs! Explore massive cities or abandoned military bases and loot the supplies people left behind to help you survive! Find and drive boats, horses, and even helicopters! Earn tokens by killing zombies and rank up to unlock new kits and more! Find sleeping bags, barbed wire, barricades, and storage boxes to build your own base and defend it from zombies and bandits! There is endless things to do on this server so enjoy and goodluck!

WarZone PvP
WarZone PvP is a massive Kit PvP type server with guns set in a massive destructible city. You start off in a C130 Aircraft and choose your loadout and kits then Skydive out of the plane into the WarZone. You fight 100’s of other players with over 80 types of unlockable guns and weapons. Use bombs to blow up buildings, snipe people from 100 blocks away, fly through the city, make a team, build a base. Kill people to earn money then use that money to rankup and unlock more guns and kits. Are you ready to join the fight?

Infernal Realms
Infernal Realms is an MMO RPG PvP Adventure server! You pick a class, fight monsters, level up, conquer dungeons and bosses, create and rule towns, command armies, unlock gear, wage war and become King of the realm! The fun never ends on Infernal Realms!

Castle Castles Civ Civilization CTF Fable Force Greif History Orc Pearl Roleplay Story Tribe Tribes


We are semi-Anarchy civilization experience!!

Create Tribes!

Imprison People with Ender Pearls!

Reinforce Castles to make them ungreifable. (use /ctf)


1.16.3 1.7 Chaos Complet Create Destiny Destroy Hosted Lag Little Place Pvp Spawn Tiny Update

OnlyAnarchy [Complete Chaos]

Only anarchy is as you guessed ONLY ANARCHY, Come enjoy our destroyed spawn and create your own destiny!

Our server has little to no lag right now but we need more! it is hosted on 1.16.3 and looking to update to 1.7.0. If you want to come and bring some friends and also be destructive this is your place! I hope you come enjoy the server as much as I do!

Direct Economy Element Elements Ideas Kings Launch Launched Magic Minigames Minion Para Pvp Survival Towny

KINGS DOMINION MC | Towny Survival with… PVP, Economy, Minigames & More!

We are very excited to announce that after a few weeks of preparation, we have LAUNCHED the official Kings Dominion Minecraft server!

We are excited to bring you a Towny based server with additional features such as PVP, Economy, and Minigames. (Unique elements including magic and more!)

While we will continue to implement new ideas that we feel will bring out the best player experience, we would also like our players to direct where we go with the server as well!

So what are you waiting for!? Be one of Kings Dominion’s founding players and become a leader as we grow!

Acting American Bill Canadia Canadian Film Football No Dupes Pvp Survival Titanmc Vanilla Worldwide Wrestling Wwe

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Craft

“Dwayne Douglas Johnson (born May 2, 1972), also known by his ring name the Rock, is an American-Canadian actor, producer, businessman, retired professional wrestler, and former American football and Canadian football player. He wrestled for the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, later WWE) for eight years prior to pursuing an acting career. His films have grossed over $3.5 billion in North America and over $10.5 billion worldwide, making him one of the highest-grossing actors of all time.”
– Wikipedia

This server is vanilla. No hacks, no exploits, no dupes. No tpa, no homes, no kits. World size limit of 25,000 blocks every direction. Minecraft as intended.


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Dynamap Fabric Greifing Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hob Homo Optifine Scicraft Seed Technical Trades Tweak Tweaks Vanilla

Appliedcraft | Technical Hermitcraft style server

Welcome to Appliedcraft

I have been playing single player survival minecraft for about 8 months or so. I am kinda sick and tired of playing alone. So I am going to open up my world for others to join to see how things work out.

Server is whitelist only. You must join discord and talk with others about why you would like to join.

Respect community members
18+ unless you can prove that you are mature enough to play.(ask on discord for more information)
No Greifing
No Stealing
No Cheaty clients (optifine, fabric is ok)
No PVP unless agreed by both parties. (must be in the pvp section)

No Racist
No Homophobic people
No scams or malicious links
No excessive swearing
No impersonation!
No asking for and / or sharing personal information

Vanilla Tweaks :
More mob heads
Double Shuker shells
Dragon Drops
Wandering trades

Discord Link:

! Seed available !

DynaMap located here

Abilities Bounties Custom Weapon Enchantment Enchantments Enhanced Machine Machines New Abilities New Items Otherland Slime Slimefun Survival Unlock


Motherland is an enhanced survival server for leftist comrades. Some of our features include:
  • Earn money by joining a job, completing bounties and
  • Rank up to earn access to more commands and features
  • Level up mcMMO skill lines to gain new abilities
  • Spend your XP on custom weapon & armor enchantments
  • Build machines and unlock new items with Slimefun
  • Discord:
  • Join us at:

    Account Add Added Cent Class Flame Has Lame Owner Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Ter This You

    FlamerCraft server Minecraft

    The owner of the FlamerCraft server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Angry Archer Archers Caves Dangerous Elite Hard Survival Hardcore Meteorite Meteorites Mobs Shows Skele Skeleton Survival

    Narg’s Hard Survival

    Narg’s Hard Core

    Mods Installed:
    Angry Mobs
    Elite Mobs
    Dangerous Caves
    Action Health (Shows Health of others)
    Meteorites Pro

    These mobs include Skeleton Archers in diamond armor, Endermen in the wild and more.

    More mods to come.

    It is just you against the World.


    Atm Crates Economy Kits Noop Prison Pvparena Quests Ranks Rates Rock Rocket Shop Survival Tga


    Welcome to Rocket Gaming!!

    It is a survival/prison server. With kits, crates and a shop atm come join!!

    We have a discord server if u like to join it!!

    Come Join Today!!

    Owner is Lewis_y2k

    Builders Building Community Communitydriven Discord Freedom Friendly Hulk Plugins Smp Survival Trolling Twitch Vanilla Vanillasurvival


    **I have a new server that is amazing! Here is why you should join!**
    – Supports 1.16.2
    – It has many plugins that make gameplay much better and a lot more fun
    – It has a great community of players that all engage and care for one another
    – New people can create their own town or join an existing one. Each town will have a mayor and its own name + rules.
    – It has great data packs like one player sleep and mob head drops. As well as 2 shulker shell drops.
    – No building restrictions (apart from when inside towns)
    – 100% Uptime unless i am adding something
    Games night every week (Players can join in and play many mini-games which include Tag, Parkour, Hide n Seek and many more to win awesome prizes and have a very fun time!
    – You can invite friends and work with them or work on your own – Whatever you like!
    – GriefPrevention
    – The server is whitelisted with a great admin team so you don’t have to worry about griefing / trolling/hacking!
    **The server has only been up for a week but is already amazing, join quickly before its too late!! If you have any questions? please feel free to DM me – they are always open!
    I really do hope you decided to join the discord at least so you can meet some amazing people! But playing would be much better! -Join the discord! –

    **The Server is also Streamer and Youtube Friendly so you can make great content on it! :D**

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Java 1.8 Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!