Bal Balance Balanced Cked Claiming Crack Cracké Cracked Multiplay Multiplayer Regular Survival Survival Multiplayer Tip Warden


Wardenity is a Survival Multiplayer server with claiming and a balanced player-based economy. Open for regular and cracked players.

Achievement Achievements Anarchy Creation Dimension Dimensions Explora Exploration Mod Pack Punch Pvp Sevtech Stage Survival Trees

SevTech Ages

Embark on a quest to reach the pinnacle of Minecraft exploration and creation. You start as an idiot who knows nothing of the world. You punch trees but just hurt your hands. Life is not easy as you set out on this adventure. You see, it would be just a little easier to have a few friends to help you learn new ways to survive through group achievements. Though you can do it all yourself. As you make your way through this Mod pack you will learn more about the mods you have skipped over due to faster, better options. Make no mistake this is a long-term server, and it will take you some time to complete all the ages on your own. Of course, it is your choice. There are 7 ages and the last one gives you access to some powerful creative items. The game progresses with “you” per stage you are in. Like the medieval age? You do not have to move on. Everything is locked behind stages. WAILA, Maps, Ores, Dimensions, and so on.

Come Join Us.

See you in SevTech Ages – Anarchy Edition

Anarchy Annoying Aus Bedwars Color Creative Cross-Play Earth Eye FTB Hate Hey Kitpvp Stupid Yellow

yellow color

the very bright annoying ugly stupid color yellow I hate the color so if if if you don’t like join this server cause we don’t support yellow or anyone who does like yellow they shall pay

138 Almost Break Curse Curseforge Download Economy Moddé Modded Modded Server Modpack Modpacks Roleplay Towny Vast


This is a modded server where players can build, create, and explore together in a vast world. It works alongside a modpack that includes almost 50 mods, which is mandatory to download. You do not need to copy IP, as the modpack already lists the server in Multiplayer for you after downloading it. More information below:

Alliance Alliances Conquer Dio Fair Head Proximity Proximity Chat Survival Talk Vanilla Villa Village Villages Walk


Chill survival server with clans and proximity chat.

What are we offering?
– Friendly Community.
– Player Clan system. You can create a clan to rally with other players, build villages and conquer other clans & alliances.
– Fair gameplay. Staff members are not using any commands in their advantage.
– Proximity Chat! Do /audio in-game in order to head to the website and then just walk up to someone and start talking!

130 Anarchy Bounty Country Economy Factions Famous Hunter Plant Pvp Rare Items Roleplay Survival Trap Vanilla

Houseplant SMP

Welcome to the Houseplant SMP, A server where you can make a faction, Play as a bounty hunter, or do whatever you want to do! We have several rare items that you can find, and a number of Experience Enhancing Plugins! Feel free to trap people with ravangers, or own your own country! or Become the most infamous murderer on the server!

Changing Custom Item Custom Items Economy Generation Lone Lonely Minecraft Survival Server Proximity Proximity Chat Raiding Seasons Simply Survival Vanilla


lypoxx is a brand new Minecraft survival server with game changing features such as seasons of the year, custom items, unique world generation and proximity chat in our discord server

Catch up with your friends and dive in to our 10,000 x 10,000 world which will never let you feel lonely and isolated miles away from other players, join or create a clan of your own, claim land, open free crates and simply enjoy being part of our community in a constantly improving server

Bedrock Edition Cross-Play Economy Homes Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Pve Pvp Raiding Spruce Survival Teleport Teleportation

LifeStealPvP SMP

Join today and play with your friends on Java or Bedrock in the SAME Server!

Account Add Aternos Center Count Cri Description Enter Halo His Love Our Script Survival Multiplayer Your

servead minecraft server

Server owner ‘servead’ hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Age Audio Chat Command Dio Does Econ Mma Openaudiomc Sea Season Second Survival Tak Voice


Hosteros02 is a version 2 of the second season you can enter if you want it is not an obligation, I would appreciate it if you enter command for voice chat /audio or if it does not work /openaudiomc:connect and press here and it will take you to a page where you can connect to voice chat

Board Cell Cells Kens Learn Mcserver Opprison Plots Prestige Prison Survival Teams Tok Token Tokens

HD Prison

very good prison server
– teams
– plots
– cells
– 26 mines
– 25 prestige
– 6 donate ranks
– discord server
– pvp
– shop
– custom enchants
– kits
– daily rewards
– learner boards
– tokens
– crates

Ats Discord Eee Explosion Hats Kingdom Kingdoms Needsplayers Needsstaff Playing Pure Pve Pvp Smp Survival

Explosion SMP! (Kingdoms) (Whitelist)

The Explosion SMP Is a SMP where you can make your very own kingdom, (or join one) without any plugins. Yup! thats right! No plugins! Pure vanilla. I hope you have a great time playing on this smp.


1.8.9 Atla Atlas Days Duel Duels Events Kitpvp Kits Minecraftkitpvp Origin Original Pvp Rive Tla

Atlas Kit-PvP [1.8.9]

Atlas Kit-PvP!

The original Kit-PvP feel you felt 6 years ago comes back today! With duels, events, and more, we strive for an active community to be able to experience how Kit-PvP felt back in the glory days!

Anarchy Anarchy Server Hack Hacking Hate Leak Live No hacking Nsp Pire Rules Spire Survival Tapl Vanilla


A Vanilla Anarchy server inspired by the dullstaples smp, There are only 2 rules. No hacking and no leaking IP’s, other than that you have free range to do whatever!

Conflict Dictatorship Diplomacy Elections Latin Nations Politic Political Politics Realism Ship Ships Sounds Survival Vanilla

Diplomacy SMP

Diplomacy SMP is a server for simulating real political development and rivalries, allyships, conflicts, and eventually wars between nations. Players will have the opportunity to either invite some friends to the server and start a brand new nation, or join one run by other nations. In addition, players will simulate internal politics within nations, either having elections for leaders, or being a dictatorship. If this sounds fun to you (as it did to us) please join our discord and apply to play on our server.

2b2t 2b2talternative 2b2tanarchy 2b2tclone Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchyminecraftserver Anarchypvp Anarchyserver Anarchysurvival Hacks Hacksallowed Queues Survival Weird


Anarchy server


Fly enabled

We do cool things

Pretty new, so if you want to do weird stuff go ahead.

If you make crash machine I’ll kill you.

“2b2t but without the queues or the 9 year olds”

1.18.2 138 330 Claims Funny Hacking Idk Maybe Multiplay Multiplayer No hacking Roleplay Sand Stealing Survival Multiplayer

Sand Smp (1.18.2, Claims, /shop, No P2W)

Sand Smp is a survival multiplayer server that has claims and /shop. Join the server to play with your friends kill people idk. Only rules are no hacking or X-raying. If things aren’t claimed its free game and you can steal it. Stealing is legal. join for FUNNY. Lore maybe idk. Join with your friends have fun and maybe join discord

Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand

Center Cri Del Delux Description Din Dina Enter Humble Hut Lux Mc Server Minehut Script Survival

DELUXMC Server Minecraft

Ordinary humble server survival

247server 32gb American Bukkit Customplugins Dollars Economy Landprotection Nicknames Nobanneditems Nukes Promotions Shop Tekkit Tekkitlegends

Teknet Tekkit Legends: [No Banned Items] [24/7/365] [Custom Plugins] [Economy] [Land Protection]

>> The Teknet Network, “… the only Tekkit Legends server I’ll ever need!” <<

>> Introduction <<
  Teknet is a Tekkit-loving American software developer’s summer cooldown project that turned into a serious endeavor. As a member of this server, you will be a part of the TeknetCore development, a comprehensive custom plugin that adds new features daily.

>> Current Features <<
  The server is run 24/7/365 off a high-powered virtual machine with 32GB of RAM, Intel 8 Core i9 Processor, and bandwidth supporting 20 TPS (NO LAG) no matter the machines, processes, timers, players, or plugin features running. Teknet comes chock full of intuitive plugin features created by a developer (iwilkey) that is active and willing to collaborate. These features include, but aren’t limited to,

  • Absolutely no banned items (even nukes), but still a safe environment to build and prosper without the fear of grief.
  • No lag. Ever. Seriously.
  • 24/7/365 server uptime.
  • A TeknetDevelopment plugin that allows the server to continue operation during a TeknetCore update.
  • Teknet server utilities, like access to current TPS, RAM allocation, efficiency, and more.
  • Command and chat cooldown.
  • Well-documented help for every feature.
  • Ranks and promotions.
  • Home utilities.
  • Personal position (warp) utilities.
  • Estate utilities for protecting your land, items, and machines.
  • An intuitive shop that allows you to buy and sell any item in Tekkit Legends.
  • A dynamic economy.
  • Bank accounts.
  • Staff who care.
  • 24/7/365 plugin support, including future planning and debugging.
  • >> Ranks <<
      Server ranks give players an incentive to have fun. As a member of The Teknet Network, you have the opportunity for upward mobility, earning higher permissions, status, quirks, nicknames, and perhaps a staff position. The available ranks are as follows…

    [Hobbyist]: The starting rank. Can use most of the TeknetCore features but in a limited state.

    [Engineer]: More TeknetCore permission and change in status. Awarded solely off of active time on the server.

    [Millionaire]: More TeknetCore permission and change in status. Nickname. Awarded when you reach over a million dollars at once.

    [Billionaire]: More TeknetCore permission. Awarded when you reach over a billion dollars at once.

    [Trillionaire]: More TeknetCore permission. Special quirks. Awarded when you reach over a trillion dollars at once.

    >> Staff <<
    Currently, because of Teknet’s age (opened JUL, 25th, 2022), there are only two staff members.

    [Owner]: iwilkey
    Ian Wilkey (iwilkey) is the sole developer of TeknetCore and proprietor of the virtual machine that runs The Teknet Network.

    [Admin]: Pyrus11
    Noah, or Pyrus11, is an active admin on the Teknet Network. He is a knowledgeable, kind, and funny guy. Please use him as a resource.

    Moderators needed! Please join today and chat with iwilkey or Pyrus11.

    The Teknet Network © 2022

    Advice Alia Aus Aust Australia Australian Gestion Happy Idea Ideas In Minecraft Solo Suggestions Survival Vice

    Milton Craft

    We are Milton craft. A brand new Australian Minecraft server ready for you and your clan to join and build! We have friendly players and staff who are always happy to assist and take advice we are a new server so we are open for your suggestions and ideas! Join the server and go solo, playing and surviving by yourself or join a town and create your own community in minecraft

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Skyblock Servers Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!