116server Artgallery Auctionhouse Building Community Creative Custom Customenchants Customfishing Customitems Fishing Mapart Mcmmo Minecraft Pets Petshop Pvparena Resourcepack Resourceworld Shops Supplycrates Supplydrops Survival Vote Voterewards Votifier Worldreset

HollowCraft Survival Server [1.16+]

Enter a new world of adventure to discover the wonders and treasures that this server holds. Go on epic journeys, have the adventure of a lifetime and discover a whole new world! Create a place that feels like home and make new memories with friends!

Come join us on HollowCraft!



Buy Keys to unlock Crates and get custom items, spawners and keys to unlock higher tier crates. We offer 4 crates; Gaia, Tempest, Aquanaut & Inferno.

Supply Drops

Every 3 hours, 10 Supply Drops will fall from the sky into Spawn. Players will have 10 minutes to explore the area to try and find the supplies. There are 3 tiers of Supply Drops and they all have different tiers of rewards. If you are near a Supply Drop you will be able to see or hear fireworks in spawn.

Hollow Craft Supply Drops

Hollow Super Store

Buy furniture and decorations at the Hollow Super Store. We offer a wide arrangement of chairs, tables, appliances and other decorations to bring your indoor and outdoor builds to life.

Hollow Super Store


Choose from a selection of /warps for you to use to travel around the spawn faster and efficiently!

Resource World

Running low on materials for your recipes or builds? Why not gather what you need in the Recourse World? You can access the resource world by typing in chat /rw tp.

World Resets

We reset the Resource World every 14 days while the End and Nether reset every 28 days. There is a countdown timer in the tab menu to see when resets take place.

Fishing Areas

Visit one of two fishing areas for your chance to win reward pearls that can be exchanged for in-game money.

Hollow Craft Fishing


Pick from our large variety of pets to have roaming the server with you as you work your way to the top! You can purchase multiple pets on our server and choose one to have with you while you explore the wild. Pets can be mounted or used as a hat. Adopt today at the pet shop located in Spawn behind the cosmetics shop.

Art Gallery

At the Hollow Art Gallery, you can buy paintings uploaded by the server or view local players’ work. If you would like to buy a painting simply click on Bob Ross and he will help you find your pick. If you have map art you would like to display, drop it off in the drop box and a staff member will put it on display for others to see.


To vote for the server type in chat /vote, proceed to the links provided in GUI and vote for HollowCraft. By voting, you win a Vote key which u can trade in at the vote NPC in spawn for cosmetic items or a chance at winning an Aquanaut key.

Vote For Hollow Craft

For more information on our server, please visit

Anti Antigrief Bosses Bounties Bounty Bountyhunter Customweapons Dungeons Economy Heroes Mythicmobs Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Shops Survival Towny Vanilla

Feudal Fables | RPG | Towny | Heroes | Roleplay [Via Versions]

Join our discord!:

Enter the realm of Ainoh…

Here, players begin their journey in one of three nations, working within a town to scale the class tree and elevate their status in the realm. Players start as a peasant and have the ability to work their way up a unique class tree which limits their armor and weapons, but also grants powerful specialized skills. Warriors, Rogues, Healers, Mages, and Rangers- find your meta and conquer our growing number of custom mobs and bosses. Once players are strong enough, they can band together to raid other towns for spoils. Be careful making enemies though, as all towns are PVP and you are never safe from raiders.

This server is mainly survival based, most players will spend their time roleplaying in their town as they grow their team and develop their town. We have chest shops for players to establish shops in towns, as well as a global auction house which can be accessed via merchants at certain locations. For PVE and eco focused players, there is an alternate class tree available giving the player great utilities and advantages.

Welcome to Feudal Fables! We cant wait to expand this story with you!

Claiming Community Crafting Craftingstore Crates Custom Customrecipes Ecipes Economy Economychestshop Freerpg Frpg Griefprevention Landclaim Landclaims Mcgrotto Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Newrecipes Osmetics Paper Papermc Pets Playmcgrottocom Pve Questing Quests Smp Survival Ter Terrain Thegrotto Updated

The Grotto SMP (1.17.1) (Quests/Dungeons/Claims)

The Grotto SMP (1.17.1) (Quests/Dungeons/Claims) Minecraft Server
Title of Expandable Spoiler
What is The Grotto?It’s always been difficult to explain what exactly The Grotto is intended to be. We’ve evolved since our first public launch, we’ve faced challenges and had to make difficult choices, yet we remain here as an indication, of our dedication, to create something amazing.The Grotto is in essence, an MMO styled Survival server;when joining for the first time, you can expect your usual survival aspects, with a smattering of interesting new features mixed in. Our goal is to create something which is, as cliche as it may sound, unique;a place where anyone is welcomed with open arms and given the chance toexplore something new.I suppose one could describe The Grotto as the ever-evolving creation of a mad scientist, afterall, one never knows what they may find while exploring our worlds..

Antigrief Chestshops Economy Emoji Genuine Grief Protected Keyboard Method Mob Spawners Mystical Needstaff Particles Semivanilla Settings Survival

⭐ JustChillMC 1.17.1 ⭐ A Relaxing Grief Protected Server πŸ’™ Semi-Vanilla ❀️️ Economy πŸ’š NEED Staffs! πŸ’œ

⭐ JustChillMC 1.17.1 ⭐ A Relaxing Grief Protected Server 💙 Semi-Vanilla ❤️️ Economy 💚 NEED Staffs! 💜 Minecraft Server

❤️️ Awesome Features:

  • Purely 1.17.1 World Generated!
  • Anti-Grief and Land Claiming System
  • Keep Inventory and XP
  • Player based and balanced economy
  • Acquirable Mob Spawners and Eggs
  • Professionally Made Spawn
  • 5 Cool Crates (Vote, Daily, Power, Spawner and Mystical Crate)
  • 26 Vote Ranks
  • Separate Resource World
  • MCMMO Skills
  • Live Map Available!
  • Player Warps, Auctions, Chestshops
  • Particles, Disguises, and Glow Cosmetic Options!
  • Professional Discord Server Setup
  • Discord to Game Chat and Vice-Versa
  • Multiple Store Items
  • 60+ Payment Methods on Store!
  • Optimized Server Settings and Lag Free
  • Running 24/7
  • ❤️️ What are you waiting for? Join Now and see you there!

    Version: 1.17.1
    Live Map:
    Server IP:

    Chill Claims Discord Factions Fewrules Friendly Fun Hyper Mature Minimal Shops Smallcommunity Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer

    [FSMP 1.17.1] HyperWorld

    Welcome to HyperWorld SMP!

    Our server is a lax community of people who just love minecraft.
    There are minimal rules on the server, but please be sure to view them before embarking on your journey.

    We have no monetization in our server.

    Please join our discord to interact with the community

    Actu Actually Corn Dedicated Developed Faction Pvp Forum Forums Hardcore Pvp Hcraid Pvp Raiding Stand Talk Target


    Raiding is now and we’ve got plenty to offer you, including custom
    developed unique plugins that no other servers can comply or stand against!

    Not just that but we’ve got experience and friendly dedicated staff to help you at every corner!

  • Custom Plugins
  • Dedicated staff
  • No Lag (Latency)
  • Years of Experience
  • Dedicated Forums
  • Owners who will actually talk to you!
  • A lot of servers are all about money, we’re not – we’re here for your enjoyment so why
    not give us a vote and hop on over and have some fun?

    Active Best Bestserver Bestsurvival Claim Community Diamond Discord Economy Landclaim Lush Mcmmo New Playereconomy Playershops Pve Pvp Semivanilla Shops Survival Town Towny Vanlla

    [ Lush Survival ] 🏑 Land Claim | 🌲 Trees Fall When Cut | πŸͺ Player Shops | ⛏️ mcMMO

    [ Lush Survival ]    🏡 Land Claim | 🌲 Trees Fall When Cut |  🏪 Player Shops | ⛏️ mcMMO Minecraft Server
    [ Lush Survival ]    🏡 Land Claim | 🌲 Trees Fall When Cut |  🏪 Player Shops | ⛏️ mcMMO Minecraft Server
    [ Lush Survival ]    🏡 Land Claim | 🌲 Trees Fall When Cut |  🏪 Player Shops | ⛏️ mcMMO Minecraft Server

    🏡 Land Claim
    🌲 Trees Fall When Cut
    🏪 Player Shops
    💎 Diamond Based Economy
    🐦 Fly in claims
    ⚔️ Toggle PvP
    ❌ No Crates
    🛒 Auction House
    📦 Chest, Inventory, & Hotbar Auto-Sorting
    ⛏️ mcMMO
    🤸🏽 Custom Armor Stands
    🌤️ Vote For Time & Weather
    🤏 Silk Touch Spawners
    ✔️ EULA Compliant (Not Pay to Win)

    1.17.1 1.19 Banned Bigb Booty Discordsrv Essential Essentialsx Gamers Ores Realistic Realisticseasons Restart Seasons Survival

    Big Booty Gamers Private Hardcore!

    This is a Big Booty Gamers run Private Hardcore Server (1.17.1)

    Please apply in discord at or add me NJORDIC#0001 on discord. You must be 16+.

    Plugin List
    – AugmentedHardcore
    – DiscordSRV
    – EssentialsX
    – Freeze
    – Lands
    – RealisticSeasons
    – Trade
    – AutoRestart

    Please note if you die, you will be banned for an hour!

    116server Anticheat Antigreif Casual Community Communityoriented Discord Economy Friendly Friendlycommunity Greifprevention Mcmmo Minecraft Nogrief Noraiding Pve Pve Economy Small Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalserver [PG-13] [Survival] [Community]

    HushCraft is a friendly PVE Survival Server that uses plugins to enhance the vanilla feel! With our small, close-knit community, members have no problem welcoming others to join us.

    HushCraft is semi-vanilla Survival Server with fun plugins added. Some of our big ones are McMMO, GriefPrevention, and Essentials! We make use of a resource world to keep the regular world in pristine condition for all players to build and survive anywhere they desire.

    We know how heart breaking it is to lose hours and hours of time you put into your builds. With our GriefPrevention plugin you can claim your land and not have to worry about pesky trolls and griefers! Did you forget to claim? No problem. Our staff work hard to monitor these things, but sometimes when they slip through we will rollback your builds and items no questions asked.

    HushCraft is not a big business that wants to grab your money and run. HushCraft is owned by one person, and is actively in the community working every day to see how the community feels about new features and fixes current problems. You can always reach our staff in our active Discord by joining with this link!

    1.17.1 Beast Bedrock Server Bosses Claiming Crossplay Customenchants Dungeons East Economy Grinding Java And Bedrock Jobs Pets Survival

    Pillow Kingdom [Bedrock Support] [Survival 1.17.1]

    Java and Bedrock Server with Crossplay on 1.17.1

    – Friendly Community
    – Economy
    – Land Claiming
    – Custom Enchants
    – Custom bosses and dungeons
    – Jobs

    BEDROCK PORT: 8032

    1.17.1 Advertising Chill Chillstaff Freshmap Freshworld Friendly Mcmmo New World Newserver Newworld No Mods Skin Survival Vanillasurvival

    ZyraCraft [Survival] [New World]1.17.1

    Welcome To ZyraCraft please follow the rules below! enjoy ur stay


    No Spamming

    No Advertising

    No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items

    Respect all Players

    No Mods/Hacks

    1.17.1 Adventuring Competitive Gems Griefprevention Innovative Mpet Nova Prem Pvp Smp Survival Teams Ultimate Unch

    HuabaCraft – Community SMP

    The server has a lot of different things to offer, our main game mode is survival 1.17.1 but it has a lot of custom features. The Ultimate goal for HuabaCraft is to make a community filled with creative and competitive players who can excel towards the top. The server is very new-user friendly as we have a bunch of people willing to help start your adventure!
    We can offer you:
    – Custom enchants (over 100+)
    – New innovative GEMS system
    – Premium features
    – Vote rewards
    – Crates
    – Adventuring
    -Active Community and Staff
    -Player-Based Economy
    -Custom Events And Much More!!!

    Alone Config Demo Demon Demon Slayer Demons Demonslayer Developer Developers Model Recruiting Roleplay Rp Minecraft Slayer Survival

    Demon Slayer MC | Recruiting a Team of Staff | Discord In Description


    Hi, my name is Bonney. I am working on a Demon Slayer based RP Minecraft server and I am looking to build a team passionate about the project. So far I have worked alone on this project but thought it would be great to build a small team of individuals that could get this project moving more quickly.


    I am currently recruiting for builders, developers, modellers, people with strong understanding of plugins and configuration, and anyone who thinks they could bring something to the team. Please reach out via Discord if you are interested in the project or joining the team.



    Economy Friendly Jobs Magic Mcmmo Mcmmopvp Mcmmosurvival Mcmmotowny Minecraft Peaceful Playershops Pve Pvp Shops Survival Towny Werewolf Werewolves

    DetroitMC – Multi-World | Towny | mcMMO | Werewolf | Magic | PvP | Jobs – [1.17]

    Welcome to DetroitMC Minecraft Server

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Our History
    DetroitMC, formally TBDLGamez, originated around 2011 as a small, pure vanilla server, founded by two friends, TB and DL who wanted to create a community where persons could come to after a long day and forget about the real world. We thrived for a number of great years, but then, as with most people, life gets in the way of things and the server had to go by the wayside thereafter.
    The Community Today
    Today, we are back and stronger than ever! Though, we are a small community at this time, with a growing base of “regular” members, we still hold those same core values we had back in 2011. Take a glimpse into the thriving community our members and staff have established here on Minecraft, as well as, Discord. Create a town with your friends, or join one of the many existing in-game! Become a master of your craft by joining the ranks of miner, builder, explorer, hunter, brewer and many more! Create a shop to sell your wares – or visit the server shop for supplies! PvP those around you who also have PvP enabled and create a thriving nation that will withstand the test of time!
    The Future
    Our success relies on the input of all of our members! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact a staff member in-game, or on the Discord channel. We are always striving to improve our offerings to you, the member and are open to suggestions.

    1171server 1171smp 1171survival Bedrock Bedrockedition Bedrockserver Faction Faction Pvp Java Javaedition Javaserver Luckyblocks Magic Magicspells Newserver Pve Economy Pvp Pvpenabled Rtp Survival Teams

    The Wolf Den – Custom Biomes for All Worlds | Magic | Factions | Survival Based | Economy

    Welcome to The Wolf Den!

    The Wolf Den is a community based factions server who has just integrated the new 1.18 Caves and Biomes system into our server. Our server still runs on 1.17 so don’t worry, you can experience the newest of minecraft inside of our server, for free!

    Open to all Bedrock and Java players (Bedrock Players use port 19132 to connect)

    Why should you join The Wolf Den?:

    We offer a friendly and inclusive environment, as well as respect players who want their time and space to theirselves. We have tons of fun and useful plugins, such as:
    – Magic
    – AureliumSkills
    – LevelledMobs
    – Factions (Premium)
    – Anti – Cheat / Xray
    – Player Bounties
    – Auction House
    – Economy
    – Shops
    And much more!

    Still not sure? Check out a few of our links to really grasp the server!:

    Website –
    YouTube – The Wolf Den – – OPEN NOW! – YouTube
    Tik Tok –
    Discord –

    Connect to the server using this IP (1.1-1.17) –
    Bedrock users can connect with this port: 19132 (

    1.17.1 Adorn Basic Croptopia Custom Origins Etho Fabric Mcserver ModdΓ© Modded Origin Origins Sethome Survival Tpa

    Lotl Origins

    Welcome to Lotl Origins! This is a modded 1.17.1 fabric server with the main mod being Origins, but featuring many other mods as well such as croptopia, and adorn. Features basic server commands such as sethome and tpa, friendly staff, and custom origins!

    Airport Earth Earthmap Earthmc Economy Job Jobs Many Players Not P2w Pets Playereconomy Safarinet Survival Towny Vehicles

    AllyEarth – EarthMap, Towny, Ranks, Jobs, Player Economy, Dungeons, Vehicles, and more!

    Server IP:


    If you are looking for a fun community to start your next adventure I welcome you to join our server! (Not P2W!)

    AllyEarth has a ton of features including a brand new 1.17 Earth Map that is 1:500 scale. Combined with Towny and Vehicles you can quite literally make your own airport in Los Angles, race track in Belem or whatever you can think of! We have a beast of a server (128GB of dedicated ram) to support many players with all these fun additions. Lucrative jobs (you don’t have to grind for several days just to buy a train). We have some custom items with a ton more coming soon!

    We even have an active discord which you’re able to submit suggestions and feedback on ways to improve the server!

    Thanks for reading the post! We’ve put a lot of time into making the server and hope you have fun!

    2021 Banned Bro Custom Item Custom Items Kicked Machine Machines Secure Space Survival Teleport Teleportation Travel Upload

    Talos SMP | Custom Items/Machines | Space Travel

    Talos SMP | Custom Items/Machines | Space Travel Minecraft Server

    New server I’m working on, hopefully you enjoy it! (I’ve made servers in the past, so I have some idea of what I’m doing! Join our discord for the rules! You will be kicked/banned for not following them.)

    This server was created on 10/2/2021, and contains plugins and content brought in from other server’s I’ve made. SMP styled so no teleportation plugins, but we will be adding custom teleportation features later on, join the discord for future info on that!

    Bows Breeding Civs Earth Fantasy Geopolitical Globe Horse Horses Nationrp Nations Poses Roleplay Survival World

    Aon Chronicles: Pre-Industrialized Nation Play at Scale!

    Currently public! – Yet joining the Discord is necessary in order to accept the server and network rules. As such, while it is a public server, and you can join at any time – you must verify with the Discord Bot!

    A custom 50k x 50k World: The World of Paralon. Featuring 4 Major Land Mass continents and sprawls of Islands to conquer and claim with focus on the ‘Pre-Industrialized’ World and Nations. (Think Castles, Villages and Cities!).

    Chronicles the “blank-slate” of a world fit to be filled by the player. Our other server Exodus, set on an island in Paralon, is a world already filled, and is a different scale of play, focusing more on RPG exploration.

    Plenty of Changes and additions to Items, Horses, Mob AI, Farming, Advancements, The Nether (completely overhauled), Combat, Crafting and more.

    Interact, Trade, Fight and Claim within this massive world. This is your larger-scale Town-Making server. For the more “Exploring, RPG” check out our other server Exodus!

    Come and play on a greater scale – the large world requires plenty of Nations to fill it out with lore, flags, cities, towns and more – minimal lag and high end hardware enables 100’s of players!

    Plenty of new things, but all vanilla streamlined for an easy experience.

    – A focus on the ‘Pre-Industrialized’ World through town building. (Think Castles, Villages and Cities!) (Utilizing the Civs Plugin)
    – Nation Claiming, National Wars, Influence, Flags, RP, Lore and more!
    – Comprehensive Rules and Guidelines.
    – Many mechanics altered, adapted or disabled to streamline the experience (ie: No Auto Farms)
    – Economic Interaction, geared towards Player 2 Player Shops and Trading.
    – Individual buildings have individual purposes!
    – Dynamic Governments, Power and Influence.
    – Incorporated War and siege mechanics.
    – Random Overworld Dungeon Spawns!
    – Complete Horse Overhauls – Breeding, Horse Trading, TP Whistles, Stats and Ownership.
    – Incendium Nether 1:1 scale. The Nether has a harder difficulty and prevents any TP!
    – Heaps of Custom Items ranging from Longswords, Bows to Deeds and Buff items. (Combat Orientated or otherwise)
    – Fully rendered PL3XMAP for navigation.
    – Plenty of Small Changes to Mob AI, Farming, Phantoms, Combat, Crafting and more.
    – Pre-Included Texture Pack for a more immersive experience.
    – Over 700+ Advancements.
    Refer to the Discord for more information.
    Currently a semi-public server – joining the Discord is necessary in order to accept the server and network rules. As such, while it is a public server, and you can join at any time – it is highly recommended to join the Discord.

    550 Customfeatures Customislands Exception Friendly Generator Generators Lined New Oregenerator Oregenerators Playing Minecraft Schematic Schematica Skyblock

    🌸 𝓒π“ͺ𝓴𝓾𝓻π“ͺ π“˜π“Όπ“΅π“ͺ𝓷𝓭 🌸 Custom Skyblock! 🌸 Looking for staff! 🌸

    🌸 𝓢𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓻𝓪 𝓘𝓼𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭 🌸

    🌸 Welcome to Sakura Island 🌸

    Sakura Island is a new skyblock server that opened to the public on July 14th, 2019. With the ultimate goal of offering a revised and updated skyblock experience for you and everyone else compared to other skyblock servers with features such as custom islands, events, and plugins.

    This server was created because of a mix combination of several events, mainly the decline and inactivity of another skyblock server that has been open since 2013, but has declined from 550 daily players to ~2 due to inactivity.

    🌸 What does Sakura Island offer? 🌸

    Sakura Island re-defines the idea of playing skyblock. This ranges from exceptionally customized islands such as 512×512 islands, 16 players per island, and island permissions. The server will also soon have plugins that are dedicated to non skyblock servers such as OreGenerators, custom islands, and unique shops with tons of items to offer.

    🌸 We need help! 🌸

    The server has started on June 17th, 2019, and released on July 14th, 2019. Were looking for players to come help out test new commands, permissions, and islands. Players may suggest or send schematica downloads to play their own created island on Sakura Island. Were also looking for players who know how to configure plugins. We are also looking for staff members that will show a leading example on the server and help out the other players on the server.

    (Disclaimer: Activity and dedication is required to obtain any staff/builder rank. Instantly joining for such ranks will result in a blacklist of obtaining staff ranks during the early beta phases of Sakura Island.)

    🌸 About the Server 🌸

    Sakura Island is owned and managed by LegendOfYukari, a player who has been playing minecraft for 7 years, and has had 4 years of staff experience, and lots of experience with building. He has built maps specialized in the factions, freebuild, and skyblock fields. Sakura Island is hosted on Apex Minecrafthosting, which is a professional server hosting website.

    Server IP: (Version 1.12.2)

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Server Sites. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!