Coreprotect Dallas Five Freebuild Government Governments Growth Humans Model No Commands Seed Semivanilla Smp Technical Vanilla

Although I’m Alone [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Free Build} {Anti-Grief} {Semi-Technical} {1.16.2}

About us
“Although I’m Alone” is a Minecraft server that closely adheres to five principles: simplicity, modernity, pragmatism, player involvement, and freedom.

In practice, we aim to create a server that promotes prosocial and eusocial behavioral growth in humans. Not tribalism (factions) or presociality (anarchy).

Rules and Vision
By modeling our administration after real-life governments, we give players the freedom to do what they desire, and deal with problems on a case-by-case basis. Never again will you get banned for breaking unwritten rules or getting on a staff member’s bad side.

Our only rules are no griefing/raiding and no malicious behavior towards the server or other players. Although the second rule is non-specific, we trust most players understand its meaning (no hacks, lag machines, unwanted pvp, etc).

More Info

– The server runs on Spigot to have essential plugins like CoreProtect. We have configured the jar as best we can to stay true to vanilla behavior and avoid redstone breakage.

– There are no commands like /tpa, /home, or a set economy.

– There are no land claims, but builds that are close to spawn can apply for protection.

– The server runs on dedicated hardware hosted in Dallas, USA.

– We hold regular community events that have unique prizes.

– The world will not be reset, nor will the seed be given out.


Aco Anti Anti-grief Auto Club Conomy Econom Grief Haven Red Run Semi Semivanilla Smp Vanilla

Taco Haven

Anti-grief community centered semi-vanilla smp. With a player run economy, and friendly staff.

Complex Coop Cooperative Crates Custom Factions Immersion Inviting Npcs Plugins Raiding Rares Root Survival Vanilla

The Royal Goliath

We are a semi-vanilla, factions survival server that offers a range of custom features such as custom raiding, bosses and rare crates, all coupled with an intensive survival experience that is not, in any way, pay to win.

Our server comes complete with the following features:
— Semi-vanilla Minecraft that sticks to its roots. A unique and expanded experience without the overhead of complex and immersion-breaking gameplay.
— Donations are not required to win and advance. Every feature we offer is obtainable through playing.
— Factions survival gives players the opportunity to play and compete against each other in many different aspects.
— Completely custom coded raiding plugin alike no other server gives players a unique raiding experience.
— Intensive solo or cooperative boss battles allows players to battle NPCs for handsome rares and riches.
— Daily chests offering daily rewards, simply by logging on.
— Regular events to earn our premium currency tokens.
— A custom premium Emporium alike no other server where players can get a thrill from spending their tokens.

We are a growing community inviting you to come join our journey and grow with us. Join us on our server at We look forward to seeing you.


Applu Apply Community Discord E3bones Free Hermitcraft Minecraft Needed New Nopay2win Nopay2wsin Nopay2wub Poa Redstone Semiprivate Skins Smp Staff Vanilla Whitelist Xbomes Xbones

ViveSMP Hermitcraft | Whitelist | Vanilla | New

Who Are We? ViveSMP, a new Vanilla Hermicraft server that doesn’t use any land claim or teleporting to other players. We like to keep close to vanilla.

Why Whitelist and How Do I Join? Simple, we use whitelist to ensure that our players are mature and not going to cause any hassle. This stops cheaters from joining constantly and allows the community to keep together. If you want to join use the discord link below.

What Plugins Do You Use? We have our own personal Developer who maintains the server and ensures everything added that could be seen as non vanilla is called upon a community vote. Democracy.

What Do I Do Once I Join The Discord? Answer the questions in the apply format channel and wait for an admin to accept you in. This doesnt usually take too long.

How Old Is The Server? 5 Days as of this post

Can I Pay For Things With Real Money? You can purchase cosmetic effects only. No Pay2Win

Claiming Expansion Hacker Keepinv Keepinventory Menu Minecraft World Minecraft Worlds Mountain Mountains Proper Properties Property Survival Thoughts

What does our server offer?

> Survival Server
> Claim land yourself and build on it
> Friendly server community
> Helpful players
> No plot worlds but real Minecraft worlds with mountains
> Huge main world to infinity
> There is only one main world, the Nether and the End
> Keepinventory is on our server so you don’t lose anything
> PvP is on
> Lag free server

Hello we are dystopia,

a survival server where you can let your thoughts run free, a lot has already been built which is very clear,
we have been building on this server for half a year but we have only published it now because there are unfortunately not that many
We want you to join the server now and help build a huge world.

We are currently 6 players that is not enough for us, the more players the more buildings there would be.

On our server there are of course rules that read:
> there is no gruff or insult
> if land has NOT been claimed and it has been excavated, it is your own fault! therefore claiming is very important
> We do not tolerate modders / hackers
> Plots must not be too close to each other because of the expansion of the area

Help on the server:

To claim land for you is very easy

(/ lands claim) to claim a property
(/ lands claim auto) to claim several at once
(/ lands help) for help with the properties
(/ lands menu) to set everything on your property

General help
(/ help)

If there are more questions then just write in the chat for help as an admin is usually online,
the originals can also help you a bit, if you press tab you can see who is online or not.

If you look at the Dynmap you can see how much has already been built on the server, most of it was built over-sized: D, so we want you to contribute to get the server really big

Almost Data Link Multi Multiplay Multiplayer Noop Pumpkin Pve Server Ip Survival Survival Multiplayer Tale Target Tip

Vanilla Survival Multiplayer – Pumpkintale

* Almost no plugins.
* Best Vanilla Experience
* PvE

Hope you like it, feel free to join our discord and connect with other people: [


Server ip is:

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Allies Auctionhouse Economysurvival Faction Factions Mcmmo Mineablespawners Obsidianbreaker Playerheads Quests Shop Shopgui Storyline Tripp Votingplugin

⚔️ XenFactions [1.16.2] 🚁 [Quests/Storyline] [MCMMO] 🛒[Econ/Shop] 💥[RAIDING!]

Server IP:
XenFactions is a faction based server designed for massive pvp.By creating factions, that you can invite your friends to and work your way up to becoming the top clan.Our newly added Quests made Factions a lot more interesting! Adding a story line to your experience; if you’re a Towny type of player or a MassivePvP type of player this server is for you!
Not only is the server competitive but there are also mini-game rewards to help you further advance to end game.

Officially opened on:
08/17/2020 (Monday)
(Server Ads will be running to increase server population)
Join Our Discord Community: Click Here to Enter

300+ Members Strong!
Upgrade your experience at Buy.XenFactions.Com
Factions – Fun way to build homes with friends and allies. Build up, and raid others!
McMMO – Skills to pay the bills, you got the right one here!
Hard Difficulty – With Slimefun being so well advanced, we made it a more difficult server overall to balance and make it more of an exciting environment to play and enjoy.
Survival – Get a classic Minecraft experience with the mod feeling! PvP, PvE, with quests and events.
Custom Enchants – Higher enchants than standard Vanilla. We include higher enchantments to our higher ranks.MineableSpawners – We have given our higher ranks the ability to mine spawners to help upgrade their base and enchantments!
ObsidianBreaker – Raiding bases are more interesting for Factions! Obsidian takes 7 TNT with a blast radius of 3!
ShopGUI+ – Custom /shop command lets you shop and sell on the go. No need to stop what you’re doing to sell.
VotingPluginRewards – Vote on [url=(Link removed)]TopG[/url], MinecraftServersOrg, or Minecraft-Servers to receive in-game rewards to help you progress!
Quests – No more boring vanilla factions! Adding quests has made Factions more interactive. Do /quests journal to view your current Quests. Once you leave the spawn building, the building to your right will get you where you need to go!
Citizens 2 – NPCs!!!

Coming Soon:

AuctionHouse (waiting on 1.16.2 update).

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1000 лвл Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Girl Girls Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Pvp Russian Minecraft Zombie Zombies


Server owner “❤️ BANPLAY ❤️ MANY GIRLS AND ZOMBIES!” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

American Anti Antigrief Arena Dwo Economy Grief Griefing Mob Odyssey Rpg Shop Shops Survival Towny


There is no better feeling than building a rad base with you mates,
and living in it, without the fear of being grieffed!
Mature Community. Most of us are good hardworking Americans, attending College or Highschool.
↓Server IP↓
Friendly admin & 0% tolerance for hackers
Hope to see you there

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Aids Alcohol Chaos Complex Cut Drug Drugs Fans Huge Mcd Minecraft Weapons Npc Npcs Raids Weapon

ChaosGrief Minecraft server

Description of the server A server for fans of a complex game, griefing and weapons.
Only here there is a PVE cut with a huge number of NPCs and bosses. While resting from raids, you can build a house in a vision, buy drugs or alcohol. Unite into large clans and fight together.

Factions Factionsroleplay Mcmmo Mcmmofactions Politics Rights Roleplay Roleplaying Roleplayingserver Rping Rpserver Towny Townysurvival Ww1 Wwi

Civilizations [MC RP]

Join a server envisioned to promote players to forge their own path in roleplay. In this server, Industry, Expansionism, and Fantasy collide. Choose to explore you will find a world open for taking. What will you do?

Will you join the ranks of the Imperial Guard, Defending the Land that gave you freedom?

Will you join in the politics of the old world and lobby for all in the Empire’s rights?

Will you found a new empire and help newcomers to this region? Help them find refuge from expanse? Or choose to become a bandit leader robbing the travelers or the Empire you once were a part of?

Or Will you choose to do nothing at all?

How will you choose to bring up yourself and those around you to keep them from dying?
Whatever role you choose to take on will impact everything around you. A simple robbing could end up being the downfall of an up-and-coming nation. Everyone has their own goals, but you choose yours. Welcome to MC RP’s Civilizations…

Couple Creativity Dupe Dupes Generation Him Killing Local Nba Survival Multiplayer Travel Universe Wildernes Wilderness Yes

NOIZI! Minecraft server

Minecraft server NOIZI! it is an idea where players travel and survive in different worlds. In worlds that will differ in generation, rules, conditions.

What do we have? A couple of systems with various worlds, local auctions, mined spawners, an economy tied to trade and killing players. Yes, we, like any project, have a donation, but there is no creativity, dupes and unbalanced whales in it.

Are we going to stop there? Of course not! Our goal is a universe where worlds appear and fade, where the player can settle in the very wilderness and no one will see him again. Our goal is a universe where everyone will be comfortable.


Abuse Creative Cru Discord Factions Free Modern Oce Paid Roles Skyblock Sounds Toxic Tren Urban


A small server network run by a small group of people.

We offer KitPVP, Creative, Bedwars, Skyblock, and Factions.
We have a professionally built, modern urban spawn, and lots of gamemodes to choose from.

We are a very friendly community, and we take care to ensure that each member feels welcome.
We strive to ensure that the server is free of toxicity.

We also have very strict policies against administrative abuse, and a carefully thought out recruitment process.
This ensures that all staff members are placed in roles that play to their strengths.
Staff positions are volunteer positions only (Unpaid.) , though this may eventually change.

For more information, join our discord server:

If this all sounds good to you, give the server a try.


Classic Donator Donators Free To Play Minecraft Mew Minecraft Survival Nen No Dupes No Launcher No Protection No Resets Permanent Pvp Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

Game World 1.16.1 Minecraft server

Game World is a Minecraft server where you can have a good time with your friends. There are no privates on the server, so you have to defend your home yourself.

-> Our VKontakte group –

Join our group!

-> Discord server –

Join our Discord server!

Go to the server and play!

Vanilla survival WITHOUT privates!

Good administration!

Balance between donators and players!

Permanent fix of bugs!

All the most necessary plugins are installed on the server, which will not interfere with vanilla survival.

Enjoy playing at Game World!

Backpack Bags Biomesoplenty BuildCraft Chisel Engineer Engineering Expansion Forestry Furniture Industrial Craft RailCraft Rocket Seasons Thermal

Total Project Minecraft server

We have mods such as:
Advanced rocketry
Applied energistics
Ender IO
Energy control
Energy converters
Gravi Suite
Immersive Engineering
Industrial craft 2
Iron chest
Open blocks
Redstone flux
Solar flux reborn
Thermal Dynamics
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Tree chopper
Uni Dict

1000 лвл 127 лвл Dupes Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Need Players Russian Minecraft

SymphonyCraft server Minecraft

Minecraft Server SymphonyCraft on version 1.8 – 1.12.2

– BedWars, SkyPvP, SkyWars, The Hunger Games, SkyBlock, MurderMystery
– Clans, arena for clan battles, as well as top clans
– Statistics of the best players
– Entertainment: parkour, trampolines, club, casino, hangout, mob rocking, fishing, recreation beach
– Unique plugins made by our programmers
– Rare wipes, and there is also a world of donators – no wipes
– Secret Easter eggs, secrets, hidden gifts
– Honest donation

IP –
VK group:

A cozy server with an experienced administration, guaranteeing you a comfortable game without lags.
We are over 1 month old. An excellent survival and PvP server with good online.
Beautiful buildings, there is a world without wipes. A unique set of plugins for convenience.
A lot of entertainment, on our server you will not have time to get bored 🙂
Here you will find everything that you like, and there is also nothing superfluous!

Application Bedrock Cat City Create Elf Full Group Link Meet Oup Reveal Rock Rules Survival Multiplayer

BedrockBasis Minecraft Server

BedrockBasis is a vanilla minecraft server where you can meet new people, create your own city, and fully reveal yourself!
To play with us, follow the link to the group of our server, read the rules, and fill out the application.

Bored Courage Destroy Dnd Forever Mega Minecraft Murder Mute My Minecraft Server New Spigot Structure Structures Survival

JoCraft (Survival 1.16.2 Anarchy RP Survival)

Hi Im Wiqor, and this is my minecraft server. Im bored and want to play minecraft with random players

-Survival minecraft
-Version 1.16.2
-Essentials for cooler stuff

-you can do whatever you want
-if i see you hacking ill ban you
-if you just murder players ill ban you
-if you spam chat ill mute you forever
-if you destroy players builds ill ban you

four simple rules, other than that i do not care what you do, destroy the world, explore, build megastructures, etc etc. I like to encourage a little rp in minecraft too, like in dnd if you’re into that kinda thing. its not required.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Air Ats Faction Pvp Fair Fight Gamer Gamers Hats Launch Launched Link Matt Multi Solo Unch

Fairfight Factions

Fairfight is community for gamers that want a fair experience no matter what, Thats why we have launched, Fairfight Factions, this is a Minecraft server, Running on 1.15.2 that provides Multiple custom plugins to enssure every player has a good time while playing as a Solo or as a team with your friends, So we welcome you and your friends to come join our community and make your gametime playable, You can join us on our Discord @ or on our server @ We hope to see you there!

116server Creative Dayz Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fun Let's Mcmmo Pvp Raiding Summer Survival Worldborder Worldedit

InvasionMC – An amazing new server! [1.16.2]

Welcome Player to Invasionmc!

We’re a server that started in 2013 but just re-opened! With custom plugins and
loads of original ideas! On our factions server you’ll get free silkspawner access,
daily rewards and we got crates for dayz.

But anyway, do you really read this description? I’ve never read one. Let’s be honest, you don’t
REALLY care what we put here unless we use some fancy words here and there. Lemme just try to summerize
what we got:

– Factions (main server)
– Creative

What makes factions “unique”:

– Big worldborder
– Free crates and silkspawners
– Pretty bad looking spawn

What makes creative unique:

– Ranking system
– Flat worlds

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and 1 Block Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!