Over a thousand years ago, the human race finally emerged with one sole government, The United Empire. They spread across the galaxy in a great migration, genetically engineering foreign species as they went. In the present day, the empire has long since been demolished but its influence is felt throughout the galaxy. On earth, the only remaining evidence of humans lie in the floating city they left behind KORRELLIA
What will you do with this gift of life? Will you stay in the city with the other robots? Or travel the galaxy in search of riches? Make your decision. Join us.
12+ Classes
– 4 DPS
– 4 Control
– 4 Tank
– 4 Support
Choose one of these and make it your own! Use your own unique playstyle by choosing your attributes and allocating your skill-points to stand apart!
10+ Professions
You can be a gatherer and travel to far off distant planets, or be a producer and buy raw materials off of someone else!
Want a residential property to store your items? Or perhaps you want to start a restaurant/rooftop bar, or a spacecraft parts shop? Maybe you want a massive factory with people working through the night? Out of the hundreds of buildings in Korrellia, choose whichever one you can afford and its yours!
10+ Completely customized planets with tons of different custom mobs, resources, and lots of pvp!
Each planet is hand made by me with custom schematics, biome colors, and so much more.
Player-based Driven Economy
EVERYTHING is crafted and sold PLAYER-TO-PLAYER. Every piece of armor, every gun, every spaceship part is all created and sold by the community! The only in-game shop you’ll find is one run by another player IN REAL TIME! (NO OFFLINE SHOPS)
How is this possible? Using an in-game mechanic you can find nearby shops easily!
Fill the hole in the Market!
Want to get ahead of everyone else? Fill the hole in the market! Browse online shops to see what other people are selling, and find out what’s missing! Some ores are purposefully harder to get than others! This makes it an opportunity for you to fill!
Example, to get your hands on some Vibrium you’ll need to travel to the planet Seraphis, avoid or kill enemy mobs, cross the spiky ice pit, climb the massive ice wall, then safely make your way down and try to mine without getting killled by mobs or other players.
Up for the challenge…?
Mob Levels
All mobs have a title over their head showing their level! At the very least, it gives a good indicator as to how difficult they are to face and the amount of exp they drop. Want to level up faster? Try grinding a better mob, but find something easy enough that you won’t die.
What are you waiting for?