Active Ass Class Crack Crackshot Craft Creative Eat Factions Hot Ill Kitpvp Lmao Pvp Rac Raft Shot Survival Vanilla


Vivi la vera vanilla, gioca con i tuoi amici nelle fazioni e fai pvp con le armi crackshot!Abbiamo anche aggiunto la creative!Divertiti con noi e con i tuoi amici!

Active Ass Ats Battle Best Class Com Community Custom Economy End Erver Exp Factions Friend Friends Fun Hats Help Limits Mountain Ommunity Open Play Plugin Plugins Port Pro Pve Reset Riends Semi Server Staff Survival Tom Welcome


Welcome to MountainEgde,
An open server where there are no limits whatsoever!
with semicustom plugins we provide the best expirience there is!
Any bugs? report them to staff and help the community grow!
Server Reset Recently (6.6.2020)
Test your’e limits, Play with friends,
Battle to the Edge and most of all Have fun!

Active Added Ass Aternos Class Com Economy Erver Exp Experience Fun Game Games Ill Kitpvp Lab Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames New Parkour Pvp Quick Server Ter Welcome


Welcome To Willaby
Experience Lots of Fun With Our Server

New MiniGames Added, So Come Quick Dont Miss Out

. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . … . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . …

Active Ars Ass Bed Bedwar Bedwars Blo Block Class Com Community Creative Eee Erver Good Join King Kywars Looking Network Ommunity Play Pro Professional Ree Server Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Smp Staff Survival Two War Wars


Good Server! Good Community! Bedwars, Skywars, Skyblock, Creative, SMP, and MOREEEEE! Looking for GOOOD staff! Professional! Join now!

Ass Best Class Com Community Craft Custom Dio Emo Erver Exciting Exp Experience Forge Fun Game Gamemode Gamemodes Great Help Helpful Inecraft Make Mine Minecraft Mod Network New One Owner Plugin Plugins Server Staff Style Two Welcome


Welcome to Zova Network., were a fun Minecraft server network. We have custom plugins, a great community and exciting new gamemodes.

We have a very helpful community, great staff and the best owners around to make your experience on Zova Network an unforgettable one.


Active Bee Build Car City Class Community Compbuild Craft Creative Creativity Dead Free Freebuild Freedom Help Ill Inecraft Join King Mine Minecraft Play Power Pro Project Projects Red Ring Server Servers Sky Skyscraper Vanilla

Compbuild REDUX

Compbuild is a freebuild Minecraft creative server, with absolutely no limits.

We have ambitious goals and targets. We do not care about what limits there are.

From soaring skyscrapers to quiet villas. We offer many tools that other servers do not, we give our community what they want and love. We allow almost absolute freedom when it comes to working on projects with us. This is our way.

The only limit is your creativity and will-power.

One of our most ambitious projects, Irene City. Or known as Irene, is a major project that we have been working on for a month or two. Our deadline is before Fall 2021. Come join and help us!

Arena Ark Ass Bar Bows Class Com Death Eat Erp Erver Follow Game Games Mob Moba Mobarena Noop Open Park Parkour Server Spleef Style Sumo Ush Weeb


ShadyGames, Mobarena/Sumo/Parkour/Spleef/Bowspleef and much more.


Active Ass Big Cheap Class Com Command Commands Custom Erver Exclusive Exp Experience Great Ice Ill Kit Kitpvp Lin Make Map Nice Nline Online Parkour Perk Perks Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Sever Site Store Survival Ter Website


A great KitPVP server with several Plugins to make it a great experience for U ! We have custom commands and a big nice pvp map! Website will be online later with a CHEAP store with exclusive perks!

Base Based Class Community Craft Creeper Custom Emo Erver Exciting Features Fun Game Gamemode Gamemodes Great Inecraft Lag Make Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Network New Noop Open Plugin Plugins Pro Ring Server Servers Staff Style Unique Welcome

CreeperCraft Network

CreeperCraft Network 1.8

Welkom bij CreeperCraft Network, Wij zijn een leuk minecraft server network, met custom plugins, aardige staff en een no-lagg speel ervaring.

Welcome to CCN Network, were a fun Minecraft server network. We have custom plugins, a great community and exciting new gamemodes that are unique to us. We are always improving our network, adding more features and servers based around your feedback. You are what make us what we are today. Thank you.


Action Active Ass Class Com Daily Economy Erver Event Events Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Hangout Hill Host Ice Ill Join King Koth Koths Mcmmo Mini Minigame Minigames Play Practice Pvp Raiding Server


ExosPvp is a fun faction practice server to play on! We also host events, minigames, etc. We have daily KoTHs King of The Hill daily. Come join a hangout

Ass Class Craft Follow Free Inecraft Join Mine Minecraf Minecraft Network Noop Open Premium Raft Ree Register Style Ter Two Work

Register now at and join the raffle for a free premium minecraft account…


Active Class Community Competitive Donator Economy Experience Fac Faction Factions Fair Fun Hard Head Icepvp Join King Legit Lit Mpet Network Open Pay Pet Play Player Players Playing Premium Pro Pvp Raiding Real Server Small Survival Survival Games Top War


IcePvP is bringing back the competitive and fun Faction days where pay-to-win wasn’t taking over. We offer cash pay outs to the top 3 factions each season and we are committed to providing a legitimate and fair playing ground where you can experience factions the right way. We just opened April 28th so come on in and join us to get a head start!

– Fun and Competitive Factions like back in the prime days!
– NOT PAY-TO-WIN, we care about all of our players not just donators
– Real Cash Prizes!
– Premium Server Hardware and Network Operability
– Small Server & Community Looking For You To Join!

Ass Class Com Craft Creative Eat Erver Follow Game Games Join Ken Legion Mini Minigame Minigames Noop Open Pvp Raft Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Weeb


Zoek je een server?
Hou je van gezellig?
Zin om te bouwen, te survivallen, te pvpen of creative/ Minigames
Join dan nu LegionCraft
We zoeken nog gezellige leden om ons te vergezellen.

Join NU.


Active Awesome Ban Class Craft Custom Economy Hack Hacking History Ill King Kit Kitpvp Kits Lag Map Permanent Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raid Rank Ranks Real Rules Server Story Survival Tea Team Town Towny Vanilla


Welcome to AwesomeCraft!
In this server we have a Vanilla Survival Server and a Towny Survival Server!
Vanilla Survival:
-Survival with no plugins, completely vanilla
-Raid, team with other players, make bases, make history, and much more!
-Only rules are no hacking, racism, and lagging the server will get you permanently banned
Towny Survival:
-Be the governor of your own town!
-Have real players as your citizen!
-Players can only be in one towny at a time, so you can either be a leader for the town or a worker!
-Our KitPVP includes 5 maps
-Custom kits to redeem with ranks
-And more…

Active Amazing Art Ass Bran Brand Class Com Community Custom Day Eat Empire Erver Exp Experience Features Join Mmu New Ommunity Play Prison Pvp Ran Server This Today Tom

Empire Prison

(1.8 – 1.15.x) Empire Prison is a brand new prison server with tons of custom features and an amazing community. Join today to experience this state of the art prison server.

Active Admin Amazing Autorank Build Class Community Crates Eco Enjin Fair Fun Great Irl Item Job Jobs Join Mcmmo Mmo Open Perks Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Quest Rank Reset Rewards Server Spawn Survival Unique Vote Voting War Who

The Black Disc

Here at The Black Disc we offer a server very close to regular survival, where players have to run and gather things to progress, like a true survivalist, but whilst still having fun perks to liven it up as well. We have plugins such as mcMMO, Jobs and Autorank to add to the server to give you something to work and strive for as you play. Whether you’re aiming to get the top Autorank, or maybe striving for that number 1 spot on the mcMMO scoreboard, The Black Disc could be the perfect server for you. We also offer a server with no resets, which makes this a great place for any player who wishes to build some amazing things without worrying about them just getting deleted.

Voting for us can get you a reward every 2 votes, with rewards ranging from the rare rewards containing beacons or spawn eggs to an inventory of wool or clay. There are almost 400 different rewards which you’re eligible for every time you’ve voted twice, with some unique items to our server as well. Weve also JUST added CratesPlus to our server, giving further depth for Rank rewards and Voting.

With a very active Owner and Admin, be sure to expect any questions or problems to be answered and fixed fairly quickly.
So join us and become an essential part of our growing community by joining The Black Disc today.


Active Amazing Ass Base Claim Claims Claimshovel Class Com Community Eth Etho Event Exp Experience Extra Features Grief Griefers Home Join Keep Laim Live Ommunity Play Player Players Port Sethome Smp Survival Teleport Time Tpa Vanilla

Favor SMP

Join Favor SMP for an amazing community and experience! We offer extraordinarily features to keep it alive! You can use /tpa to teleport to other players, or use /sethome to keep your base! Or even use /claimshovel to prevent griefers… Hope you have an amazing time at Favor SMP

Best Block Class Community Craft Emo Enjoy Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Great Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Network Noop Open Ortal Play Player Players Portal Server Sky Skyblock Speak Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Twitch Version Versions Youtube

PrezonCraft 1.9/1.11

Welcome to PrezonCraft,

A 24/7 Minecraft community server with a lot of enthusiastic players.
We are trying to give you the best support and tips to make your Minecraft experience great on our server.

These gamemodes are currently available on our network:
Factions and Skyblock

More Gamemodes will be added soon.

Supported minecraft versions: 1.9x/1.10x/1.11


Ace Active Apex Armor Ass Best Bleeding Build Building Class Erver Exp Free Head House Job Jobs Place Plugin Pvp Ran Rank Ree Reward Rewards Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival This Vip War Warp Weapons


This is survival server which you can do jobs to take rewards, you can go to find the best place for you to build a house.We also got warp pvp and about the weapons and armor there is plugin which you can put beheading,explosion,leech,bleeding,storm and more. you can get free vip rank by building a house.

Active Ass Awesome Class Custom Elo Elon Erp Erver Eso God Gods Ianite Lin Mianite Origin Original Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Rpg Rvival Server Story Storyline Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Theme Themed Tom Vanilla


MianiteRPG is a 1.15.2 Mianite themed survival RPG Server with a load of awesome plugins. We here at MianiteRPG also provide a custom storyline with the Original Gods included!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server ip Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!