Active Bedwars Class Combat Community Craft Creative Custom Economy Event Events Factions Features Game Games Good Inecraft Lobby Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Movecraft Murder Plot Plots Raiding Server Sky Skywars Staff Survival Terrain Vehicle Vehicles War Wars

Colossal Combat

MINECRAFT (1.12.2 –> 1.15.2)


– MINIGAMES –> SkyWars ~ BedWars ~ Murder Mystery ~ and More!!

Active Amazing Ark Ass Class Custom Dark Economy Enchant Enchants Erver Exciting Full Future Gambling Google Lin New Paw Prison Pvp Ran Rank Server Spawn Tom

DarkMC – OP Prison

We are a new prison server with lots of exciting plans for the future. We have a fully custom spawn with custom gambling and an amazing rank system with custom enchants.

Active Admin Ass Bran Brand Class Craft Creative Discord District Eat Erver Event Google Grief Horse Map New Ops Plot Plots Prevention Pve Pvp Racing Raft Ran Ring Rvival Server Shop Shopping Shops Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


A brand new Survival map
Creative plots
Grief Prevention
Shopping District
Admin Shops
Toggleable PvP
Horse Racing

Discord server –

More info at

247server 247uptime Customenchants Customplugins Earth Earthmap Economy Faction Pvp Factions Playershop Pvp Signshop Survival Towny Voterewards Votifier

Minecraft Earth

Minecraft Earth is a server that has a map of the whole earth that you play on and build up your country/state/empire, forge alliances, trade, wage war, and make your own history. I have no clue what will unfold but I’m excited to find out.

Active Ars Art Ass Class Eat Economy Google Hardcore Ill Imple Journey King Pve Pvp Sim Simp Simple Star Start Survival Ten Time War You

Forward Thinking

Times change and through the years we change. Things have gotten simpler yet there is still much to learn, defeat and achieve. It is never too late to start your journey.

Abilities Active Claim Community Craft Creative Custom Economy End Friends Fun Great Grief Griefing Join Land Mcmmo Mechanics Mine Minecraft Minigame Mmo Perks Play Player Plot Plotworld Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Resources Server Survival Unique Vanilla World


MineApple offers a fun survival experience. Play on the server, get resources, reach milestones and receive perks.

We offer the vanilla survival experience you know and love, but with unique and fun extras. Players can aqcuire custom perks, items and abilities through custom game mechanics and machines from CraftBook, McMMO, our own plugins and more!

We are a No-Griefing and No-Raiding server and offer plugins like Residence that allow you to easily claim land to use by yourself or together with friends.

Aside from Survival, we also offer a Creative Plotworld and have a custom PvP Minigame in which you can fight your friends or someone from our community using special abililties. Furthermore, we are constantly working on improving your experience, by creating more fun things for you to enjoy.

We strive to get the most out of vanilla Minecraft mechanics and try to use them to make original things that should keep you entertained.

If you are looking for a great experience, join us at MC.MINEAPPLE.NET

Active Bedwars Build Community Craft Crazy Creative End Environment Family Friendly Games Hard Hardmode Lobby Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Network Normal Play Player Players Plot Plots Plugin Safe Server Servers Sky Skyblock Spleef Survival Survivalgames War Wars World

CrazyPig Family Friendly Minecraft

Welcome to the Crazy Pig Family Friendly Minecraft Server.
Crazy Pig is a Minecraft Server network run by an international community of parents, with the aim of providing a safe and friendly environment suitable for players of all ages.
-LOBBY. Where everyone arrives, and where you can access all the other servers (or “worlds”).
-SKYBLOCK. A survival mode world (hard mode).
-INSANIA. A survival mode world (“extrahard” mode), running the —–ExtraHardMode plugin.
-GAMES. A mini-games world. Bedwars, Spleef and SurvivalGames
-VALOUR. A survival mode world (normal mode) – ideal for everyone.
-PLOTS. A creative mode world where players are assigned one or more “plots” to build in.

Active Awesome Build Class Color Craft Custom Donor Economy End Environment Event Events Friends Fun Going Inecraft Item Land Lands Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Perks Pets Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Sign Survival Vehicle Vehicles War Welcoming

MC Badlands

Sign up at!

Primarily, we are a survival server. We have several plugins that build upon and improve the survival experience!

We have a fantastic, welcoming environment that’s been going strong for years! This isn’t just a big group of random people that play Minecraft on the same server – it’s a giant group of friends. We’ve withstood the test of time. MC Badlands has been around since 2011. This is not a server that’s going to go offline tomorrow. We’ve been here for a long time and we’re not going anywhere! We offer and encourage our players to participate in many play styles. Not to mention we run server-hosted events nearly every week! We have awesome donor perks for any budget! We offer all kinds of fun perks from vehicles to pets to particle effects to custom item naming (with colors), and that’s only the beginning!

At the end of the day, MC Badlands offers a the complete experience for any player that’s sure to keep you coming back for more! We look forward to meeting you!

Active Adventure Claim Community Craft Creative Custom Discord Economy Edit End Event Events Friendly Games Grief Griefing Java Land Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Mods Network Parkour Play Player Plot Plots Quest Quests Rpg Server Survival Unique Vanilla World Worldedit

Gearhex MC

A server you will love, with features for all:
Gearhex MC is a unique and friendly 24/7 community server network for Minecraft: Java Edition, featuring Survival Adventure with quests, RPG, No Griefing with land-claim, survival, games, and events, mergeable/expandable Creative Plots with WorldEdit for all players, and our custom Modded Minecraft server with mods chosen by our community on Discord, and much more to come very soon!

Active Based Bee Best Class Community Craft End Experience Factions Friendly Good Has Huge Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Games Owner Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prison Pro Professional Pvp Raid Raiding Server Servers Staff Suggestions Tweak Unique



About SaiCoPvP?
SaiCoPvP is a server run by professional, experienced minecraft players. The owners of the server listen to every players input/suggestions on the servers and thrive to make a friendly community for the players.The server is based mainly around the raiding/pvp aspect of minecraft as the staff know that there is a huge community waiting for them if they do make a good server. Our server has been trying to develop the utmost best raiding-pvp for our users the past year, we have many Unique plugins for all the servers, Some to tweak the servers performance others to improve the user based performance as we know having the better server

Active Community Craft Dwo End Event Events Farm Forums Fun Head Hub Join King Latest Market Meetings Mine Minecraft Nether New Open Play Player Plot Plots Pve Quest Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Trade Update Updated Vanilla Who World

Zedwork Vanilla

Zedwork’s Community-run Vanilla Minecraft server; always updated to the latest version of Mojang’s vanilla Minecraft.

Founded by __Laurens__, now run by the Zriends, the Market provides a place to trade with other players. Shop plots are available on request, and all shops are protected from block-breaking.

Originally founded by luckyscharms323, now run by SneakySkeleton and the Zriends, the Nether Hub provides fast travel all across the world. Anyone may connect to the hub, though access from spawn is restricted to Zedlings (members) only. (Must play 15 hours on the server to gain Zedling status.)

Maintained by the community, this public farm is located near spawn and provides both new and regular players with food. Just remember to replant! 😉

The Council is a collection of Zedlings whom meet bi-weekly to organise community projects and events, whilst also highlighting any issues players have so they can be resolved. Meetings are open for all to attend, check out our forums for more details of the next meeting.

Be sure to read the rules before heading out.

Please join and HAVE FUN! ^_^

Active Best Build Color Combat Create Creative Custom Death End Fly Fun Good Grief Hunger Games Magic Map Mcmmo Minecraft Minion Minions Mmo Mod New Parkour Play Plots Pvp Roleplay Server Servers Sky Skyblock Slimefun Spells Survival Unique War Wars Xrun

XRUN – The original Xrun from !!! Over 60 maps, and all the RAGE!
SURVIVAL – Servers with 1.14.4 features! Mcmmo! Anti-Grief, non-pvp.
COLORSHUFFLE! – Get to the right color, or face death!
POKE GO! Pokemon Go in Minecraft! No downloads needed~
HYPERDRIVE! – Extreme Fast Flying!
MAGECRAFT! – is custom gamemode of Survival where all is magic and magic rules. Bringing to life the Myths and Legends of the world! Create custom items, altars and summon creatures! Use spells from wands that level up to make you the best wizard!
CREATIVE! – with huge plots to create what your imagination holds.
SKYBLOCK! – Falling is not an option! Create the best ever base from basically nothing! Slimefun will help! So will your Minions!
Build Battle!
Power Surge! – New custom game where your good ability is only good till your power supply runs out! Collect, trade for items needed to win and PVP your way to victory!
H2O! – A unique underwater “hunger games” style game with treasure chests that hold special custom items! Beautiful arenas and gameplay!
Wither Wars! – Our Custom game that lets you be a wither and do what withers love to do…. blow up everything in sight to knock out your opponents!
Hunger Games! – with 1.8 combat!

Active Ark Ass Ations Bar Class Com Comedic Craft Creative Element End Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Exp Explore Friends Google Inecraft Lit Lore Mine Minecraft Mission New One Pie Piece Server Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Welcome Youtube

Element Animation

Welcome to the Element Animation server!

It is our mission to entertain, and in more ways than one. The Element Animation team crafts comedic Minecraft animations, which can be viewed on our channel ( Now, we have a server and it’s more enjoyable than ever.

Explore, meet new friends, and embark upon new creative endeavors. The possibilities are endless—the only piece missing is you.

Active Class Classes Craft Custom Dragon Dragons Dungeon End Farm Game Ill Inecraft Item Items Kill Magic Mine Minecraft Mmo Mmorpg Mob Mobs Multiplayer Original Play Player Pve Pvp Raiding Roleplay Rpg Server Skills Survival Town Towns Wns World

Herocraft MMORPG

The Original Heroes RPG Minecraft server.
Many Classes to chose from! Paladin, Ranger, Wizard, Cleric and more!
Many Professions! Engineer, Smith, Farmer, Merchant and more!
Many Skills! Cast Fireball, Backflip, Bolt and 200 more!
Custom Mobs and Items!
Enjoy a truly RPG experience in a Minecraft World!

Level up and gain attribute points to spend.
Customize your character as you level to obtain the game style you like.
If you like Dungeon & Dragons and Minecraft this is the server for you!

Ace Active Ban Bank Boss Bosses Car Challenge Challenges Class Custom Discord Economy Enchant Enchants Fac Features Giveaways Has Ill Item Items Mcmmo Money Play Pve Pvp Ring Server Shark Spawn Super Survival Sword Unique Vanilla World

Titan Survival

Welcome to TITAN!

This isn’t your regular survival server, we have tons of unique features like Custom Bosses! Be careful you don’t run into the sharks, super creepers, or Rogue Golems! They will spawn in the world so make sure to bring your sword. Face your worst nightmares and defeat the bosses like Thanos!

With over 300 challenges to complete, collect money, and either invest it with the Banker, purchase custom enchants, or buy custom items!

Server IP:
Discord (giveaways):

Action Active Advanced Amazing Class Economy Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Epic Erver Essentials Fac Faction Factions Fast Fire Google Ice King Lit Looking Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs New Plugin Plugins Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Timber Vanilla Vault

ICEnFIRE Factions

We are a new factions server with tons of amazing plugins! We are looking to get many new members and staff. Plugins installed on server: Essentials, Factions, McMMO, Vault, Epic Spawners, Elite Mobs, Advanced Enchantments, Timber, Fast Leaf Decay

Active Ass Ats Base Claim Claims Class Com Community Daily Diamond Diamonds Eat End Friendly Google Help Helpful Home Homes Laim Mini Games Mon Ommunity Play Player Ran Rank Rankup Reward Rewards Riendly Smp Staff Survival Swe Towny War Welcome


Welcome to KlunkySMP! We have a rankup system, homes, claims, and helpful staff members! Our player base is very friendly, with a helpful community. We also have daily rewards which give you some sweet treats and diamonds.

Active Adventure Adventures Build Building City Cmi Create Creative Dynmap Eco Economy End Environment Home Job Jobs Jobsreborn Map Minecraft New Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Ranks Rankup Server Spigot Survival Title Town Towns Towny Townyserver Townysurvival Vanilla War

Inizicraft – Towny Survival Server

Inizicraft is a Survival Server for You and Your Friends!

A server that has grown and changed in its almost three years of existence, Inizcraft aims to allow players to join and play along with their group of friends or collaborate with others who are on the server. Rather than pay for a server to play with your buds, hop on Inizicraft and enjoy a survival experience that allows you to do as you would alone, but with the additional plugins that Inizicraft has to offer!

Our Plugins Add to Your Experience, But Keep it Vanilla!

With plugins like towny and residence, you can protect your builds and create thriving towns, but the game keeps its vanilla feel and doesn’t stray away from that classic Minecraft theme! Plugins like BigDoors and CMI allow the server to have an interactive building environment and a dynamic economy. Finally, JobsReborn provides players with new tasks and adventures to go on, always keeping your gaming experience fresh and exciting. Dynmap allows players to see the server’s beauty in a whole new way!

A Dynamic Rankup Structure and Town Tournaments!

Inizicraft’s rankup structure and town tournaments allow players to set goals to strive towards, while also proving their towns value, and attracting new players to their towns. Ranks are available for all types of players, from builders to fighters and everything in between!

Home of the Minecraft Building Toronto Project!

The Inizicraft Server is also home to Gamefruitpulp’s Building Toronto Project. This ambitious creative project aims to recreate the City of Toronto, Canada on a 1:1 Scale. Players on the Inizicraft Server are able to warp to the project and walk around, exploring its beauty and attention to detail!


Active Balance Cat Class Craft Create Earth Economy Experience Explore Fac Faction Factions Geopol Geopolitical Inecraft Land Lands Lit Lore Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Multiplayer New Ocean Play Player Political Pvp Raiding Server Small Survival Who World


ParkyMC is a factions server that replicates an Earth world into a whole new world, and aims to create a geopolitical balance into a Minecraft server. Not only can you make factions and destroy other factions, but you can also explore the unknown parts of the world, map the world, have a single player experience in a multiplayer world due to the vast continents and many small islands in the oceans.

Action Active Ass Class Com Combat Community Conomy Cosmetics Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy End Erver Fac Faction Factions Friendly Google Ill Join New Old Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raiding Ran Rank Ranks Riendly Server Survival Vanilla


New Factions Server.
Ranks, Economy, Cosmetics, Old Combat, and More
– Factions without the unnecessary plugins or OP equipment
– Mostly vanilla with some ease-of-access plugins
– Friendly Community
Join us on Discord!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Israel Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!