Active Class Community Craft Creative Drop Drops Eco Econ Econom Economy Event Events Fun Game Games Great Host Ill Join Lag Lit Mini Minigame Minigames Need New Play Player Players Pvp Recruiting Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Time Welcoming

Vanquisher Craft

Hello, this is Vanquisher Craft, we are a great community, with a no lag hosting system. We are recruiting new members and would love you have YOU. We have lots of great staff and we need more great players. We do drops every saturday and do fun little events at times. Hopefully will see YOU on too. Join us at will be welcoming your arrival! We also have a pvp server, main server (economy), minigames server, and creative server!

Ats Ban Bank Based Block Class Craft Eco Econ Economy End Enjin Fac Faction Faction Pvp Ill Inecraft Item Items Job Jobs Join King Mine Minecraft Money Noop Open Play Player Players Plot Plots Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Website


Minecraft server based on faction pvp that offers”plots , economy system , jobs , bank , Faction.

this server offers players jobs to get money , there are 18 jobs and each player can use one for ex: Miner job earn money by breaking down blocks with pickaxe.

plots is one of the most things that players like to own in servers thats why we add it, now each player can own 1 plot at a time which is 32×32(default) for higher ranks player get more plots.

almost all server has this system even this server economy is money system for the first time joining the server player will have $200 where he can buy blocks or items at the marts in the server

visit server website for more information


Abilities Balance Block Claim Claiming Class Custom Eco Econ Economy Experience Features Ill Job Jobs Kill Land Land Claim Level Lit Mcmmo Mmo Mob Money New Online Play Server Silk Silkspawner Silkspawners Small Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title


JSurvival is a New Economy server!
We have many features like Land claiming, custom jobs like for example Hunter gains extra exp a small amount of server money per mob killed, over time this adds up. Many cosmetic features are available.
SilkSpawners is another feature that allows more utilization of spawners. A fully balanced economy makes your survival experience 10x better enhanced with Mcmmo, where you can level up abilities.

Active Anti Ban Cities Class Create Creative Dark Dimension End Fac Faction Factions Feudal Fun Great Home Land Lit Magic Mining Nether Normal Old Play Player Players Race Races Rank Resources Rol Server Special Survival Multiplayer Team Tech Technology War World

The Darkfortress

World” main homeworld, location of all major factions and the large fortress from which the server gets its name. Legend suggests that in ancient times the old races came here with the darkstars with the intention of mining all the resources, but they encountered… unexpected complications. Whatever it was, most of their machines were apparently abandoned overnight; often while still functional. Some how a form of “magic” evolved with later residents of this world – and an agrarian / feudal society; which on discovering the relics of the ancients became a sort of Romantic Steam Punk society.
Grimnir – location of Grimgate – a powerful group little is known about.
P2X-005 – Forest world, full of ravines and plants. Essentially Uninhabited.
KS7-535 – Ice Planet, has a non-dialable stargate, in our server it has ruins however.
projects – a special tropical moon. Can only be accessed by the very wealthy. Creative World.
World The End – Considered our “space” dimension, until such a time as I can create a “normal” type world with a null world generator. If you fall off this world you land in the main world. Current location of the “unknown threat” that wiped out the ancients. Or WAS that the ancients?
World Nether – Site of the last great war of the ancients – homewrold of the Necromancers; regular skirmishes still occur here, very dangerous place for unranked players. If you fall off the main world you land in here.
Cybertron – homeworld of… the technomancers? Site of a high technology war. Mostly uninhabited, but completely covered in empty cities, and underground mysteries.
Acadar – now this is a mystery planet. Currently overseen by Tangent Spy. Appears to be a tech world. But contains less relics.. that we know of.. Its name has special meaning….
And More

Ass Bal Class Com Craft Crafter Enjin Follow Forum Forums Global Lmao Noop Open Play Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Ter





Ass Auto Aventure Blo Block Class Creative Discord Ect Erver Gun Hola Ill Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Lin Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Nline One Online Play Pvp Realm Rvival Server Servidor Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Title


Hola somos fonpingun un servidor survival con misones mcmmo kitpvp y mucho mas entra y descubre este maravilloso servidor

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Anti Build Building Claim Class Craft Currency Eco Econ Economy Emerald Emeralds Explore Fun Ill Inecraft King Land Lore Mine Minecraft Money Need New Play Player Players Pro Pvp Raid Raiding Rpg Sandbox Server Sign Survival Multiplayer Town Trade

Riven 1.4.7

Riven, a minecraft server bringing a new form of economy and “ease of use” to the player. Due to emeralds appearing in 1.3.1 as a currency for trade, we decided to incorporate it and toss aside virtual money. Now you must protect your money from raiders, or rob other players blind. This is a raiding PVP server but with a RPG sandbox feel.

Our Designers spent lots of time working night and day to give you a fully functional Fantacy/RPG feeling town with everything you will need from enchanting to building. There is one island you can travel to, explore, claim and build on.

Action Car Chinese Class Com Craft Desert End Enjin Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Fallout Fight Gambling Great Hey Join Land Make New Noop Open Quest Quests Rifle Server Spawn Style Theme Themed This Vis Welcome



Mojavecraft throws you in the Fallout themed wasteland of the Mojave Desert.
This server is all about, you guessed it, Fallout (New Vegas, mainly). Join a faction, buy a Chinese Assault rifle, earn caps, do quests, fight off enemy factions and visit the strip at the end of the day for a well deserved night of gambling.

Make sure to read the books you get at spawn, they greatly influence experience on the server.

*You cant own a faction. Theyre led by carefully chosen members.


Active Ark Armas Asia Ass Ava Class Craft Eam Ill Kill Lin List Nam Nut Peru Pit Premium Raft Rust Sell Speak Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Ten Vast Vis Whitelist


Nastacraft aloitti toimintansa vuoden 2011 joulukuussa, tuolloin homma ikävä kyllä töppäsi noin kuuden
kuukauden jälkeen. Nyt se on kuitenkin ollut pystyssä jo kauan uudelleenperustamisesta tähän päivään
asti ja tulee olemaan jatkossakin! Pelaajakunta on laaja ja vakiintunut. Palvelimella pelaa päivittäin
mukavasti 40-60 pelaajaa joista löydät varmasti itsellesi mukavaa peliseuraa. Palvelimen ylläpito koostuu
asiallisista ja kokevista henkilöistä. Palvelin on premium eikä whitelistia ole ja näin tulee jatkossakin olemaan.
Käytössämme on myös TeamSpeak3 palvelin johon voit tulla juttelemaan toisten pelaajien kanssa.
Tarkoituksenamme on tarjota laadukas pelikokemus kaikille!

Bedwars Block Call Claim Claims Class Community Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy End Erver Friendly Home Java Join King Laim Looking Minigames New Ninja Play Player Players Pve Pvp Riendly Rvival Server Skyblock Skywars Survival Title World

World of Ninjas!

Looking For Friendly Players! | 1.15.2 Java, Our new server IP is
Are you looking for a new survival server with a friendly community to call home? Join us!!
We also have a Discord server!
  • * Economy
  • * Survival
  • * PVP
  • * Claims
  • * Plus more!

  • Categories
    Active Admin Admins Adminshop Build Challenge Chestshop Claim Class Create Dungeon Dungeons Fac Faction Factions Great Help Item Join Mcmmo Mmo Play Plugin Plugins Rewards Rpg Safe Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Team Town Towns War Wns

    Ruannon’s Playground

    Ruannon’s Playground.

    We’re a survival / RPG server.

    Main plugins:

    Factions: Create or join a faction and wage war upon others. Or team up with them to archieve greatness.
    MCMMO: Get higher levels to help your faction or just to improve solo play.
    ChestShop: Safe towns have adminshops were you can buy most items (At a high price) Or setup your own shop.
    DungeonBuilder: Challenge dungeons and claim their rewards. Currently only 2 active dungeons, More will be build intime

    For rules and other info visit

    Hint: Read all signs around the spawn.

    We hope too see you on the server.

    Allowed Best Build Cities Community Creative Death Eco End Faction Factions Fly Friendly Guns Kit Kits Map Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Mods Network New Online Open Paintball Parkour Play Plots Pvp Rewards Server Servers Spleef Survival Thirst Tntrun War Worldedit

    The MelonCraft Network

    Server Overview
    MelonCraft is a friendly Minecraft community that has almost every feature (Look at the lists below). Our nine servers are linked together to ensure a seamless server switch with a simple command or portal. Now being more than one year old, we have become one of the largest and best gaming communities ever. Come and play with us.
    Forum Post

    Survival Server StatusOnline.
    Factions Survival
    Creative Fly Enabled/Flymods Allowed.

    Zombies Server StatusOnline.

    Creative Server StatusOnline.
    32×32 Creative Plots
    128×128 Creative Plots
    500×500 Creative Plots
    WorldEdit to skilled builders

    MiniGames Server StatusOnline.
    Survival Games (8Arenas)
    The Walls (3Arenas)
    Capture the Flag
    Advanced Parkour maps with Checkpoints and Rewards
    PvP (Kits/NoKits)

    MiniGames 2 ServerStatusOnline.
    Team Fortress 2 (3Arenas)
    Paintball (2Arenas)
    Team Death Match Coming Soon with Guns.
    Splegg (4 Arenas)
    MiniGames 3 Server StatusOnline.
    One in the Chamber (2×2 Arenas)
    Hide and Seek (Prophunt)
    TNTRun (11 Arenas)

    New Server Coming Soon Offline.
    The new server will replace the sky server.

    Server Specifications
    Intel E3-1240v2 Quadcore+Hyperthreading @3.6ghz
    32GB DDR3 RAM
    1Gb/s Upload/download speed
    120gb Intel 320 series SSD
    Two Slices of Superpowered melon



    Action Actions Ass Block Cannon Cannoning Cat Class Craft Custom Day Ect Erver Fac Faction Factions Factionskins Factionspvp Ftop Game Gameplay Join Mall New Old Play Plugin Pvp Raiding Server Servers Skins Small Title Today Top

    New FACTIONS Server! 1.15 with OLD PVP | $50 FTOP

    If you like small servers, custom plugin, 1.7 pvp in 1.15 gameplay… then mc.catocraft is for you! Join today to find out 😀

    Active Adventure Ass Blo Block Class Craft Dcraft Different Dventure End Erver Extra Friendly Hill Ill Imple Join No PvP Old Oldschool Persona Personal Play Pvp Riendly Rvival School Server Simp Simple Sky Skyblock Surviv Surviva Survival Venture


    Ready to join the adventure? Hillwoodcraft is different then those lobbied survival. We like the concept
    of a simple survival with the extra touch! no skyblock, no speef, and no lobbies!

    Join us if you are up for the oldschool adventure with our personal touch to it!
    No pvp! Friendly server!

    Bungee Bungeecord Creative Creativeplots Donate Eco Faction Factions Farm Fun Games Help Hub Kit Kits Lag Land Lands Need New Nolag Plots Pvp Rank Ranks Rankup Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywars Staff Survival Survivalgames Town Towny Ungee Update War Wars 1.7X nolagg. NL

    Hi And welcome to Our server. We zijn ook nederlands.

    We are a NEW Server with A lots of stuff to do.
    We are a bungeecord server. We got a lots of servers connected. and no lagg.

    We have a Helpfull staff. DONT ASK FOR STAFF.

    We have now:

    Skywars server.
    Towny server.
    Creativeplots server.
    Farmplots server.
    PURE factions server
    survivalgames server.
    OPPvp Server.
    Skyblock server.
    And hub server.

    And we keep making Servers.

    But we need you guys to donate to keep the servers up and to get more servers.
    We got a automatic rankup system.

    We got A lots of fun Buyable ranks Commands And kits and more.
    Come and join us 🙂

    Server update is 1.7X So all the 1.7 updates.

    Have fun.


    Auction Auctions Best Build Builds Class Custom Eco Econ Economy Event Events Item Job Jobs Mod Modpack Money New Open Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmonmod Pixelmonreforged Pixelmonserver Play Player Pokemon Quest Quests Server Shop Shops Tech Technic Title Trade Vanilla

    PixelPark Pixelmon

    Use our modpack for the best experience!

    PixelPark is a brand new pixelmon server being worked on, currently we have such features as:
    Pixelmon/Vanilla quests
    Giving Vanilla a reason to play with jobs, a full economy, buying and selling pixelmon as well as various ways of obtaining items and money
    Custom Builds
    Custom Pokemon
    Player Gyms
    Player Shops
    Player Driven Economy
    And much more!

    Action Actions Active Ash Ass Cash Class Donator Donators End Fac Faction Factions Forge Free Fun High Kit Kits Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Nks Noswear Pro Ran Rank Ranks Ree Reward Survival Swe Time United Vote War

    Forge United


    Challenge Challenges Chill Easy End Event Events Fun Games Grief Guns Head Help Kit Kitpvp Kits Mine Mining Mob Mobs Old Online Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Server Shop Shopkeepers Shops Sky Spawn Survival Unique Who Youtube


    Kom op KitPvP Survival .

    Er is een spawn waar je kits, guns kan kopen.
    je ook gaan survivalen.

    deze server heeft unieke mobs, plugins voor extra vermaak .

    guns zijn te koop met sponges welke in de shop te koop zijn, of ga minen in de speciale sponge mijn.

    De server heeft verschillende anti-cheat plugins en kan makelijk griefers opsporen en de schade herstellen.

    je kan(in-game)geld verdienen door:

    – online te zijn
    – mobs te killen
    – spelers te killen
    – mee doen aan uitdagingen, evenementen.

    verder hebben we nog:

    – head drops
    – shopkeepers om wapens mee te ruilen
    – healthbar
    – damageindicator
    – anti-grief

    We zijn nog op zoek naar spelers die kunnen helpen om de server groot te maken.
    Zij krijgen een speciale rank, plaats in de server .

    Tot in de server

    ps: we hebben nog geen naam, verzin jij er een ?
    check mijn youtube kanaal: Alweergames
    skype: jackieee1414

    Welcome to KitPvP Survival.

    There is a spawn kits where you can buy guns, kits, you can also go survivaling

    This server has unique mobs, plugins for extra fun.

    guns are sold with sponges that are for sale in the shop, or go mining in my special sponge.

    The server has a several anti-cheat plugins and easy grief detection.
    the damage can be fixed.

    this erans you money:

    – being online
    – killing mobs
    – killing players
    – take art in challenges, events

    further we have:

    – Head drops
    – Skillz plugin to get stronger
    – Shop keepers to buy special stuff
    – health bar

    We are still looking for players who can help to get the server bigger.
    Theyll get a special rank, statue in the server.

    Cya in the server)
    check my youtube channel: AlweerGames
    skype: jackieee1414


    Active Ass Bed Bid Class Craft Cube Cubed Eat Erver Great Has Host Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server Plugin Plugins Raft Ran Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff This

    Forbidden Minecraft

    This is the Forbidden-Minecraft server owned by DivineGS. It is ran off of Cubedhost ( The server has a great staff and the server has great Plugins!

    Active Ass Boss Bosses Class Com Craft Custom Die Dom Erver Factions Features Island Islands King Kingdom Kitpvp Land Lands Level Medieval Mob Prison Pvp Ran Rank Ranking Rpg Server Skywars Theme Themed This Towny Unique Welcome


    Welcome to DerpCraft! This is a medieval RPG server with many unique custom features such as a leveled ranking system, mob bosses, and themed islands. Come grow your kingdom and dominate the server!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server Hosting Websites. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!